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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Amanda also didn't want her character to be overshadowing anyone else's, since she was coming over from an already long successful series. She preferred to stay in the background and let someone like McKay shine, since it was more his series than it was hers. She even went so far as to visit the actors already on SGA and asked each of them how they felt about having her and her character move over to their show.


      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
      I stopped watching at the end of season 8 - problem solved lol! I have since seen a few season 9 and 10 eps but, to me, they're a different show.
      I stopped watching mid-season 7 and haven't even watched all the eps until Grace.
      9 and 10 I only watched some eps that people said would be good Sam eps.

      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post

      Or JM having to stop some newbie writers from hooking up Sam and Cam - uh, hello, *so* many things wrong with making that canon, not least because Sam <3 Jack!!! She only dumped her fiancé for Jack a year ago and been in love with O'Neill for 8 years but suddenly she's chasing Cam?! *facepalm*. How did these people get the job, they clearly haven't watch *any* previous episodes!
      Who is this Cam guy people keep talking about?

      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
      ... Peeved that we all hated his brother's character with the fire of a thousand suns? (I joke, but it's probably true lol, most of us hated )
      lol That never happened in my world.

      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      Amanda also didn't want her character to be overshadowing anyone else's, since she was coming over from an already long successful series. She preferred to stay in the background and let someone like McKay shine, since it was more his series than it was hers. She even went so far as to visit the actors already on SGA and asked each of them how they felt about having her and her character move over to their show.
      Amanda also said that while she asked the writers to not put Sam in everyone's face she felt completely underused in the end as they didn't do anything with the character

      The way they got rid of Sam was undeserved for such a beloved character. I think I should stop here because thinking about it just makes my blood boil.


        Just wanted to say how lovely Amanda is, a special person (you know who you are) got an a personalised autograph for my best friend from Amanda. She was being hurried to finish up by the con organizers but still took the time to personalise it. It arrived in the post today and my friend loves it. She's recovering from an operation and it was a surprise to cheer her up.
        Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
        If you want something in life, you have to work for it

        Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
          Just wanted to say how lovely Amanda is, a special person (you know who you are) got an a personalised autograph for my best friend from Amanda. She was being hurried to finish up by the con organizers but still took the time to personalise it. It arrived in the post today and my friend loves it. She's recovering from an operation and it was a surprise to cheer her up.
          That is so cool!

          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            Amanda also didn't want her character to be overshadowing anyone else's, since she was coming over from an already long successful series. She preferred to stay in the background and let someone like McKay shine, since it was more his series than it was hers. She even went so far as to visit the actors already on SGA and asked each of them how they felt about having her and her character move over to their show.
            And that's why we love her. She's always very aware about other people. But then she's smart too - she knows that in the future she could be working with these people on a another project and no-one wants to be known as "the one who took over".

            She saw what happened on SG1 - with Cam & Vala coming in (not their's the writers!) and probably didn't want a repeat.

            That said, I DO wish that they had added more to her Character - Weir had some delicious commanding moments that I would love to see Carter in, just to see what she would do differently. Alas. It was not to be.


              So I watched Avenger 2.0 last night just for the heck of it. I wanted something to make me laugh. That episode is so freakin' funny! I actually watched it twice, once with the commentary (MW and AT) and once without Seriously I think it made my week!

              Oh and about the sparks in that scene with the weapon that Felger created...AT says that the last flinch was her real reaction because they didn't know that the effect was going to happen. Hee hee sparks...

              FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                Just wanted to say how lovely Amanda is, a special person (you know who you are) got an a personalised autograph for my best friend from Amanda. She was being hurried to finish up by the con organizers but still took the time to personalise it. It arrived in the post today and my friend loves it. She's recovering from an operation and it was a surprise to cheer her up.
                Sounds like that someone is incredibly lucky, to have two such wonderful people, do something like that for them...
                Sweet lavender sky ~ pastels parading slowly ~ twilight slowly falls


                  I was thinking about this today...there are several similarities between Amanda and Mariska Hargitay. It really seems like Amanda interacts with her fans a lot more (on Twitter, anyways). Maybe that's why I have so much more affection for her...


                    Originally posted by brendini View Post
                    I was thinking about this today...there are several similarities between Amanda and Mariska Hargitay. It really seems like Amanda interacts with her fans a lot more (on Twitter, anyways). Maybe that's why I have so much more affection for her...
                    I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this similarity, I reckon if they tried AT and MH could conquer the world! I love Olivia Benson almost as much as Sam

                    (I also love Eames from CI, I'm such a Goren/Eames and Elliott/Olivia shipper lol, two wasted opportunities IMO, I never liked Elliott's wife, she was so irritating at times! She should've crossed genres and married Pete lol).
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      Did Elliott's wife ever accuse him of cheating on her with Olivia? I know that one of Stabler's kids asks:

                      "Ever sleep with your partner?"

                      Olivia's reply is:

                      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
             Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                        Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                        Did Elliott's wife ever accuse him of cheating on her with Olivia? I know that one of Stabler's kids asks:

                        "Ever sleep with your partner?"

                        Olivia's reply is:

                        I don't know, I haven't seen every episode, far from it. I know they split up for a while. El and Liv were too good to cheat, if they were gonna do it, they'd both be single.
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                          Did Elliott's wife ever accuse him of cheating on her with Olivia? I know that one of Stabler's kids asks:

                          "Ever sleep with your partner?"

                          Olivia's reply is:

                          Kathy never came out and accused adultery, but she did confess to Olivia something along the lines of it felt like Elliot was more married to Liv than to his family. And I think Kathy got a bad rap, mostly because fans saw her as the nagging harpy who tried to pull Elliot from his higher calling. But I actually liked Kathy. She was normal, a mother who wanted the best for her family. When she wanted a divorce from Elliot, she was mature about it. The only thing about the Stablers is that they named the latest kid Eli, when it would have been cooler (in my opinion) if they'd named him after Olivia in some way. I mean, she helped deliver the kid, for cryin' out loud! They could have gone with Oliver, Ben, Levi... and they went with naming him after his dad (who was not present for the birth). Not that Elliot should have been punished for not being there-- just that I think Elliot's and Liv's relationship was strong enough, and Olivia's role in the kid's birth would have justified it and made the whole thing a bit more memorable.

                          And I remember when Liv found out Elliot wasn't going to be coming back. Guh. Right in the feels.

                          I see a lot of similarities between Liv and Sam, the foremost of which is their compassion. They've been developed into competent female characters, and their empathy doesn't feel like some kind of token gender trope. They're smart and tough, and have overcome their own unique hardships. Not to mention, they're long-lasting. We saw Sam onscreen for 10.5 seasons (I count Atlantis as half a season, due to her relative guest star status and lack of story arc influence), and Olivia is going into her FIFTEENTH year on the SVU team. Pretty damn impressive, if I do say so.


                            I've heard rumors about what they're going to be doing with Olivia in the next season. I want them to be wrong!
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                              Did Elliott's wife ever accuse him of cheating on her with Olivia? I know that one of Stabler's kids asks:

                              "Ever sleep with your partner?"

                              Olivia's reply is:

                              I believe Kathy asked it once, accused Elliot of it and/or admitted to Olivia that she had suspected it in the past. I don't recall which it was, perhaps all three I did like the pairing but agree that Elliot wouldn't have cheated on his wife and Olivia wouldn't have agreed to do it either. I mean, she managed to not give in for years (and even got temporarily reassigned, twice) so it would have been bad writing if she had jumped him in the end. However, I must say that as the show progressed I started disliking Elliot more and more, especially with him apparently having had a thing with his former partner (the one who turned out to be a woman, even though Olivia always thought it was a guy and Elliot never clarified until they met again) and then he got together with whatshername who was his new partner when Olivia was away and he and Kathy got divorced. In the end, I'm kinda glad they didn't get together because I thought Liv deserved better (although I'm not a fan of the guy she was with last season, or the DA from a few seasons ago).

                              And to keep this on topic: I think AT aged far better than MH and she also comes across as more in touch with fans, but I must admit I'm not that involved in the SVU fandom or someone who follows MH so I could be wrong in regards to the latter.
                              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                              On FFnet or AO3

                              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                                They've both aged pretty well, I think.
                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

