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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Cel I can't be sure about the numbers, I'm just throwing some in as an example. But for Space a good rating is 300,000, for SyFy that number would spell cancellation. Space channel is a small niche channel here. So with those kinds of numbers, they really can't afford what Syfy can.

    my fanfic


      As for AT being on a big US show: I think she has said she likes being able to have a "normal" family life in Canada. And now she is the star of her own show. I'd expect that when (hopefully not for a few years) Sanctuary finishes, she'll be tapped (no pun intended) for another show in Canada. Let's just hope it's one we get here too. And she may direct more too. But as much as I want to see her do what she wants, I'm hoping she does a lot of work *in front of the camera* for a long time to come.

      Some may disagree, but I don't think Sanctuary would have made it to S3 without AT at the center of it.


        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        Happy Easter everyone!

        I hope everyone had a lovely and safe Easter today.
        Thanks Chelle.

        Happy Easter to you too.
        He is Risen.

        Here is a nice Amanda addoration video rec.


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          Absolutely! And if Sanctuary is truly going to be paired with "Alphas" in the fall, seems like a great lineup.
          I've heard of Alphas, what is it about?

          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          that does seem like a good lineup.

          right now....well what's been in that time slot is sgu and urban legends...both of which pulled 1.0 or long as sanctuary does better than them, it's a success.

          we have no idea if sanctuary will stay in the monday time slot for season four, so too early to worry about that. season 5 will be based on the performance of season four, not necessarily 3.5, so I don't see this hurting it's renewal.

          IMHO, if 3.5 ratings sink in the monday time slot, then it provides some proof for the 'timeslot effects ratings' argument. If it doesn't, it defies that argument and suggests that quality/likability of show effects ratings, not totally time slot.
          I'd really like to see Sanctuary paired with Eureka or W13.

          That's a very good way of thinking and looking at it, Sky. I think the season average for the show has been like a 1.4 or 1.5, and that's pretty good, I mean good enough to be on Syfy's top 10, which I believe was the case last season also. I agree with everything you said, and the way I see it, it doesn't have to be a doom move, there's only 7 episodes left of the season, and so far it's done pretty, and S4 is already a go and they're working on it now, so the rest of the season doesn't really concern me, it's S4, and a possibility for a S5 that worried me.

          Like you said, if the move to Monday is good, OK, then yay it's good, if not, maybe they'll see Fri is what works for them, and move it back there? SGU didn't do great on Fri, Tues, or Mon, so it was the lack of audience and too many fans were downloading it and/or watching them online. The way I see it, 3.5 has 7 episodes to see if Monday works, if not, we'll know it's not the show, but the day, and hopefully it'll go back to Fri. If it does work then... OK it works.

          I for one would love it if sanctuary kicks urban legends tushie and if urban legends ratings tank friday, someone at skiffy is gonna have to eat crow and admit 'yep, not a good show'
          You said it.

          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Space dosen't have the budget that SyFy does, Space calls it "Original Space Series" and SyFy says it's 'made for Syfy'. So both shows do put money into the show, (through licensing fees for Syfy, not sure for Space), but Space cannot afford to produce the show on it's own.

          ETA: Here's a link from Space channel that explains what Space does to an extent

          Originally posted by suse View Post
          Space *has* picked up Sanctuary (and paid the licensing fee). Space cannot afford to pay the much larger licensing fee that syfy pays. It's those fees (as well as colossal loans) that are used to pay for Sanctuary to be made. Or help pay said loans, I'm not certain. But if syfy does not pick up Sanctuary the chances of getting a loan to pay for the season without that particular revenue stream is not high. Simple economics. The bottom line is syfy is the largest network and can afford to pay more.
          I know Sanctuary has always been an an independent production since it doesn't have a studio backing them, that's like common knowledge to all Sanctuary fans, but I read on the S3 ratings thread that if Sanctuary keeps becoming as expensive as SGU is/was, it could make the chances of a S5 less likely. Is that true? I believe the budget goes up a bit every season, and I never thought of that as a problem, but is it?

          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          As for AT being on a big US show: I think she has said she likes being able to have a "normal" family life in Canada. And now she is the star of her own show. I'd expect that when (hopefully not for a few years) Sanctuary finishes, she'll be tapped (no pun intended) for another show in Canada. Let's just hope it's one we get here too. And she may direct more too. But as much as I want to see her do what she wants, I'm hoping she does a lot of work *in front of the camera* for a long time to come.

          Some may disagree, but I don't think Sanctuary would have made it to S3 without AT at the center of it.
          I'm glad Amanda's able to have a nice and normal family life, and that it's not like the US where those leech paparazzi follow celebs around and take candid pics of them and their kids. Amanda has a "normal" and good family life, something to come home from like 16 hours of work a day, and until she moves to a new show, I feel Sanctuary is right where she needs to be.

          Hmm... the concept of Sanctuary is very interesting, and I feel it's well done by the people involved, but I know most of the fans I know got into it because of Amanda.
          Last edited by Rocky89; 24 April 2011, 09:57 PM.


            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            If Sanctuary is a Canadian show, why can't/wouldn't Space pick it up? Then they could call the shots instead of Syfy.

            Originally posted by Celandine View Post
            Sanctuary is a Space 'original production' and hence, the first to pick it up. If they are, as DK admits, "...the first to recognize Sanctuary’s potential and are the foundation upon which all of our success rests" why doesn't Space raise the funds to gain exclusive control and get their baby back? You'd think Cdn's would want it that way anyway.

            Again, Cdn does have some great shows. Shame they can't afford to keep them there.
            As the others have said, it comes down to money. You have to remember that Canada has 1/10th the population of the US. Much smaller TV viewership, much less money from advertisers because you are reaching a smaller audience and therefore much less money for TV productions. Sanctuary is an independent production, Space pays for the show the same way Syfy does. It is not made by either station but since they help pay for it, each bills it as an original series from their network. Sanctuary also receives payment from a number of countries for the right to air the show. I don't know the numbers in terms of ratings but I am willing to bet that the US audience is by far the biggest. Just as an example, SGU's premier in Canada had 500,000 and that was huge for Space. Bottom line is that woithout money from a US network, in this case Syfy, Sanctuary could not exist. Any shows that are truly Space originals without major US backing are very small scale.

            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            As for AT being on a big US show: I think she has said she likes being able to have a "normal" family life in Canada. And now she is the star of her own show. I'd expect that when (hopefully not for a few years) Sanctuary finishes, she'll be tapped (no pun intended) for another show in Canada. Let's just hope it's one we get here too. And she may direct more too. But as much as I want to see her do what she wants, I'm hoping she does a lot of work *in front of the camera* for a long time to come.

            Some may disagree, but I don't think Sanctuary would have made it to S3 without AT at the center of it.
            Hoping the same as you.

            I agree that Sanctuary would not have made it to TV, let alone season 4 without AT.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              As for AT being on a big US show: I think she has said she likes being able to have a "normal" family life in Canada. And now she is the star of her own show. I'd expect that when (hopefully not for a few years) Sanctuary finishes, she'll be tapped (no pun intended) for another show in Canada. Let's just hope it's one we get here too. And she may direct more too. But as much as I want to see her do what she wants, I'm hoping she does a lot of work *in front of the camera* for a long time to come.

              Some may disagree, but I don't think Sanctuary would have made it to S3 without AT at the center of it.
              agreed the show is great but i probably would never have even given it a chance if amanda werent in it.
              The best written female character on trek ever.


                Ok, not sure where to ask this, but since it's Carter saying it, I'm gonna throw it out there. There are several times in the series that Carter radios for help and says "this is sierra golf niner" calling for backup or whatever. Why does she say niner? Are they often out with SG-9 as backup? I can't think of a specific episode, sorry, but it used to bug me and just popped back up.
                Grammar / Spelling / Punctuation Discussion and Appreciation (questions welcome!) | Plot Bunny Adoption
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                  Sierra Gulf one identifies the unit, but to differentiate, another number is added for people with a specific position in the identified unit. Presumably, the other members of SG-1 should have their own last letter/number identifiers as well.


                    Originally posted by Steff View Post
                    Sierra Gulf one identifies the unit, but to differentiate, another number is added for people with a specific position in the identified unit. Presumably, the other members of SG-1 should have their own last letter/number identifiers as well.
                    Yes. For example, Jack will say "Sierra Golf One-Niner" as the leader of SG-1. Was Sam the leader in the episode? Or was she calling Jack?


                      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                      Yes. For example, Jack will say "Sierra Golf One-Niner" as the leader of SG-1. Was Sam the leader in the episode? Or was she calling Jack?
                      As I can't remember anything past her being out in the field with all her gear on, I couldn't tell you, but what you've both said makes sense. Thanks!
                      Grammar / Spelling / Punctuation Discussion and Appreciation (questions welcome!) | Plot Bunny Adoption
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                        Originally posted by Steff View Post
                        Sierra Gulf one identifies the unit, but to differentiate, another number is added for people with a specific position in the identified unit. Presumably, the other members of SG-1 should have their own last letter/number identifiers as well.
                        they did this a number of times in Continuum as well, when SG1 & their escort were on their way to Antarctica and then to Russia. Although, if I remember correctly, their escort was calling Cam "Sierra Golf Leader" - but they were in an alternate timeline, so that might have been why.


                          Originally posted by KayLyne View Post
                          they did this a number of times in Continuum as well, when SG1 & their escort were on their way to Antarctica and then to Russia. Although, if I remember correctly, their escort was calling Cam "Sierra Golf Leader" - but they were in an alternate timeline, so that might have been why.
                          Nah they started that Leader crap when they tried to shove Cam down our necks as the "great leader" - "niner" was always the Leader ID in radio calls. It's just plain STUPID to ID your leader in clear air like that, another example of the Air Force advisor being locked in the basement cupboard during S9&10.


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                            Nah they started that Leader crap when they tried to shove Cam down our necks as the "great leader" - "niner" was always the Leader ID in radio calls. It's just plain STUPID to ID your leader in clear air like that, another example of the Air Force advisor being locked in the basement cupboard during S9&10.
                            <amused> I didn't think anyone had done that before.
                            Mourning Sanctuary.
                            Thanks for the good times!


                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              Nah they started that Leader crap when they tried to shove Cam down our necks as the "great leader" - "niner" was always the Leader ID in radio calls. It's just plain STUPID to ID your leader in clear air like that, another example of the Air Force advisor being locked in the basement cupboard during S9&10.
                              I have just watched all the seasons in the last months and I wondered if I was the only one that didn't care for 9 and 10. I thought it was because there wasn't enough Sam.. or very little Jack. The other characters are fine but I adore the interaction of the characters in the first 8 seasons more. I also thought that maybe it just peaked and went a couple of years too long? Just my little opinion.


                                I wasn't overly pleased with seasons 9 & 10 - mainly because 1) they turned it into a spaceship show where "beaming out" became way too convenient and 2) they brought Cam in as a "do whatever he wants to do when he wants to do it" character who didn't take Sam, Daniel & Teal'c's vast experience into consideration before he acted. I think it was "Stronghold" where Sam asks him "am I going to be able to stop you?". He says "probably not". That annoyed me.

                                However, I did enjoy the addition of Vala as it brought Sam out of her "comfort zone" in dealing with her wacky ways. Also enjoyed me some Sam-centric eppys like "The road not taken"

