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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    For many Samandans, there is one important question that has been left unanswered regarding Jack's absence in S9 ... just whatever happened to his relationship with Sam?!

    This one's for you, Sal!

    And, once again, many thanks to my buddy, Geogirl, for providing such funny manips!


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      You are all most welcome. I've also scanned the picture they used for the opposite page in the mag....
      Did anyone notice that in the third column of article about Amanda, the text reads as follows:

      "...she's a workaholic like Sam, but Carter insists, "It was fun..."

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by Lida
        Um, I just noticed, you said "sally" will have RDA's child, and marry him. Sure you meant Sam!

        nooooo. *shakes head*. SAM marries JACK, and SALLY marries RDA! sheesh, woman!




          Originally posted by NearlyCircular
          Thanks so much for the scan! I especially liked the reference to returning to soldier/scientist/workaholic Sam.

          (you beat me to it, Lys!)

          This is what I've been pulling for folks.

          We saw Sam's softer side...we've seen her girlie side...and with her Jack issues resolved for the moment...

          LET'S GET BACK TO OUR KICK BUTT SG-1 TEAM LEADER SAM (way crossing my fingers on that last part still)!!!!

          Now...if only I could get over my depression about the whole new 10 second opening...

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ChopinGal
            Knowing Madam Vice-President's true desires ... I'm sure this was a deliberate Freudian slip!

            i don't wear slips. too uncomfortable.

            sally, whistling the wedding march for her wedding to RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON!!! *sighs dramatically and sexually....... it isn't easy to sigh sexually*



              Originally posted by majorsal
              nooooo. *shakes head*. SAM marries JACK, and SALLY marries RDA! sheesh, woman!

              So the last 24 hours have done nothing to ease your delusions.


              P.S...your avatar's still all hinky...

              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                So the last 24 hours have done nothing to ease your delusions.


                P.S...your avatar's still all hinky...
                At least she can add a hinky avatar... I'll be a grandmother before I'm able to.


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                  At least she can add a hinky avatar... I'll be a grandmother before I'm able to.
                  Nah...all you have to do is start posting like a mad woman.

                  You'll hit 30,000 posts in no time...

                  ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                    After reading the last few comments from Amanda and seeing how the other actors are more than happy to .... (super snippage)

                    i can't rep, but i just wanted to say wonderful post. and i totally agree.




                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      I've scanned the interview with Amanda in this months issue of SFX magazine. I hope the link works and you can all read it...

                      What a great interview! Thanks for posting this for us all, Bev.
                      It brightened my day (and my outlook) to hear AT's wonderful words.

                      I thought that the interview was so wonderful to read after our posts of the past few days, that I typed up the text so that we can have it here in our thread.
                      by Thomasina Gibson in the magazine 'SFX', Issue 133

                      She’s back. For eight years on Stargate SG-1, Sam Carter has been First Lady of all things pertaining to the defence of the universe as we know it. But actress Amanda Tapping – who plays Major Sam – has had more pressing priorities on her hands for the first few weeks of the show’s ninth season: pregnancy. However, this hasn’t thwarted her enthusiasm for another round of inter-planetary adventures.

                      “I finished the end of last season very much pregnant,” she says. “And I told the producers that though I wanted to continue playing Sam Carter, I’d need at least the first six weeks off to get to know my baby.”

                      Stargate SG-1 is famed for being the quintessential family operation, so Tapping was delighted when the producers suggested she return, when ready, with baby in tow.

                      “I’ve been back three weeks and it’s been fantastic,” she says. “It was difficult trying to figure out the timings with the baby to begin with. I have to breast-feed between scenes, so it’s kind of insanity really. But a really good kind of nuttiness.”

                      Along with the tiny new addition to the SG-1 family, Tapping is thoroughly enjoying Stargate’s new vibe and direction. “There’s a whole new energy to the show,” she says.

                      “We’ve got Ben Browder and Beau Bridges and Loius Gossett Jr. and Lexa Doig and we had Claudia Black for a while there, so there’s a totally different feel on the set. But the other day it was just Michael [Shanks], Christopher [Judge] and I running through the woods with our guns as per usual. Christopher was being goofy and we were laughing and at one point the three of us were walking with our arms around each other and I thought, ‘Aw! This is it. Now we’re back.’ It was really lovely.”

                      Before the addition of those extra cast members, Sam Carter survived a few, ahem, “major” changes last season, and has emerged a stronger, deeper character as a result. “I think she returns more to the soldier/scientist/workaholic Sam,” Tapping says. “In previous years we’ve spent, some might say, an inordinate amount of time on Sam’s personal life. This year we’re really going to step away from that. She has no Jack [O’Neill] to distract her, Jacob, her father, has passed away, and she’s dumped fiancé Pete. A lot of really huge changes have happened to her over the past few years, a lot of soul busting, heart opening changes, and it’s deepened her as a character. I think she’s a little more soulful. Now that we’ve sort of discovered and dug into, and ripped her open, we can go back to the scientist and the soldier with renewed energy and depth. I think it’s important that we go back to what made Sam the great character she was to begin with.”

                      Having only recently returned to the fray, Tapping is still trying to catch up with forthcoming scripts, but says, “There is one I’m very much looking forward to. Season five’s love interest and ‘Ascended Being’ Orlin comes back, but not as we knew him before, and it’s a very interesting situation. The part was originally played brilliantly by Sean Patrick Flannery [The Dead Zone] but the actor who plays him in the future episode is as different as can be. He’s also truly wonderful and ace at skateboarding and things like that. That’s all I can tell you without giving too much away.”

                      Asked if she’s had any time to devote to skateboarding, Tapping laughs and replies, “Aside from doing a 14-hour day and being a full-time mum you mean. Now let me see… Actually, I did ten episodes of a show called Proof Positive, which was quite a hit on the SciFi channel and Sky One. I had a great experience with the company that produced it, called Cosgrove-Meuer. They’re really fantastic, very familial, very like Stargate. It was just a quick week in LA during a short hiatus from Stargate. I thought, I’m working full-time on SG-1, I’m pregnant, why not take this little vacation and do some more work?”

                      Clearly, she’s a bit of a workaholic like Sam, but Carter (lol, here, it should say Tapping, but it says Carter) insists, “It was fun. I was doing a little bit of hosting and it was great. Some of the stories were quite ridiculous and some of them I thought, ‘Well, how are you going to prove this one?’ but the ghost stories always freaked me out. There were a couple of occasions when I watched episodes in my hotel room and then went in the next day to tape the ‘host’ segments. One in particular really scared the you-know-what out of me.”

                      “It was about this family that was murdered in a house, and I was so spooked I couldn’t sleep at all. I went in the next day and said to the producer, ‘If I look like crap on camera it’s your fault, because I was scared witless last night.’ I don’t know what’s happening with Proof Positive, but if they asked me to do another season and I could fit it in with Stargate then I’d definitely jump at the chance. There are rumours that it’s not coming back but I hope they find a way to resurrect it.”

                      In the meantime, she’s well happy with her lot on SG-1. “I thrive on challenges and my personal goal for the next few weeks and months is to find a really good balance between motherhood, work and time for myself. It’s a pretty tall order but with the help and support of my family on Stargate I’m bound to get there.” SFX
                      Last edited by astrogeologist; 09 July 2005, 07:12 PM.


                        On the topic of the photo manips (yes, I know it was a couple of pages ago. Damm timezone differences ) there's a very amusing webisite called Clone Janet. Have a look at some of the 'movie' posters

                        Another page with some good (and not so good) manips is Carter's Lab. That site wins points in my book just for its name
                        Their Matrix Revamped one is great

                        Also at that same site, Deleted Scenes :O I'd never seen these around before, so check em out


                          Originally posted by SamFan31
                          (corrected at Lys' suggestion)
                          For Lys and the shippers...

                          Gone with the Wind

                          GWTW manip--priceless.


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            Well in my desire to try to stay positive about the new season and the possible interaction between Sam and Vala, I came up with this little conversation. Granted I've only seen one side of Vala, but this is how I see her at the moment. Let's hope this all changes in the future.

                            A little girl talk...

                            Sam: Amazing isnt' it?
                            Vala: Incredible.
                            Sam: *staring into the crystals*
                            Vala: and Daniel?
                            Sam: *heavy sigh* I thought we ended this discussion ages ago.
                            Vala: You may have; however, I have not.
                            Sam: Vala.
                            Vala: So you never?
                            Sam: *sighing in frustration* Never.
                            Vala: Not even once?
                            Sam: Nope.
                            Vala: What about Teal'c?
                            Sam: It's not like that between us. We're all just friends. Very. Good. Friends.
                            Vala: Eight years and nothing...but they're both so wickedly delicious.
                            What a horrible waste.
                            Sam: *rolls her eyes* Believe me, once you've laid next to either of them
                            after three days without bathing... you'd get over it.
                            Vala: I wouldn't count on it.
                            Awww, Forever! I love doing this kinda stuff! I just can't do photo manips. Blast! Do another one, please!


                              some clarifications

                              amanda leaving? pure speculation. wouldn't surprise me if she wanted to try for a baby brother/sister for olivia. then again, wouldn't surprise me if she stayed too.

                              her as recurring? the only place i've heard that is on a site that, well isn't too fond of her. they interpret her as being recurring since she's only in 3/4 of the episodes.

                              personally? i don't think she is. time and the credits will tell but there is that whole family leave thing and teh fact that she was gone for maternity leave and i don't think they can demote her unless it was her idea.

                              as to i said, i give them points for thinking ahead. i doubt they knew amanda was pregnant when they came up with PU. she did say that she didn't tell folks that she was pregnant because she had had two miscarriages and just didn't want to deal with (my presumption) the sympathy for a third time if it didn't work. miscarriages can be easier to deal with teh less folks that know about it.

                              vala was probably originally conceived to be like Aris Boch or Jacob Carter or Bra'tac. a character that could be brought back.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                the whole new 10 second opening...
                                Is this online for viewing? And is it the beginning of the opening title/credits for Season 9?

