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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    ^ ive received thank you emails from the bosses for getting a job out efficiently, or just for a job well done... they are all saved in a seperate folder in my inbox... along with any from coworkers who make nice comments about something or notice im a bit stressed and help boost my spirits... they definately mean alot to me as well...

    if someone at work helps me with something i always thank them... in fact one of my coworkers and i have the whole thing so down pat that she sometimes says 'youre welcome' before i even get the 'thank you' out
    "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      from my pov, we had a project this week, a video to make. and we got it done and up by the deadline...and this was an idea they came up with just about two weeks ago. got it done, got it up, they love it....and i got a thank you e-mail from THE boss. Just two sentences, saying she loved it and congrats for getting it done so fast.
      I printed it out. Yes, recognition is nice...but simple thank you's are nicer.
      I always try, if someone does something for me, to say thank you. to let them know that i appreciate what they did.
      her simple e-mail means a lot.
      Originally posted by katjoy View Post
      ^ ive received thank you emails from the bosses for getting a job out efficiently, or just for a job well done... they are all saved in a seperate folder in my inbox... along with any from coworkers who make nice comments about something or notice im a bit stressed and help boost my spirits... they definitely mean a lot to me as well.
      I would love to receive some sort of recognition for my work but all I seem to get is that I'm "too pedantic". I'm sorry but I believe if you're going to do a job, then you do it right...and a damn good job...the best you can do under whatever circumstances you work under. I find it rather difficult to cut corners and compromise my work standards.
      I think that praise and recognition can only boost morale in the workforce. Staff should be appreciated for what they achieve and not ignored.
      Next year...if I'm still working...I get a pin/badge to acknowledge 5 years of working there. It gets presented at the Christmas I'll attend this years Christmas party but not next years. I don't mind recognition and thanks but not in front of a whole crowd. I kinda makes my legs go to jelly! And I blush...I hate blushing.
      I don't know now actors like Amanda, get up in front of an audience and in front of camera's and spill out a speech of thanks without crumbling, stumbling or stuttering...maybe I'll find out at my 40th...or maybe I'll avoid the speeches like I do every other year!

      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        from my pov, we had a project this week, a video to make. and we got it done and up by the deadline...and this was an idea they came up with just about two weeks ago. got it done, got it up, they love it....and i got a thank you e-mail from THE boss. Just two sentences, saying she loved it and congrats for getting it done so fast.

        I printed it out. Yes, recognition is nice...but simple thank you's are nicer.

        I always try, if someone does something for me, to say thank you. to let them know that i appreciate what they did.

        her simple e-mail means a lot.
        Yep, at work (call - contact - center (inbound, thank GOD)) sometimes the people will want to talk to the supervisor for the great job done. After several transfers to sups with no recognition at all I *finally* got 2 comments in on the award stuff. Silly how happy it made me.
        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          from my pov, we had a project this week, a video to make. and we got it done and up by the deadline...and this was an idea they came up with just about two weeks ago. got it done, got it up, they love it....and i got a thank you e-mail from THE boss. Just two sentences, saying she loved it and congrats for getting it done so fast.

          I printed it out. Yes, recognition is nice...but simple thank you's are nicer.

          I always try, if someone does something for me, to say thank you. to let them know that i appreciate what they did.

          her simple e-mail means a lot.
          Some of you may know that I love hockey. We travel around Europe a lot to watch games. Two weeks ago we were at the World Championship Division IIIA in Luxembourg, last weekend we were at the World Championship Division IA in Tilburg, Netherlands. A bunch of German fans showed up at both events. We partied with the Austrian fans, enjoyed the great weather and supported the teams. Japan is one of our all time favorites so if they play, they get our support.
          During the evening game some of us supported the Netherlands, others supported Austria.

          Anyway, on Wednesday I received an email from the President of the Ice Hockey Association of the Netherlands/President of the Organizing Commitee. The email was addressed to hockey fans, it was in German and he thanked us for our support during the games. Three sentences but I am still blown away by that one short email.
          Someone actually went through the trouble of checking online ticket orders and made a list of those orders where the ticket was paid either by credit card drawn on a German bank or by money transfer from a German bank account.
          I am certain that the Austrian fans received a similar email.

          Simply awesome!


            Waw Amanda !! She's beautiful !! I like it !! (Sorry for my english very bad)


              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              I would love to receive some sort of recognition for my work but all I seem to get is that I'm "too pedantic". I'm sorry but I believe if you're going to do a job, then you do it right...and a damn good job...the best you can do under whatever circumstances you work under. I find it rather difficult to cut corners and compromise my work standards.
              I think that praise and recognition can only boost morale in the workforce. Staff should be appreciated for what they achieve and not ignored.
              Next year...if I'm still working...I get a pin/badge to acknowledge 5 years of working there. It gets presented at the Christmas I'll attend this years Christmas party but not next years. I don't mind recognition and thanks but not in front of a whole crowd. I kinda makes my legs go to jelly! And I blush...I hate blushing.
              I don't know now actors like Amanda, get up in front of an audience and in front of camera's and spill out a speech of thanks without crumbling, stumbling or stuttering...maybe I'll find out at my 40th...or maybe I'll avoid the speeches like I do every other year!

              im like you i like to be thanked or appreciated but not in front of a crowd as i get nervous one example would be when i was at primary school my teacher made me a prefect which i was happy about until i realised i had to get my badge infront of the whole school.
              The best written female character on trek ever.


                In the law firm I used to work in (quite a few years back), the bosses would occasionally say really nice things about my work and so forth. And I always appreciated that. But what often made me feel even better was when a client would say or do something to say thank you for something I had done for them. One client who was an artist painted a really pretty flower picture and gave it to me, and I still have that to this day. Once in awhile, a client would bring me flowers or a pretty plant or some such thing, and I was always very touched by those things (and very surprised).


                  ^ its nice to be recognised by clients too isnt it at my work we have an 'employee recognition' section on our intranet where the partners posts compliments made to them by clients about staff members...

                  its also nice to receive a reply from a client who has emailed you a question thanking you for all your help...

                  oh and chelle mentioned milestones at work... at my work one of the bosses sends an email around at the 5 year mark to the workgroup thanking the staff member for their hard work and to many more, and then most years after that emails seem to come around for staff...
                  "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                    It's always nice when clients say thank you at the end of a call, specially when they double check your name. And what's that, you would like to speak to my manager? Sure

                    On Wednesday I was named employee of the month There are around 150 employees.

                    ...and my dog just caught the fly he bit at. Gross.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Dogs will be dogs.
                      Mourning Sanctuary.
                      Thanks for the good times!


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

                        ...and my dog just caught the fly he bit at. Gross.
                        We used to have a dog that ate flies all the time. On camping vacations across the states whilst we sat in the car and played I spy, colored/read, or played with small toys, Benji would entertain us as well with his expertise of snapping them in mid-flight out of the air. He. was. awesome.


                          Originally posted by mylovejack View Post
                          Waw Amanda !! She's beautiful !! I like it !! (Sorry for my english very bad)
                          welcome to samanda

                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          It's always nice when clients say thank you at the end of a call, specially when they double check your name. And what's that, you would like to speak to my manager? Sure

                          On Wednesday I was named employee of the month There are around 150 employees.

                          ...and my dog just caught the fly he bit at. Gross.
                          congrats on employee of the month neep! that is awesome

                          and this is my 1700th post!
                          "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            It's always nice when clients say thank you at the end of a call, specially when they double check your name. And what's that, you would like to speak to my manager? Sure

                            On Wednesday I was named employee of the month There are around 150 employees.

                            ...and my dog just caught the fly he bit at. Gross.
                            My dog used to do that. We call them 'eeks' and she'd know what we meant and start chasing the flies. /random-trivia-that-no-one-wants-to-know

                            Congrats on employee of the month.

                            Welcome mylovejack!
                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              Years a go we had a pit bull. Flies bothering her were the only things she was 'violent' towards. She used to let the little birds have some of her dried food, when the larger birds chased the little ones away she'd not allow *them* to eat but would bark to chase them away. What a sweetie.
                              Mourning Sanctuary.
                              Thanks for the good times!


                                Moving forward with the BIG rewatch/watch of S1:

                                Thor's Hammer

                                Teal'c and O'Neill are transported to an underground cage designed by the Asgard to protect an alien world from the Goa'uld. Teal'c cannot escape the labyrinth while his larval Goa'uld lives.

                                I always thought this was a fantastic episode for the unfolding of foundation info which is later built upon as the series continued.

                                - Sg1 discovers the Goa'uld are not the only force in the Universe and that the Asgard (Vikings) have weapons designed to keep them at bay.
                                - First suspicions that the Goa'uld did not invent the Stargate, by Daniel no less.
                                - We are introduced to the original host of the Goa'uld, the Unas.
                                - We also find out that a part of the host does survive with the blending of the symbiote.

                                The way they destroyed the planet's only defense against the Goa'uld so that Teal'c could leave wasn't my favorite moment, but was reassuring that at least Sg1 had found another ally.

