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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by suse View Post
    Not just Helen.

    While I can see Helen embracing new styles of music, I cannot see her embracing the thuggery apparent in most rap.
    i think she'd be hunting for the melody.



      there's a melody?????

      seriously, i can see the appeal in the rhythm part of it, but, for me, the incessant profanity and crudity and vulgarity puts it right down to noise and a bothersome thing.

      she might find the music of the 80's amusing, but i'm thinking her time with the beatles gave her an appreciation for good old fashioned rock and roll. And hey, i wonder if Elvis was an abnormal?
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        there's a melody?????

        seriously, i can see the appeal in the rhythm part of it, but, for me, the incessant profanity and crudity and vulgarity puts it right down to noise and a bothersome thing.

        she might find the music of the 80's amusing, but i'm thinking her time with the beatles gave her an appreciation for good old fashioned rock and roll. And hey, i wonder if Elvis was an abnormal?
        <<amused>> Geez, the hair bands...

        I wouldn't be shocked about the Elvis bit at all...
        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          there's a melody?????

          seriously, i can see the appeal in the rhythm part of it, but, for me, the incessant profanity and crudity and vulgarity puts it right down to noise and a bothersome thing.

          she might find the music of the 80's amusing, but i'm thinking her time with the beatles gave her an appreciation for good old fashioned rock and roll. And hey, i wonder if Elvis was an abnormal?

          That makes sense (the part with Elvis )


            hey guys, just poping in to ask if anybody has listened to the new podcast yet (Women on Stargate)? It's not very nice for Sam, in fact apart from saying over and over what a one-dimensional, stereotypical walking perfection she's made out to be on the series it's also explicitly said that Janet died because Sam abandoned her post - again. Nobody contradicts it either.
            I was kinda surprised that none of the Samandans called in or commented..
            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              i did, but my comment made it too late.

              i didn't know about the sam comments, but my opinion was that ALL the ladies created since Sam and Janet are cliches and stereotypes and little more than the sum of who they're dating.

              sam and janet certainly weren't. Although, once Joe & co joined the show in s4, she did start to be more and more identified by being part of 'sam and jack' than just being sam.

              but, right now, look at the SGU ladies. chloe is defined by sleeping with scott, TJ's major plot point has been her relationship with Young, Wray's main characterizations are being a paper pusher and being a lesbian.

              these writers have not done well by the ladies. Although, to be fair, they haven't done well by the men either. a character is either the action hero or his geek sidekick.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i did, but my comment made it too late.
                Hopefully we'll hear it in the next podcast then. Cool.

                i didn't know about the sam comments, but my opinion was that ALL the ladies created since Sam and Janet are cliches and stereotypes and little more than the sum of who they're dating.

                sam and janet certainly weren't. Although, once Joe & co joined the show in s4, she did start to be more and more identified by being part of 'sam and jack' than just being sam.
                Janet gets all the praise she deserves She's said to be the best female character ever written on Stargate.

                AT gets credit for doing everything she could with her character, but IMO everything that was said about Sam is what her bashers usually say. Of course she's too pretty, too smart, too likeable.. and of course the same "faults" don't concern any male characters.

                but, right now, look at the SGU ladies. chloe is defined by sleeping with scott, TJ's major plot point has been her relationship with Young, Wray's main characterizations are being a paper pusher and being a lesbian.

                these writers have not done well by the ladies. Although, to be fair, they haven't done well by the men either. a character is either the action hero or his geek sidekick.
                Yes, that's pretty much how the ladies on both SGU and SGA are described. I agree about SGA and about Chloe, but Wray isn't so bad and I do think TJ has a lot of potential, so I'm not that critical of their portrayal. Not yet, anyway.
                There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                awesome sig by Josiane


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  there's a melody?????

                  seriously, i can see the appeal in the rhythm part of it, but, for me, the incessant profanity and crudity and vulgarity puts it right down to noise and a bothersome thing.

                  she might find the music of the 80's amusing, but i'm thinking her time with the beatles gave her an appreciation for good old fashioned rock and roll. And hey, i wonder if Elvis was an abnormal?
                  I'd love to see an episode regarding Elvis, anyone Helen knew him, or more.

                  You know Sky, my grandmother was a huge Elvis fan, her and my mom told me that when he died my grandma couldn't stop crying. 33 years later and she still gets sad when she sees him on TV, and still gets mad if someone calls him a name, like fake, old, and an abnormal.

                  Originally posted by Petra View Post
                  hey guys, just poping in to ask if anybody has listened to the new podcast yet (Women on Stargate)? It's not very nice for Sam, in fact apart from saying over and over what a one-dimensional, stereotypical walking perfection she's made out to be on the series it's also explicitly said that Janet died because Sam abandoned her post - again. Nobody contradicts it either.
                  I was kinda surprised that none of the Samandans called in or commented..


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    And hey, i wonder if Elvis was an abnormal?
                    Was? He's dead?

                    I actually saw Elvis in concert when I was in the third grade. It was so fun It was on Halloween and my Mom let me wear my costume. I remember the women (almost all of the audience) screamed the whole time. I remember the 2010 intro and the "Elvis has left the building" announcement. My aunt wouldn't let me use the binoculars so I fell asleep for part of the show.

                    Not many people my age have seen him in person. Attending AT4 means AT ranks right up there with Elvis as far as people I've seen in person. Does the dancing goat song count the same as Elvis' 2010 Intro?

                    I don't care what other people say about Samantha Carter. I loved the character and thought she was somebody who was an excellent model for people to emulate. Both men and women.

                    Go Sam

                    (This is Sam saying "Kiss my ........ guns !")
                    Last edited by hisg1fans; 03 March 2010, 08:52 AM.


                      it is too early to 'doom' any of the SGU ladies. way too early.

                      however, for me anyway, looking at what they've done so far, knowing their track's hoping they surprise me cause their past history ain't so great
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Petra View Post
                        hey guys, just poping in to ask if anybody has listened to the new podcast yet (Women on Stargate)? It's not very nice for Sam, in fact apart from saying over and over what a one-dimensional, stereotypical walking perfection she's made out to be on the series it's also explicitly said that Janet died because Sam abandoned her post - again. Nobody contradicts it either.
                        I was kinda surprised that none of the Samandans called in or commented..
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i did, but my comment made it too late.

                        i didn't know about the sam comments, but my opinion was that ALL the ladies created since Sam and Janet are cliches and stereotypes and little more than the sum of who they're dating.

                        sam and janet certainly weren't. Although, once Joe & co joined the show in s4, she did start to be more and more identified by being part of 'sam and jack' than just being sam.

                        but, right now, look at the SGU ladies. chloe is defined by sleeping with scott, TJ's major plot point has been her relationship with Young, Wray's main characterizations are being a paper pusher and being a lesbian.

                        these writers have not done well by the ladies. Although, to be fair, they haven't done well by the men either. a character is either the action hero or his geek sidekick.
                        Originally posted by Petra View Post
                        Hopefully we'll hear it in the next podcast then. Cool.

                        Janet gets all the praise she deserves She's said to be the best female character ever written on Stargate.

                        AT gets credit for doing everything she could with her character, but IMO everything that was said about Sam is what her bashers usually say. Of course she's too pretty, too smart, too likeable.. and of course the same "faults" don't concern any male characters.

                        Yes, that's pretty much how the ladies on both SGU and SGA are described. I agree about SGA and about Chloe, but Wray isn't so bad and I do think TJ has a lot of potential, so I'm not that critical of their portrayal. Not yet, anyway.
                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        Was? He's dead?

                        I actually saw Elvis in concert when I was in the third grade. It was so fun It was on Halloween and my Mom let me wear my costume. I remember the women (almost all of the audience) screamed the whole time. I remember the 2010 intro and the "Elvis has left the building" announcement. My aunt wouldn't let me use the binoculars so I fell asleep for part of the show.

                        Not many people my age have seen him in person. Attending AT4 means AT ranks right up there with Elvis as far as people I've seen in person. Does the dancing goat song count the same as Elvis' 2010 Intro?

                        I don't care what other people say about Samantha Carter. I loved the character and thought she was somebody who was an excellent model for people to emulate. Both men and women.

                        Go Sam

                        (This is Sam saying "Kiss my ........ guns !")
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        it is too early to 'doom' any of the SGU ladies. way too early.

                        however, for me anyway, looking at what they've done so far, knowing their track's hoping they surprise me cause their past history ain't so great
                        I haven't heard the podcast and likely won't bother. I have never bought the argument that Sam was perfect. I could list a whole bunch of things that show that (the incident in Red Sky, the relationship issues, trusting Replicarter in Gemini, etc). I'm with hiSg1fans on this, don't care what others say, I think the character is a fabulous role model for all but especially for girls and young women. She was the main reason I watched the show and stuck with it in later years. Why do some think it is a negative thing to show a woman who is intelligent, loyal, compassionate and brave? I think TV (especially "reality TV") shows enough negative influences which is why I don't watch much. Nice to have an admirable character for a change.

                        I'm completely lost on how anyone could think janet getting killed was somehow Sam's fault when she wasn't anywhere near where that happened.

                        As I've said, I will give SGU a full year but I agree with the comments to date, the female characters so far are stereotypical and have not captured my interest (and as was said, the males don't fare any better). Makes me so happy to have Sanctuary and Helen Magnus but also makes me long for that third movie.

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          I haven't heard the podcast and likely won't bother. I have never bought the argument that Sam was perfect. I could list a whole bunch of things that show that (the incident in Red Sky, the relationship issues, trusting Replicarter in Gemini, etc). I'm with hiSg1fans on this, don't care what others say, I think the character is a fabulous role model for all but especially for girls and young women. She was the main reason I watched the show and stuck with it in later years. Why do some think it is a negative thing to show a woman who is intelligent, loyal, compassionate and brave? I think TV (especially "reality TV") shows enough negative influences which is why I don't watch much. Nice to have an admirable character for a change.
                          I agree. IMHO, all of SG1 were admirable characters and that's great. If I wanted a show with anti-heroes I'd watch that. there is a place for both.

                          I'm completely lost on how anyone could think janet getting killed was somehow Sam's fault when she wasn't anywhere near where that happened.
                          Precisely. How anyone ever thought differently is beyond me.


                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            I agree. IMHO, all of SG1 were admirable characters and that's great. If I wanted a show with anti-heroes I'd watch that. there is a place for both.

                            Precisely. How anyone ever thought differently is beyond me.
                            Because she's a woman, and if anything bad happens in a show/film/book the leading female character(s) get first 'dibs' on blame. For being around, or being prettier, or smarter/less smart, etc. But generally for being a girl. And more so if its really, really bad. That way the male characters still look good (because they're awesome, and if they have any flaws it makes them human, as opposed to the women), and everything is all right with the world!*

                            *Disclaimer: I snark and generalise in generally OTT fashion (and how), but I've come away from certain people talking about this episode, or similar things in SG-1 fandom, general fandom and indeed real life (which is possibly scarier) with either the horrible, nagging suspicion that the above is indeed the case - or worse, utterly convinced of it. Sometimes the show makes my inner feminist want to cry, but not nearly as much as some of the fans do

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              I agree. IMHO, all of SG1 were admirable characters and that's great. If I wanted a show with anti-heroes I'd watch that. there is a place for both.

                              Precisely. How anyone ever thought differently is beyond me.
                              Ditto on the bolded part. The whole notion of Sam being at fault is crazy and insulting IMO.


                                One thing to remember about these podcasts is that they are not being done by experts of any means. These people are just fans and thier opinions will be influenced by biases. From what has been reported here, it sounds like the old 'anti-Sam' arguements that never held any water in the first place. This is fandom and it's being run by fans who's opinions shouldn't be taken as gospel

                                Just my opinion of course

                                my fanfic

