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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    As for being jealous of the set tour gang--pretty hard to be jealous of that great group, especially when they're so generously sharing what they can of the experience. And though it's not their job to represent us, I'm pretty confident they're representing their fellow Samandans well. I'm still jazzed about the poster being signed to the Samandans.

    Do I wish I could meet Amanda some day? Dang yes! And I'm hoping to get to my first con this summer & have a chance to say at least "thanks" to her in the autograph line. I don't really spend much money on myself, so if this is something I'd enjoy, why not just save up and do it? (jckfan's still talking herself into it--can you tell?)


      jealous might be too strong and envy a better word
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
        Hmm....what would Sam spurge on?? Perhaps computer equipment or another vintage motorcycle to rebuild.
        I could see that. She'd probably keep up with the latest Ipod & stuff like that.
        Maybe she splurges on really expensive shoes for special occasions--a chance to be out AF boots.

        Since she's so rarely home she probably pays for a lawn service, which might be considered a bit of a luxury.


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          What hobby or experience or the such could you see Sam geeking out over?
          I'd say Sam would most likely geek out over souping up her motorcycle and/or her computers. I can see her going to a motorcycle rally or an IEEE conference during her time off.

          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          awesome experience Becks

          Anyone have any others that they'd like to share? cool stuff that's happened to them in real life?
          I've been really fortunate to have the opportunities to travel to all lot of places, especially in Europe and around the US

          In order to allow me and my siblings to spend our 21st birthday together (brother was studying abroad and sister would be going abroad too before he came home), my parents let all 3 of us go on a 2 week tour of Europe. I got to spend Christmas in Paris, my birthday in Zurich, and New Years in London.

          I also got to go on a month-long 11,000 mile roadtrip with my siblings and a good friend after we graduated from college. We camped in national parks, and got to see Vegas, San Francisco and Chicago. It was lovely to get to spend that much time with them before we were scattered around the country.

          I've also gotten to spend a lot of time with family in India and see a lot of sights in the country, including the Taj Mahal. But getting to spend a birthday with many of my relatives for the first time since I was 1 year old was just perfect.

          Thanks for sharing all the experiences everyone!!



            two of the videos on here are mine


            the Behind the Vest one and the Roundabouts video

            so that's something cool that I do, sometimes work of mine gets desiminated to the public.

            I also, through my job, got to video tape in Greensburg Kansas just a couple of weeks after the tornado that wiped out the town. We also made a video for that one but I can't find if it was put out publicly. That's something I'll never forget, the sight of what was left of that town. (If you don't remember it, may 4, 2006, a tornado that was 1.5 miles wide hit a town that, at its largest, was 2 miles wide.)

            i remember, when I heard about it i was like 'dude, 11 people died, what were they thinking?', then i got there, saw the damage, saw houses reduced to rubble. I could tell which room was what from the floor covering...because that's all that was left. sheet metal wrapped aroound trees, roofs and walls and cabinet doors torn off...but food still in the's something I'll never forget seeing.
            After that, i though 'wow, ONLY 11 people died'.

            It's a very cool something that i've been able to do because of my job
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
              What gets me is that society (and by extension, fans) have such narrow parameters of what is a valid relationship; it should be heterosexual & monogamous.
              So not only are we judged by our relationship status, but if we are in a relationship which varies from the norm, that is also invalid.


              I have to agree. When people ask me "are you married", when I tell them no I'm divorced they say "I'm sorry". I sometimes wonder, are they sorry they asked, sorry that I'm divorced or does it mean that I'm a failure at relationships.

              I know I'm not. It was just something that happened. I have no regets about that, nor should I. Have I gone on dates since then, sure. Will I ever marry again? Maybe, I just have to meet a man or a woman with the same interests, but with a little give and take for the both of us to see and meet each other half-way.

              Sorry I got a little personal there, but I jsut had to say it.


                Hee! Check out todays Sunday Sweets on Cake Wrecks! Gate cakes!

                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  awesome experience Becks

                  Anyone have any others that they'd like to share? cool stuff that's happened to them in real life?
                  Probably one of the coolest things that happened to me was when my friend called out of the blue and said that a lady at work had given her 2 free Eagle's tickets including parking for the show that night. I dropped everything, we took off and spent 2 1/2 hours dancing and singing under the stars. Only thing we spent money on was food and drinks - $20 tops and we saw the Eagles.


                    Hey guys!!!!!
                    Well, the convention's done, and i'm going home tomorrow.... but GOD i had the best 4 days of my life this weekend, and i'm being totally honest here!!! I met Amanda yesterday and today, but for the first time yesterday at autograph signing..... and for all of you who haven't met her, and even for all of you who have, there really are no words to describe her kindness and how stunningly beautiful that woman is, inside and out. I was nervous as hell and she saw that and asked my name and personalized my autograph, shook my hand and gave me a HUGE hug!!!! I was almost crying when I left the signing tables, I was just so blown away by how nice she was, and just from being in shock from finally meeting her And then today I had a photo op with her and I gave her a t-shirt that's an o'neill brand shirt (yup, with two 'L's) that is black with "O'NEILL" written in big pink funky letters on the front.... and she loved it!!! God bless her, Amanda is such an angel!!!! Later, during the Q&A, I learned that she really, REALLY wants a full on gutter scene with RDA She started talking about how much more Sam (and Amanda) would've done in WoO, never mind what Sam and Jack should be doing by now..... and she said that she'd really love to see some kind of resolution to the decade and then some of angsty madness! basically that they have to start sleeping together. Like, NOW. So i was pretty much peeing myself laughing, she's so funny and such a character, it was wonderful to be able to hear her talk for an hour today
                    Right now, I feel like I'm on cloud 9 and the luckiest person on the planet to have met her and been able to talk to her, she really is THE sweetest person I've ever met

                    My plane leaves at 7 tomorrow morning, so it;s time for me to get some shut eye, but there's plenty more to come


                      Hey Everyone,

                      I'm on my Easter break from college now...yay! Lots more time to play here hehe.

                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Lovely new avatar Julia.

                      So, very early here but I can't get back to sleep (for once not Antoa's fault ) and as today is my last chance to post on GW (after today I am on a normal holiday) I thought I'd stop by. However, I went back and read SJSL's post and she really said it all. Sorry there haven't been many specific details but, for one thing, this was a Sanctuary event so parts of it were not Amanda specific and therefore not on topic. Also, we did not pepper her with questions. Lunch was really more of a general discussion with a number of very nice people. At one point someone asked if we had any questions and this was our opportunity to ask anything but, again, at least from my perspective, we were just enjoying lunch and the general discussion.

                      We also signed an agreement which prohibits us from discussing certain things.

                      I will say this, it is very clear that the people at Sanctuary, Amanda included, work very hard. It is also clear they love what they do. They have as much fun on the set as we have been told. They clearly enjoy working together and take great pride in the show. It is no wonder then that we, the fans, love the end product so much. They also clearly care about the fans and could not have been nicer to us. They kept asking us what we would like to see, did we have time to do this or that. We told them we had no other plans and were happy to stay as long as they would have us. We were never rushed and, in fact, were there long past our promised time on the set.

                      Amanda (and the rest of the cast) were extremely accommodating in providing autographs and in taking pictures. Amanda did both group shots as well as individual photos.

                      We did ask about Amanda's recent Woman of Vision award (I've had little sleep and hope I'm remembering the name correctly) and were given the privilege of seeing the video that was put together for that. As you can no doubt imagine, the ever humble Amanda did not want it to be all about her but rather about the true joy they have in putting together Sanctuary. It was very funny.
                      EH-T the more you tell the more wonderful it sounds!!
                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Sorry if I'm double posting but I have nothing better to do.

                      Thanks for that FF. I never took your previous post in any negative fashion, ITA it was a lot of money but it was worth it for many reasons. Have to tell you a funny story, we were riding in the elevator yesterday and there was a lady who had a number of buttons including one that said "more money than sense". We were joking that we need to get buttons made that say "more money than sense but dedicated"!!

                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                      Jealousy? Well I don't quite think the word fits for me. Do I wish it was me? Of course; but who doesn't. But I'm extremely happy that four very awesome individuals got the opportunity and are willing to share what they can about the experience.
                      As Sky said life is too short to begrudge someone for a wonderful experience and if you want those experiences then you just have to decide to go for it.
             are a very giving individual and I agree that it is much more rewarding to give than receive. Not all individuals feel that way but to each their own. Oh and sleep is for after the con. Pssst....don't forget to keep tormenting PengYn for us .

                      Hmm....what would Sam spurge on?? Perhaps computer equipment or another vintage motorcycle to rebuild.
                      I agree with you JanSam I mean sure I wish could have been with them but I don't feel jealous, I'm pleased it was four amazing people/friends who got the opportunity. And I'm also very grateful they are so willing to share a little of their very special experience with us.


                      Sam would design and build a robot to clean her house, b/c she hates house work, lol.
                      Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                      I have to agree with EH-T regarding the "best experiences of my life" thing...

                      I have been very fortunate throughout my life to experience some pretty cool things. Mumsey got to go on one of the first Set tours and I was sooo pleased for her. My quilts appeared briefly in Ascension - though the scene with thier starring role was cut

                      But one of the best has to be not something directly for me but something that happened to my husband last year.

                      Spoilered for complete off topicness:

                      At the start of the last season of NHL hockey they had a couple of games here int he UK at the O2 Arena which is just about 30 miles away from us. My husband is a HUGE Hockey fan... throughout the season he will stay up late into the night watching live games on TV and tape others and avoid theo scores until he's watched them all. He used to play hockey then ref but now he is just doing stats...

                      But he's the statisttain for the english ice hockey league... he is MR UK hockey stats... if I go to a game I am "malcolm Preens Wife"... everybody knows who he is...

                      So when these games came to town we thought about going, but the tickets sold out so quickly we decided to just sit and watch them at home. Then on the firday before the first of the two games Malcolm got a call from someone who used to work the hockey games at the arena ( when UK league team played there) they needed some people to hlp put and was he coming. he explained we didn't have tickets they said that wasn't a problem. So I was rather cheeky and asked if they needed any extra help... hey I played hockey too, was a qualified coach I can count plus minus and fill in a game sheet!!! so he asked and they said okay...

                      The NHL teams had brought over just a couple of stats people and they needed a few fill ins including an official scorer. The official scorer isn't the bod who fills out the sheet (as they are over here) they are the one who keeps track of who has the puck at every second and decides who scored the goals and assists. It's a huge responsibility and My hubby was it.

                      I helped out in the press room and filled out the paper back up score sheet ( they were using a completely electronic system for the first time and throught it would be a good idea to have a back up in case!)

                      At the end of the first day we got back to our car on a complete high. Taking a breath Malcolm commented that it just didn't get better than than that. I had to disagree... "Yes it does," I said, " We get to do it all again tomorrow... and now we even know what we're doing!!!"

                      Other cool stuff that weekend included being called back tot he staff room in haste... a certain piece of metalwork had been unpacked and the team were all allowed a very up close look at it.

                      So my hubby was for over a week the only official scorere in the NHL and would have been qualified to be the scorer for a stanley cup playoff game... sadly his services were not required.

                      But if they ever come back to the UK... the cheif stats guy has his number!!!

                      Very cool Becky!!
                      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                      Hey guys!!!!!
                      Well, the convention's done, and i'm going home tomorrow.... but GOD i had the best 4 days of my life this weekend, and i'm being totally honest here!!! I met Amanda yesterday and today, but for the first time yesterday at autograph signing..... and for all of you who haven't met her, and even for all of you who have, there really are no words to describe her kindness and how stunningly beautiful that woman is, inside and out. I was nervous as hell and she saw that and asked my name and personalized my autograph, shook my hand and gave me a HUGE hug!!!! I was almost crying when I left the signing tables, I was just so blown away by how nice she was, and just from being in shock from finally meeting her And then today I had a photo op with her and I gave her a t-shirt that's an o'neill brand shirt (yup, with two 'L's) that is black with "O'NEILL" written in big pink funky letters on the front.... and she loved it!!! God bless her, Amanda is such an angel!!!! Later, during the Q&A, I learned that she really, REALLY wants a full on gutter scene with RDA She started talking about how much more Sam (and Amanda) would've done in WoO, never mind what Sam and Jack should be doing by now..... and she said that she'd really love to see some kind of resolution to the decade and then some of angsty madness! basically that they have to start sleeping together. Like, NOW. So i was pretty much peeing myself laughing, she's so funny and such a character, it was wonderful to be able to hear her talk for an hour today
                      Right now, I feel like I'm on cloud 9 and the luckiest person on the planet to have met her and been able to talk to her, she really is THE sweetest person I've ever met

                      My plane leaves at 7 tomorrow morning, so it;s time for me to get some shut eye, but there's plenty more to come
                      *Hugs* glad you had such a great time! and WTG meeting Amanda.

                      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        awesome experience Becks
                        Anyone have any others that they'd like to share? cool stuff that's happened to them in real life?
                        Oh wow...permission for OT here in Samanda!!
                        Cool stuff...I could prattle on for ages about cool stuff...but some of the things that top my list are:
                        The births of both my children...not only were their births a highlight but the way in which I found out I was pregnant...and got pregnant with them. And the pregnancies were amazingly cool too. I don't mean for it to sound hokey or what not, but both kids were miracles in their own right. Niki was what the doctors called a fluke and Tom was assisted.
                        A lot of things could have and probably should have gone wrong with both pregnancies but I really think lady luck was on my side. I was and am very lucky to have them.
                        If all births were like Niki's, I'd have had a dozen babies...well if I could have! Tom cured me of that desire!
                        Another cool thing that happened to me was when I was 15. I went on tv with Jason Donovan...he played Scott Robinson on the hit tv show Neighbours and was a pretty big star back then. Anyhoo, I won a competition to appear alongside him in a little skit on was really cool but I never told any of my friends...I was way to embarrassed. However they did see the show and actually complimented me on it and thought it was cool. I was a shy kid but that helped boost my confidence a little after that. I still have the t shirt and his autograph!! Actually...that was the first autograph I got from a celeb...huh!

                        I enjoyed today's posts here. Thank you!!
                        Night all, take care and stay safe!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Sanctuary - TEN 2009 Leo Awards Nominations!:


                          And Stargate: Contiuum Received 11 Nominations!


                          SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                          SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                          Morjana's Blog Twitter


                            In case you're lurking -



                              OMG!! Awesome news!! Thank you Morjana!!
                              I'm not surprised about Amanda's nominations...I do so hope she gets at least the one for Requiem.
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Happy birthday Famantha!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

