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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    Ok, this is not original, but I would say respect would be the main word I think of with AT.
    From everything I have learned about her from people who have met her, statements by co-workers, interviews & her dvd commentaries:

    She is a person who:

    * takes her work seriously (but not herself so much),
    *treats her co-workers with respect--how many times have we read that she's a generous actor in scenes or heard her comment positively on *someone else's* performance or commented positively about the contributions of the crew or extras (or background performers, as she usually refers to them--which itself says something imho)

    *she treats fans well
    *uses her position of fame to aid good causes
    *and of course, does great acting work.

    Those are all qualities & behavior I greatly respect.
    And admire


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      Ok, this is not original, but I would say respect would be the main word I think of with AT.
      From everything I have learned about her from people who have met her, statements by co-workers, interviews & her dvd commentaries:

      She is a person who:

      * takes her work seriously (but not herself so much),
      *treats her co-workers with respect--how many times have we read that she's a generous actor in scenes or heard her comment positively on *someone else's* performance or commented positively about the contributions of the crew or extras (or background performers, as she usually refers to them--which itself says something imho)

      *she treats fans well
      *uses her position of fame to aid good causes
      *and of course, does great acting work.

      Those are all qualities & behavior I greatly respect.
      ^ What she said.


        Originally posted by EH-T View Post

        Yes. Due to the fact our igloos do not have electrical outlets (makes the spring thaw highly dangerous as water and electricity don't mix) we have to run our technology on car batteries. DVD recorders suck way too much power. Therefore the VCR is the recorder of choice.
        Cars? I thought up der in Canada you snowshoed or mushed everywhere with sled dogs.


          Originally posted by Kickoutwoolsey View Post
          hi, i've seen a few people ask these questions, so i thought i'd try. here's mine:

          what's the number 1 thing you have for Amanda? Love, respect, etc?
          Wow, that's a tough one.

          I'll have to go with admiration. I admire her talent, but more importantly, she has many of the personal qualities that I most admire - humility, honesty, intelligence, humor.
          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
          William Shakespeare

          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            I, on the other hand, have absolutely no problem agitating for more skyfic.

            Come on, Sky, you know you wanna.
            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

            i'll see what happens. I'm pondering in my head what to do
            I'm partial to pondering myself.

            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Don't get me wrong. I love Sky's stuff--even if it's shippy.
            Sky's versatile. She does some stories that don't include that icky het stuff.

            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Please write it? For the sake of my mojo? I'm not much into fics these days, but I would definitely read that. Pretty please?
            With whipped cream and a cherry on top?

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            and i'll think on the fic folks....i just gotta finish whumping her for another one first
            OK, whump away. I'll be just as happy reading that. But afterward, I want the episode tag.

            Begging and demanding in the same post. I really need to work on that consistency thing.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              Hi everyone, i finally after almost one year here i'm starting to post in another threads ... so... i guess i've never been here before but i must say that i LOVE Sam Carter ... and i hope to come here more often... *hugs*


                Welcome to Samanda. Come back and see us soon.

                We don't bite although Neep sometimes licks people. Sort of like an exuberant puppy. Don't worry, we'll protect you from slobber for at least another week.

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  We're pretty much like the Guide's entry about Earth. Mostly Harmless.

                  Except that weird guy in the corner, but we feed him pictures of Amanda once in a while, and he just chunters away to himself. We nod and smile. Keeps him placid.

                  Seriously, welcome to Samanda and please drop by often!
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                    We're pretty much like the Guide's entry about Earth. Mostly Harmless.

                    Except that weird guy in the corner, but we feed him pictures of Amanda once in a while, and he just chunters away to himself. We nod and smile. Keeps him placid.

                    Seriously, welcome to Samanda and please drop by often!
                    Now is that any way to talk about Rocky


                      Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
                      Hi everyone, i finally after almost one year here i'm starting to post in another threads ... so... i guess i've never been here before but i must say that i LOVE Sam Carter ... and i hope to come here more often... *hugs*
                      Heya Rachel! Love your sig.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Now is that any way to talk about Rocky
                      But you must admit it's pretty accurate.


                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        Sky's versatile. She does some stories that don't include that icky het stuff.

                        about 90% of my stuff is 'icky het' free

                        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                        OK, whump away. I'll be just as happy reading that. But afterward, I want the episode tag.

                        Begging and demanding in the same post. I really need to work on that consistency thing.
                        challenge accepted. Just no time limit please

                        and if there's one thing you're consistent with, it's being inconsistent
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by suse View Post
                          Please? <<gives Sky the puppydog eyes>> For the B-day girl?

                          Seriously, thanks to you all for the b-day wishes, both here and on my profile page. They made me sappy.

                          Happy belated birthday!

                          Originally posted by petite_stars View Post
                          Thank you for reccing me

                          I'm a HUGE Sam fan... great thread you guys have here, might stick around
                          Hi and welcome! I really enjoyed your fic and I hope you stick around as well.

                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          Ok, this is not original, but I would say respect would be the main word I think of with AT.
                          From everything I have learned about her from people who have met her, statements by co-workers, interviews & her dvd commentaries:

                          She is a person who:

                          * takes her work seriously (but not herself so much),
                          *treats her co-workers with respect--how many times have we read that she's a generous actor in scenes or heard her comment positively on *someone else's* performance or commented positively about the contributions of the crew or extras (or background performers, as she usually refers to them--which itself says something imho)

                          *she treats fans well
                          *uses her position of fame to aid good causes
                          *and of course, does great acting work.

                          Those are all qualities & behavior I greatly respect.
                          Great summary of what I think about AT as well. I like many other actors and actresses, but so far she's been the only one that inspired me into participating in a thread dedicated to her and the characters she plays.



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                            about 90% of my stuff is 'icky het' free

                            challenge accepted. Just no time limit please

                            and if there's one thing you're consistent with, it's being inconsistent
                            Some of us like 'icky het'.
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              Originally posted by Kickoutwoolsey View Post
                              hi, i've seen a few people ask these questions, so i thought i'd try. here's mine:

                              what's the number 1 thing you have for Amanda? Love, respect, etc?
                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              Probably respect. And maybe admiration, too.
                              ^ What she said .

                              Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                              Awwww, just one????
                              ^ What he said .

                              Originally posted by Forestia View Post
                              For me, it would probably be admiration. I mean I think love and respect kind of go along with that. If I were to say how I feel about Amanda, the first thing I'd say is that I really admire her, so yeah, I'm going with that, but it is hard to choose just one positive word to describe my feelings for her.
                              ^ What she said .

                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              I would say that my number one thing has changed over the years.

                              When I first joined the fandom as a teenager, I would probably have said love (though crush or drool would have been nearer the mark). Amanda was little more to me than "the hot chick from Stargate... who's pretty good at acting too". So yeah, I went through my teenage "piece of meat" stage.

                              Intermingled with that, and what sort of grew out of that, was a sort of admiration for her work and also for her approach to things, so that sort of took over as my number one.

                              But now, and I think it's been this way since probably 2006ish, I would say that respect is the number one thing, although admiration grows from that respect and is entwined with it. It's not just respect for her work and for her work ethic, but also for her as a person and the way she deals with the trials and tribulations thrown her way. I respect her in the same way that I respect many women I know who have dealt with similar situations - and yes, I'd travel halfway round the world to see them too!
                              ^ Definitely What she said .

                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              Well said TJ! And I'm with you...except I wasn't a teenager when I started watching SG1. I've always respected Amanda for who she is as a person and her talent as an actress. As well as how she responds to her fans. You know, even if she weren't so talented but treated her fans the way she does, I'd still be a fan. Amanda knows who's helping her pay her bills, the fans. That goes a long way in my book. Not that I think she owes us anything, but the fact that she genuinely cares about her fans and makes it known she does care, that's awesome.
                              ^ Definitely What she said too .

                              Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                              Hi Everyone,

                              I'd say respect, then out of respect grew admiration and yeah a bit of love too.

                              ^ What she said

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              Ok, this is not original, but I would say respect would be the main word I think of with AT.
                              From everything I have learned about her from people who have met her, statements by co-workers, interviews & her dvd commentaries:

                              She is a person who:

                              * takes her work seriously (but not herself so much),
                              *treats her co-workers with respect--how many times have we read that she's a generous actor in scenes or heard her comment positively on *someone else's* performance or commented positively about the contributions of the crew or extras (or background performers, as she usually refers to them--which itself says something imho)

                              *she treats fans well
                              *uses her position of fame to aid good causes
                              *and of course, does great acting work.

                              Those are all qualities & behavior I greatly respect.
                              ^ Oh, so what he What she said .

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              Wow, that's a tough one.

                              I'll have to go with admiration. I admire her talent, but more importantly, she has many of the personal qualities that I most admire - humility, honesty, intelligence, humor.
                              What he said too .

                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Great summary of what I think about AT as well. I like many other actors and actresses, but so far she's been the only one that inspired me into participating in a thread dedicated to her and the characters she plays.

                              For me it's simple, RESPECT, first and for most. I'm not even going to try and be funny about this one, IMHO before you can call yourself a fan of someone, you need to have FULL and the utmost respect for that person. Not just respect for them, but what they do, who they are, and most importantly, what they want. I fully respect Amanda on so many levels, I respect and trust her decisions, I respect her as an actor, but most, MOST importantly as a woman and a human being. She's a person, just like all of us, she's not a piece of meat, she's not a piece of property, and she's certainly not a prize to be won. She's a human being, a wife and mom, and she deserves respect and generosity like anyone else.

                              I know lately I've been a little over the top lately with the screen captions and gifs and what not, but I've realized I need to tone it down a bit. I don't do it to make fun of Amanda, or anyone, I just do it for fun, and to get people laughing. But for the threads sake, and my follow Samandans, and anyone who visits the thread. But I only to that for fun, and I'm sorry if I go too far with that.

                              I want to make something VERY clear, I AM NOT A STALKER! I love Amanda yeah, but as a fan, NOTHING more! Because she's very beautiful, a very good person, with a big and wonderful heart and spirit, NOTHING MORE!
                              I would NEVER, NEVER even think of stalking Amanda or anyone, that's sick and wrong! I am by know means that kind of person. You see, I grew up in house where you're taught to believe that respect is for everyone, regardless of race, background or anything like that. I was to taught to respect, forgive, forget, try not to judge people. I believe in giving everyone a chance, I believe in doing good for what's right, and choose to see the good in people. After all, kindness and honesty can get you a lot of friends.


                                I just saw EatG, and I kinda liked Glam! Sam. I think that maybe in the past she would have worried about what some people would say and slam her on the web, but she seems to be past that. I don't know if she could have gotten all of her long hair into a short wig. She might have looked like blonde Hathor.
                                Having read some of her old interviews and new ones, I get the impression that back around season 4-6; when she had the short hair, that she really wasn't thrilled with it. She kinda wanted more longer 'girly girly' hair. But now in the present, I get the impression from her that she now realizes that for a "raw sex appeal" look, that indeed, the shorter hair "worked" best for her. ---- Not that she doesn't look hot now.
                                does anyone else think that is a fair statement, or i'm way off?
                                Glam! Sam -vs- Geek! Sam how can you choose?

