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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    what a great post for our 98000th!!!

    as to the christmas cards, hey, i'm game if you guys are.

    PM me your mailing address...real or net names, as long as the postman will deliver it, i'll collect them onto a list. then every person that sends me an address will get a copy of the send out 10 cards, get 10 cards

    they don't have to be fancy cards, heck the cheap ones from the dollar store are fine. the only expense is the postage really

    100% voluntary
    I enjoyed getting cards from my fellow Samandans from all over the world last year so I'm definitely in again. Heck I still have everyone's addy's and even saved every single card I received.

    PM coming your way Sky.


      Hey Everyone,

      I was going to post this last night but I needed sleep lol, so forgive me for the long-ish post.

      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
      hehe sure, why not? It's all about flocking and togetherness isn't it?
      Definitely! Hehe.
      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Oooh...I just noticed that my ticker thingy has updated to say 12 months til AT4...YAY!!!!!!!
      Yay!!!!!!! *happy dance*
      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      Another thing I love about Amanda and the fandom...I love how it's brought all of us together through a mutual love and respect for such a wonderfully inspiring person...because not only does Amanda inspire others but those others inspire others alike...if that made sense?...I think I've had too much coffee today...but you know what I mean right?
      It's like on birthdays and other celebrations and even on events that have saddened us like the passing of a loved one be them a family member or a friend...there's this special place here where people show a genuine concern for each other. I know I've said this before...but I think I'm very lucky to have stumbled across this place and the fandom of Amanda and Stargate...I've met some of the most awesome, wonderful people ever...
      and i;m gonna quit now while I;m semi ahead...and hubby is home early because of the wet weather...Yay!!
      Before I go...I'm just gonna sneak in a happy birthday to my angel who this morning at 5.53 turned 16. I'm going to be taking her to meet Amanda next year at Armageddon...Amanda has also been an inspiration to Niki in recent years...her interest in science and maths and her grades in these subjects have improved dramatically. I'm so proud of both my kids I could burst!
      Happy Sweet 16 AngelPuss!!
      I completely agree chelle I'm so glad I found Stargate and its fandom.
      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      Alan just posted the link to part 2 of the AT interview on Pop Culture Zoo on the Thunk thread. I'm posting it here.
      Thanks guys I'll read/look today.
      Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post

      I was just wondering if we're going to Christmas cards again this year... I'm asking now cause I have another week off before I start summer school and thought I'd organise them all now.

      If we're not but you want one anyway either comment here on my LJ or pm me with your address

      Groovy (((Samanda)))
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      what a great post for our 98000th!!!

      as to the christmas cards, hey, i'm game if you guys are.

      PM me your mailing address...real or net names, as long as the postman will deliver it, i'll collect them onto a list. then every person that sends me an address will get a copy of the send out 10 cards, get 10 cards

      they don't have to be fancy cards, heck the cheap ones from the dollar store are fine. the only expense is the postage really

      100% voluntary
      Oooh yeah count my in, PM on its way soon Sky

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        i know people still have the list from last year...but you know, things change. people move and the like.
        also, people on last yaer's list might not want to participate this year. so work of warning, use last year's list know that you may not get some in return and the cards may go nowhere or be delayed for weeks/months if someone has moved.

        I'll collect addresses through thanksgiving, which is about two weeks from now, and send them out to folks then. that'll give you a month to send out your cards
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Thanks for all the news and interview links everyone has been posting!

          Missed Nubbins. Busy with a gaggle of my daughter's friends sleeping over.

          I'll watch on the scifi site, though. I hope that helps!!
          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
          Quint Studer


            For the holiday cards, the deadline is the friday after thanksgiving...November 28th. Then i'll have them e-mailed out to y'all by December first
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              For the holiday cards, the deadline is the friday after thanksgiving...November 28th. Then i'll have them e-mailed out to y'all by December first
              Can you explain how it works again for those of us who didn't get around to joining in last year (and have forgotten) and for the newbies.

              Ta muchly

              (Having one of many senior moments.)
              For details of AT10 go to


                no problem

                send me your mailing addy. I'll add it to a list that i'll then e-mail out to everyone that sends in their address.

                basically, you and 19 (making up numbers) others send me your mailing address. I e-mail it to all 20 of you, then you each send out a card to everyone on the list - but yourselves of course.

                you'll mail out 19 cards and you'll get 19 in return.

                a simple christmas/holiday card exchange.

                I'll take addresses through the 28th, then mail them out by the first of december, which then gives folks a little over 3 weeks to get cards in the mail

                the cost is minimal and they don't even have to be fancy or expensive cards....even home made or ones from the dollar store or whatever.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Thanks Sky. PM on its way!


                  For details of AT10 go to


                    I see in one of the interviews AT said she turned down a movie offer due to Sanctuary. At first I was disappointed, but then I thought: 1) how great that she's getting offers and 2) if it isn't a lead, then who cares?
                    I also liked that she said
                    that she's taking a break with her family. Good for her!

                    I'm still hoping for a release of Dancing Trees. I know she's not the lead, but she has an important part. She's probably the best thing in the movie if previous tv movies she's been in are any predictor.

                    I enjoyed "Nubbins." As I said on the Sanctuary thread, I thought it had good team balance. But I (not so) secretly always want more Magnus. Next week looks like a heavily Helen episode with backstory. Right up my alley. Yay!


                      Well, for the first (I think....) Time, I had a Triple Threat Amanda dream!!! I dreamed I was watching her in some new thing, then I was meeting her in person in a social sense (can't remember if it was on purpose or a happy coincidence...) And then I was working with her on some new project! An independent film of sorts... So...much... Amanda... it was Brilliant!!!!!

                      And I have to say, Nubbins was FANTASTIIIIIIICCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, next week's ep looks intense.
                      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                        Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                        Wondeful to hear about Sam/Amanda's influence on your daughter. I said this to Amanda when she asked me about giving auction items (to three young women), I think it is so important for young women to have role models like Amanda and the characters she plays on television. POSITIVE, intelligent, kind role models to counteract so many negative celebrity influences like Paris Hilton or Britany Spears. These young women were such huge fans of Amanda's and had come such a long way at significant expense, I just wanted to reinforce that in some small way.
                        I was just telling some family members about a certain wonderful person whom I had never met and hope to next year, about how generous she was in having Amanda personalise a photo for me...I still beam when I talk about still makes me giddy and deliriously happy! That to me is someone I would be more than happy to have my children look up to and be guided by...kindness reigns supreme...does it not?
                        I'm still hoping to pay it forward and do something like that for someone else.
                        When you think about Paris and Brittany, they get notorious for the wrong reasons...Amanda may not be world famous (and that's just a matter of opinion...and certainly not mine) but she makes me forget about all those Hollywood startletts!
                        Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                        To add my two pennyworth to this conversation...I am quite a shy person. (Stop rolling around laughing - I AM!) I used to be much worse, and when Becky first suggested going to a convention together, I wondered just how I would cope with talking to my heroes. That first convention was the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life which has culminated in organising events for the enjoyment of other fans.
                        Yes, I believe that in Stargate fandom, we are blessed with a family ethos (even if some parts of it are disfunctional). Most of us care deeply about each other, and it's a very nice feeling.

                        HUGGLES THE THREAD
                        "Huggles" Mumsey right back!!
                        Sorry...but I did LOL a lot when I read that you are shy...I find that hard to believe!!!
                        My brother asked me last night if I ever get star struck when talking to the con guests...I really don't think I do. If anything, I don't go all giddy and girly and what not til either just before or just after I meet them. I think that's because these folks are just so approachable and easy to talk to. Much like the fans are. They are just like I us. I love that they give their time to go to these events...and yes, they do get paid but they can choose to go or not and the fact that they also seem to get right into it when they are's just a wonderful atmosphere to be in and the best kind of fandom.
                        I met a few people at Armageddon who had never been to a con before and thought I should forewarn them that once you go to one can't stop...they are addictive! In a good way of course!! And as predicted...they are all eager to attend more!!
                        So I'm thinking...once I've been to's gonna be hard to not want to go to AT5 or AT6...or AT7...I'm hoping to get to AT8!! pressure G4!!
                        Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                        I was just wondering if we're going to Christmas cards again this year... I'm asking now cause I have another week off before I start summer school and thought I'd organise them all now.
                        If we're not but you want one anyway either comment here on my LJ or pm me with your address
                        Groovy (((Samanda)))
                        Yay!! Its' on again!! Coolies Em...I've PM'ed you!!
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        what a great post for our 98000th!!!
                        as to the christmas cards, hey, i'm game if you guys are.
                        PM me your mailing address...real or net names, as long as the postman will deliver it, i'll collect them onto a list. then every person that sends me an address will get a copy of the send out 10 cards, get 10 cards
                        they don't have to be fancy cards, heck the cheap ones from the dollar store are fine. the only expense is the postage really
                        100% voluntary
                        OK..I PM'ed you too Sky.
                        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                        Oh boy, wow, I just saw Nubbins and all I can say is [B]I WANT MORE HELEN AND MORE SANCTUARY
                        Me too!!! With the prospect of 20 eps next season, we'll get cool is that!!!
                        Nubbins was just the coolest ep...but I have a feeling that each week will bring yet another coolest ep ever!!
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i know people still have the list from last year...but you know, things change. people move and the like.
                        also, people on last yaer's list might not want to participate this year. so work of warning, use last year's list know that you may not get some in return and the cards may go nowhere or be delayed for weeks/months if someone has moved.
                        I'll collect addresses through thanksgiving, which is about two weeks from now, and send them out to folks then. that'll give you a month to send out your cards
                        Yep...we moved back in May and still haven't told most of the family...and our pictures that should be hung on the wall are still in the boxes we packed them into!! I had to was either unpack or won!!!
                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        I see in one of the interviews AT said she turned down a movie offer due to Sanctuary. At first I was disappointed, but then I thought: 1) how great that she's getting offers and 2) if it isn't a lead, then who cares?
                        I also liked that she said
                        that she's taking a break with her family. Good for her!
                        I loved reading that too. I love that she still gets the's nice to know that Amanda wont have to worry about unemployment, especially given the fickle business of acting.
                        Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                        Well, for the first (I think....) Time, I had a Triple Threat Amanda dream!!! I dreamed I was watching her in some new thing, then I was meeting her in person in a social sense (can't remember if it was on purpose or a happy coincidence...) And then I was working with her on some new project! An independent film of sorts... So...much... Amanda... it was Brilliant!!!!!
                        And I have to say, Nubbins was FANTASTIIIIIIICCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, next week's ep looks intense.
                        Love the dream/s!!!
                        I think intense is a perfect word for next weeks ep...I'm just thankful I don't have to work that I just have to figure out a way of not going to my brothers for a bbq dinner..dang bbq season!!

                        I hope you all had a lovely and safe weekend!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping




                            Helen Magnus calls in some extra help from a friend--Sam Carter.


                              I'm going to be doing a little spamming. I've iconed ... it had been a while. Amanda as Helen, in the latest ep of Sanctuary. No spoilers I think! It's going to be 2 posts, because it are too much images.

                              01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

                              06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

                              11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

                              16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


                                21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

                                26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

                                31. 32. 33. 34.

