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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just borrowing this post from the Sanctuary Sci-fi forum:

    The next episode of Sanctuary, "Nubbins" airs tomorrow, Friday, November 7th in the US!!

    This is our most important week yet for ratings - so make sure you're watching, and you're watching LIVE!!!!!

    Yes - Neilsen box ratings count - but so do those provided by DVRs.

    So, even if you can't be home to watch the show live, leave those TVs/PVRs on and broadcasting Nubbins (then catch the episode again during repeat airings!!!).

    And make sure you pass this message along to as many of your friends and family as possible!

    Team Sanctuary


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      Awesome interview . It was great to get another up close and personal interview with her. That seems like a nice room, I wonder if that's her house?

      Are there any Stargate stunts you didn’t get to do but would have liked to do?
      Bekah See:

      Amanda answer:

      "No. I did a lot of my own stunts, much to my great injury, so I was able to do most of the ones that I wanted to do. Others that were really dangerous I should never have… yeah! The one that I probably shouldn’t have done but did was when this house blows up behind us and we get flung. Things like that, or when you’re running and there are bombs going off behind you and you feel the heat of those. But no, I did all the stunts I wanted to do."

      Thanks for asking her about doing her own stunts Bekah. I always thought she did a lot of her own stunts, since that's the hard working gal Amanda is . I'm sorry to hear that Amanda got hurt though, and she said she got hurt or almost got hurt doing Death Knell, but at least Amanda takes it like a champ .

      How did you prepare to play Helen in Sanctuary?
      Hope Springs:

      Amanda's answer:

      "Actually, a lot of it was just a lot of research into Victorian England and what was going on at the time, because that informs a huge amount of who this character is, her history and her growing up in a particular era and thinking outside the box within that era. Victorian England is such a unique and distinct period within history, and women were actually quite forward-thinking at the time, but to break out of the box and actually act upon it was kind of a big deal. So a lot of the research was about the ideology and politics of the time. And of course, Jack the Ripper research, medical research, and reading up about every known monster out there! But a lot of it is actually finding her voice, which is huge for me, so I’ve been doing a lot of work with dialect coaches and looking at different versions of the accent, because she’s Victorian England, but it’s 157 years later and she’s travelled the world, but I didn’t want it to be mid-Atlantic. So that’s the hardest part for me, her voice."

      I'm not surprised Amanda did all that research for Helen, because that's the kind of person she is. She did all that for Carter with all the science and technobabble, and I thought it was great that she would go and research the Victorian England era for Helen . Is there ever a time when Amanda just accepts a role and just relaxes and lets the writers and director do all the work for her? No .

      How difficult is it to play to a green screen?
      Sebastian Rehmann:

      Amanda's answer:

      "You get used to it. The first few days on Sanctuary, because it’s full green screen, you have the chroma-key green headache, as I call it. You’re just looking at bright green. But for the webisodes we had an amazing DP, Jim Menard, who did a lot of work on Stargate, and for the series we have a gentleman by the name of David Geddes, and they’re both incredible DPs. They’ll cut light in such a way that you feel like there’s a window there when there isn’t. So you get used to visualising the space because of the way they’ve lit it, and that’s a huge help!"

      "Chroma-key green headache" , I love how Amanda has nicknames for almost everything .

      What do you think would be Sam’s dream retirement plan: growing old with Pete on a farm with lots of animals, ruling galaxies with Fifth in the shiny Replicator ship, or fishing with a grey-haired General in Minnesota?

      Amanda's answer:

      "Can I combine two of them? (sure – SFX) I would like to grow old with the grey-haired General in Minnesota, with lots of farm animals! How’s that? (laughs) I like his cabin, it’s quite nice, but I would like to have more animals around."

      Wow, Amanda really does have a dirty mind .

      Did you worry that you were taking a big risk with Sanctuary only being shown online?
      Dr. Baltar

      Amanda's answer:

      "Yes. It was a huge risk, a massive risk. Our intention - and I still stand by this - our intention was so pure, to really go to the fans where they live, and to present something really high-quality on the internet, and to have the fans truly involved in it, in all aspects. That was our intention, and it just didn't work out the way that we wanted it to. It was a big risk financially for all of us, and a big risk emotionally, to be honest. To just put something out there that's so unheard of and hadn't been done, and it was really expensive and difficult and… beautiful, ultimately, but it was a big, huge risk, and I think the risk was that we got the fans so involved that when it didn't quite work out the way we wanted it to, and it changed to becoming this TV series, we didn't want the fans to think that we'd shut them out, but suddenly we have to close ranks and make the show, so now we're finding ourselves in the position of reaching out again and going, 'okay, now we've figured this out, the animal that we created didn't work, but here's what we're going to present, and we still want the fans involved, and will they come back?' So it's a massive risk, because it's never been done before."

      I think that's a great answer, because she's right, she didn't do it for money or profit or anything like that, she did it for a very selfless reason, she did it for the fans . She does everything for the fans . I'm glad she wanted to do something for the fans that she'd thought they'd like and I think they do. I know I do .

      Have you had any strange experiences with fans?

      Amanda's answer:

      "Yeah, a couple. For the most part, I have to say those Stargate fans – and I’m not saying this disingenuously – are really an intelligent and thoughtful bunch. The fans that I’ve come across in particular are really generous and really intelligent. So I haven’t had any uber-weird experiences. Sometimes fans get very emotional, and for some reason a lot of people feel very comfortable telling me about their lives, which is a huge gift for me – people will just tell me their life story, which is amazing. There’s a lot of adversity in the world and I’ve heard some amazing things that people have been through to get to where they are, so it’s really inspirational. But… I had a fan show up at my house, which was a bit awkward, but beyond that, no, there’ve not been any weird intrusions. I’ve had a couple of people who I’ve had to be a bit more careful with than I normally would, and I find that now I have Olivia I’m even more careful. But, you know, like the other day in the grocery store a man came up and said ‘I’m a huge fan, and I love the show, and you did a great job, thanks so much!’, and he was just really sweet. We’re not big, huge stars, like a big network show or big film stars. We’ve had the luxury of being able to do what we love to do, for as long as we’ve been able to do it, and have a certain amount of notoriety without an intrusion into our lives. I don’t have paparazzi following me or anything – that would make me nuts! So I get the best of both worlds – I get to do what I love to do, and have a certain amount of fan interaction, but I’m not a huge star, and my life isn’t impacted in a negative way."

      I wanted to find part that's important, but I found that it's all important. As soon as I read the question, I thought for sure Amanda would talk about that psycho "germs" fan she met at a con, but I thought that was so nice and sweet of Amanda to talk so highly of us , I'm also glad that she said how fans come up to her and are very comfortable around her and what not . That's what I love a lot about Amanda, she speaks so highly of her fans, more than she does about herself, and in this interview, yet again, she says how she considers this a gift from the fans, and not that she's a super huge actress or anything like that. Oh, Amanda, so very modest .

      I am a little surprised a fan showed up at her house, I mean, Amanda's right it probably was awkward, I would never show up at Amanda's home, that's her #1 place of privacy, that's not a place where you should go to and admire her, that's her home, and her time with her family. IMHO , the best and most appropriate time to wanna see her is at cons or things like that. And remember that post I wrote saying that if Amanda and Olivia are shopping that the store, leave them be? I suppose maybe it's OK if Amanda's at the store alone and a fan came up to say hi and says something nice. And yeah, I agree 110% with Amanda about getting the best of both worlds, I mean, some of those paparazzi people out there are just leeches, and I'd hate to see them follow Amanda and her family around waiting to find something they could use to embarrass her. Amanda really does have it great, she famous, but not too famous, and she can have a nice quite life with her family and friends amd not having to worry about the paparazzi.

      When you were a little'un, were you a fan of sci-fi or fantasy? If so, what sort of things did you watch or read?

      Amanda's answer:

      "I really was a Little House on the Prairie girl! Not so much sci-fi. I liked Next Generation and Babylon 5, but I really wasn't a huge sci-fi fan. My brothers were sci-fi fans. I liked drama, I liked Little House on the Prairie. (in a Manchester accent) That was my thing! I wanted to be Laura Ingalls, really! Now I'm Laura Ingalls in space!"

      I'm not surprised Amanda was a Little House on the Prairie girl, she seems innocent enough . And I think it's cool she was a TGN fan .

      What do you prefer to do on vacation?
      Morjana Coffman:

      Amanda's answer:

      "I like to get away away. I like kayaking and camping and physically getting away from it all. Although Hawaii is very nice! I have to say, every once in a while, a beach…! But I have a three-year-old, so your vacations are… suddenly it's not about you anymore, it's about finding things that will entertain a three year old, so my vacations have changed a bit. But I think we're going to get her into camping and kayaking."

      Aww that's quite AT, trying to get mini-AT into camping and kayaking . Good question Morjana .

      Would you ever consider doing a comedic TV series?

      Amanda's answer:

      (quickly) "Yes. Yes. And yes. Why, are you offering? Get me on The Catherine Tate Show! That's how I started, I co-founded a comedy troupe long before I got heavily into television, so comedy is where my heart is at. So yeah, I'd love to do a comedic TV show. I'd probably be the really serious one backstage instead of the goofy one like I am when I do drama, but yeah, absolutely!"

      I can tell Amanda has a thing for comedy, I loved her in breakdown, and I'd love to see her in a comedy show or movie.

      (To Be Continued)


        Here's the rest

        What colour of hair do you prefer, blonde or black?

        Amanda's answer:

        "Well, I'm still getting used to this - I just dyed my hair on Thursday, and I quite like it, but I keep looking in the mirror and going, 'who is that?'. My biggest fear was Olivia not liking it, but she did. I actually quite like this, and you know what's interesting? More women talk to me since I became a brunette! Men, not too much, but that's okay. But more women actually come up and have conversations with me in the gym - I've been going to the same little gym for years, and four or five women came up to me last week right after I'd gotten it done and talked to me, and I was like, 'you haven't said boo to me in five years, and now all of a sudden?! Weird! Oh, it's my hair.' It's really interesting - I'm more accessible to women somehow. I think. I don't know."

        That's so cute . Poor Amanda, her biggest worry was Olivia not liking her hair . But after Amanda changed it, Olivia liked it, because Olivia didn't see someone different, she only saw her mommy, and now that's how we feel when I see the "new" Amanda. Well, it's been months now, so she's not so new anymore . I'm happy Amanda got Olivia's approval .

        I think it's cool how Amanda feels she's being treated differently as a brunette, I do wonder why thought those women at the gym never spoke to her when she was blonde. Maybe they were intimidated by her breathtaking beauty ? And as for the "Do men take darker-haired women more seriously" question, I've always taken Amanda seriously, but blonde or not, she's very smart and strong, great qualities for a exec producer. GO AMANDA!

        What's your favourite cheese?

        Amanda's answer:

        "My favourite cheese? Ooh… I'm off cheese right now, cos I'm trying to do the no-dairy thing, but I have to say I like the soft cheeses. Brie, melted, mmm… is it lunch yet? I like a bit of brie, me! What's your favourite cheese? (uhhh - SFX) See? It's a hard question to ask somebody! Peter DeLuise, when my nephew came to set, he was a little dude, and Peter DeLuise went, like, fired off all these questions at Ryan, one after another: 'what grade are you in? How old are you? Do you have a girlfriend?', and then all of a sudden he said, 'what's your favourite cheese?', and Ryan, without missing a beat, went 'Cheddar!'. And I was like, 'good on you, buddy!', cos that's a question that you never hear. So this is the second time I've heard it. Right now it's brie, but that could change. Gouda! I'm a fan of Gouda, too! Oh, stop me with the cheeses...!"

        Amanda said "dude" . Ryan, is that the name of her nephew?

        I loved this interview, Amanda's answers are always such a delight to read or hear


          To: Lies, rderoch, and Alan: thank you for the interviews, or the links to it.

          Yes Rocky: I wonder it too, there are other pics of her (when she was still in her "blonde era" where I asked thesame qustion).

          Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!



            I was just wondering if we're going to Christmas cards again this year... I'm asking now cause I have another week off before I start summer school and thought I'd organise them all now.

            If we're not but you want one anyway either comment here on my LJ or pm me with your address

            Groovy (((Samanda)))

            "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
            My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              Another thing I love about Amanda and the fandom...I love how it's brought all of us together through a mutual love and respect for such a wonderfully inspiring person...because not only does Amanda inspire others but those others inspire others alike...if that made sense?...I think I've had too much coffee today...but you know what I mean right?
              It's like on birthdays and other celebrations and even on events that have saddened us like the passing of a loved one be them a family member or a friend...there's this special place here where people show a genuine concern for each other. I know I've said this before...but I think I'm very lucky to have stumbled across this place and the fandom of Amanda and Stargate...I've met some of the most awesome, wonderful people ever...and i;m gonna quit now while I;m semi ahead...and hubby is home early because of the wet weather...Yay!!
              Before I go...I'm just gonna sneak in a happy birthday to my angel who this morning at 5.53 turned 16. I'm going to be taking her to meet Amanda next year at Armageddon...Amanda has also been an inspiration to Niki in recent years...her interest in science and maths and her grades in these subjects have improved dramatically. I'm so proud of both my kids I could burst!
              Happy Sweet 16 AngelPuss!!

              Yes, I know what you mean (and that concerns me ).

              Wonderful to hear about Sam/Amanda's influence on your daughter. I said this to Amanda when she asked me about giving auction items (to three young women), I think it is so important for young women to have role models like Amanda and the characters she plays on television. POSITIVE, intelligent, kind role models to counteract so many negative celebrity influences like Paris Hilton or Britany Spears. These young women were such huge fans of Amanda's and had come such a long way at significant expense, I just wanted to reinforce that in some small way.

              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              I believe she is one of a kind. All the SG people I have met have been very warm and friendly and seem to truly enjoy meeting the fans. But, Amanda has a little something extra special that just makes her seem like your goofy sister (in a good way, of course).
              Kind of how we feel about you.
              Last edited by EH-T; 09 November 2008, 12:22 PM.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post

                I was just wondering if we're going to Christmas cards again this year... I'm asking now cause I have another week off before I start summer school and thought I'd organise them all now.

                If we're not but you want one anyway either comment here on my LJ or pm me with your address

                Groovy (((Samanda)))
                what a great post for our 98000th!!!

                as to the christmas cards, hey, i'm game if you guys are.

                PM me your mailing address...real or net names, as long as the postman will deliver it, i'll collect them onto a list. then every person that sends me an address will get a copy of the send out 10 cards, get 10 cards

                they don't have to be fancy cards, heck the cheap ones from the dollar store are fine. the only expense is the postage really

                100% voluntary
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post

                  I was just wondering if we're going to Christmas cards again this year... I'm asking now cause I have another week off before I start summer school and thought I'd organise them all now.

                  If we're not but you want one anyway either comment here on my LJ or pm me with your address

                  Groovy (((Samanda)))
                  I would love to do the Christmas card exchange again! That was cool. I still have my list from last year even


                    as to the interview, no, it can't have been done in her home.

                    a) she said she'd dyed her hair on thursday
                    b) that fireplace looks uk'ish
                    c) sfx is a brit mag

                    ie: she did it in May when she was there for AT3, at least that's my guess. I know she did a TON of interviews that week
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      what a great post for our 98000th!!!

                      as to the christmas cards, hey, i'm game if you guys are.

                      PM me your mailing address...real or net names, as long as the postman will deliver it, i'll collect them onto a list. then every person that sends me an address will get a copy of the send out 10 cards, get 10 cards

                      they don't have to be fancy cards, heck the cheap ones from the dollar store are fine. the only expense is the postage really

                      100% voluntary

                      And yay for heaps of posts!

                      "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                      My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                        Oh boy, wow, I just saw Nubbins and all I can say is I WANT MORE HELEN AND MORE SANCTUARY

                        The episode started with us hearing Helen/Amanda's voice, which is always a good start , we find the team on a ship, they found some dead bodies on the ship, and Helen finds the remains of a friend of hers named Eric, then they find a room which the believed to be some kind room where the abnormals were kept. The team is being watch by a dog-like creature, and then they find a few broken cages, and one cage with a couple cute little critters in them . Then the big bad dog-like creature, the Predator comes out if being invisible, and Helen and Ashley shoot it with tranqs, then it cuts to the credits.

                        I'm not going to put in too many spoilers so I'll just say, the whole episode was awesome, I loved seeing the whole Sanctuary team working together to truck down the Nubbins, but what was so great was all the Helen screen time . I loved all her whit, charm and and DAMN GOOD LOOKS in the ep . I loved the scene with her and Will in her office, in this scene, I felt another connection to Amanda, just like in the pilot when she said her "Massive leap of faith" line, here, when he came in he said to her "Do you have something against sleep?" As soon as he said that I thought of Amanda, and her bad habits of not getting enough sleep and having all of us worrying about her health . And why does she do that, working like 16 hours a day? Oh that's right, it's because it's what she loves doing, and it's for the fans . After that, things got a little hot in there , and Helen looking as hot as she did in that scene really help to the mood . I knew what was happening between Helen and Will had something to do with the creatures, but I'm looking at Helen and I'm thinking "Oh God she's beautiful", which she is.

                        A little later, after the Nubbins go bad, they try and hunt them down, Helen finds out that the Nubbins are producing pheromones, and Helen asks Will if he's noticed anything different, Will says "I'm making you Randy" or something like that, and I'm thinking "Yeah, she does that to people, mostly guys"


                        Anyway, after they realize cold is the thing that can stop them, they're able to put them away, and the episode ends with close up of Helen's face, excellent ending IMHO .


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Yes, I know what you mean (and that concerns me ).

                          Wondeful to hear about Sam/Amanda's influence on your daughter. I said this to Amanda when she asked me about giving auction items (to three young women), I think it is so important for young women to have role models like Amanda and the characters she plays on television. POSITIVE, intelligent, kind role models to counteract so many negative celebrity influences like Paris Hilton or Britany Spears. These young women were such huge fans of Amanda's and had come such a long way at significant expense, I just wanted to reinforce that in some small way.

                          Kind of how we feel about you.
                          Score one for Eh-T

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          as to the interview, no, it can't have been done in her home.

                          a) she said she'd dyed her hair on thursday
                          b) that fireplace looks uk'ish
                          c) sfx is a brit mag

                          ie: she did it in May when she was there for AT3, at least that's my guess. I know she did a TON of interviews that week
                          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                          Oh boy, wow, I just saw Nubbins and all I can say is I WANT MORE HELEN AND MORE SANCTUARY

                          The episode started with us hearing Helen/Amanda's voice, which is always a good start , we find the team on a ship, they found some dead bodies on the ship, and Helen finds the remains of a friend of hers named Eric, then they find a room which the believed to be some kind room where the abnormals were kept. The team is being watch by a dog-like creature, and then they find a few broken cages, and one cage with a couple cute little critters in them . Then the big bad dog-like creature, the Predator comes out if being invisible, and Helen and Ashley shoot it with tranqs, then it cuts to the credits.

                          I'm not going to put in too many spoilers so I'll just say, the whole episode was awesome, I loved seeing the whole Sanctuary team working together to truck down the Nubbins, but what was so great was all the Helen screen time . I loved all her whit, charm and and DAMN GOOD LOOKS in the ep . I loved the scene with her and Will in her office, in this scene, I felt another connection to Amanda, just like in the pilot when she said her "Massive leap of faith" line, here, when he came in he said to her "Do you have something against sleep?" As soon as he said that I thought of Amanda, and her bad habits of not getting enough sleep and having all of us worrying about her health . And why does she do that, working like 16 hours a day? Oh that's right, it's because it's what she loves doing, and it's for the fans . After that, things got a little hot in there , and Helen looking as hot as she did in that scene really help to the mood . I knew what was happening between Helen and Will had something to do with the creatures, but I'm looking at Helen and I'm thinking "Oh God she's beautiful", which she is.

                          A little later, after the Nubbins go bad, they try and hunt them down, Helen finds out that the Nubbins are producing pheromones, and Helen asks Will if he's noticed anything different, Will says "I'm making you Randy" or something like that, and I'm thinking "Yeah, she does that to people, mostly guys"

                          Anyway, after they realize cold is the thing that can stop them, they're able to put them away, and the episode ends with close up of Helen's face, excellent ending IMHO .
                          I laughed out loud several times. Very cute episode.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            I know the thing from Facebook was posted, but I don't think this was.

                            "WATCH LIVE TONIGHT!!!!!

                            Hi Everyone!

                            I hope you are enjoying the season so far! Thank you for your support!!

                            Tonight's episode is "Nubbins." It's a fun, silly and sexy romp.


                            xo Amanda"

                            Too late for the whole live thing (you can still catch the repeat in 20 minutes though), but that's from Amanda on the Sanctuary site so I wanted to share it.


                              Morjana posted this cool article in the Sanctuary section about Helen Magnus as Danger Gal Friday:

                              Lisa Spindler also has Sam as another Danger Gal Friday:

                              I especially liked her list of Sam accomplishments, including 'can explain physics with fruit and a doughnut'.



                                So. Tonight's ep...
                                Did anyone else think the Nubbins look like Tribbles crossed with Ewoks?

                                Other than their crazy reproductive systems, I want one!

                                That's all till I watch it again.

                                "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                                My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr

