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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by chelle db View Post
    If you watch Entity and freeze frame when the entity puts their id's up on the screen...apparently you can see Sam's date of birth...I thought I had it but can't for the life of me find it...sorry...but that's where I think the idea came that she was born in either 69 or 70...or somewhere around then.
    If it is shown on that screen...would it not then be canon???
    If something is put onscreen so it can be read then yes it is canon. However if it is simply a prop that you need to freeze frame and even then have difficulty reading then no it isn't because it was meant to be read.


      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        If something is put onscreen so it can be read then yes it is canon. However if it is simply a prop that you need to freeze frame and even then have difficulty reading then no it isn't because it was meant to be read.
        IT reads clearly
        Last edited by Skydiver; 06 August 2008, 07:19 AM.


 is it canon or not???
          I'm going to go with it being canon...I think that given how smart Sam is, that she may very well have joined the AF early and graduated before her peers and then just went from even though she is I guess 39 years old...or rather 38.5...then she could still be the rank she is currently.
          Yep...I'm happy with that!!!
          Gotta go...kettle is on...again!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
            At least the complete set finally included all the extras that we had missed out on before. I had acquired all of the stuff through alternate means , but I'd rather have the real deal. Better quality, everthings together, etc.

            I agree. That was my favorite scene as well. I thought it was very cleverly done.

            I'm a Sam/Jack shipper myself. But everyone has their own take on things. Some seriously and some in jest (I hope). These are some of the combos I've seen:
            Sam/AU Sam
            Sam/(woman from SVU played by Mariska Hargitay)

            Not to mention the multiples!

            Any I missed?
            Hey deroch, if you add Scully (as in Dana Scully) let me think of some pairings for Sam, just for fun

            What do ya think of

            Sam / Joey (Friends)
            Sam / Shep
            Sam / Lorne

            And of course, just to see 2 smart scientists discussing and argueing about echother idea's Sam / McKay

            (But we know Sam's the well smartest (but it's close) enneh..... (human contact wise) I like Sam a bit better than McKay just.... when you propose something McKay sometimes immeadiatly bounces it off, or say "Yeah I tought of that but" Sam'd say: good thinking unfortuently....
            But I like McKay too don't worry about that cause sometimes McKay = Big Mouth, smart heart but he admits when he's wrong.

            LOL why can't there be an episode (genre Trio) where Rodney, Radek and Sam need to work together to find a new solution , or made a new discovery.

            BTW I was still here on Gateworld, just visited other threads. I can't abondon Samanda, latest Amanda news is post here. And great people post here.

            I don't know how 'old' this thread is but, when it reaches 5, 10, ..... years, how great would it be if Amanda posted something here. Too bad I don't know her personally.... I'd lurke her to Samanda, nothing but fun, respect and love here. Maybe next time someone sees her she can give her a card with our adress on it / Forum / Sam's a Great Character Thread. Wanna bet Hellen will turn out to be just as cool as Sam?

            Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


              Well everyone, I'm about to leave for Toronto for Me So Lovely, will be gone for a week, so be good while I'm gone

              Ah who am I kidding, are we ever good on this thread

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Well, I wasn't particularly offended but I can't speak for others But really, too young? Isn't he older than her? Granted, BB looks a lot younger than he is...and I'm pretty sure Cam is supposed to be a good deal younger than BB. I've never quite figured out the ages of the characters.
                Gotta go with Sky on this one. IMO, he acts younger, regardless.

                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                These are some of the combos I've seen: [snip]
                Any I missed?
                Hundreds! Sam/Ba'al, Sam/Orlin, Sam/Martouf, Sam/Lantash, Sam/Narim, Sam/Pete, Sam/McKay, Sam/Walter, Sam/Siler, Sam/Lorne, Sab/Barrett, Sam/Sheppard, Sam/Teyla, Sam/Davis, Sam/Felger. I'm fairly sure about those. Sam/Beckett, Sam/Ronan, Sam/Anubis, Sam/Apophis, Sam/Anise, Sam/Boch are probably out there too, though I don't remember them as well. Basically any character that's ever been on SG, or any show SG guys commonly watch--oh, that reminds me, I think there's a Sam/Harry Potter somewhere--and Sam's been shipped with them. Gender aside. I will give some credit, I've never seen Sam/Jacob or Sam/Mark (well, actually, I have, but it was perceived--i.e. Jack thought Mark was dating Sam). Then there's the entirely made-up characters, I've seen a lot of Johns and Mikes. And, of course, Sam/chair. (I assume this is one of the many chairs she's been tied to over the years, but it was made as a poke at the many, many Sam pairings out there.)
                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
       is it canon or not???
                I'm going to go with it being canon...I think that given how smart Sam is, that she may very well have joined the AF early and graduated before her peers and then just went from even though she is I guess 39 years old...or rather 38.5...then she could still be the rank she is currently.
                Yep...I'm happy with that!!!
                Gotta go...kettle is on...again!!!
                I'd say it's cannon. However, you have to be at least 17 to go to AFA, and you have to spend 4 years there. Now, minimum TIS is just 16 years to Lt Col. So, 17+4+16=37. However, let it be noted that (last I checked), the average age O-4s is 39.3, O-5 is 44.9, O-6 is 49. That's not minimum age for promotion, though, just average age of those in the grade.

                Sally (the silly one...the one with silly in her name): can you link to that picture instead? It's huge!
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Sorry if this has been asked before, but I just saw Continuum and I really enjoyed it! Continuum question...
                  What do you think Sam did for the year she was a civilian? She couldn't be an astrophysicist, Engineer or in the Military. She has been involved in the Military and Astrophysics her entire adult life, and with Jacob being career military she would have grown up on a military base. Imagine taking those two things away plus everyone she knew and loved. That had to be one of the hardest years of the characters life... hmmm wonder if any fic writers plan on taking on that challenge.
                  My take on your question:


                  I think Sam would teach if she couldn't do what she does. Would they allow her to teach astrophysics or even just physics or applied math or something in a college? Though it might be frustrating for her because I'm sure some of the theories that are in the texts have been changed because of the Stargate.

                  Or maybe she became a gardener. I'd love to see her plants with all that time and money on her hands!

                  I also wonder if she made any friends, or even had a guy around at any point. A year is a long time.

                  And you're right, whoever said it, this would make an awesome fan fic. If I didn't already have three different ones in my head, I might be tempted.


                  "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                  SG-1 FanFiction
                  Sanctuary Fanfiction


                    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities View Post
                    Gotta go with Sky on this one. IMO, he acts younger, regardless.

                    Hundreds! Sam/Ba'al, Sam/Orlin, Sam/Martouf, Sam/Lantash, Sam/Narim, Sam/Pete, Sam/McKay, Sam/Walter, Sam/Siler, Sam/Lorne, Sab/Barrett, Sam/Sheppard, Sam/Teyla, Sam/Davis, Sam/Felger. I'm fairly sure about those. Sam/Beckett, Sam/Ronan, Sam/Anubis, Sam/Apophis, Sam/Anise, Sam/Boch are probably out there too, though I don't remember them as well. Basically any character that's ever been on SG, or any show SG guys commonly watch--oh, that reminds me, I think there's a Sam/Harry Potter somewhere--and Sam's been shipped with them. Gender aside. I will give some credit, I've never seen Sam/Jacob or Sam/Mark (well, actually, I have, but it was perceived--i.e. Jack thought Mark was dating Sam). Then there's the entirely made-up characters, I've seen a lot of Johns and Mikes. And, of course, Sam/chair. (I assume this is one of the many chairs she's been tied to over the years, but it was made as a poke at the many, many Sam pairings out there.)
                    I'll agree with the idea that Cam acts younger than Sam...but dare I say it, that's usually no indication of actual age with men.

                    And you missed one, Paradox: Sam/Tomin. I actually wrote this one for an AU challenge, strangely enough.

                    I ship mostly friendship on Stargate, but if I venture into ship territory, I do:

                    Sam/Jack (as long as it stays flirtation only)
                    Sam/Jonas Quinn
                    Sam/Joe Faxon

                    The way I see it, there's no one true soulmate for anyone, so given the right circumstances (in various AUs), I could see her ending up with any of those. And in our reality, I like her flirty relationship with Jack (though I can't see them ending together).

                    ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                    ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                      i know what sam did

                      she got a job as a wilderness guide and led back country fishing trips

                      I think we can go with dec 29, 1968 (that looks like an 8 not a 9) as sam's birthday

                      And Daivy, you know, i understand your enthusiasm...but i remember when torri posted in the Weir went nuts. a 20 person thread ballooned to 200, it moved so fast you couldn't read it and several people were quite upset because regulars of the thread resented the 'omg, the actress is there' newbies.

                      It would be a thrill, but i kinda think it'd be bitter sweet, because it'd turn into a mob scene
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        I agree, Cam acts er...younger... than he is, but he must be about Sam's age to have made his rank. But I'm not too worried about their actual ages.

                        As for Sam/Thor, it is a special bond beyond the physical that only some of us who have a particularly wacky sense of humor enjoy. Star crossed love, you know. I think Thor has really fallen for Sam but the Asgard High Council disapproves.

                        Waiting for my copy of Continuum. Taps foot impatiently.


                          *drops in*
                          just made a banner with Replicarter. Hope you like it

                          *drops out*


                            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                            Sorry if this has been asked before, but I just saw Continuum and I really enjoyed it! Continuum question...
                            What do you think Sam did for the year she was a civilian? She couldn't be an astrophysicist, Engineer or in the Military. She has been involved in the Military and Astrophysics her entire adult life, and with Jacob being career military she would have grown up on a military base. Imagine taking those two things away plus everyone she knew and loved. That had to be one of the hardest years of the characters life... hmmm wonder if any fic writers plan on taking on that challenge.
                            Damn you, Ann! Last night I was so proud of the fact that I'd temporarily given up SG fic writing so that I could concentrate on Sanctuary (I have a new Sanctuary fic that's getting a little out of control!). And now you've brought that crashing down.

                            So Las Leyendas is joining SG:Realities and Dawn of a New Day in the "pending pile" while I go off to try and find Sam's "voice" again.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              Damn you, Ann! Last night I was so proud of the fact that I'd temporarily given up SG fic writing so that I could concentrate on Sanctuary (I have a new Sanctuary fic that's getting a little out of control!). And now you've brought that crashing down.

                              So Las Leyendas is joining SG:Realities and Dawn of a New Day in the "pending pile" while I go off to try and find Sam's "voice" again.
                              LOL I have a few fics in the pending pile as well Should be an interesting Sam story, I'm looking forward to it


                                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                                LOL I have a few fics in the pending pile as well Should be an interesting Sam story, I'm looking forward to it
                                As I say, I have to remember how to write Sam first. Sigh.... I love that Helen and Sam are completely different beasts, but after getting so involved with one, it's sort of hard to go "Right... and now Sam". It's misleading having the same actress playing both, because in a way, you want to transfer the quirks of one over to the other. But Amanda has created such total opposites in mannerisms, stance and everything.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

