Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
This is my text for the "Blue Jello Week" letter I'm sending...
The Bridge Studios
2400 Boundary Road
Burnaby, BC
V5M 3Z3
Attention: Brad Wright
Dear Sir,
You may be wondering why you’re receiving boxes of Blue Jello this week. There’s a good reason for it and I’ll get to that in a minute...but I’m sure you’ve figured out it has something to do with Amanda Tapping and Samantha Carter.
As a longtime fan of Stargate SG-1, I wanted to express to you my appreciation for my favorite character, Samantha Carter, and for the brilliant and captivating actress who plays her.
Amanda has such a delightful quality about her that makes watching Stargate SG-1 a must for myself and many others. As a human being, she is legendary in her generosity, humility and humor and as an actress she is beloved for her keen ability to express complex emotions with such depth that her audience cannot help but be pulled into her scenes and feel what she feels.
As for Samantha Carter, she is a rich, multilayered character with thoroughly enjoyable inconsistencies; and by that I mean she’s someone who can take out a battalion of Jaffa without breaking a sweat and yet is nervous to the point of panicky at the thought of introducing her fiancé to her dad. She’s obviously a genius but doesn’t bask in the knowledge of her intelligence like McKay does. She’s a strong person, both physically and emotionally, and has had to be to deal with all the loss she’s suffered. In short, she’s a superhero and yet she’s just a regular person who deals with extraordinary problems.
I’m looking forward to more of Sam in command in season 9 as are the majority of other fans…especially since we didn’t get to see too much of that last season. And frankly, it’s about time she had someone under her command that was actually UNDER her command…as in someone in the military. I’m also hoping to enjoy more of her snarky humorous side, which we were granted a taste of last season in such episodes as “It’s Good Be King” but unfortunately see too little of.
And now about the boxes of Blue Jello…I came up with the idea for fans to express our appreciation for this fantastic actress and super character in a fun and silly way with Blue Jello Week. "What is Blue Jello week" you may ask? Well it's where people from several major Stargate forums send in sealed boxes of Blue Jello with a letter expressing our love of Amanda Tapping and Samantha Carter to YOU and possibly a few other "Powers That Be." And thus, Blue Jello Week was born!
Now even though I had help in the implementation of Blue Jello Week (someone who goes by the nickname MajorSam), I came up with the idea and therefore am responsible to you if anyone does or sends in anything inappropriate. I reminded everyone that this is meant to be fun and that they are to be polite in expressing their feelings, but I also know that there’s always someone in the crowd who’ll ruin it for the rest of us. So please let me know if anyone sends in anything unseemly…my full contact information is at the top of this letter.
At any rate, I hope you and the rest of our friends at Bridge thoroughly enjoy the Blue Jello (not sure how much you'll receive...but definitely enough for a Blue Jello party). And please do let Amanda know that there are a lot of fans like me who truly appreciate her and her fantastic character.
Thank you again for eight great years of Carter and can't wait to see more Sam in Season 9 and beyond!
Mary Beth
The Bridge Studios
2400 Boundary Road
Burnaby, BC
V5M 3Z3
Attention: Brad Wright
Dear Sir,
You may be wondering why you’re receiving boxes of Blue Jello this week. There’s a good reason for it and I’ll get to that in a minute...but I’m sure you’ve figured out it has something to do with Amanda Tapping and Samantha Carter.
As a longtime fan of Stargate SG-1, I wanted to express to you my appreciation for my favorite character, Samantha Carter, and for the brilliant and captivating actress who plays her.
Amanda has such a delightful quality about her that makes watching Stargate SG-1 a must for myself and many others. As a human being, she is legendary in her generosity, humility and humor and as an actress she is beloved for her keen ability to express complex emotions with such depth that her audience cannot help but be pulled into her scenes and feel what she feels.
As for Samantha Carter, she is a rich, multilayered character with thoroughly enjoyable inconsistencies; and by that I mean she’s someone who can take out a battalion of Jaffa without breaking a sweat and yet is nervous to the point of panicky at the thought of introducing her fiancé to her dad. She’s obviously a genius but doesn’t bask in the knowledge of her intelligence like McKay does. She’s a strong person, both physically and emotionally, and has had to be to deal with all the loss she’s suffered. In short, she’s a superhero and yet she’s just a regular person who deals with extraordinary problems.
I’m looking forward to more of Sam in command in season 9 as are the majority of other fans…especially since we didn’t get to see too much of that last season. And frankly, it’s about time she had someone under her command that was actually UNDER her command…as in someone in the military. I’m also hoping to enjoy more of her snarky humorous side, which we were granted a taste of last season in such episodes as “It’s Good Be King” but unfortunately see too little of.
And now about the boxes of Blue Jello…I came up with the idea for fans to express our appreciation for this fantastic actress and super character in a fun and silly way with Blue Jello Week. "What is Blue Jello week" you may ask? Well it's where people from several major Stargate forums send in sealed boxes of Blue Jello with a letter expressing our love of Amanda Tapping and Samantha Carter to YOU and possibly a few other "Powers That Be." And thus, Blue Jello Week was born!
Now even though I had help in the implementation of Blue Jello Week (someone who goes by the nickname MajorSam), I came up with the idea and therefore am responsible to you if anyone does or sends in anything inappropriate. I reminded everyone that this is meant to be fun and that they are to be polite in expressing their feelings, but I also know that there’s always someone in the crowd who’ll ruin it for the rest of us. So please let me know if anyone sends in anything unseemly…my full contact information is at the top of this letter.
At any rate, I hope you and the rest of our friends at Bridge thoroughly enjoy the Blue Jello (not sure how much you'll receive...but definitely enough for a Blue Jello party). And please do let Amanda know that there are a lot of fans like me who truly appreciate her and her fantastic character.
Thank you again for eight great years of Carter and can't wait to see more Sam in Season 9 and beyond!
Mary Beth