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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    In case some don't go to the Sanctuary thread, I am going ot post this here too:

    OK, for all those Sanctuary fans going ot Comic Con, we want to have a little gathering at a restuarant - probably Friday or Saturday (if we can get reservations).

    Go here:

    and see if any restaurant listed catches your eye and PM me.

    My vote is for Dublin Square Pub.


      Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
      In case some don't go to the Sanctuary thread, I am going ot post this here too:

      OK, for all those Sanctuary fans going ot Comic Con, we want to have a little gathering at a restuarant - probably Friday or Saturday (if we can get reservations).

      Go here:

      and see if any restaurant listed catches your eye and PM me.

      My vote is for Dublin Square Pub.
      yeah, just rub it in, why don'tcha

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      what sunny said, the fact that sam doens't have a boy part

      eeewwwww-- boy parts!!! oh wait. I have kids. *cough* nevermind.

      Thank you everybody for the birthday wishes! *sniff* you like me! your really like me!!


        Happy Birthday, Becca C!!!

        HEY LOOK!!! I got some cake for you!!!

        Erm...sorry...I couldn't wait any longer. But it's the thought that counts, right?

        I hope your day is going great regardless.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Fun Sam moment: "ordering" O'Neill in Lost City.


            Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
            "God, that's awful. Who talks like that?"

            Did anyone else notice Amanda sounded just like Murphy Brown/Candice Bergen when she said that line?
            I haven't seen that ep in ages...

            *thinks about it*

            Oh man! You're right! Heh heh. Nice.

            Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
            In case some don't go to the Sanctuary thread, I am going ot post this here too:

            OK, for all those Sanctuary fans going ot Comic Con, we want to have a little gathering at a restuarant - probably Friday or Saturday (if we can get reservations).

            Go here:


            and see if any restaurant listed catches your eye and PM me.

            My vote is for Dublin Square Pub.
            Holy cow and frijoles, that's a lot of choices. And all in one place? I might have to abstain from voting...


              Happy Birthday, Becca C!

              Hope your kids are spoiling you rotten!


                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                Holy cow and frijoles, that's a lot of choices. And all in one place? I might have to abstain from voting...
                Well, you can just chime in about what kind of food you like and don't like

                We plan on narrowing it down and then maybe voting, but it might be tough to get reservations.


                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                  SG-1's Shanks Retraces Steps

                  article from SciFi Wire:

                  "One of the first things that Christopher and Amanda and I had done when we first showed up for the first season of the show was we walked up to where they were still building the SGC set," Shanks said in an interview. "We walked up to where the briefing room was going to be, and we looked down at this huge set and this huge prop Stargate, and we all just sat there stunned. It was like, 'Wow, this is real. They're building this for us. This is the beginning of something amazing.'"

                  Shanks, Judge and Tapping returned to that same spot after shooting the last scene of the finale, which also happened to be the very last SG-1 scene to go before the camera. "So we made a point, at the very end, after we'd wrapped, of running back upstairs to that briefing room and taking a final look," Shanks said. "It was bittersweet, but at the same time it was a nice way to bookend the emotional journey we'd been on for a decade."

                  Read full article HERE
                  OMG that is so beautiful, I almost cried when i read that. I cant beleive its all ending

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Watching it now. I do love this episode... "what's a girl to do?" I love the "ah dunno" just before it too.

                  Oh, and

                  That's not our language!
                  It's mine, sir.

                  Yes that Part too Ah I Love it.

                  Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                  Slightly OT but ... you guys often post your dreams and I'm always LOL, like that would never happen to me! Well, it's been an interesting night and I probably have yesterday to blame for it ... that's what I get for writing fanfic all day!

                  Sigmund Freud, where are you?!

                  I spent the night with RDA and AT ... er, one at a time, different scenes, different contexts. I landed on RDA's front lawn for some reason and he came out, dressed casually, looking good, and we talked and talked. Then he left to go bowling (I kid you not, how plebeian), and some weird guy comes over and tries to kidnap me. A women cop pulls her car in and saves the day, not Sam. A lady comes out of RDA's house and (shudder) looks like Kerry.

                  Switch to: crowded English country cottage, Victorian furnishings, lots of strange people in the room, it's fairly dark and we're all waiting for Amanda to make her "guest appearance" ... none of you were there!! What's with that? Leaving me alone in a roomful of strangers I'm the only American there and everyone is looking at some newspaper clipping of a murder (Jack the Ripper eh?) and then I see Amanda walking in the outside garden and coming in. She has an awful cold, and is very very Goth ... okay, she is still a blondie but has black lipstick and one of those little rings piercing her lip and dark eye shadow and black nail polish. Amanda, you hussy!! By now, though, I'm beginning to panic because I cannot find my wallet and my airline ticket back to the states. AT doesn't stay long 'cause she's feeling so sick and walks out on us. Again, I'm not upset as I'm frantically searching the house for my money and ticket. I see her once more outside and she is very distant, not our charming Amanda. It must be the Goth influence.

                  Actually I can see the Helen Magnus peeking out too. Remind me not to write fanfic right before going to bed!
                  LOL, Nice. I had a dream once where i could have anyone in the dream that i liked all i had to do was think of them and they turned up and as soon as i realised i could do this 'Amanda Tapping' was my Next thought.

                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Cough. In your dream, did you tell goth!Amanda to...


                  Because that would be mean.
                  It would be mean

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  I once had a dream where RDA was my colleague at work in the office 2 doors down. If only.

                  Back on topic: I caught There but for the Grace of God today on the marathon. Gotta love Dr. Carter's scene with the Jaffa. She pulls out the hand grenade. "Oh, and I'd like to blow us all to hell." Way to go Sam!
                  (and I thought her hair was about the best of the AU hair )
                  Oh i love that bit. When I saw her handing over the device i was like No!!! Sam how could you. and then she did that and i was like Thats more like it, Go Sam!!!

                  Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                  In case some don't go to the Sanctuary thread, I am going ot post this here too:

                  OK, for all those Sanctuary fans going ot Comic Con, we want to have a little gathering at a restuarant - probably Friday or Saturday (if we can get reservations).

                  Go here:


                  and see if any restaurant listed catches your eye and PM me.

                  My vote is for Dublin Square Pub.
                  Originally posted by Becca C View Post
                  yeah, just rub it in, why don'tcha
                  Tell me about it Gosh rubbing it in, No Fair


                  Happy Birthday Becca C



                    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                    Remind me not to write fanfic right before going to bed!
                    Okay....but do keep writing!
                    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                    With each day my affection grows..

                    from JM's blog:

                    Anonymous #3 writes: “Why not making a co-leadership on Atlantis ?”

                    Answer: Co-leaderships are lame.

                    Oh, Joe. Hehehe. They kinda are, aren't they?


                      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                      Back on topic: I caught There but for the Grace of God today on the marathon. Gotta love Dr. Carter's scene with the Jaffa. She pulls out the hand grenade. "Oh, and I'd like to blow us all to hell." Way to go Sam!
                      (and I thought her hair was about the best of the AU hair )
                      yes, but sam di... di di... AAAAHHH!

                      ~has thoughts of alive sam~


                      sally ((( )))



                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        yes, but sam di... di di... AAAAHHH!

                        ~has thoughts of alive sam~


                        sally ((( )))
                        Aw Sally, but it wasn't OUR Sam. So she could die heroically. And the fact that she wasn't the real Sam explains the shippy-ness b/c we all know she and Jack are sooo not together.

                        I had the same thought as you, Amanda_Tapping_Fan, when I first watched that one--that they were going to make Sam wimp out--but then it was just a way to buy time! Way to go! That was something our Sam would do.

                        I loved Catherine for that last part too. After the explosion she just kept going & then put down the blast door (presumably so the Jaffa couldn't see what Daniel was up to.)


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          Aw Sally, but it wasn't OUR Sam. So she could die heroically. And the fact that she wasn't the real Sam explains the shippy-ness b/c we all know she and Jack are sooo not together.

                          I had the same thought as you, Amanda_Tapping_Fan, when I first watched that one--that they were going to make Sam wimp out--but then it was just a way to buy time! Way to go! That was something our Sam would do.

                          I loved Catherine for that last part too. After the explosion she just kept going & then put down the blast door (presumably so the Jaffa couldn't see what Daniel was up to.)
                          Another great memory, and great ep. Showcasing the class of the women of the SGC that helped draw me to the show. They were not just the standard scifi window dressing, leading mans date or fake tough women. They were all just normal USAF officers or scientist that happened to be female. They were integral parts of the defense of earth without making a big deal about it. From Carter to Frasier to Catherine to the female SPs. No scifi cliches required.
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                            Just noticed,

                            CONGRATS L.A. DOYLE ON 6200 POSTS!!!!


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                              I have to admit the only dream I can recall ever having with Amanda involved the filming of a very sexy commercial with Amanda and Jason Momoa. I think it was a commercial for men's cologne and Amanda was being very un-Sam like in it and Jason -- well Jason -- was hot! Which I have to admit is rather odd, seeing as at the time of my dream, I hadn't really seen many episodes of Atlantis. I suppose that means Momoa left a very strong and lasting impression on my subconcious mind. hehe

                              Oh wait! That's not true. I recall having a dream with Amanda and fried chicken too, but I won't bore you with the details. Besides, I prefer reminiscing on the sexy dream instead. Very strange how dreams work!
                              Well I gotta say...I love dreams...and I love them even more when I get to chat with's kinda nice waking up in the morning after a good yak with her...much better than these frellin bad dreams I've been having I'd love to have one with Jason Mamoa...a dream that is...he just so...yum!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                                With each day my affection grows..

                                from JM's blog:

                                Anonymous #3 writes: “Why not making a co-leadership on Atlantis ?”

                                Answer: Co-leaderships are lame.

                                You just gotta love that guy...GO JOE!!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

