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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    Watching Family Ties right now (it's almost over) and I really enjoyed it, but my favorite bits are
    when Sam calls Vala's dad a jerk, for the way he treated Vala. BOOYAH! In your face Valadad! And when Sam brings Vala some wine and they sorta talk. See, Sam does like Vala! OH and Teal'c going to the Vagina Monolauges!
    I was cracking up at that. Especially since it was so topical re
    Amanda doing the TVM in Toronto

    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
    I'm with her ^! OH SQUEE!!!

    Preach it! Preach it! And I'm also really looking forward to seeing Keller (Jewel) on the show.


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      i have to squee too!!!

      *wonder if shippers squee more than others? *

      but just think...

      sam will be COMMANDING!

      not co-commanding. not having to deal with someone coming up and usurping her well earned and rightful place. but COMMANDING a whole BASE all by herself!!

      and she'll have her own OFFICE!

      *squees at cutie sam in her new outfit*

      wow, i'm really being fangirly here.

      Joins in with Sally's squeeee'ing and fangurling *squeeeeeee* and one time in case someone missed it, all together now...
      Sam's in command of Atlantis!
      WTG Sam! squeeeeeeeee!
      Sorry I woke up in hyper mood today HeHe

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        Hey Chelle, that's not the same interview as the one's parisfal listed, they are radio interviews.

        If you click on the megaupload link, you have to enter the 3 letters at the top and then press enter, then you have to wait how ever many seconds it counts down before you can download. If it says its temporarily not available (which it did for me) Just keep checking back until it is

        Hope this helps
        Thanks Mandy! I think I'll try again another day...I'm a bit bushed tonight...went to bed at 3am after finally finishing the housework and then the alarm didn't go off so it was a mad rush off to work this morning and I didn't get home til 6.30'm just quickly hopping in to have a look and then I'm off to la la land!!!
        ...but thanks for the tip anyway!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          i can braid my own hair. taught myself to french braid without even realizing what i was doing.

          of course, i can't braid others

          I think, given the more relaxed atmosphere of atlantis as a whole, i can see sam in the off world costume and leaving her air force dress uni in the closet unless she goes home
          So what's the difference between a braid and a plait/platt??
          Coz I can plat my own hair and others but I can't do that thing where it starts at the top and gradually works plats are very plain and simple...not that I can plat it at the moment as it's too short...but when my hair was really long I could plat it easily...and I loved the twin plats best rather than the single one...and I could part my hair perfectly down the center...not sure if I still can though...been a while!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i have to squee too!!!

            *wonder if shippers squee more than others? *

            but just think...

            sam will be COMMANDING!

            not co-commanding. not having to deal with someone coming up and usurping her well earned and rightful place. but COMMANDING a whole BASE all by herself!!

            and she'll have her own OFFICE!

            *squees at cutie sam in her new outfit*

            wow, i'm really being fangirly here.

            yes you are a being a fangirl but I will join in teh squeee, although not for the reason you all are squeeing over...well also for that but also for...
            spoilers from that vid
            Cause she will not have a deskjob I would have hated to see Sam only behind a desk. She isn't that kind of girl. She doesn't do good behind a desk at all. I think now she will have the experience to do a bit of it all. Like they said, with her past she has experience in science and can be there for McKay and Zelenka. She really understands them. Also can relate to Shep, cause she used to be in a team, and even lead the team (think season 8). Then there is Teyla to wich I think she will have a great relationship too, cause she know how it feels like to be in a team with all men, she really grew up in a men's world so... I think they will become friends for sure
            and then there is Keller, we have hardly seen her but I think they will get along great
            I think SGA will become more about the characters this season and that will be great. I hope to learn more of them all

            Originally posted by scarimor View Post
            Preach it! Preach it! And I'm also really looking forward to seeing Keller (Jewel) on the show.
            Me too!!! I really am looking forward to Keller, I think she will fit right in there Like Sam will... I just hope they will integrete her in the cast and not make her the center of attention, cause I could see a lot of people not liking that.
            All I know is season 4 of SGA will be one of these seasons, or you like it, or you hate it. There is a lot of change...
            But they were talking about a season 5 right?? so maybe that is a good sign...So people watch it!!

            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
            Thanks Mandy! I think I'll try again another day...I'm a bit bushed tonight...went to bed at 3am after finally finishing the housework and then the alarm didn't go off so it was a mad rush off to work this morning and I didn't get home til 6.30'm just quickly hopping in to have a look and then I'm off to la la land!!!
            ...but thanks for the tip anyway!!
            Sounds like you didn't have a great day eh... hope it goes better today...get some sleep Cause doing homework after 3 am is late...


              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              So what's the difference between a braid and a plait/platt??
              Coz I can plat my own hair and others but I can't do that thing where it starts at the top and gradually works plats are very plain and simple...not that I can plat it at the moment as it's too short...but when my hair was really long I could plat it easily...and I loved the twin plats best rather than the single one...and I could part my hair perfectly down the center...not sure if I still can though...been a while!!!
              Chelle the difference between a braid and a plait is us lol. As far as I know (If Neep or Space will confirm it for NZ as well) the tri nations of the south call it a plait. The one that goes all the way from the top all fancy like is called a french plait in SA, and I've heard it referred to as a french braid in the UK.

              Oh and Sam's hair looks lovely


                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                Those pictures are beautiful and my resolve is weakening. I'm actually starting to WANT to watch Atlantis. I won't do it, I won't do it, I won't do it....

                On an unrelated note, I have finally got my girlfriend's birthday present after weeks of searching. The first part of her present was easy, I got her a ticket for London Expo and bought her a photo op with Amanda (which obviously got me "best girlfriend ever" status, especially when Amanda hugged her and referred to her by name. Amy's possibly a bigger Amanda fan than me!).

                The second part of her present was evil, evil, evil and I've finally got it together. I'm pretty convinced she'll love it because she's been after something like this for a while and you (normally) can't get it anywhere.

                But unfortunately, she decided last week that she'll settle for nothing less than Amanda for her birthday *rolls eyes*. Love her as I do, and as talented as I may be at making okra out of nothing, somehow I don't think I can click my fingers and make Amanda appear.

                I was THIS close to sewing a Sam Carter rag doll and giving it to her with a card explaining it was the best I could do. *sigh*

                Hehehehehe...what a great friend you are in getting your friend tickets to see Amanda at the expo...if only the love of my life could do the same for me...but alas that won't be happening for some time to come...anyhoo.....I'd be a happy camper to get anything Sam/Amanda related for my birthday...but none of my family has a clue so I just help myself!!
                As for took a little getting used to for me but I'm a big fan of the show helps that I got to meet David Nykl and Rachel Luttrell...but I found that it kinda grew on me...give it a chance to do the same for you Tracy...and you will love's not like SG1 and it's cast are certainly different from what we've been used to but that's works!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  Time for some artwork:

                  A header of Sam/Vala and Sam/Janet (can be slash, but I would call it friendship)
                  Awwwwww...that is soooo cute Eve....I miss Janet!!!...thanks Eve...brilliant as always!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                    Yes AT4 i will definatly be on of the people wanting that seeing as i cant go to AT3. Yes Must have an AT4 and I would definatly be there, nothing could stop me, well almost anyway.
                    Yay! Then we'll get to meet!!! Yay!!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      i have to squee too!!!

                      *wonder if shippers squee more than others? *
                      but just think...
                      sam will be COMMANDING!
                      not co-commanding. not having to deal with someone coming up and usurping her well earned and rightful place. but COMMANDING a whole BASE all by herself!!
                      and she'll have her own OFFICE!
                      *squees at cutie sam in her new outfit*
                      wow, i'm really being fangirly here.

                      Mind if I just sit here and Squeeeee with you and Jena??? I think Amanda/Sam looks great in her Atlantis get-up...I can't wait to see the eps...*sobs* year!!!!!!!!!...D'oH!!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                        Watching Family Ties right now (it's almost over) and I really enjoyed it, but my favorite bits are
                        when Sam calls Vala's dad a jerk, for the way he treated Vala. BOOYAH! In your face Valadad! And when Sam brings Vala some wine and they sorta talk. See, Sam does like Vala! OH and Teal'c going to the Vagina Monolauges!
                        I get suckered all the time when I read Family Ties...coz I always thing of that show with Michael J Fox...but then I remember...oh yeah, it's a Stargate!!! And I love that last scene...cracks me up all the time!!!
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          i can braid my own hair. taught myself to french braid without even realizing what i was doing.

                          of course, i can't braid others

                          I think, given the more relaxed atmosphere of atlantis as a whole, i can see sam in the off world costume and leaving her air force dress uni in the closet unless she goes home
                          I taught myself how to French braid my hair too. Long hair can actually be quite practical, and putting it up is really no big deal. You just have to factor in how much longer it takes to dry after a shower.

                          I don't think dress blues as a daily uniform was ever a real consideration for Sam in Atlantis. Not only wouldn't it be practical, look at the example set by Jack once he took command of the SGC. Given the option, I can't see Sam not going with something more practical.

                          In memory of Deejay.
                          May we all be so well loved.


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            Sounds like you didn't have a great day eh... hope it goes better today...get some sleep Cause doing homework after 3 am is late...
                            Hey schnooky!!!! I actually had a great day was just a little longer than normal is all but I left a clean house this morning and came home to it exactly the way I left it...and that was FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!
                            I love it when I clean my little tiny house and it stays that way for more than 10 minutes!! I'm kinda dreading coming home from work on Monday night though....the clan should be home by then and no doubt the house will once again look as though a naquada reactor had gone critical in it...I plan on making a sign and sticking it to the front door...

                            PUT YOUR STUFF AWAY AND DON'T MAKE A FRELLIN MESS!!!
                            BY ORDERS OF YOUR WIFE AND MOTHER...BE WARNED...
                            I'M TIRED AND OVERWORKED!!
                            IF YOU MESS IT...CLEAN IT UP
                            IF YOU OPEN IT...SHUT IT
                            IF YOU TURN IT ON...TURN IT OFF
                            IF YOU PUT IT DOWN...PICK IT UP
                            WELCOME HOME!!
                            LOVE YOU GUYS!!

                            So..what you think??? Too harsh?? hehehehehe
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 09 June 2007, 04:39 AM. Reason: typos...ooops!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              Hey schnooky!!!! I actually had a great day was just a little longer than normal is all but I left a clean house this mornig and came home to it exactly the way I left it...and that was FANTABULOUS!!!!!!!
                              I love it when I clean my little tiny house and it stays that way for more than 10 minutes!! I'm kinda dreading coming home from work on Monday night though....the clan should be home by then and no dount the house will once again look as though a naquada reactor had gone criticla in it...I plan on making a sign and sticking it to the front door...

                              PUT YOUR STUFF AWAY AND DON'T MAKE A FRELLIN MESS!!!
                              BY ORDERS OF YOUR WIFE AND MOTHER...BE WARNED...
                              I'M TIRED AND OVERWORKED!!
                              IF YOU MESS IT...CLEAN IT UP
                              IF YOU OPEN IT...SHUT IT
                              IF YOU TURN IT ON...TURN IT OFF
                              IF YOU PUT IT DOWN...PICK IT UP
                              WELCOME HOME!!
                              LOVE YOU GUYS!!

                              So..what you think??? Too harsh?? hehehehehe
                              You crack me up I would say go for it I do think the kids will be afraid of you though...
                              But it might a solution for you not keep cleaning just gave me an idea to put something up if you enter my bathroom for my roomie...
                              Somethign about the fact that a bathroom isn't a swimmingpool...

                              okay stil laughing here lol


                                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                                Chelle the difference between a braid and a plait is us lol. As far as I know (If Neep or Space will confirm it for NZ as well) the tri nations of the south call it a plait. The one that goes all the way from the top all fancy like is called a french plait in SA, and I've heard it referred to as a french braid in the UK.

                                Oh and Sam's hair looks lovely
                                Thanks MegYn...I tend to use both terminologies but I laways thought the braid was the one that started at the top and the plat was the basic one...I looked it up in the dictionary and they both have the same meaning...thanks anyway!!

                                Ok...I've done enough damage tonight...I'm off...night night folks!!
                                Take care, be safe, stay happy, be good, have fun and hug your loved ones!!!
                                Sorry for posting so many times...I still can't multi quote yet...and it's hard doing all the scripting stuff manually!!

                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

