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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Thanks for the birthday greetings! I tried to pass out some green, but I didn't get to hit everyone. (((Samandans)))

    I've made a major decision about next season's SGA. I'm going to try to stay relatively spoiler free. I didn't catch a lot of SGA spoilers for second half of the season, and I read in depth reviews of SG1. I'm really enjoying SGA more at the moment (even though the SG1 episodes are much higher quality), so I'm going to behave next season (or try to behave) and just enjoy Sam's arrival in the Pegasus Galaxy. I'm not saying I'm not going to read any spoilers, but I'm going to try not to read many. I wonder how long I'll last with that resolution...Nope, I don't think I've got a chance either.

    Night all! I'll try to poke my head in again soon.


      Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
      Right, Amanda:
      then cake, then assignment.

      See you all later.
      I see you have your priorities in the correct order


        Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
        I was avoiding doing the things I really needed to be doing today and instead made a few Sam icons.

        Feel free to snag if you're interested.
        Nice icons. Personally, I'd prefer it if you would write some Sam Whump. Perhaps a sequel to Under Fire. ??? Please?????

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
          Quint Studer


            Happy Birthday stargate barbie!!

            Hope you get an opportunity to be especially girly today!


              Happy b-day stargate barbie!


                SyFy Portal has announced an opportunity for fans to get involved in the nomination process:

                "More than 1 million people have cast ballots over the last seven years to support their favorite actors, television series and movies. Now it's your chance to have a say in who and what gets nominated for the upcoming 2007 SyFy Genre Awards."

                Check out the news on their website for more details. They have the categories listed, and a community that will assemble the nominations. Apparently it's as easy as shooting them an email.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  not a male so i can't respond from that pov, but an erection is a bodily response. thus, i would presume, unless the male is truly repulsed by the female figure and unable to overcome it by 'closing his eyes and thinking of england' then he can complete the mechanical act even if he draws no real enjoyment from it
                  And don't forget that the notion of sexuality being something that you "are" rather than something that you "do" is a modern one. In the past it would not have seemed strange for a man who likes men to have children, and to have fun making them No man had to marry (except the very few securing royal/aristocratic dynasties), but even Oscar Wilde - thought of today as "a gay man" - married and fathered children. Sex was something you did, not your identity.

                  Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                  You'd have to be nuetered, not homosexual, to not be able to go for Helen
                  Yup. Or for Sam

                  Originally posted by SunKrux View Post

                  So how about that Sam, huh?
                  Yeah I'd do her

                  Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                  I was avoiding doing the things I really needed to be doing today and instead made a few Sam icons.

                  Feel free to snag if you're interested.
                  They're lovely, Strix. I especially like one and four. Please avoid doing things again


                    Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                    Amanda, Cake, Assignment. I see that uni has taught you to prioritise!
                    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                    I see you have your priorities in the correct order
                    I do believe they are I even managed to quote Amanda Tapping in my assignment, and "Stargate SG-1 True Science". I rule! It was about the Digital Revolution and I used examples of 12-Tet and the robots that are like replicators in my assignment. I'm so happy.

                    And now that I've finished I'm watching In the Line of Duty I wuv this episode.

                    Oh, Strix, I missed your post before, but I love your icons

                    "I don't know how you can call yourself a scientist and not worship at the altar of Roddenberry" - Coombs
                    "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" - Amanda Tapping
                    My Livejournal my Tweets and my Tumblr


                      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                      even Oscar Wilde - thought of today as "a gay man" - married and fathered children. Sex was something you did, not your identity.
                      And Oscar Wilde loved his wife and his children, and really regretted what hurt he caused them when he was jailed. He just couldn't resist the young men. Coincidentally he was born in 1854 just after Helen! (And the same year as my flat [apartment] was built as a primary school!)
                      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                        Check out this new game Sam's ships


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          Doh! I love egg plant, avocado and squash! One of my favorite sandwiches are cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado and pepper jack cheese.
                          Replace the avocado with tuna and I'm in heaven!!!!
                          Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                          *has slightly wild eyes*
                          I just baked a chocolate cake! Now I'm waiting for it to finish baking and finishing of my beer. I found it in the fridge when I went for the milk. It's going to be a brilliant cake (there is no beer in it).

                          Did I mention it's 5am?

                          Tracy says I'm not weird but I think she's lying
                          You know my hubby did that one night...but his thing was he had taken some really strong pain meds and had some Drambuie...needless to say he was baking a cheese cake at midnight and couldn't sit was funny coz he was like high for hours and he was singing away and yakkin to himself in the middle of the night while baking a flamin cheese cake...the cake turned out surprisingly course poor hubby was so pooped by the time he came home from work the next
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          I said what now?

                          Must have ben distracted by this fic I'm writing

                          Victorian fashion for children is fascinating!
                          My kids used to wear old victorian style clothes when they were was so cute...the petticoats and bloomers and suspenders and the elizabethan style it's black and tight and skimpy...I miss my babies!!!
                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          Oooh TJ, I just noticed your new banner....very nice
                          (and it seems you really like that planet)
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          It was my location for years. I think it's time to head back to that planet *looks at location* And any planet where Sam Carter removes clothing is worth liking, right?
                          I agree with Mandy...that sig is great...they never did go into detail about that mission to that planet did they???...Pity!!
                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          slightly OT, but i know there are some fanfic readers out here
                          announcing the premiere of Revelation V and Taking Flight II , two fanzines.
                          info behind the tag for those that aren't interested

                          It's that time of the year again. Time for the great Zine premiere. For any that are interested in some true Gen or Ship stories for either SG1 or Atlantis, please follow the link to check out Revelation V &/or Taking Flight II.


                          Both are available for pre-order now. (Older issues are also available)
                          Thanks for the heads up Sky...gonna check it out later!!
                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Yes she really is very funny... a goofball...and that is also great.Cause aren't we all from time to makes life so much nicer

                          I really love the beginning though...about Thor.
                 gotta love Amanda of course!!! Yay!!!!
                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Yes she did...I still remember an interview...on one of my dvd's where she said he was touching her bum and she hit him...and then said sorry...even though she knew it was a puppet. But because it is so well done, they sometimes forget he is a puppet
                          That was so cute...I remember that...must go look for that again!!
                          Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                          The Oh yay! was for my 1000th post

                          And I love, love, love the whole "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-coloured flags!" I am constantly quoting it. One of my workmates was quite disappointed when she realised I was quoting someone because she had thought I was Just. That. Funny.
                          Congrats on the milestone Eileen!! Yay WTG!!!!!!

                          Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                          You ARE just that funny! And don't let anybody tell you otherwise!
                          Yep...I're a barrel of laughs sweetie!!
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          *sigh* Having logistical issues with my fanfic


                          Issue #1: Based on spoilers, Helen was born in 1850 and historical fact shows John Druitt was born in 1857. It was usually seen as improper to have a wife older than yourself. Or girlfriend or whatever. Traditionally the man was the older party.

                          But Helen doesn't strike me as the traditional type. So I can live with that.

                          Issue #2: Based on timing and the rest of it, it would work out perfectly for Helen to train in Blackwell and Garrett Anderson's newly founded London School of Medicine for Women (founded in 1874). 24 year old Helen being a little like the black and white Ashley that Damian describes would be very interesting, I think. Plus being one of the first cohort would be fascinating.

                          However, I also really, really, really wanted John Druitt to meet Helen at medical school. Cheesy but a fun idea. But John, being younger, didn't finish his first degree in classics at Winchester College (yupp, he was a local boy. I can probably find him on my local records at the town hall!) until 1880. So that screws that up. John did his secondary education at Winchester boys then studied medicine at New College, Oxford, later doing a degree in classics at New College. After that, he trained as a barrister.

                          Issue #3: The London School of Medicine for Women offered many social events such as tennis, bowling, cricket and fencing. I think fencing would be perfect for Helen and this could also be an interesting meeting point for Helen and John. But the evidence of social activity comes from 1917. Does this mean that social activity didn't take place prior to that, or is it just that that particular photo comes from 1917. Dare I use a little poetic licence?

                          Issue #4: John was a prolific debater at university (I kid you not!). I would love to see John and Helen debating but I think that's problematic, given that even in today's debating culture, it is seen as a sport for conservative gentlemen of public school background (as a liberal female from a state school, I was pretty much the antithesis of what my society expected from a coach!).

                          Garrrrgh! Decisions, decisions!
                          All I can say is thank goodness it's you doing this and not me...good luck Tracy...I can't wait to read it when you're done!!!
                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          Yeah, I think the fact that John Druitt being engaged to Helen is the first interesting difference, seeing as John was a homosexual.
                          What??? He was??? Holy Hannah...I need to do some research into that fella!!
                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          not a male so i can't respond from that pov, but an erection is a bodily response. thus, i would presume, unless the male is truly repulsed by the female figure and unable to overcome it by 'closing his eyes and thinking of england' then he can complete the mechanical act even if he draws no real enjoyment from it

                          There is also the good old fashioned 'turkey baster' technique. And if these folks are doctors, they know the basics of rudimentary artificial insemination.
                          Ewwww...I really don't want to imagine Helen going that way....ewwwww!!!
                          Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                          Hi, I know I've been gone for awhile. Sorry for not saying goodbye, but I didn't realize that 40+ days would pass before I could pop in. Things have been crazy, but they have been good crazy. I'm loving the final episodes of SG1. Wow, TRNT was just excellent! They have all been great, but Amanda out did herself in that one! I'll try to read the past few pages, but I'll never catch up with over a month. I still won't be around much, but I'm going to try to stop in occasionally.
                          YAY...she returns!!! MICHELLE....where the heck you been girl????
                          I missed you so much...(((Michelle)))
                          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                          You'd have to be nuetered, not homosexual, to not be able to go for Helen
                          RITGLMAO...holy hannah AD...lucky I wasn't drinking my coffee at the time I read this...
                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          and i was going to tell her to just make it up.
                          fanfiction is supposed to be fun more than anything else, so i'd just go with 'cacking' it (?) and not making yourself go crazy with too much accuracy.

                          True...but then where's the fun and challenge if you can't make it a little realistic heh???
                          Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                          You now how sometimes you imagine Amanda clicking the "Sam's a great character" tab on her bookmark bar () to see what we're up to, and think "Oh Dear" and bury your head in your arms?

                          This is one of those times.
                          If only....I somehow doubt she would say "oh dear"...I would like to think that Amanda would be RITGLHAO...hehehehehe!!!!
                          Excellent icons Strix...yay!!
                          Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                          Amanda, Cake, Assignment. I see that uni has taught you to prioritise!
                          You wouldn't like to see how I prioritise my's pitiful!!!
                          Originally posted by tagger View Post
                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY STARGATE BARBIE!
                          Ditto...from me too...happy birthday Stargate Barbie!!!
                          Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                          I do believe they are I even managed to quote Amanda Tapping in my assignment, and "Stargate SG-1 True Science". I rule! It was about the Digital Revolution and I used examples of 12-Tet and the robots that are like replicators in my assignment. I'm so happy.
                          And now that I've finished I'm watching In the Line of Duty I wuv this episode.
                          Sorry to be a total dipstick...what is Stargate SG1 true science???

                          Nighty night all...gonna make this a quickie...I need sleep...hubby had me up at the crack of dawn to take the truck to the mechanics...grrrrr!!
                          Couldn't help myself at work today....walked past a scrabble board set up for the residents so I put the word Stargate on it in the center...I doubt they would have any idea what it was but I did...anyhoo...night all, take care, be safe, stay happy and hug your loved ones!!!

                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                            And Oscar Wilde loved his wife and his children, and really regretted what hurt he caused them when he was jailed.
                            And she (his wife) stood by him. Even though, like many other married men who embark on affairs, he'd neglected them financially to spoil his bit on the side. What it shows is that they did care for each other and neither was vengeful.

                            He just couldn't resist the young men.
                            Just as some men can't resist young women.

                            Coincidentally he was born in 1854 just after Helen! (And the same year as my flat [apartment] was built as a primary school!)
                            Cool I am really curious now about the young Helen.


                              Wow lovely icons, very good

                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                              Happy Birthday stargate barbie!!

                              Hope you get an opportunity to be especially girly today!

                              Also Happy Bday from me Stargate barbie, i hope you have a wonderful day

                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                     gotta love Thor...and Amanda of course!!! Yay!!!!
                              Yup they are very cute together...maybe another good ship(after my shipping for Sam/Jack and Sam/P-90)
                     would they look like as a ...couple



