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i can safely assume everyone on this thread wanted sam to be leading sg1 in season 9. what we got, even if it wasn't meant to come off that way, was sam being demoted back to second in command. they just wanted sam to be part of the team, like she was in seasons 1-7 (8 command is ignored). so when i found out that she was going to *command* a base...
i'm afraid of building up too many expectations and hopes. i'm also very lost in not knowing what atmosphere she'll be walking into. i've heard others (sky?) here saying that weir was never really given command, because sheppard did what he wanted anyways. i do NOT want this with sam.
i've wanted to ask joe questions about this. in fact, i have, but it's still not clear enough (for me) in what sam will be like there.
i have no doubts that this *will* be good for sam, in only that she'll finally be shown commanding something. but... and this is the selfish sam/amanda fan in me... i want the same amount of focus and time given to sam like she has on sg1 now. i won't say like in seasons 1-8, but at least like she's got now in season 10. but i know that's too much to ask for now. so i want to be settled and prepared for what's coming up.
~she's finally gotten a command (that we'll get to *see*), and she's been made a supporting player. will not be bitter...~
I hear your fear and I share it!
But I'm hoping they put Sam to good use, logically they should. Right? right???
OK, everyone off to Joe's blog there's a pic of Amanda and Jason.
Her hair is up! Yay for longer hair! And it looks like she's a bit spiffed up-perhaps she will do what Hammond did and not what Jack did when it comes to 'leader attire'. It would also appear she is still military. I LOVE that pic!!!
(if season 9 would have let us grow to like mitchell and vala, the way they handled jonas in season 6, i think a lot more ppl would have taken to this new version of sg1)
I think you're right about that. At least as far as Mitchell goes. I liked Vala right away, though I'm really glad they tuned her down and gave her character more depth when she was brought to the show full time. I didn't finally warm up to Mitchell until the second half of S10 and he's still my least favorite character on the team.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. William Shakespeare
Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup. Anon
Her hair is up! Yay for longer hair! And it looks like she's a bit spiffed up-perhaps she will do what Hammond did and not what Jack did when it comes to 'leader attire'. It would also appear she is still military. I LOVE that pic!!!
Yay! Love the pic too!
Too bad she has that cute pink hoodie on though, so we can't see her rank pins on her shoulders.
Love the dress blues though. And the hair! Awesome! Though it does mean that I no longer have 'Carter Hair'. I guess I now have 'Classic Carter Hair'.
That's kind of hard to answer, while both shows had whump, the degree of whump was very different. With Death Knell, Sam was still mobile and although in pain, her wounds were not life threatening.
don't know if I need spoiler tags?
With LITS, Sam's injury was definitely life threatening, you got the feeling she could die any minute, and we see Sam's realization that she is going to die. Played very well I might add by Amanda
So her scenes in LITS are more dramatic and DK they are more action. So I guess it depends which type of episode you prefer, drama or action....Darn I can't decide
I can't decide either but I think for me LITS just blew me away...but DK was awesome too!!
i much prefer the 'struggle through the pain' whump more than the HC care giver/care receiver scenario
that is more effective with the struggle thingy but LITS...I dunno...something about that ep just had me going "Awwwww" a lot...and Amanda was brilliant...at least she spoke more in LITS and we saw more of her...it's tuff...I love em both!!
Oh, puhleez--he's no Jack. Ok, I'm (ahem) a bit partial to Jack. You could even say a jckfan But I agree with you otherwise. He's pretty irreverent, but I wouldn't say cocky. At first I though he was a pretty pale imitation of Jack. Their Atlantis version of Jack that didn't quite work. But I think he came into his own a bit and I find him pretty likeable.
I agree...he's no Jack but he's definitely no where near Cam either...I just mean that he's up there with Jack...but he's definitely no Jack!!
I have another story about Space. We are listening to Have You Ever Seen the Rain from Unending. She isn't used to apartment buildings... She took a sheet of refill paper and wrote the symbols for peace, love and happy then "I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain??" Then she wrapped it around some lollies and threw them down to some women sitting at a cafe at the bottom of the building next to ours. They unwrapped it, read it and looked up...
OMG...how cool!! Speaking of Unending...
we watched it yesterday...how cool...all I really wanted was to watch Sam play the cello...and it was so cool...I loved it...but hated that it ended so quickly
...can't wait for May 14 and can't wait for July...we get season 10!!!
Damian has updated the Sanctuary Blog. http://www.sanctuaryforall.com/blog/index.html
News of Amanda. And a personal message from her which will apparently be distributed from the official website with the 5 minute trailer on Monday.
Holy Hannah...that pic is awesome!! Thanks for post mini!!
hey hey hey!! who's putting an "i" in samanda? well i refuse. i am a samandwean! samandusan? samandallan? ...can't we just stick with what we had? i'm no good at this.
Hehehehe...I don't care what it's called...so long as it's about and for Amanda/Sam...and for all those who love her...I kinda like Samandallan though..it's kinda cute!!!
stoop wid da leeters nda ta dropin. teers onla won smand...smad...tat. newww moor fra mi. n carm-azzgud, yur a smandun fom yar freest poost...goud...or lurc iv not a membre...jin!
EDIT: i can't even read that. stop dropping letters. there's only one samanda. no more for me. and charmedasgard, you're a samandan from your first good post...ok lurk if you're not a member...join!
OMG....I actually understood a lot of that gobblydeegook...and I haven't even started drinking yet!!
in the hopes of starting a conversation (and i'm BEGGING ppl here to partake in it)...
since that vast majority of you guys are atlantis viewers also, just how do you see sam in atlantis? i know i've asked similar questions, but this one will cover everything, from relationships with the others to just how atlantis works. (remember, i don't know this show, so it's *you* i'll learn the most from)
Well...as a fan of Atlantis I reackon Sam will be making a lot of major decisions...especially military and strategic decisions...I don't see her as replacing Weir...well maybe a little but she won't be the same as Weir coz she's Sam...I think you should give SGA a go Sally...I have to admit, it took me a while to watch it but once I started it kinda grew on me! And now I'm trying to convince my brother to watch it too....he's only just recently got hooked onto SG1!!
Her hair is up! Yay for longer hair! And it looks like she's a bit spiffed up-perhaps she will do what Hammond did and not what Jack did when it comes to 'leader attire'. It would also appear she is still military. I LOVE that pic!!!
I knew she would have long hair...I so love being right...it doesn't happen that often but when it does...yay!!!
...ok...going to write up a report on the convention with DSD and CA...it was brilliant...Don and Carmen both had nothing but praise for Amanda...i'll go write down my stuff and post it soon...and...thank you Sky for the help...I got all questions answered...plus some more!!!
Back soon!!...
"Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility" Hug Your Loved Ones!! ~Amanda Tapping
OMG....I actually understood a lot of that gobblydeegook...and I haven't even started drinking yet!!
I wonder why it's the Aussies that understand the drunk speak???
...ok...going to write up a report on the convention with DSD and CA...it was brilliant...Don and Carmen both had nothing but praise for Amanda...i'll go write down my stuff and post it soon...and...thank you Sky for the help...I got all questions answered...plus some more!!!
Back soon!!...
Thanks heaps chelle! It sounds like you and Nikki had a great time. Looking forward to reading your report
BTW for those of you that asked - a slab of beer is a carton of beer (2 dozen cans)
majorsal with regard to Sam in Atlantis, it might be a good idea to watch the remaining episodes of Season 3 (or at least the last two). This will give you a fair idea of the situation that Sam will be walking into. The remaining episodes are quite decent.
I can understand how you said you were stuck somewhere in S2, as a matter of fact I almost stopped watching in S2 but I decided to stick with it and I'm glad I did. S3 seemed to turn around and start heading in the right direction (excluding the pathetic Lucius eps).
majorsal with regard to Sam in Atlantis, it might be a good idea to watch the remaining episodes of Season 3 (or at least the last two). This will give you a fair idea of the situation that Sam will be walking into. The remaining episodes are quite decent.
I can understand how you said you were stuck somewhere in S2, as a matter of fact I almost stopped watching in S2 but I decided to stick with it and I'm glad I did. S3 seemed to turn around and start heading in the right direction (excluding the pathetic Lucius eps).
Egads, weren't those awful?
I stopped watching regularly in S2 mostly bacuse it was taped after SG-1 and I was so ticked at SG-1 I wanted nothing to do with Stargate. Then a week went by and it happened again. A shame as when I watcherd both (S8/S1 and S9/S2 in a row they were about equal as to which was better. The first two eps of the back half of S10/S3 were much better SGA eps than SG-1 eps. Yes, this includes LITS. Sorry. Exhoes rocked. I don't expect that to hold for TRNT and Iredeemableor whatever the heck that Lucius ep was called..
I have high hopes not really that the writers won't fall into the mistakes made in S9/S10. But AT being there is enough for me to give SGA yet another chance. :: suse crosses fingers::