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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
    I'm OT. Does any one know what happened to the Stargate SG1 site? I tried to get to the site but I'm re-routed to the MGM site. Is this happening to any one else. Thx.
    They've moved URL's. MGM wants to protect the vidder community from the wily ways of the networks. Go to everything is sill exactly the same, your old log ins and ID's still work. Your pages are exactly the same. Don't quote me on this next bit, but if you have any vids with the sciffy logo in your clips, they *might* have to be removed from the site.



      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
      LOL! Good point. They allow the co-leadership issue, but make sure Amanda cuts her hair so that it's "regulation length" each season.

      Also, if she's not in the field, they might be able to justify its length.
      eh, hair shouldn't be a problem since they locked the AF advisor in the closet I wonder if Shep's hair follows the regs

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
        I'm OT. Does any one know what happened to the Stargate SG1 site? I tried to get to the site but I'm re-routed to the MGM site. Is this happening to any one else. Thx. They are just removing the site nothing to worry about Although some vids might not be there anymore because it has SciFi on it...although I am not sure how they are going to do that...are they going to watch every vid...

        at the moment you can't watch any vids but it should be back up...

        Nothing to worry about


          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
          So I'm watching the special "Behind the Mythology of Stargate" and checking out MGM's updated Stargate web site when I run across this on MGM's official site -

          Touching on Egyptian, Norse and other mythologies, this hour long special shows just what it means to give something a “Stargate” twist.

          With interviews from cast, producers, and experts in the field of mythology and television, “Behind the Mythology of Stargate SG-1” reveals how ten years of fantastic adventures have served to created Stargate’s very own mythological superstructure.

          Copy and paste the links below to view the documentary on YouTube!
          Part 1 -
          Part 2 -
          Part 3 -
          Part 4 -
          Part 5 -
          Part 6 -

          Or download on iTunes, Amazon and BitTorrent!

          That's right MGM loaded it on YouTube and said to download via BitTorrent - really go check it out
          Thanks for this tsaxlady, I enjoyed it. Bit of light fluff, but then, so was the Science of Stargate and nice to see our boys looking so good.

          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
          Nice if they had of included some links to the torrent or the iTunes download... I can't find it anywhere
          It's banner headline on and I downloaded it sweet as a nut.
          I'm well impressed with MGM posting it on line like that. The do seem to be becoming more internet media savvy which gives me hope for Sanctuary, it may be seen as a trail blazer in years to come, as the first of many internet programmes. We might just be starting to witness the next evolution of entertainment provision.



            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
            Well I hope they let Amanda keep her longer hair, with or without extensions, because she looked lovely in London and Toronto with longer hair. I also liked the red highlights she had. From what I have heard from talking to others in the military, as long as Sam's hair is above her collar she should be ok. Sam can keep the longer hair and simply wear it in a braid or bun while on duty. Personally after the fiasco that was co-leadership, I really don't see the reason for anyone to have a tizzy over the length of Sam's hair. It seems to me that they stopped using a military advisor a long time ago. So hopefully as long as her hair is kept in a braid there won't be a lot of people going off the deep end. Though I'm sure there will always be a select few who will be sitting in front of their television screens, measuring tape in hand, to verify that Sam's braid did not extend beneath her collar.
            right. she could keep her hair as long as she had it at Avalon, just put it up when she's on duty

            It would actually be a nice symbol. the short hair made sense for someone in the field, where personal hygiene is basic at best. But in an office situation, those things don't matter as much and i think she'd look pretty with longer hair put up---and you know...who precisely will bust her if her hair is a little long anyway?

            one thing about the military, as you rise in the ranks, you earn the perks. you earn the right to have your quirks. and while the higher ranks are expected to set a good example for the lower ranks, there is also the fact that there are less people to critique you as you get higher
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              About the longer hair: Do we know for sure Sam will be in the military in Season 4 ? After all Atlantis is a civilian operation !


                we don't know for certain, but my personal feeling is that she will be
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                  Thanks for this tsaxlady, I enjoyed it. Bit of light fluff, but then, so was the Science of Stargate and nice to see our boys looking so good.
                  Yep, the guys in suits were definitely a plus. I just wish that there'd been other experts for the different myths to sort of lend credence to the series' contribution to pop culture, etc. But it was nice to see the guys host a show together.

                  One thing that I found interesting was that Brad Wright admitted that Carter was probably the hardest character to portray. He mentioned that she was one part of each - military/warrior and scientist/thinker. And, of course, he mentioned that she was also a woman.

                  But I can understand why it would be difficult for them. How do you portray someone who's got all of these attributes, and make her believable? How do you keep her from taking over the show in some ways, or from stepping on other people's toes?

                  If it was even remotely a problem on SG-1, I think it definitely has the potential to be an even bigger problem on Atlantis, simply because of her years of experience. So, knowing that, I think (and hope) that they'll continue to develop her character accordingly.

                  Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                  About the longer hair: Do we know for sure Sam will be in the military in Season 4 ? After all Atlantis is a civilian operation !
                  :| I don't think we've heard anything that suggests she'll be anything but an AF officer. I certainly would hope they don't make her a civilian.


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                    But I can understand why it would be difficult for them. How do you portray someone who's got all of these attributes, and make her believable? How do you keep her from taking over the show in some ways, or from stepping on other people's toes?

                    If it was even remotely a problem on SG-1, I think it definitely has the potential to be an even bigger problem on Atlantis, simply because of her years of experience. So, knowing that, I think (and hope) that they'll continue to develop her character accordingly.
                    I've seen people bemoan 'Super!Sam' but in lots of ways it's a convention of the genre; having her ben an expert in fields which have nothing to do with theoretical astrophysics. They do the same with Bill Lee and with Daniel. It's just easier (and cheaper) to have one of your main cast do the stuff rather than a guest scientist of the week, reality be blowed.
                    I don't watch Atlantis, but I can understand Atlantis fans not being happy with any member of SG1 turning up in their show, they must be worried about the new character overshadowing the existing ones. Good writing, of course, could circumvent these fears, we shall have to see how well TPTB handle matters.

                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                    :| I don't think we've heard anything that suggests she'll be anything but an AF officer. I certainly would hope they don't make her a civilian.
                    I was hoping for a promotion, not her becoming a civilian.



                      Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                      I've seen people bemoan 'Super!Sam' but in lots of ways it's a convention of the genre; having her ben an expert in fields which have nothing to do with theoretical astrophysics. They do the same with Bill Lee and with Daniel. It's just easier (and cheaper) to have one of your main cast do the stuff rather than a guest scientist of the week, reality be blowed.
                      I don't watch Atlantis, but I can understand Atlantis fans not being happy with any member of SG1 turning up in their show, they must be worried about the new character overshadowing the existing ones. Good writing, of course, could circumvent these fears, we shall have to see how well TPTB handle matters.

                      I was hoping for a promotion, not her becoming a civilian.

                      Either way would work for me (civilian or full-bird), I just don't want her being the same rank with Shep. No co-command crap on SGA too.


                        Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                        I've seen people bemoan 'Super!Sam' but in lots of ways it's a convention of the genre; having her ben an expert in fields which have nothing to do with theoretical astrophysics. They do the same with Bill Lee and with Daniel. It's just easier (and cheaper) to have one of your main cast do the stuff rather than a guest scientist of the week, reality be blowed.
                        I don't watch Atlantis, but I can understand Atlantis fans not being happy with any member of SG1 turning up in their show, they must be worried about the new character overshadowing the existing ones. Good writing, of course, could circumvent these fears, we shall have to see how well TPTB handle matters.
                        I totally agree. The crux of Stargate is that the main characters are, without question, the best of the best. And the three most obvious examples of that are Daniel, Sam and Rodney. They're the ones who serve as both exposition and resolution vessels, so it only makes sense that they are one-trick ponies in and of themselves. And if you're only focusing on one team, you have to keep it confined to that group of characters for the most part.

                        It seems that characters like Bill Lee and Radek Zelenka are used as examples of characters who are great, but who aren't quite as great as their main character counterparts. But yeah, I think that good writing and a keen attention to detail - something that was woefully lacking for two years - would nip any issues that people have with the changes on Atlantis in the bud. And the premiere, I think, is the only way to show us that they've got it together this time around.


                          having both be the same rank will not work at all. not just for shep, but with caldwell as well. Caldwell WILL outrank her, but if he's the boss of the daedy and she's the boss of hte city, they're relative equals. He m ay have more time in service than she does, but she has more gate and alien experience than he does and it should equal out.

                          to be the boss of the city, sam NEEDS to be a full colonel. And it would probably be the only way they'd acknowledge the silly mistake of 'co-leaders' that they did with sg1
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                            One thing that I found interesting was that Brad Wright admitted that Carter was probably the hardest character to portray. He mentioned that she was one part of each - military/warrior and scientist/thinker. And, of course, he mentioned that she was also a woman.

                            But I can understand why it would be difficult for them. How do you portray someone who's got all of these attributes, and make her believable? How do you keep her from taking over the show in some ways, or from stepping on other people's toes?
                            It worked because they were smart enough to hire Amanda!
                            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                            William Shakespeare

                            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              having both be the same rank will not work at all. not just for shep, but with caldwell as well. Caldwell WILL outrank her, but if he's the boss of the daedy and she's the boss of hte city, they're relative equals. He m ay have more time in service than she does, but she has more gate and alien experience than he does and it should equal out.

                              to be the boss of the city, sam NEEDS to be a full colonel. And it would probably be the only way they'd acknowledge the silly mistake of 'co-leaders' that they did with sg1
                              Oh I think they'll promote her, but not admit they were wrong, just say it's her time

                              my fanfic


                                they will never utter 'we were wrong'

                                I agree 'it was time' is all they'll ever say
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


