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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NZBG View Post
    Oh, this is bad This is an msn conversation I just had with Spacegirlnz. I figure it isn't too off topic because it involves Amanda love. Ok, it is off topic.

    NZ says:
    I love Rick and Amand
    NZ says:
    NZ says:
    NZ says:
    NZ says:
    Spacegirl says:
    NZ says:
    I think mum's right about all the chocolate
    NZ says:
    too much
    Spacegirl says:

    Spacegirl says:
    once you start shaking then that's too much
    NZ says:
    my eyeballs are vibrating

    Oh dear... I hope Amanda enjoys chocolate as much as I do.
    You made me laugh snort. Not good while drinking coffee.

    Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
    Happy Easter Samandans!
    Hoppy to you

    Love and Hugs Da PengYn
    Dude did you see the size of the choc egg that Penguin has. GET EM!

    Originally posted by tagger View Post

    YAY for Easter!!

    Happy Easter Everyone!

    This thread is so sweet my teeth are aching but nothing like what is happening to NZ.

    "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


      Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
      Dude did you see the size of the choc egg that Penguin has. GET EM!
      Oh no you don't! Time to run!




        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        That's how I initially interpreted that scene, but I think it became clear later that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon--especially after Cam was so delighted to get the band back together. Two years is an awfully long time for a temporary appointment, especially since many assignments are given for that length of time.

        I wasn't active in fandom on the internet during season nine either.
        Yes, in that first scene with Landry I think it was pretty clear it was a temporary assignment. What they didn't explain was why she came back full time. I would have liked to have seen a scene with Landry that would have gone something like this:

        Landry: We need you back here Colonel.
        Sam: With all due respect, Sir, I have a posting at Area 51 and can help with the Ori threat from there. I'm sure Dr. Lee...
        Landry: No one is better with new technology AND has the field savvy you have Colonel. Mitchell is a good man, but the team needs you. Orders are being cut as we speak.
        Sam: I see. I'll do my best sir.
        Landry: I know you will, Colonel.


          Some Samanda Easter chicks


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Some Samanda Easter chicks
            Awwww the Samanda's look soooo cute!!

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              HAPPY EASTER, Samandans!


              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                Ah yes but...spoiler for Season 10 SG-1..

                would Sam tell Rodney they were married after her discussion with AU Rodney?

                I don't think so.

                what did mckay say to sam that made her have those faces?




                  *whispers* Ohhhhh Sssskkkyyyyyyyyyyy! The Sam/Teal'c fic is up!

                  I finally was able to upload my Sam/Teal’c fic today. I started writing this early last year and finished it last fall, but it didn't get uploaded until now. I'd never written main character death and wanted to see how well I could deal with it in a fic. Many thanks to F.H. Bagpuss for having several look-sees at it while it was still in its infancy and to Strix varia for the final beta. (((Betas)))

                  “The Other Side of Paradise”
                  Sam deals with the loss of a cherished teammate. Sam and Teal’c friendship fic. (Story involves main character death, but not Sam or Teal’c’s.) Set during and after S7’s Paradise Lost. The mature rating is for implied violence and a few curse words. Friendship, Angst, Drama, AU.

                  Just a little light 40K-word reading for your Easter Sunday evening....
                  Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                  My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                    Happy Easter all


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                      *whispers* Ohhhhh Sssskkkyyyyyyyyyyy! The Sam/Teal'c fic is up!

                      I finally was able to upload my Sam/Teal’c fic today. I started writing this early last year and finished it last fall, but it didn't get uploaded until now. I'd never written main character death and wanted to see how well I could deal with it in a fic. Many thanks to F.H. Bagpuss for having several look-sees at it while it was still in its infancy and to Strix varia for the final beta. (((Betas)))

                      “The Other Side of Paradise”
                      Sam deals with the loss of a cherished teammate. Sam and Teal’c friendship fic. (Story involves main character death, but not Sam or Teal’c’s.) Set during and after S7’s Paradise Lost. The mature rating is for implied violence and a few curse words. Friendship, Angst, Drama, AU.

                      Just a little light 40K-word reading for your Easter Sunday evening....
                      it's a very good fic. I recommend it to anyone
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Some Sam/Janet icons

                        1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

                        6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

                        Feel free to snurch away...


                          from joe's recent blog -

                          (spoilers for s4 of atlantis)

                          joe's Answer: Carter will play a support role on Atlantis. The focus will remain on Shep’s team. However, Carter’s science and military background will allow her to play an active role should the need arise."

                          what is everyone's views/feelings on this?




                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            from joe's recent blog -

                            (spoilers for s4 of atlantis)

                            joe's Answer: Carter will play a support role on Atlantis. The focus will remain on Shep’s team. However, Carter’s science and military background will allow her to play an active role should the need arise."

                            what is everyone's views/feelings on this?

                            I think....squee? Can't wait to see S4.


                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              from joe's recent blog -

                              (spoilers for s4 of atlantis)

                              joe's Answer: Carter will play a support role on Atlantis. The focus will remain on Shep’s team. However, Carter’s science and military background will allow her to play an active role should the need arise."

                              what is everyone's views/feelings on this?

                              I think squeeeee! too.

                              I am glad that she will be generally a more peripheral character than have the focus on her constantly. I think it would piss the Weir fans off even more if she had eps that focused solely on her.


                                Spoilers S4 SGA:

                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                from joe's recent blog -

                                joe's Answer: Carter will play a support role on Atlantis. The focus will remain on Shep’s team. However, Carter’s science and military background will allow her to play an active role should the need arise."

                                what is everyone's views/feelings on this?
                                I think that's excellent, and just what I was hoping. I agree with what Caladria said earlier. Sam has become a fully developed character over the course of the last 10 years and for the last two we've seen the effects of that. They don't need to spend a lot more time developing her character. What greater tribute to the character and the original show than to let Sam, with her expertise and confidence in herself - who she is and what she can do which she learned as part of the original SG-1 - help to more fully develop those traits in the SGA characters. Sure she'll be effected herself, but I agree the primary emphasis can and should remain the SGA characters.

