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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    And on another note - could use some Sam-an-da Lurve over here - need a bit of an inner-courage boost for a big decision I've been in the midst of making. Could use the karma. If you've got any to spare.

    Much Hugs...
    ((MG)) Good luck with your decision!

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
    There's a new message from Amanda on her site, for anyone who wants to visit.

    Hopeless PengYn that I am
    Thanks for heads up!

    -82 degree chill factor?!!? Holy Liquid Nitrogen.

    Hypothermia set in and brain entered cryogenic stasis (not too different from my baseline) reading the sentence. Wow.

    Hmmm, all AT fans send warm thoughts->

    sudden increase in global temperatures->

    polar ice caps melt ->

    SGI arctic shooting schedule is ruined, APLIS becomes ASPLASH, and I invest in a houseboat.

    I think I'll risk it though... safe travels for everyone and warmest thoughts!!

    Polar bear patrol:

    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
    CAUTION: Wildly Off Topic Squeefest Below:
    Meet my new GREAT nephew (as in, he was born to my sister's daughter, Laura).

    Trevor Wayne...born 3/21 at 1:54 am. He was 20 inches long, 7 lbs., 12.5 ozs.


    Awww, too cute!

    At age nine, my daughter doesn't mind a day off her birthday at all - the earlier the better!
    Last edited by tagger; 23 March 2007, 09:24 AM.
    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
    Quint Studer


      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      second movie spoilers - (the name of the movie is hard to spell )

      with those three going up there -and we still aren't sure the others won't be there too- might mean it's 'military only' that'll be in those sequences. just guessing.
      My memory is not perfect, but I'm pretty sure from what I remember of talking at TVM that
      only AT, BB and RDA shoot at the north pole

      But don't quote me on that. I could have got my wires crossed


        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
        OMG...I missed another one...D'oH!!

        Sorry to hear bout your mum...hope she's doing better...we'll be thinking of you and your family.
        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
        CAUTION: Wildly Off Topic Squeefest Below:
        Meet my new GREAT nephew (as in, he was born to my sister's daughter, Laura).
        Trevor Wayne...born 3/21 at 1:54 am. He was 20 inches long, 7 lbs., 12.5 ozs.
        *squee* cute...he's a sweetie...congrats MB on the new little bundle.
        I love the way we all share our family news with each other...all the good and sometimes not so good's really wonderful!!
        Love and huggles to all Samandans!!



        And a special happy birthday to a little princess who's mummy has bought us all together from all corners of the globe....

        Goodnight everyone...take care, be safe, stay happy and have a great day/night...oh and...hug your loved ones!!

        Oh yeah...just a thought...I would be assuming that Amanda will be flying out to the Arctic after Olivia's here's hoping they have a wonderful day together...oh yeah...and I so can't wait to see the movies...especially the second one...if everything goes well, do you think we will get more in the future or do you think this will be it??? I'm hoping that we get more in the coming would be great to get 2 or 3 movies a year for a little longer...I'm just not ready to say goodbye to SG1 completely...yet!!
        Night all!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
          CAUTION: Wildly Off Topic Squeefest Below:
          Meet my new GREAT nephew (as in, he was born to my sister's daughter, Laura).

          Trevor Wayne...born 3/21 at 1:54 am. He was 20 inches long, 7 lbs., 12.5 ozs.


          Oh stop it! Stop it stop it stop it! The gorgeous newborn baby pics are making me broody, and that is a very dangerous thing... a very dangerous thing indeed. And I've given away all the pram etc. stuff now. So just... behave responsibly, ok?

          Very very nice little bairn, Oobs. Congratulations, and a big well done to Laura

          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
          Totally OT for Scari
          Teryl says Hi and wants to know when you are coming back. She said she needs your help with something. Will probably need Mini's help too.
          Ah, your lovely cloth whore needs us? Goody goody

          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
          Magnuss is still lvl 1! Can't find anyone I "know" online whenever I'm on so I haven't played her properly yet... need to learn the ropes! But some weird guy came by the other day and gave me a some gold while I was standing next to a mailbox. Must be the scandalously low neckline on that outfit.
          Wow, you're a natural

          I spend all my gold. I can't believe I just blew 100g on an epic pair of gloves. I need Kat and mini to save me from my profligacy or else I'm a lost cause, really I am.

          And on another note - could use some Sam-an-da Lurve over here - need a bit of an inner-courage boost for a big decision I've been in the midst of making. Could use the karma. If you've got any to spare.

          Much Hugs...
          Much Sammy-esque Lurve (TM) to you for you big decision, mini
          Last edited by scarimor; 22 March 2007, 04:07 AM.


            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
            Dating myself too Spaz, but I think the burly mouse was Monteray Jack, and he had an obsession with cheese!

            There's a new message from Amanda on her site, for anyone who wants to visit.

            I had to LOL at her last bit:

            About how she, RDA, and Ben are filming together and that she will be on full alert for polar bears Naturally my mind gravitated in an entirely different direction.

            Hopeless PengYn that I am

            megyn...but you just gotta be careful for
            the polar bears...they are scary

            And very cool that she updated...sounds good and exciting..

            Go Amanda

            I will send warm thoughts to her...

            Only filming with Ben and Rick...where is the rest then...who films it?
            And why couldn't they let Ben at home...only Her and Sam and Jack then...together alone **hopeless shipper**

            And for All the birthdays that i missed...
            Happy Birthday folks

            I hope you all had a wonderful day

            **goes back to lurking again**



              wow, I can't believe Olivia is 2 already, time sure does fly doesn't it?!

              and ofcourse a congratulations to ÜberSG1-fan!

              and for everybody who's birthday I missed, a better late then never congratulations!
              : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
              Geeky : Oh brother...
              : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

              Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!!!

                I hope you get/got lots of presents and yummy cake Hehehe!

                To Amamanda, I send warm and thankful hugs((((((((((Amanda))))))))))) That you are willing to leave today to film for the SG movie. You are amazing!!! Sending warm thoughts your way to keep you cozy in the Artic

                Hugs to Mini too!!

                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                  We haven't heard from you in a while, but I hope that you're lurking, so



                    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                    My memory is not perfect, but I'm pretty sure from what I remember of talking at TVM that
                    only AT, BB and RDA shoot at the north pole

                    But don't quote me on that. I could have got my wires crossed
                    If I recall, MS is fliming 24 this week, in LA or wherever they shoot it, Creation have changed the day he's at the con to accomodate his shooting schedule, so I think you are correct.



                      Sweet Samandans...
                      I love you all!
                      So much!


                      (You just know it's going to be a magical day when your 'jello-box' comments make you cry - happy tears!)


                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Originally posted by scarimor View Post

                        I spend all my gold. I can't believe I just blew 100g on an epic pair of gloves. I need Kat and mini to save me from my profligacy or else I'm a lost cause, really I am.

                        Oh sure...

                        At least you spent all your money on a cool pair of gloves. After purchasing my level 60 powers, I have exactly 1 gold left.

                        Not 100, not 10, 1!!

                        Jumping Jehosaphat!!

                        It's almost not worth leveling I tell ya!


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                          CAUTION: Wildly Off Topic Squeefest Below:
                          Meet my new GREAT nephew (as in, he was born to my sister's daughter, Laura).

                          Trevor Wayne...born 3/21 at 1:54 am. He was 20 inches long, 7 lbs., 12.5 ozs.


                          He is totally cute... And so squeeworthy...makes me wanna think about kids...wait a minute, I don't want kids lol... But if you see those little ones I always think...maybe one day when I am older...

                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          OK. *I* want her birthday presents. Those are too cool!

                          Especially the big puffy shiny thing in the middle, with the balls...

                          (That didn't come out right, did it?)
                          ROFL Mini...

                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                          I know, eh! She does sound pretty dang excited, even with the cold.

                          And if her camera freezes, all she has to do is hop online and post it, and she'll have all sorts of cameras shipped to her within the day.
                          Yeah she will never have to complain about camera's that don't work...she will have way to many...of course then there will be a lot of pictures eh

                          Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                          We haven't heard from you in a while, but I hope that you're lurking, so

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYS!!!!
                          and also

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA!!!

                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          Sweet Samandans...
                          I love you all!
                          So much!


                          (You just know it's going to be a magical day when your 'jello-box' comments make you cry - happy tears!)

                          (((((Mini)))))) And that is the love of Samandans...


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                            Oh sure...

                            At least you spent all your money on a cool pair of gloves. After purchasing my level 60 powers, I have exactly 1 gold left.

                            Not 100, not 10, 1!!

                            Jumping Jehosaphat!!

                            It's almost not worth leveling I tell ya!
                            You made level 60!

                            Have cake!




                              This is the song we won't forget easily!
                              everytime I hear it I cry......

                              to remember ten beautiful years of stargate SG1, here is the song from unending!
                              : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                              Geeky : Oh brother...
                              : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                              Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                                Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post

                                There's a new message from Amanda on her site, for anyone who wants to visit.

                                I had to LOL at her last bit:

                                About how she, RDA, and Ben are filming together and that she will be on full alert for polar bears Naturally my mind gravitated in an entirely different direction.

                                Hopeless PengYn that I am
                                Being a Polar Bear myself, I had to laugh too.

                                And as busy as she is, isn't it cool that she took the time to write a message for the fan site?

