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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey everyone... hope everyone is good... great actually. I know I am!! LOL!!!

    Yeah... Sanctuary looks terrific. I can't wait to see it. The 'rents seem interested too... not as much as me though... otherwise I would be scared!! LOL
    And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


      Ok so for those of you that have slow dialup and can't watch Youtube... trust me I was there not so long ago ... here is a transcript of that interview with just the Sanctuary bits. The interview is with Fiona (F) and Mike (M) and obvious Amanda (AT)


      AT: Sanctuary is a new series that I am involved with. Umm. I am the lead actress in it and I also got to be one of the Executive producers.

      F: How exciting is that. Now this is a new media project?

      AT: It is a new media project and we shot the pilot. The first two hours of the show. It is entirely green screen, so everything is rendered. And we have amazing computer artist.

      F: now you have to tell us about your character, because she is 127 years old…

      AT: 157

      M & F: 157 years old!

      All three are talking at the same time now about the 157 years old aspect of her character…

      F: So tell us about the character and her life. It is so wild.

      AT: She is a doctor. She’s one of the first female doctors in the Royal College back in Victorian England. She was engaged to Jack the Ripper. BIG mistake.

      F: You know some of us date bad guys, but that’s bad.

      AT: But what she does. Her father started this Sanctuary. Where he collects I guess all these desperate (I think that is what she said) creatures or quote abnormals from around the world. So anything from werewolf’s to vampires to …

      M: So do they have to have like “talent” (Mike uses his hand to make quotations)

      AT: [laughs]They have to have some discernable skill.

      M: … or are they just crazy

      AT: no they have to have some kind of skill otherwise they are not interesting. ah but creatures basically and uh… in our pilot we have a little boy, Alexy, from Trinoble that has a weird thing happen to him because of radioactivity so.

      M: [laughs] Trinoble you say.

      AT: [laughs]Did I mention it’s SciFi.

      F: Ok now why is she 157 though?

      AT: Well I can’t tell you that. Through her work with these creatures she has been given the gift or the curse if you will of incredible longevity.

      M: Just working in the field keeps you young.

      They all make jokes…

      F: is she a LT. Colonel though?

      AT: She’s not. She’s just …(Makes a comedic face) She’s just a Doctor. Dr. Helen Magnus. And she has a daughter. She has a daughter by Jack the ripper. Who…

      M: Oh

      AT: [puts hand under chin looks concerned]

      M: And how is the daughter?

      AT: Daughter is pretty cool. She is kick a$$.

      M: Does the daughter know that Jack the ripper is her father?

      AT: she’ll find out.

      M: Really?

      AT: it’s pretty tragic.

      F: [lauhs] look at her threatening us with the plot….”well she’ll find out.”

      [all laugh]

      AT: you’ll find out when she finds out.

      M: That’s a dark day to find out

      F: The CGI, green screen, stuff that’s got to be an amazingly hard to do as an actor, but having all these things around you.

      AT: It is. We just have things like this couch. It would be the only thing, everything else would be green screen except the odd prop you’d have. So it is. You have to really create a visual world inside your head.

      M: So tell me how this works? You have people like yelling at you. Like. There’ a bird. [all laughing] how do you know what behind you. And what’s supposed to be there and all that stuff.

      AT: We see a rendering of the place that we are in. The set. We have renderings. And eventually too it will be…once it airs. It’ll be, almost… it’s in a complete virtual world that we will be able to wonder through.

      F: Amanda this is quite nerdy.

      AT: It’s very nerdy. [looks excited] it’s also interactive. Gamers will be involved. We are trying to combine all different types of media.

      F: when you take the world of SciF, and you take CGI and everything you are talking about, you’ve gotta have a video game.

      AT: Yeah. But You can actually, once you go onto our website once the show goes live, you’ll actually be able to interact with the show.

      M: Well and just this whole world of new media. I mean I guess in the world that you have occupied in the last ten years on Stargate you see the fan base that is attracted to this kind of thing. I mean the possibilities, the ways it’s distributed, all these things it’s a fascinating business

      AT: Yeah I think we are crusting the wave with this show. It’s completely new, but I think a lot of people are just starting to do this now. It’s all streaming video. It’s what we bring into our living rooms. Like you said you get up in the morning and instead of turning on the TV you turn on the computer. You watch YouTube and Tikibar and things like that. People are downloading by the millions. There is a famous video on YouTube of this guy dancing and over 37 million people have downloaded it.

      That's it.

      Then the rest is talking about if RDA will be on Atlantis and she says she doesn’t know. Maybe a guest appearance, but really she doesn’t know. She hasn’t read a script yet.
      Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 08 February 2007, 11:13 PM.


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        This new series does sound very interesting. A 157 year old doctor with a daughter...and she works in this sanctuary with all these different types of people...and that's why she's given long life? And it's all done on a green screen and interactive! *squee* It sounds really great. And men named Jack. But Jack the Ripper!

        I also loved the questions she answered about Stargate. She arrives in a ship to Atlantis, they are trying to get RDA for the second movie *fingers crossed*, and maybe, just maybe he could make a guest appearance on SGA?
        yeah it sounds so cool...
        Jack he he... i think tv people have something with the name Jack...
        And a daughter from*welcome shippy thoughts*

        The Sanqtuary thing...sounds SO cool i really really really wanna see it now

        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
        I'm in !!
        I'll even provide the media centre hooked up to the big screen TV

        mini(seriously, I mentioned that I was a)GEEK(right?)
        good idea...

        Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
        After 3 years I finally made it to 1000 posts! whew Who would have thought I could talk so much .... you hush Mandy and JanSam
        Congrats on 1000 posts

        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
        Happy Birthday, MickSpeed!

        Hope you have a great day!

        Happy birthday i hope you have a great day


          Yeah, u see, personnally I cant wait to see Amanda in Atlantis, but I don't want her to be a too bigger part. i want to remember Sam by her amazing work on SG-1, and part of the magic of Atlantis is that the characters are all different to SG-1 making it unique. I relly admire Amanda and Sam and would be a shame to see Sam's role diminished through Atlantis ( and beleive when I say I am in no way bagging Atlantis coz it rocks hard!) I just dont want Sam to be remembered by being a smaller role on a different show!

          Plz tell the truth? Am I betraying Sam/Amanda?

          The 'rents see it as I am... All the put downs and the questions of betrayal...
          And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


            First, many thanks to SamCarterFan for making us a little corner of AT/Sam thunk thread Those pics are lovely.

            And thank you to L.A. Doyle for the link to AT's interview.

            Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
            Well, on outside of show injuries, when I talked with her during filming of Family Ties, she was just off to the make-up trailer so they could cover up a huge half-an-arm length bruise on her... right, forearm, that she'd got the weekend before or some such while mountain biking. (she bashfully admitted ) At first I thought the bruise itself was the make-up, but nope, it was real! She doesn't even need crazy jaffa or handcuffs or Kawalskies to mess herself up, aw.
            I myself had some mountain bike injuries at the time as well (well, a month old but still prominent) that I was proud to show as well. called them our "war wounds" or something like that... *memory is fuzzy* some euphamism or other
            I love this - AT and MajorSam comparing their battle trophies

            Originally posted by Myrth View Post
            Well it's probably not Jack I'd actually like covered in chocolate

            But I am wondering how Sky came to be in a position to offer people a chocolate-covered Jack in the first place. And, depending on whether the confectionary is vertical or horizontal, where precisely she "topped" him with a cherry.

            And Cam is going to wonder what exactly is going on


              Just popping back to say good night to a call from my brother tonight asking if he can borrow my season 4 dvd' would seem I have got him we can talk stargate at family gatherings and annoy the heck out of the non sci fi dad is not going to be a happy camper...hehe...I finally converted 7 to just guide them over to GW...but that's another challenge!!
              Night night everyone...take care, be safe, be happy and hug your loved ones...even if they don't like stargate...yet!!

              Oh and just in case Amanda should be lurking here at any time soon....
              please please please come to Australia Amanda's been ages since you were here last and I missed out fair!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Night Y'all... I got so much study to do tomorrow its not funny...

                And just so no one gets the wrong idea from what I said earlier...

                SAM'S A GREAT CHARACTER!!!!!

                And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  I haven't even finished watching this, but I know if you haven't seen it, you'll want to. It's Amanda-a recent interview. She's talking about 'Sanctuary' at the moment, but she's already mentioned
                  flying to Atlantis in her own ship!
                  Waterfall, I believe, on the J/S ship thread posted it, so thank her!
                  OMG OMG OMG *runs around in circles of excitement*

                  I'm now extremely hyped for this new show. Didn't Amanda look absolutely fantastic on this interview?

                  I can't wait.

                  How cool is that? It's gonna be like a video game but a tv show all at the same time? And, I have to say, she looks good for 157, don't you think? We've already got some really big background details which is extra cool and exciting. As you can tell I'm all a buzz. The boy in the picture is obviously the boy she mentions in the interview - something to do with radiation? - I can't wait.

                  Look at what I missed, again! It seems when I go to bed all the good news comes out of the woodwork.

                  Did anybody else notice that she mentions watching some of those S/J fan vids, now I don't make them but I can just imagine those that do wondering if she'd seen theirs. hehe

                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                    Hey Kay!

                    Are you visiting the States right now? I couldn't remember if that was you or Julia.
                    Nope. I'm off to Canada on Monday-week (19th) for my trip from Toronto to Vancouver. The snow that we had the last couple of days has been a foretaste of what I have to come. Thankfully the Canadians are much better at functioning in the snow. Britain virtually came to a standstill after just a few inches fell.

                    For details of AT10 go to


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                      Oh, the ooey gooey chocolately Jack possibilities.

                      Toss in a few cans of whipped cream and a handful of maraschino cherries and you're on.
                      Don't forget the drop cloth to protect the carpet.

                      In memory of Deejay.
                      May we all be so well loved.


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                        Happy Birthday, MickSpeed!

                        Hope you have a great day!
                        Ditto!! Enjoy your B-Day!


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          Sounds like Sanctuary is gonna be a hit...
                          I for one can't wait to see it...I'm kinda wondering what kind of person "Helen" is...who in their right mind would have a child to Jack the ripper...
                          My guess?
                          Jack the Ripper is one of the most notorious and famous criminal masterminds of all time. I would guess that he was one of the 'strange' individuals that Helen's father helped with the "Sanctuary" in the beginning, and he simply went - evil - on them, or wouldn't abide by the rules of the Sanctuary. Either that or he was another doctor who worked with the Sanctuary (JTR was, supposedly, also a doctor - so he and Helen would have that in common). That would also mean that "Jack" could be an ongoing guest star in the series and a continual pivot-point for the conflict between he and Helen as well as their daughter (who will probably have a lot of inner turmoil over the whole thing and be torn back and forth between both sides - the lure of not abiding by rules and doing whatever you want with your 'special' ability has long been the vice of many superhero stories' villains). It could be they're going to tell us that the reason JTR was so good at what he did - is because he wasn't entirely a 'normal' human. Sort of like X-Men meets Buffy meets Highlander ... not all of the X-Men believed in Xavier's non intrusive (selfless) ideology either.
                          Last edited by minigeek; 09 February 2007, 03:32 AM.

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                            Nope. I'm off to Canada on Monday-week (19th) for my trip from Toronto to Vancouver. The snow that we had the last couple of days has been a foretaste of what I have to come. Thankfully the Canadians are much better at functioning in the snow. Britain virtually came to a standstill after just a few inches fell.

                            LOL, there are some states over here that have a hard time functioning with snow and ice also. But you'll be fine in Canada I should think.

                            Get ready though for some bitterly cold weather and pack your woolies, Kay! The Arctic or Alberta Clipper has been wreaking havoc all week and we here in New England are still dealing with high winds and sub-freezing temps.

                            Have a beautiful journey! Safe travels.

                            Oops, I've jumped the gun slightly - another week to go but I bet those sharp winter winds will still be howling across the Sasketchewan plains. You, however, will be snug as a bug in your club car, journal and favorite pen tucked in your lap.


                              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                              Ok so for those of you that have slow dialup and can't watch Youtube... trust me I was there not so long ago ... here is a transcript of that interview with just the Sanctuary bits. The interview is with Fiona (F) and Mike (M) and obvious Amanda (AT)


                              AT: Sanctuary is a new series that I am involved with. Umm. I am the lead actress in it and I also got to be one of the Executive producers.

                              F: How exciting is that. Now this is a new media project?

                              AT: It is a new media project and we shot the pilot. The first two hours of the show. It is entirely green screen, so everything is rendered. And we have amazing computer artist.

                              F: now you have to tell us about your character, because she is 127 years old…

                              AT: 157

                              M & F: 157 years old!

                              All three are talking at the same time now about the 157 years old aspect of her character…

                              F: So tell us about the character and her life. It is so wild.

                              AT: She is a doctor. She’s one of the first female doctors in the Royal College back in Victorian England. She was engaged to Jack the Ripper. BIG mistake.

                              F: You know some of us date bad guys, but that’s bad.

                              AT: But what she does. Her father started this Sanctuary. Where he collects I guess all these desperate (I think that is what she said) creatures or quote abnormals from around the world. So anything from werewolf’s to vampires to …

                              M: So do they have to have like “talent” (Mike uses his hand to make quotations)

                              AT: [laughs]They have to have some discernable skill.

                              M: … or are they just crazy

                              AT: no they have to have some kind of skill otherwise they are not interesting. ah but creatures basically and uh… in our pilot we have a little boy, Alexy, from Trinoble that has a weird thing happen to him because of radioactivity so.

                              M: [laughs] Trinoble you say.

                              AT: [laughs]Did I mention it’s SciFi.

                              F: Ok now why is she 157 though?

                              AT: Well I can’t tell you that. Through her work with these creatures she has been given the gift or the curse if you will of incredible longevity.

                              M: Just working in the field keeps you young.

                              They all make jokes…

                              F: is she a LT. Colonel though?

                              AT: She’s not. She’s just …(Makes a comedic face) She’s just a Doctor. Dr. Helen Magnus. And she has a daughter. She has a daughter by Jack the ripper. Who…

                              M: Oh

                              AT: [puts hand under chin looks concerned]

                              M: And how is the daughter?

                              AT: Daughter is pretty cool. She is kick a$$.

                              M: Does the daughter know that Jack the ripper is her father?

                              AT: she’ll find out.

                              M: Really?

                              AT: it’s pretty tragic.

                              F: [lauhs] look at her threatening us with the plot….”well she’ll find out.”

                              [all laugh]

                              AT: you’ll find out when she finds out.

                              M: That’s a dark day to find out

                              F: The CGI, green screen, stuff that’s got to be an amazingly hard to do as an actor, but having all these things around you.

                              AT: It is. We just have things like this couch. It would be the only thing, everything else would be green screen except the odd prop you’d have. So it is. You have to really create a visual world inside your head.

                              M: So tell me how this works? You have people like yelling at you. Like. There’ a bird. [all laughing] how do you know what behind you. And what’s supposed to be there and all that stuff.

                              AT: We see a rendering of the place that we are in. The set. We have renderings. And eventually too it will be…once it airs. It’ll be, almost… it’s in a complete virtual world that we will be able to wonder through.

                              F: Amanda this is quite nerdy.

                              AT: It’s very nerdy. [looks excited] it’s also interactive. Gamers will be involved. We are trying to combine all different types of media.

                              F: when you take the world of SciF, and you take CGI and everything you are talking about, you’ve gotta have a video game.

                              AT: Yeah. But You can actually, once you go onto our website once the show goes live, you’ll actually be able to interact with the show.

                              M: Well and just this whole world of new media. I mean I guess in the world that you have occupied in the last ten years on Stargate you see the fan base that is attracted to this kind of thing. I mean the possibilities, the ways it’s distributed, all these things it’s a fascinating business

                              AT: Yeah I think we are crusting the wave with this show. It’s completely new, but I think a lot of people are just starting to do this now. It’s all streaming video. It’s what we bring into our living rooms. Like you said you get up in the morning and instead of turning on the TV you turn on the computer. You watch YouTube and Tikibar and things like that. People are downloading by the millions. There is a famous video on YouTube of this guy dancing and over 37 million people have downloaded it.

                              That's it.

                              Then the rest is talking about if RDA will be on Atlantis and she says she doesn’t know. Maybe a guest appearance, but really she doesn’t know. She hasn’t read a script yet.
                              Thanks for doing this! I managed to open the video this morning and totally enjoyed it - Amanda looks so relaxed and cute and savvy! Executive producer and flying her own ship. (Just wish the guy who interviewed her would have kept his mouth shut about the current astronaut scandal etc.)

                              if Amanda is now 157 years old, that means she's older than Teal'c!! Ha!

                              This is a great interview and now we know so much more about Sanctuary!

                              Also, I've heard from Deejay this week and she's had a bad run with the new chemo, going tomorrow for another round and more hopeful now that the pain has lessened. She may feel up to stopping by GW today or this weekend SO PLEASE SEND SOME HAPPY AND FUNNY GREETINGS HER WAY HERE AND AT THE Samanda StoryTHREAD IN CASE SHE'S READING US AGAIN! One courageous gal!


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                pretty please? with a chocolate covered Jack on top?

                                dude! what would Cameron say? Haven't you played with his heart enough!

                                Unless...*has sneaky idea for an OT3 fic*

                                And OMG thankyou guys so much for that interview! It was awesome! Sanctuary looks like it will be fantastic (not that expected anything less from AT, Martin Wood and co.). And what I;m most excited about is that it looks like us Aussies might get a chance to see it at the same time as everyone else! And legally! Hooray!

