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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tagger View Post
    Punksutawney Phil DID NOT see his shadow this year.

    Spring is earlier, thus the certain new project slated for spring, will start earlier, yes?

    Not a success, nah. Do I still get the TVM passes and an all-expense paid trip, and time off work?
    ROTFL, aha, what with global warming and all that, I'm not surprised. Let's hope we get to see the shadowy characters of Sanctuary soon!

    Let's find that groundhog and hit him on the head and steal his passes to TVM!


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      but CG, Amanda is Canadian and lives in Canada so she would be thanking Willie (as in Wiarton Willie)
      Thanks for setting me straight but I think WW has been officially "buried" in a pine coffin years ago so our lively Pennsylvania Phil stepped in and started stalking Amanda! In a geeky fanboy way, nothing sinister! Phil adores Amanda!

      Psst, he may actually have done poor Canadian Willie in just to get the opportunity to be her biggest furry fan!

      I need to get a life ...........


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        They could also use advertising to pay for the series, it would be hard to start a first of it's kind internet series and ask people to pay for it.
        So we'd be bombarded with pop-ups! Which would actually make more sense. I know you have to pay for TV shows on iTunes, I believe you do anyway, I've never actually watched them. Either way, I hope the quality of the video is good, and not that small streaming video that stutters and is all blobby.

        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
          Thanks for setting me straight but I think WW has been officially "buried" in a pine coffin years ago so our lively Pennsylvania Phil stepped in and started stalking Amanda! In a geeky fanboy way, nothing sinister! Phil adores Amanda!

          Psst, he may actually have done poor Canadian Willie in just to get the opportunity to be her biggest furry fan!

          I need to get a life ...........
          LMAO! I had this fantastic image of a groundhog doing the stealth behind Canadian Willie and then doing the same to Amanda, only in the geeky fanboy sense rather than stealthy. Interesting, and hilarious, imagery.

          looks like I need a life too.

          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Eh sorry guys, but as a non-American or non-Canadian, who you do mean with Mr Grounddog and the guy wearing black and is present on Amanda's awards, her husband or a bodyguard? Sometimes I'm really slow of undertanding, it happend for the 2nd time nown after one time in school.

            Sorry for the maybe silly question.

            Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


              A wallpaper for tS:


                Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                Eh sorry guys, but as a non-American or non-Canadian, who you do mean with Mr Grounddog and the guy wearing black and is present on Amanda's awards, her husband or a bodyguard? Sometimes I'm really slow of undertanding, it happend for the 2nd time nown after one time in school.

                Sorry for the maybe silly question.
                I asked the same question so don't feel bad.

                This was the answer I got.

                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                Sorry, if you live in the USA or Canada, February 2 is known as Groundhog Day and whether a groundhog sees his shadow or not has to do with how much longer winter will last.

                Google "groundhog day" for details!
                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                LOL, now ya got it! If you noticed, Mr. Groundhog is being accompanied by a gent in black tie attire. The groundhog is a big fan of Amanda's and attends all her awards shows ...


                "I'd like to thank Phil, my biggest fan, for his down-to-earth advice and support."
                Mr Groundhog is Amanda's fan

                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Ah thanx, I see what you mean now.

                  Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                    As excited as I am about Sanctuary and seeing Amanda do something totally different, it didn't occur to me until just now that because this is going to be an internet series, it would not be eligible for an Emmy Award, though I would assume it would still be eligible for other types of awards.

                    (Yeah, I'm thinking big, aren't I?)

                    Anyway, it's going to be the first of it's kind of show and I am SO looking forward to the publicity that it will undoubtedly generate. The prospect of seeing Amanda doing lots of interviews to promote the show makes me incredibly happy!!!
                    Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                      Originally posted by Daivy View Post
                      Hey Y'all! I just wanna say I've been hangin' arround here for the last day's, not posting anything.

                      Oh yeah, 'bout the new serie: I think it's great, I'm sure Amanda (altough brown haired) will be a shimmering star, on and off the show.

                      PS I hope we don't need to pay for it, I don't have a VISA card and, I don't know if my dad would pay for it. But I'll try to watch it, one way or another.

                      Ideas, anyone?
                      Very true Daivy.

                      Maybe they'll do the first run on the internet and then sell DVDs. I tried looking at the preview/ad on my home computer and it wouldn't work. I could see it on my work computer, but I really doubt that's going to be an option for me.

                      I'm really excited for AT that she's getting to do a totally new project. But I'm also glad that if I can't view the new one (right away?), I'll at least get to see her on Atlantis.


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                        ROTFL, aha, what with global warming and all that, I'm not surprised. Let's hope we get to see the shadowy characters of Sanctuary soon!

                        Let's find that groundhog and hit him on the head and steal his passes to TVM!
                        Woo, I hope it's true that Spring will be early this year because I'm getting really tired of winter. People keep talking about global warming and yet I'm freezing my mikta off. It's not suppose to be 30-40F here in Texas during the day. I expected the cold weather when I lived in Seattle, but I'm not prepared for it here in Texas. I don't own a parka jacket any longer and to top things off I woke up this morning to see my lawn covered in snow!

                        Three cheers for Spring!!

                        Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!!


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          Woo, I hope it's true that Spring will be early this year because I'm getting really tired of winter. People keep talking about global warming and yet I'm freezing my mikta off. It's not suppose to be 30-40F here in Texas during the day. I expected the cold weather when I lived in Seattle, but I'm not prepared for it here in Texas. I don't own a parka jacket any longer and to top things off I woke up this morning to see my lawn covered in snow!

                          Three cheers for Spring!!

                          Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!!
                          Although I don't know the effects of global warming but it does seem to have been colder. I work in a store, next to the door () and everytime the door opened a rush of freezing cold wind came in, making me turn to blue. of course, nothing was done about it. But, today, it was so warm, I didn't need a scarf! Yippee!

                          However, if it had really snowed that would've been cool. I'm so jealous of you. I've never thought of Texas as the white morning kind, though.


                          Ooooh, and I'm above 300 posts... wow. Considering how long I've been here that's probably not good but then... I was away.
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            A wallpaper for tS:

                            Truth in advertising! Way to go, great wallpaper!


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                              Woo, I hope it's true that Spring will be early this year because I'm getting really tired of winter. People keep talking about global warming and yet I'm freezing my mikta off. It's not suppose to be 30-40F here in Texas during the day. I expected the cold weather when I lived in Seattle, but I'm not prepared for it here in Texas. I don't own a parka jacket any longer and to top things off I woke up this morning to see my lawn covered in snow!

                              Three cheers for Spring!!

                              Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!!
                              Kat, LOL ... it's been a weird winter across the states. You and Strix are getting ice and snow and me, new in the Berkshires, getting what the locals are calling "no winter at all" ... we haven't had any major snowfalls. Hehehehe ... that's okay with me! I've already gotten used to the single-digit temps and brushing "light snow" off my car in the mornings.

                              Back on topic, doesn't Amanda look cute in the white snow parka from Watergate or whatever that episode was?

                              Captionary anyone?!

                              "My god, what if I crash land on some penguins?!"


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post

                                What do you mean this ISN'T a costume party...
                                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||

