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"Do you really think they know what they're doing with the Sam story, sir?"
"Carter, it's a matter of keeping the bears and the penguins out of the pit. I think the loons and the emus can stay. As long as everybody plays nice and I don't kiss you."
this post was brought to you with the co-operation of JanSam, Mandy and Jckfan55
Oh noooo Jckfan55 they got to you too!!! Now there are three of them!! JanSam & Mandy so this was the little project you all were talking about yesterday... should have known..... LOL good story ladies!!
So Jan since you and I are writing one scene of the Samanda fic...the chances of shipping Jack and Sam are .... small huh?
see I always knew you would see the light Jan... by the way like your shippy sig.. LOL (just kidding about the sig it's wonderfully general)
Sorry can't mail ya any blue jello I'm all out... does this mean no ship between JAck and Sam...oh well
*Pssst*I think there is already a rule in place for no shipping...darn
Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 04 January 2007, 07:14 PM.