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The thing is that they used to write decent stories. Was it BW's editing? RDA & Greenburg saying "no" to certain things? If the show had started the way it was in S9, I never would have kept watching it past an episode or two.
Not to mention that as an exec producer, Rick had a saying in the writing too (I got that from THE MAN himself)...
You guys should all read this blog entry, it's from an AT2 attendee, Megyn, who's from South Africa - a really beautiful young lady I met very briefly in front of the doors to the Pink Party on Saturday night. She also won a "Tea with Amanda" at the raffle. Her blog account of AT2 is brilliant and rather wondeful, imho, because it's so detailed and so heartfelt. Beautiful - especially if you didn't get a chance to attend. I think you'll love it. http://ofwhalesinstars.blogspot.com/...kend-with.html geek
Thanks for the link mini...as soon as I clicked on it my computer went down...so thanks...really!!
O.K., so I posted something similar to this on the S/J Shipper thread but it isn't shippy at all and probably belongs here more than it belongs there. Spoilers because it is about Happy Feet, but no spoilers that would ruin the show.
There is this scene in Happy Feet where you can see the Northern Lights dancing on the water, and I think to myself time to be cool know-it-all mom. I whisper "Those are the--" and daughter interupts "I know, Mom, the Northern lights." Well, there went my chance to be cool. Then on the ride home I remember the Avalon story about how Amanda said seeing the Northern Lights during an emotional point in her late teens really helped her, and I share this with the kids. Boom, I'm cool know-it-all mom again. You know how crazy my little girl is about Amanda, and my son is ready to move to Canada so he can see the lights. Thanks to which ever Avalon attendee posted that story! Also, I loved the conservation message in the movie. It made me think of Amanda and Rick's work in that area.
Great post Michelle...and congrats on 1700 posts!!
Oops, forgot to mention this
How 'bout hiring some of the talent on this thread?!! Sheesh, I've never seen a forum with so many talented writers and artists...
Yeah...there are sooo many of them here...all lovely, wonderful people no doubt inspired by Amanda...but all sooo talented...wtg Samandans!!
I live through you guys when it comes to Amanda. When I first joined GW, I knew I loved the character Samantha Carter, but I didn't know much about Amanda. Thanks to this thread and you lovely people, I now know how amazing Amanda really is.
I know what you mean Jena...I love watching interviews and the behind the scenes stuff with Amanda...she's sooo awesome!!
Thank you for the birthday squee-ness everyone!
I have PM'd this to a few people, but I have decided to post it. Spoilers for OTness... and yes, our cake may be on fire. We did notice shortly after the photo, I swear I'm on the right:
Happy birthday to your sister too Eileen...glad you had a great day!!
Just feeling the need to send a huge hug to all the Samandans...thank you for making everyday here a joy...I've been having an absolute blast since I first started way back in April this year...my only regret is that I wish we had access to the internet a lot earlier...I can't wait to spend more time here after xmas...good night all, take care, be safe and be happy!!
"Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility" Hug Your Loved Ones!! ~Amanda Tapping
Yes, exactly. The really cool thing is that I've met a whole bunch of other people from this group, this thread, now, that are just like that too. People are who really special in similar ways. I suppose (to be a little spiritual and creepy about it) it's possible that certain "energies" attract one another, but it's the only good reason I can think of to describe it. Amanda's fans are, for the most part, really giving, really salt of the earth people and I've been so touched by some of the folks I met at AT2, and some I heard about who couldn't make it, in a way it's reinvigourated my faith in human kindness. Living in a large urban metropolis, dealing with pretention so often and life speeds that are way too fast to include other people for more than an instant, it's easy to get jaded and fall into a pattern of not seeing the things that matter. I had a difficult personal crisis a while back and I had a "Samandan" friend from here offer to fly across the country and come stay with me for a while. She was utterly serious and I just sat down and had a really long, really good cry that day because I couldn't believe the genuine kindness (she doesn't even know about this yet). I felt truly blessed that day. Others from this group have done similar beautiful things for one another here and elsewhere. Many of us have stories like that to share. That's why I feel so grateful to know everyone here and why my own life has changed for the better for being a part of this circle. I know it's a sappy thing to dwell on, but really do mean it when I say I love and admire you all.
This was beautifully expressed, mini. As you know, I got to experience that wonderful weekend in London for AT2 and meet all of you because of another generous Samandan too. When I told Amanda at the cocktail party just what had happened, she was stunned. The rest is a bit private. Just to know that Amanda's kindness and generosity have no bounds and I think the Samandans here are truly reflective of that also. Maybe this image conveys the message ... Sam Carter has brought us together but Amanda keeps us together.
Everywhere I went last week
I stumbled upon Sam Carter moments of which to speak
First I saw young Sam wannabes building robots at my school
Then I met a physics-major Samantha who is nobody’s fool
My heart is filled with delight
So many potential Sams are quite a sight
Here are young girls doing their best
Second to none in their quest
Finding where all their passions lie
Shooting for the stars, reaching for the sky http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11...inkerbelle.jpg
I think they will surely pass the test
And, satisfied at what I see, I put the whole Sam thing to rest
I take some photos just for proof positive
I don’t have time to be more investigative
My workshop reconvenes; I need to refocus
But I’m now seeing Sam and Jack – they’re my new locus
The day ends and I pass Stargate once more http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y11...targate006.jpg
Smiling and laughing as I walk out the door
Why are all these Stargate moments converging?
Some kind of good omen? Now that’s most encouraging
Last edited by Skydiver; 11 December 2006, 07:12 AM.
I know this conversation was a few pages ago, but I'm going to throw my two cents into the pot anyway:
The young guys demographic gets so much attention, but what the numbers people fail to recognize is that women control so much more money than they do since women tend to do the shopping for their families. It's the women who develop the brand loyalty for their families and decide which new products to purchase. As I write this, thousands of women are out buying Christmas presents. Not nearly as many men are doing so. Women also frequently control the television their children watch and hence, what commercials they see. The numbers people are paying attention to the wrong people.
Women watch a lot of television. They also stop watching television when faced with too much juvenile humor and T&A. No producer, writer or executive would want to alienate part of a show's audience. It is simply not cost-effective, especially when women stop viewing.
If TPTB would hire female executive producers and writers, they could be prevented from making the kinds of mistakes that make viewers quit viewing.
Mistakes like turning a complex, interesting character like Sam into a wallflower.
You know what still amazes me is that with a female in charge of SciFi, we still get the crap that we're getting. That tells me, it doesn't really matter if the ones in charge are male or female, what matters is the maturity that comes with it. What Stargate needs is mature writers and executive producers, ones who are willing to stand up and say "no, we're not going to do that" when faced with the directive to "make it appeal to the treasured demographic". What SciFi needs is the same thing, or it's just going to continue to get worse and worse.
You know what still amazes me is that with a female in charge of SciFi, we still get the crap that we're getting. That tells me, it doesn't really matter if the ones in charge are male or female, what matters is the maturity that comes with it. What Stargate needs is mature writers and executive producers, ones who are willing to stand up and say "no, we're not going to do that" when faced with the directive to "make it appeal to the treasured demographic". What SciFi needs is the same thing, or it's just going to continue to get worse and worse.
The action-hero definition for television is formulaic and it's not easy to break the old molds. Major financial decisions are based upon old formulas, however ignorant these may be, whether or not they continue to apply, and there's very little actual power at the top of the proverbial ladder because of that. To use a science fiction analogy, the system is on autopilot and the so-called "Captain" does little more than hold the steering wheel straight. It would take an extremely strong individual to begin to chip away at those tired old molds, and likely it would have to be someone who was willing to risk their entire career and financial future over it. WE can all plainly see what "needs to" be done from this level, and it appears such a no-brainer that it must be done, going forward, but boards of directors, executives, and other such archaic sticks in the mud are the real obstacles to these sorts of mountain-moving decisions and the real reason why progressive change is so obscenely slow to occur.
Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008 ~all proceeds to benefit charity~
Hello! I'm new!
Gateworld is just so massive that I've always been a little shy from joining. I come from the small universe at amandatapping.com. The reason I joined today was because so many of you stumbled onto my blog (Jedi Lois) - still trying to work out the information transportation method LoL - about my AT2 weekend. You were all so nice! Usually it's only my friends who get to read my blog, and sadly they are not gaters. So it was a massive surprise to open my email this morning and there were like 8 replies! Thanks! Anyhoo, I'm here now. Still trying to figure out where everything goes, but managed a user name which is step one. Not very original I know LoL, although I used my tea raffle number at the end so that I'll always remember. Well glad to be here, and hope to make some new friends! I'll try to jump on the bad wagon and see what everyone's been talking about!
Hello! I'm new!
Gateworld is just so massive that I've always been a little shy from joining. I come from the small universe at amandatapping.com. The reason I joined today was because so many of you stumbled onto my blog (Jedi Lois) - still trying to work out the information transportation method LoL - about my AT2 weekend. You were all so nice! Usually it's only my friends who get to read my blog, and sadly they are not gaters. So it was a massive surprise to open my email this morning and there were like 8 replies! Thanks! Anyhoo, I'm here now. Still trying to figure out where everything goes, but managed a user name which is step one. Not very original I know LoL, although I used my tea raffle number at the end so that I'll always remember. Well glad to be here, and hope to make some new friends! I'll try to jump on the bad wagon and see what everyone's been talking about!
Welcome to Samanda, "blue 422"! I am "pink 422"!! Yes, what were the odds of Amanda choosing the same number TWICE for the tea raffle? LOL
Your blog report was lovely and glad to have you here! This kingdom is quite large and old. When you have the chance, please browse through some of the many pages and posts and you'll see that we are quite user-friendly!
You will also recognize some of the Samandan names and folks whom you met in London.
Thanks minigeek! Really excited too! I'm really touched that so many have read it and responded so positively. OUt of pure curiosity, how did you find your way there LoL?
ChopinGal! Oh my gosh hello! You guys get me all excited LoL!
Hello! I'm new!
Gateworld is just so massive that I've always been a little shy from joining. I come from the small universe at amandatapping.com. The reason I joined today was because so many of you stumbled onto my blog (Jedi Lois) - still trying to work out the information transportation method LoL - about my AT2 weekend. You were all so nice! Usually it's only my friends who get to read my blog, and sadly they are not gaters. So it was a massive surprise to open my email this morning and there were like 8 replies! Thanks! Anyhoo, I'm here now. Still trying to figure out where everything goes, but managed a user name which is step one. Not very original I know LoL, although I used my tea raffle number at the end so that I'll always remember. Well glad to be here, and hope to make some new friends! I'll try to jump on the bad wagon and see what everyone's been talking about!
Hi Gategirl422,
just want say welcome, I read your blog too ah the memories it brought back! Well Done
Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me
Something else happened to me at work today. I got injured. It was all Amanda's fault.
See, I work at a bookstore on saturdays. This morning, as I was heading back out into the shop (but still out of view of customers, thank God...) I spotted a large pile of books that had been left for someone to process and put onto the computer system on monday.
Specifically, I noticed this book halfway down the pile. If I'm getting specific I should mention that I only caught a glimpse of Samantha Carter, with "ate" over her head, out of the corner of my eye from about 8 feet away.
I went to have a closer look, only, I was walking in the other direction. I ended up tripping over my own foot as I tried to twist and sprawling spreadeagled across the carpet toward the pile.
The conversation when I went back out the the shop:
Supervisor: What was that noise?
Me: Nothing...
S: Did something get knocked over?
Me: ... not exactly... (Sam fans know what expression was on my face when I quote that, right? )
S: ok...
Workmate: OMG, what happened to your arm?
Me: uh, nothing.
S: It wasn't like that this morning...
Me: Carpet burn. It's carpet burn.
S&W: ...
Me: ...
S: You fell over, didn't you?
Me (defeated): yes. *And you will never find out why*
There is only one person at work that I discuss SG with, and they are not him.
Anyway, sorry for rambling. I spent my lunch break kneeling next to the pile (because I only planned to look at it for a second) and I will buy the book on Monday, when it's on the computer.
So that is why it's Amanda's fault that my knees hurt.
Gate Gal said I reminded her of Moebius Sam, and now I remember that every time I do something clumsy or geeky. So most days.
Neep, NZBG, Eileen!
Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz
OUt of pure curiosity, how did you find your way there LoL?
I troll the internet daily looking for new blogs... bwa ha haha haha..... lol, no no no, that's not true.
I got an email from a gal who said she'd read your blog and that it was a nice account. So I went to read it, and I remembered you - I also thought the blog entry was really great - so I forwarded it on here, thinking folks who didn't get to go might have a nice read out of it, too.
Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008 ~all proceeds to benefit charity~
You know what still amazes me is that with a female in charge of SciFi, we still get the crap that we're getting. That tells me, it doesn't really matter if the ones in charge are male or female, what matters is the maturity that comes with it. What Stargate needs is mature writers and executive producers, ones who are willing to stand up and say "no, we're not going to do that" when faced with the directive to "make it appeal to the treasured demographic". What SciFi needs is the same thing, or it's just going to continue to get worse and worse.
Sometimes we (females) can be our own worst enemy once we break through the glass ceiling. Sadly, I've seen this happen at my workplace too. I think you make a valid point.