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Where? All I see is the same trailer and interviews Judge, RDA, Shanks, At and CB
Hmm, try going to SciFi.com (the main page). On the right hand side you will see a link to one of Amanda's snippets. If you click on that, you can watch it and also find the other ones.
Hmm, try going to SciFi.com (the main page). On the right hand side you will see a link to one of Amanda's snippets. If you click on that, you can watch it and also find the other ones.
Amanda's not too bad??? What the??? Amanda is great...fantastic...wonderful...inspirational...admirable...need I say more...I'm sure there's more that can be added to that!!! Amanda's not too bad...indeed!!! She's brilliant...without her we wouldn't have Sam Carter!!!
"Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility" Hug Your Loved Ones!! ~Amanda Tapping