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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    Filmmaking, says Kohlhaase, is not an excercise in theory or artistic effects. It is an excercise in storytelling. The story of real people.
    Wow, Tracy that really resonates.

    One of my majors was film as well. And as student after student of the artform has done for year after year, I wrote essays on the subject, read theories during study, watched film after film. The one constant that remained key throughout all of it, was, there is no substitute for telling a good story.

    I work in post production these days. I do make my living as part of a special effects team, and yes, I often work on "things that go boom" for a scream. I won't deny that, or belittle the artform because post production and digital effects are an amazing piece of the puzzle and a tremendous asset to the industry overall. As a tool. But not as a substitute for good dramatic narrative.

    The sad reality is that that substitution has begun to happen far too often in mainstream television and cinema these days. Most especially since the advances in digital post have become so glamorized. I'm all for those advances, and I'm all for the wonders of digital visual effects, obviously. But I'm completely against the use of special effects for the sole purpose of.... well, special effects. Unless it's some short film or independant production whose entire focus is to showcase what the technology can do (I've seen those before - they have a very definite, very specific purpose and that purpose is DFX).

    Frankly, I don't think you'd find any f/x artist who wouldn't agree - to substitute f/x for good drama is no better than to make a film for the sole purpose of having a certain actor in it, before you even know what story you want to tell (or whether you even have a story to begin with). It's completely backward thinking. Ideally, we work to bring stories to life, not to supercede them with overwhelming or superfluous spectacle.

    Actors, directors, camera operators, post-production artists, misc., crew, everyone involved is part of a production team; an ensemble whose primary function is to breathe vitality into a story. The narrative itself is (or should be) the paramount consideration of the endeavor. It is the message. Not the artist who gets top billing or the astronomical number of dollars spent on post. The moment we lose that story, we lose the entire essence of what the artistic medium is about. And none of the artists involved are ever happy in that scenario.

    Lately - and sadly - Stargate has done just that. No matter how talented the individual artists may be (Amanda, Chris, Michael, Ben, Claudia, the crew, the post team), the moment that story began to be compromised by cheapened plot devices and shallow narrative, not a one of them would have been able to pull it back out of the fire on their own. And they didn't - as we saw with Season nine - it wasn't possible (even for talent like Amanda), to make things 'appear' as though nothing had changed.

    Good stories are about people. No matter how much science and fiction may be involved, truly great drama is, at its core, about human issues; human emotion, desire, challenge, angst, happiness, whatever the case may be. A good story is a human story. And there is no stand-in for telling a good story. There is no special effect that can compete, no actor that can rise above it. At the end of the day, now and forever, that drama; that narrative will always be king (or queen, as the case may be).

    Maybe someday, SG-1 will recapture it's story. I'm hoping so, at least.

    Until that time ............... well, Amanda Tapping can make us smile. That's HER gift. And we can certainly choose to appreciate that, regardless.

    mini(the slightly melancholy)geek

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
      See, I just don't think they've ever done that before, have they? And if they haven't released bogus spoilers, I don't see why it would work to their advantage to do so now. I wish that was the case, and we could all be pleasantly surprised come August, but I'm thinking this is it. Everything they've been saying over the past few months has been because of this renewed sense of vigor with Cameron.

      Last season, they had five eps with Vala, and they were practically forced to use one of TO3 as her sidekick. Then, once she was gone, they felt free to use Cameron as The Man, and had all of TO3 fall into step behind him in some bizarre form of "leadership."

      Now that all five are signed on, the peeps in charge evidently took this as an opportunity to have Vala AND Cameron run the show from here on out.

      I don't think it's a coincidence that nearly every ep we've read about in spoiler form features one of the two of them - or both - in a large way. And if that's the way they're going with it, based on the Spacey award results, they probably have no reason to change their tune. I can only imagine how Sci Fi must've taken that as confirmation of their hopes: That the fans indeed love their new characters as much as they do.

      They'll most likely take the results from the fan awards over the clear ratings issues of last season. It's all very backwards.

      I really don't think the Spacey awards mean much at all. Mitchell won by getting 27% of the vote--that isn't a whopping endorsement, and I think it is one where you can vote as much as you want.

      Spacey Awards have been around now for four years. I believe that SG-1 won best show for the first three years, and last year by a very very heavy margin of over 50%. This year is the first year SG-1 did not win best show.

      Also, for the last several years, SG-1 cast members have won Leos and Saturns for the show---but not this past year.

      But none of this matters really, because TPTB are going to write what they want to write, clearly. They are interested in writing about Mitchell and Vala because they are new. I don't agree with it--I think it is ruining the show from my perspective, and the ratings clearly did go down in season 9 (so some of the causal audience wasn't interested in staying around to watch it). But even that doesn't matter because they want to write what they want to write---what they enjoy writing. Sadly, this does not include Sam or Teal'c, and, IMO, only Daniel as Vala's sidekick.


        Wow it took me a while to catch up but I fianlly did it
        there were many wonderfult posts and the artwork was just so amazing that they deserve another viewing


        MY LJ - Potential




        my fanfic


          I know this isn't the S/J thread, but I'm asking this here anyway because I share similar tastes in fanfiction with more than several of you guys.

          Does anyone know of any good stories out there with a S/J slant, based on or related to the episode "Paradise Lost" (the one where Jack O'Neill and Harry Mayborne are lost on some planet's moon while Carter and SG-1 try to figure out how to get them back - has that great Sam/Teal'c moment in the episode where Teal'c comes to find her in the women's locker room and she's crying...)

          I always wanted to read fic where some of the emotional details were hashed out for Sam after that episode ended, they really left it up in the air (if you'll pardon the pun), just when you saw the Teltac with SG-1 on it flying over Jack and Harry, the whole thing ended... did anyone ever write more of it? By chance?


          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            The show kinda brings that outta people these days. Don't worry.

            The more you people force me to read these spoilers (Ahem, get the gun away from my head Spaz!) the more I think Season 10 will be a good oppurtunity to brush up on my sarcasm-laced recapping skills for my LJ.


            But let's talk about something fun! With all this talk about storytelling, what do you think is Sam's most important unfinished story, and how would you finish it?


              Originally posted by jckfan55
              Feeling listless? Unable to concentrate? Cranky? Weepy at the drop of a hat?

              You could be experiencing SDS--Sam Deprivation Syndrome. With only small doses of Sam available in Season 9, this problem is reportedly endemic in the Kingdom.

              Currently no cure is known, but experts say the syndrome can be managed and a support network is helpful. Please share with your fellow afflicted your ways of coping.
              You asked for it ...

              Well, first I replay the first eight seasons as the mood strikes (often), concentrating on the special Sam episodes and smiling a lot.

              Then I try to sign up for paintball tournaments whenever I can. I've already purchased my camouflage outfit and built a model of a P90 in my basement. It's amazing what you can do with other people's scrap metal.

              I rewatch Casablanca for the hundredth time, just to hear Bogie say "Play it again, Sam."

              Next I turn to my collection of Bewitched episodes and watch another blonde named Samantha outsmart the men around her. I try to picture AT and RDA playing the leads. However, I keep getting AT and MS. Danny boy seems more of a substitute for Darren or whoever he is.

              Of course, I visit the local science museum weekly - spending most time in the planetarium - gazing at stars, moonscapes, and other heavenly bodies through the telescopes or on the theatre screen. I try to imagine Carter bouncing around in her white space suit saying something like "One small step for Rob Cooper, one gigantic leap for Cam and Vala."

              I go into the kitchen and make a souffle. "Here's lookin' at you, kid!"

              I go to the Hells' Angels convention and purchase a leather jacket with all donations going towards disabled bikers. (There seem to be a lot of them.) I sit on a Harley Davidson in my leather jacket and say "Vroom, vroom. This one's for you, Sam."

              I purchase a copy of Stephen Hawkings' book on physics and read it from cover to cover. Then I devour the pages of The Dancing Wu Li Mastersand try to understand what the heck I just read. But I FEEL CLOSER TO CARTER.

              I learn to play a killer game of pool and collect all bets.

              I talk about time travel during lunch breaks. Soon I'm dining alone. But Sam would understand.

              I order blue jello and buy yellow bubblegum. I pop the bubblegum in my mouth and grimace. I sketch a picture of Thor.

              I exchange my sneakers for combat boots. It is amazing what you can find in other people's trash.

              I take a walk in the woods and play soldier with sticks. (My P90 really got smeared up in a paintball fight.)

              I go to a Volvo dealership and gaze lovingly at a silver Volvo. Then I ask if they have any used 1960 models for sale ...

              I find myself staring into my toilet bowl and flushing it repeatedly while humming the Stargate theme.

              And then, only then, I settle down and continue writing my Samfic, hoping to post it before the new season, the season of dread, begins.

              "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times ..." Sigh, scratch that line - I think it's already been used.
              Last edited by ChopinGal; 31 May 2006, 05:50 PM.


                my, aren't we talking a lot today?
                Originally posted by jckfan55
                How AT manages to keep some dignity given some of the outfits they've put her in during the last 2 seasons....
                i don't know how she managed to stay dignified at all this season, not just the outfits. class act, she is. oops! i still haven't made a sig of that. maybe. someone.
                Originally posted by spaz
                <sniperage>I mean, it'd be different if she had decided that she wanted to do other things, and voluntarily left the series to pursue other work. It'd be different if she had been gone for longer than five episodes, and had to find her groove again. It'd be different if she had publicly made demands for more storylines to revolve around her character, and for more screen time and consideration from the producers.

                But that wasn't the case at all.<sniperage>
                (referring to whole post) i think you hit the nail on the head, spaz! AT's not a complainer, but it should not have been that hard for her to mesh back in. she puts 9 years in, takes off FIVE eps for MATERNITY LEAVE, and is shut out. show's how much the show's changed (IMO, for the worse). i mean really, in the end, they lost one actor, added 2, and shuffled around the TPTB, that shouldn't lock her out of the dynamic. she was co-second lead for NINE years, comes back and is tied for last place. how horrible is that? and though they can't be directly related, i dislike the pure fact that CB's pregnancy is worked in, while AT spends the season numb, last chair, and fighting to fit in. how 'bout a little respect?

                so i now feel compelled to start an AT hugging campaign. what that is, i have no idea, but i feel i must start it. (((((Amanda)))))
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  Originally posted by Deejay435

                  ... But let's talk about something fun! With all this talk about storytelling, what do you think is Sam's most important unfinished story, and how would you finish it?
                  LOL, I couldn't have asked for a better cue. See my new Samfic coming soon to a website in your galaxy. Heat will address what really happened between the fishing trip in S8 and reassignments in S9 ... stay tuned!

                  Shipper alert - yes, it's a Sam and Jack story.


                    Originally posted by minigeek
                    I know this isn't the S/J thread, but I'm asking this here anyway because I share similar tastes in fanfiction with more than several of you guys.

                    Does anyone know of any good stories out there with a S/J slant, based on or related to the episode "Paradise Lost" (the one where Jack O'Neill and Harry Mayborne are lost on some planet's moon while Carter and SG-1 try to figure out how to get them back - has that great Sam/Teal'c moment in the episode where Teal'c comes to find her in the women's locker room and she's crying...)

                    I always wanted to read fic where some of the emotional details were hashed out for Sam after that episode ended, they really left it up in the air (if you'll pardon the pun), just when you saw the Teltac with SG-1 on it flying over Jack and Harry, the whole thing ended... did anyone ever write more of it? By chance?

                    I'm thinkin' that Skydiver/Denise has done that locker-room scene. Sky?!


                      i have the locker room scene. King of Fools i believe

                      i'm trying to remember if there's another one. Depths of Friendship. most likely has a sam/teal'c friendship angle

                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by minigeek
                        Wow, Tracy that really resonates.

                        One of my majors was film as well. And as student after student of the artform has done for year after year, I wrote essays on the subject, read theories during study, watched film after film. The one constant that remained key throughout all of it, was, there is no substitute for telling a good story.

                        I work in post production these days. I do make my living as part of a special effects team, and yes, I often work on "things that go boom" for a scream. I won't deny that, or belittle the artform because post production and digital effects are an amazing piece of the puzzle and a tremendous asset to the industry overall. As a tool. But not as a substitute for good dramatic narrative.

                        The sad reality is that that substitution has begun to happen far too often in mainstream television and cinema these days. Most especially since the advances in digital post have become so glamorized. I'm all for those advances, and I'm all for the wonders of digital visual effects, obviously. But I'm completely against the use of special effects for the sole purpose of.... well, special effects. Unless it's some short film or independant production whose entire focus is to showcase what the technology can do (I've seen those before - they have a very definite, very specific purpose and that purpose is DFX).

                        Frankly, I don't think you'd find any f/x artist who wouldn't agree - to substitute f/x for good drama is no better than to make a film for the sole purpose of having a certain actor in it, before you even know what story you want to tell (or whether you even have a story to begin with). It's completely backward thinking. Ideally, we work to bring stories to life, not to supercede them with overwhelming or superfluous spectacle.

                        Actors, directors, camera operators, post-production artists, misc., crew, everyone involved is part of a production team; an ensemble whose primary function is to breathe vitality into a story. The narrative itself is (or should be) the paramount consideration of the endeavor. It is the message. Not the artist who gets top billing or the astronomical number of dollars spent on post. The moment we lose that story, we lose the entire essence of what the artistic medium is about. And none of the artists involved are ever happy in that scenario.

                        Lately - and sadly - Stargate has done just that. No matter how talented the individual artists may be (Amanda, Chris, Michael, Ben, Claudia, the crew, the post team), the moment that story began to be compromised by cheapened plot devices and shallow narrative, not a one of them would have been able to pull it back out of the fire on their own. And they didn't - as we saw with Season Nine - it wasn't possible (even for talent like Amanda), to make things 'appear' as though nothing had changed.

                        Good stories are about people. No matter how much science and fiction may be involved, truly great drama is, at its core, about human issues; human emotion, desire, challenge, angst, happiness, whatever the case may be. A good story is a human story. And there is no stand-in for telling a good story. There is no special effect that can compete, no actor that can rise above it. At the end of the day, now and forever, that drama, that narrative will always be king (or queen, as the case may be).

                        Maybe someday, SG-1 will recapture its story. I'm hoping so, at least.

                        Until that time ............... well, Amanda Tapping can make us smile. That's HER gift. And we can certainly choose to appreciate that, regardless.

                        mini(the slightly melancholy)geek
                        Well spank me Rosie! Is this a stupendous post or what?! Thanks to you, mini, and Tracy Jane for two excellent critiques! You've captured the crux of the matter. I wish TPTB could read these posts. Your writing is intelligent and concise and rings true. Were that the case with some of last season's scripts, we'd all be feeling better about S10.

                        You make me proud to be a Samandan!


                          ok, my spammage for post 10400...what would i like to see them revisit on sams storyline

                          oh jolinar of course. I'd like to see sam confront some part of jolinar's past. someone she tried to help, one of her host's descendants, some kind of legacy - good or bad - of jolinar's

                          possibly something that also confronts the fact that she hasn't used hte healing thingie since daniel's 'death'
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            In December I'll be graduating with a degree in Astrophysics! Ok, the Astrophysics part isn't true, but the graduating part is.
                            ROTFLOL Hey, I'm the Jester around here!

                            So, what's the real-life degree?! Another future Samanda grad!! Yippee! Smart women, unite!


                              Originally posted by Skydiver
                              ok, my spammage for post 10400...what would i like to see them revisit on sams storyline

                              oh jolinar of course. I'd like to see sam confront some part of jolinar's past. someone she tried to help, one of her host's descendants, some kind of legacy - good or bad - of jolinar's

                              possibly something that also confronts the fact that she hasn't used hte healing thingie since daniel's 'death'
                              Congrats on post 10400! And I actually think Sam has used the healing device on the sly, just think about it, after all her injuries you'd think she'd have a scar

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                ok, my spammage for post 10400...what would i like to see them revisit on sams storyline

                                oh jolinar of course. I'd like to see sam confront some part of jolinar's past. someone she tried to help, one of her host's descendants, some kind of legacy - good or bad - of jolinar's

                                possibly something that also confronts the fact that she hasn't used hte healing thingie since daniel's 'death'
                                I'd like to see that.

                                TPTB have even provided themselves with a potential means for this in Vala - what if there had been a connection of some kind between Jolinar and Vala's Goa'uld (Quetesh or something, was it?), something Jolinar did on the Goa'uld's planet that has consequences now.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

