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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ChevronSeven
    My first reaction to that particular scene was
    Why is Jack selling Sam's bike?

    Mine too.


      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
      If I were Sam Carter for 24 hours ...

      I would take a ship that I (or Sam built) on a joy ride through the galaxy. I of course would be in the pilot's seat and Jack would be my wing man. (I spend entirely too much time sitting on Earth dreaming about the stars not to waste the opportunity.) I'd be doing loops around the moon, sweep down to get a closer look at Mars and flying through the rings on Saturn just for the thrill. Then I would set the hyper drive to explore yet another galaxy and land on a beautiful uninhabited planet with lots and lots of mountains and a beautiful crystal clear lake that Jack and I could enjoy together.
      Yeah, I'd love to do that, too. But you know, I'm a hazard behind the wheel of car... I can't imagine what I would do trying to pilot a spaceship. I'd just end up crashing into the back of the hangar or something. Or if Jack were piloting it would go more like this:

      "It's all yours, Carter," he would say, giving me control.

      "What?!" (sounding somewhat shriek-like, eyeballing the fast approaching moon)

      "It's all yours!"

      "Oh this is sooooo not good..." (eyeballing the really, REALLY fast approaching moon)

      "Um, Carter?"

      "OMG! Take it back!" (counting craters on the moon's surface)


      "Take it back! Take it back! Oh ****, I don't want to die smashing into the moon at a zillion miles per hour!"
      Last edited by Strix varia; 25 May 2006, 07:55 PM.

      My LJ


        Originally posted by ReganX
        I think you've hit the nail on the head. To me, the show has long outgrown the need for a "lead" character; the characters they had were strong enough to stand on equal footing and while they would have benefitted from the addition of another well-established, well-written character of equal standing with Sam, Daniel and Teal'c, trying to remake the show around a new lead has done far more harm than good.
        Great points by Stragate Barbie and ReganX - you both hit the nail on the head re: what I see as the major problem with S9.


          Originally posted by Strix varia
          Yeah, I'd love to do that, too. But you know, I'm a hazard behind the wheel of car... I can't imagine what I would do trying to pilot a spaceship. I'd just end up crashing into the back of the hangar or something. Or if Jack were piloting it would go more like this:

          "It's all yours, Carter," he says, giving me control.

          "What?!" (sounding somewhat shriek-like, eyeballing the fast approaching moon)

          "It's all yours!"

          "Oh this is sooooo not good..." (eyeballing the really, REALLY fast approaching moon)

          "Um, Carter?"

          "OMG! Take it back!" (counting craters on the moon's surface)


          "Take it back! Take it back! Oh ****, I don't want to die smashing into the moon at a zillion miles per hour!"

          Strix you're hularious! Can you imagine Jack's confusion, he would think you as Sam was just joking around until you were so close to the moon that he would have to take the controls back. Upon your return you would be spending the rest of the day in the infirmary (nope sorry Strix, that would not be a happy thing. ) You would be undergoing test after test and needle brick after needle brick.


            Originally posted by Strix varia
            Not during my turn, he's not!

            Janet, on the other hand...
            That's probably a good thing, he'll need the break.

            Hey, Strix! You go right before me, okay? That way he'll be all nice and rested....


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
              Damn. If I don't get the brains.... No chance of fixing my wireless then. Actually, I'd much rather be Pete Shannahan for the day. It's the same principal. I mean, I'd still end up in Sam Carter's body at the end of the day.

              Sky! Ow!! That hurts!!!
              OMG!!! ROFLMAO - ooohhh you are so bad!! LOL!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by Deejay435
                That's probably a good thing, he'll need the break.

                Hey, Strix! You go right before me, okay? That way he'll be all nice and rested....
                Yes, Strix.....we want him nice and rested.....before we tire him out again!


                  I have certainly enjoyed having time to spend in the Kingdom tonight. It's bedtime for us working folks now.....but I hope to see you all again over the weekend!!!


                    Originally posted by Deejay435
                    That's probably a good thing, he'll need the break.

                    Hey, Strix! You go right before me, okay? That way he'll be all nice and rested....

                    My LJ


                      Originally posted by minigeek
                      I mean, take over, so you don't get her brains. you just get to BE IN her for the day - mind OUT of the gutter dammit! lol (No one would know - well they MIGHT know if you snogged someone odd, like ... Felger, or Landry, or y'know, yourself in public ... or something lol)
                      What fun would it be if we can't utilize her brains as well? If I was in Sam's body for just one day I would probably go out on the town!! I think I'd feel pretty weird though - using her like that. Ahh...I don't know...I changed my mind - I don't want to be in Sam's body.
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by JessM
                        Thanks, I really appreciate that. You should feel bad for us poor S/D shippers... we have no canon to play with, so we continue to wallow in our delirious "mights" and "maybes" and take anything we can get...even if it doesn't appear to be "canon"... yes, we are rightfully stigmatized as being fans of the ship that should not even exist, because it has no basis since the two characters enjoy a brother-sister relationship, if any relationship at all. There is definitely no sparkage between them and we should stop blindly following something that does not exist. After all, it is quite squicky and we all have our heads in the sand to not enjoy the HAWTNESS of that obvious OTP... -

                        Yes, I was channeling Rodney McKay there... extreme sarcasm and all. I apologize... and before any Sam/Teal'c, Sam/Janet, Sam/Thor, etc. people jump on me and tell me to stop feeling sorry for myself and my other like-minded shippers, because they're not popular either... I know that... I just tend to take these things kind of personally and being flamed for my ship has left a bad impression on me. Your comment was perfectly innocent, minigeek, so please don't think I'm lashing out at you.

                        I guess this sounds very paranoid, but would people feel better if I turned off my sig? Because it seems that after I make a bunch of posts, someone posts the S/J Grace kiss, and it makes me think that it's to counter my S/D sig banners. I'm sorry if this sounds very selfish of me and I'm not normally this's just something I've noticed since coming here.

                        I'm thinking that maybe I should visit less often, because I feel like it's all of you against me (or against a couple of us) and I just can't keep up. It makes me think that I'm wrong for having my ship, and I know that you've tried to convince me otherwise when I'd first come here... but it's hard not to take it personally when it seems like there's a lot of people ganging up on you. I do appreciate Sam's character and that's why I'm here, but I don't want anyone trying to convert me or anything. I just want to talk about Sam and not have to fend off people picking on me for only trying to represent my ship fairly.

                        I guess this all sounds like I'm a fragile person who can't take joking, but again I feel outnumbered and wish it could just be about Sam, not splitting hairs about who people ship her with... and yes I feel that that is what is happening when people keep posting the S/J kiss... I don't say anything about it, and I just post S/D to keep it fair.

                        I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to censor anyone... I'm just stating my concerns and why I'm not too happy and don't feel like I'm entirely welcome here. Please flame me or give me negative reputation, I deserve it for whining like this. Sorry I wasted everyone's time... I've just been pretty depressed lately.
                        First, flaming isn't one of the house rules here in Darren's "house." Respecting your fellow posters is. We can agree to disagree if we can't come to an understanding, but flaming, attacking, etc. *uh-uh* Wrong forum if you're looking for that.

                        The only suggestion I would respectfully submit then, perhaps if you are feeling 'ganged up on', perhaps it is because if a good amount of individual posts you (or others) post in here center around S/D or other ships, then about the only way the rest of us are able to "bounce" a reply off your posts is either to agree or disagree with your ship-centered posts. So it would look like you're being ganged up on if that were all we had to respond to. And remember some of us are more laid back.... some are much more *exuberant* in their writing styles.

                        The conversations here flow.... from leadership, to acting jobs, to science, to *ahem*, to ships, to past character triumphs, and on and on.... the topic will only stagnate to one thing if we allow it. So don't allow it to. And certainly don't feel you have to be the token defender (*visions of Jess on a white steed charging through Samanda waving a larger banner*) of your pairing. There are many who feel very strongly about their favorite other characters and the friend- and romantic-ships those other characters have with Sam, but we don't let it rule the thread and we learn to respect the feelings and points of view of all those who come to play and lurk.

                        I don't know... guess I'm trying to say is just to relax and don't think anyone is trying to talk you out of your opinions or ship preferences. They are yours and yours alone and you're just as entitled to them as any of the rest of us are. Just take a step back every now and then and realize that there's a bunch of eager Sam fans ready to share their unique spin on the character and when you get *all* of us in here (because many of us are MIA in here due to work, RL commitments, and getting outside to enjoy the beautiful spring/fall weather) the thread just bubbles and percolates along like a rushing, busy stream....

                        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          Sitting in the briefing room...

                          Sam in Vala's body ( She's wearing a green set of BDU's with her head resting on the table ) : I've explained this three times already Daniel. I'm not Vala. I'm Sam. I don't know how this happened and I don't know where Vala... I mean me...I don't know where my body is.

                          Vala enters the briefing room in Sam's body. She's decked out in a skin-tight leather outfit that's definitely showing much more cleavage than norm.

                          Vala( in Sam's body) : Someone looking for me?

                          Teal'c and Daniel both look up at Sam( Vala ). Teal'c's eyebrow shoots up and Daniel's mouth drops to the floor.

                          Sam( in Vala's body ): Holy crap! What are you wearing?!?

                          Teal'c: I believe it is called a wonder bra, Colonel Carter.

                          Vala: *looks down at her chest* Nice, don't ya think?
                          You have such a cute figure, Sam, you really need to show it off more.

                          Daniel looks stunned as he glances back and forth between Sam and Vala. Teal'c looks throughly amused.

                          Mitchell enters the room reading a briefing report.

                          Mitchell: So?! Is everyone ready for our mission to *looks at Sam* WHOA! Sam, you look...

                          Daniel: Hot?

                          Mitchell looks at Daniel and then to Teal'c ...

                          Mitchell: That wasn't exactly the word I was thinking... but it will do.

                          Sam: *drops head back down to the table* Oh god, just shoot me now.

                          BRILLIANT - I love it!! Well done. LOL
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            But you see, when Deejay(Sam) went to O'NeiL's office, it was empty, so Deejay(Sam) thought she would surprise him by waiting in his chair behind the desk wearing only a grin when Gen. Jack O'NeiL walked into his office
                            No, no. Believe me, O-one L-Neil would have seen a flesh colored blur while I made my way to the right office. Oh yes.


                              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                              If I were in Sam's body for 24hrs ... hmmm... what would I do?

                              1) I'd give Teal'c and Daniel a big hug just because I could.

                              2) I'd call Jack on the phone just so I could hear his voice.
                              Our conversation...

                              Jack: Uh Carter? Not that this isn't a really pleasant surprise, but is there a reason you called me?

                              Sam(me): Um, I was just wondering how you were doing, sir.

                              Jack: You feeling ok, Carter?

                              Sam(me): To be honest, sir, I'm not really feeling myself today.

                              Jack: Is there anything I could do to help?

                              Sam(Me): *big cheesy grin* You already are.

                              Yes, I know secretly I'd be wanting more, but I couldn't do anything that would look badly on Sam. I may be in her body, but I wouldn't completely take advantage of the situation.

                              3) I'd totally figure out some reason to go through the Stargate.
                              4) Tinker with the stuff in her lab.
                              5) I'd find Mitchell alone somewhere and very politely tell him...

                              "Just between you and me, *whispering in his ear* I suggest that you talk to Teal'c about the Jaffa Rites of Or'nok, because if you ever call me Mary Poppins again, you'll be experiencing it first hand.

                              What?!? Sam will be thanking me for that one!
                              *snickers* This and that Sam and Vala changing bodies thing...priceless.

                              Rites of Or'nok indeed. If this is what I remember, let's hope for Mitchell's sake that the knife is REALLY sharp.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                *snickers* This and that Sam and Vala changing bodies thing...priceless.

                                Rites of Or'nok indeed. If this is what I remember, let's hope for Mitchell's sake that the knife is REALLY sharp.

                                Ahh! I'm reading this and listening to Jay Leno talking about the Tao of Willy

                                my fanfic

