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Hey guess what? Something I've done has been nominated for a Stargate Fan Award.
Hey guess what: Part Deux? I don't know what it is. LOL
I contacted the person from there who emailed me to notify me and they said they'd get back to me on it.
I figured I'd post it here since most of my stargate related creative endeavors have been about Amanda or Sam almost exclusively...so it seemed appropriate.
If too OT, I am willing to submit to Samandan Security for punishment. So 1Speed? Agent Dark? I'm sure you'll let me know if I was out of place.
But be gentle...I bruise easily.
Congrats Oooober I got one of those forms too, how do they expect us to be patient when we are after all part of Demanda
Once the awards tell the artists what their noms are, we'lre gonna have to make a 'samandan list'....not to tell anyone what to vote for. we won't do that, that is cheating.
However we can say who has what nommed because, failing all else, there may be some great sam fic in there that we've missed.
and i don't know about you, but i really want some good sam fic to read