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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I've only seen Season 8 episodes once (if that), so my memories are more than a little vague... again...

    NEW ORDER, PART 1 and 2 I liked these episodes. Sam seemed a little insecure and awkward with Teal'c in one scene on board their ship; I wondered what that was about because it felt out of character at the time. Once the action started, though, she was back to competent Carter, and I was happy. I thought AT did a great job with her torture scenes involving 5th, although I thought some of the dialogue could have been written better, and a part of me wishes she hadn't been quite so pleading...

    When Carter said, "Part of being human is having compassion, learning to forgive," I cringed a little. I wish that the writers had written that scene differently. You know, here was 5th torturing Sam out of a sense of revenge (another very human emotion). Instead of pleading for 5th's forgivenss, telling him that he needs to have compassion... she could have shown him by forgiving him for torturing her. I just thought they missed a great opportunity to let 5th learn a little about humanity from Sam's example.

    LOCKDOWN I missed Janet in this episode. It's hard to keep a good bad-guy down, and I did enjoy the reappearance of Anubis. I vaguely recall being slightly confused as to how they were trying to control the situation, but I seem to remember that Sam saves the day by shutting off the base self-destruct and changing the gate address at the end, so that was cool.

    ZERO HOUR This was a fun episode, although Carter-light. Nice glimpse of her in command, and I thought the exchange between her and O'Neill at the end was done very well. Although... it did reveal a moment of insecure Carter again, second guessing herself and her leadership decisions.

    ICON Sam didn't have much of a role in this one. I'm not recalling any standout moments, anyway. Maybe some soldier Sam at the end while rescuing Daniel?

    AVATAR I thought this was going to be entirely a Teal'c (and Daniel) episode based on the previews, so I was surprised and pleased by the amount of screen time AT actually had. I thought it was a very original concept, although the computer game graphics were such a blatant plug for a commercial product that I was a bit put off. Good soldier Sam scenes. Good scientist Sam scenes.

    AFFINITY I liked Pete in this episode, and he was presented as pretty competent, and for that I was grateful since it showed why Sam might think so highly of him. I loved this exchange:

    CARTER: It's bad enough being on your own without every TV show and commercial and magazine ad trying to tell you how abnormal it is.

    JACKSON: I think that's what I just said.

    CARTER: I mean, they make you afraid of being alone but at the same time tell you not to settle for anything less than the perfect romantic ideal, like that actually exists anywhere in the real world. I mean, either way you can't win. (She sighs irritably. Daniel raises his eyebrows at Teal'c, then turns to Sam.)

    JACKSON: How's things?

    CARTER: Good. (She glances between Daniel and Teal'c.) We were talking about Teal'c's friend, right?

    JACKSON: I thought we were.

    It was an entertaining way of presenting a very real truth.

    There was another good scene between Sam and Jack in her lab, when she confesses that Pete has proposed to her. You could really see how well Sam and Jack know each other. It also revealed a lot about Sam's train of thought, and it was done perfectly in character for her.

    COVENANT I enjoyed this one very much. I thought there was a good chemistry between Alec Colson and Sam (to a degree that I kept thinking he would be a much better match for her than Pete). Sam seemed to get over her nervousness in front of cameras (from Heroes) pretty quick, as she did a great job on Julia Donovan's show. I was very glad they wrote her dialogue in such a way that she never told any outright lies. And in the final scene, we get a good sense of Sam's compassion.

    SACRIFICES I only caught part of this episode, and what I saw did not involve Sam.

    ENDGAME Carter kicking the snot out of a guy with her hands tied behind her back! I did wonder if there wasn't more she could have done to stop the guys from launching the attacks on the Jaffa. Could she have charged them and been zatted into unconciousness? Somehow, if Daniel had been in her place, I couldn't have seen him just sitting there. He would have done *something.* And I sort of wish Sam had, too, even though it would have been futile.

    GEMINI Alas, the hotel I was staying in the night this aired did not carry Sci-fi channel, so I have not seen it yet.

    PROMETHEUS UNBOUND No Sam. <sniff>

    IT'S GOOD TO BE KING this was one of my favorite episodes of the season. Sam was competent in her leadership role; she got to tinker with the ship. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea for her to grab Jack's gun... that was awesome.

    FULL ALERT I did see this one, but it didn't do much for me. I never really felt the tension between the US and Russia that was supposed to be there. I mean... weren't we supposed to be on the verge of war? Could have fooled me. And I don't remember Sam playing much of a role in any of it.

    CITIZEN JOE Fun episode, but very Sam light.

    RECKONING, PART 1 Alas, the hotel I was staying in when this one aired did not have sci-fi channel, either.

    RECKONING, PART 2 This was a wonderful episode! Replicarter was definitely creepy. AT did such a great job playing her. My favorite scene was the one with "Y'know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water!" (Of course). This episode had the old Sam Carter that I know and love... no insecurity...figuring out puzzles and alien technology...great banter with her dad and Ba'al... shooting up replicators.
    Good stuff!

    I'm running out of time, here, so I'll try to finish up the last episodes later...
    Last edited by Strix varia; 29 March 2005, 09:33 AM.

    My LJ


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      look what i finally got done

      NEW ORDER, PART 1 What I loved about new order was the sam/teal'c stuff. Such nice friendship scenes. I loved them talking their way into looking for a way to save jack. And the fifth/sam scenes were just heartbreaking. He got to her, he really, really got to her. And we get a good glimpse into her strength of will that she's able to resist it.

      LOCKDOWN Sam never really got to lead here, but I liked seeing her just around the base, doing her job and acting as kind of an advisor to jack. Also I loved it when she kicked bootie. Also I did like her scene with teal'c….what that woman can accomplish with a simple 'please'

      ZERO HOUR this was largely a jack episode, however I did like that we get to see sam in charge, and get a glimpse into her insecurities. I just wish we could see what happened on that planet

      ICON umm…..well it was a cheesy remake of 'the English patient' in a way and I really don't remember much about it

      AVATAR I loved the tension between these folks. Teal'c trying to figure things out and get out of the game. His scenes with sam were good….are you sensing a theme here?

      AFFINITY umm….she did look good in that jacket. I gotta admit I didn't care much for this eps as a whole, but it was nice to see another side of sam, see her warring with her two sides, wanting to be good in her job, wanting to have a life. It's a decision that more and more folks face every day. I think my only issue is kissing pete on the stakeout. Bad form and sure to be the subject of jokes around the sgc for weeks. I'm glad sam is happy, but that behavior just wasn't her

      COVENANT sam has some great interactions with alec, and I sense a real friendship – or at least a good working relationship. And it was fantastic to see her in the pilot's seat at last

      SACRIFICES this wasn't totally a sam eps but again we get to se her on the base, doing her job and just doing what she can to make things work. I love how, while I certainly know she's not jack's exec officer or running the base, she does seem to have some latitude to do things and take care of things…and jack trusts her to jut get the job done

      ENDGAME I like sam taking charge again. And, even though it may not have been appropriate attire, she looks really, really good in that leather jacket. I also liked how she manipulated the folks in the alkash. Kept them from attacking that one planet.

      GEMINI this seems to be a counterpoint to Grace in a way. We get to really look into sam's psyche and, I think, we get a glimpse into just how much fifth messed her up. I have my doubts that she ever told the boys exactly what fifth did to her and that ended up biting her in the end. However, I did like her and teal'c's interactions. How he backed her up, tried to let her do things her way, yet stood ready to support her if things went south

      PROMETHEUS UNBOUND no sam, so no comment

      IT'S GOOD TO BE KING finally! We get to see sam in charge, on a mission..and we get to see the whole mission. I enjoyed how she wrangled the boys, she's not as much their boss as she is their keeper. Her interactions with harry were good and I can tell that part of her likes the rogue…even if she wont' admit it

      FULL ALERT mmhm, sam knows how to run the fax machine <G>

      CITIZEN JOE lol, well the comments about her and pete were funny. She did have some good scenes in the end

      RECKONING, PART ooh, this is such a good one. We get to see replicarter and get a glimpse into just how deadly and evil our sam could be if she ever lost her morals. Replicarter is vicious, but not necessary evil, she's just 100% devoted to her cause, the survival of the reps. And she'll do whatever she can to accomplish it.
      She is our sam in a way, she has our sam's tunnel vision and devotion, just aimed the wrong way.
      I also thoroughly enjoyed sam and dad's scenes, in fact I ALWAYS love sam and dad.
      Though they were all split up, they were a team and all working towards the sam goal

      THREADS sooooo good. Sam and pete, yes I am biased because I really didn't care for pete's character, however, I do like how he's dealt with. I love the scenes with sam and dad…and yes, I did shed a tear.
      I like how sam's finally taking charge of her life in a way

      MOEBIUS, PART 1 GEEK SAM ROCKS!!!! She's so precious and funny. It's interesting to see how much she's changed by whatever was different in the au universe.
      But still, even though she's a bit of a frump, she's still sam inside. She's still funny, smart and, it seems to me, just needs someone having confidence in her to bring that confidence and ability to the fore
      I LOVED Avatar's final scene with everyone. I don't think I can say that enough. You've got Daniel and Teal'c who KNOW the truth, and Jack and Sam who aren't quite sure, but THINK they can trust each other, and they all have guns trained on each others. Jack's "Now what?" is priceless. I still have to rewind it every time, because it's a classic scene.

      It's great because they all had to blindly trust each other. Daniel and Teal'c had to trust Jack and Sam even though they didn't KNOW that they weren't Goa'ulds, and Jack and Sam had to do the same.

      Trust! That's what I love about those four. They can TRUST each other with their lives, even when they're at war with aliens while being stuck in an out-of-control, hypervigilante video game!

      Well, that's enough on Avatar.

      Oh yeah, and I soooooo want to thank you for my Lurker Extraordinaire title. Because I lurk so much, I didn't see it until recently. Just doin' my job, thank you very much!


        Okay, back at the computer, and continuing with Season 8 comments...

        Threads: This was another great episode, probably my favorite for the season. The scene where Sam shows up at Jack's house and is trying so hard to talk to him when Kerry interrupts... AT played that brilliantly. It was genius. I was so drawn into the scene I knew exactly what she was feeling. And her scenes with Jacob... again, very moving. I was really pleased with the writing in this ep; I thought they gave AT a lot of great, emotional scenes, and she did a fantastic job with them.

        Moebius 1&2: These were fun episodes, and geeky Sam made me laugh. I, too, found the time travel/timeline implications to be a bit confusing... I can't help but think my SG-1 Sam, Jack, and Teal'c died in the past and geeky Sam and Jack were stuck together in the past for the rest of their lives, but oh well. It was still a happy ending in our time.

        I also wanted to say that even though I have pointed out several of Sam's apparent insecurities this season, I don't have a problem with the writers portraying her with weaknesses. The scene where she's second-guessing her command decision was very well done, I thought. And I can understand how the writers might have felt it was a good thing to get Carter out of her element and to explore aspects of her personality that haven't been brought to the forefront before. I would guess that AT really enjoyed it, too, since it stretched her acting talents. For my part, it's just that she had so many insecure moments this season that I got a little tired of seeing her so off-balance. When Reckoning came around, I was relieved to see my old Sam back.

        My LJ


          Originally posted by Strix varia
          I've only seen Season 8 episodes once (if that), so my memories are more than a little vague... again...

          COVENANT ...Sam seemed to get over her nervousness in front of cameras (from Heroes) pretty quick, as she did a great job on Julia Donovan's show. I was very glad they wrote her dialogue in such a way that she never told any outright lies...
          May I comment on the above for a moment?

          I think the difference between Heroes and Covenant was that in Heroes, she was just Sam Carter trying to explain things as best she could on her own without any script or guidance. Contrast that with Covenant, where she was specifically ordered to make it appear as though there was a logical explanation for the Asgard walking into the was just a hologram, see? She had a clear-cut reason for the TV spot whereas in Heroes she was just winging it...which of course, made her very uncomfortable...

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
            May I comment on the above for a moment?

            I think the difference between Heroes and Covenant was that in Heroes, she was just Sam Carter trying to explain things as best she could on her own without any script or guidance. Contrast that with Covenant, where she was specifically ordered to make it appear as though there was a logical explanation for the Asgard walking into the was just a hologram, see? She had a clear-cut reason for the TV spot whereas in Heroes she was just winging it...which of course, made her very uncomfortable...

            As well in heroes she was getting questions and such about HERSELF, not about something scientific or otherwise. She does have some military barriers, and I don't think she likes giving away personal information, especially to complete strangers in front of a camera, the tape of which might be shown to the entire world! Camera's like that are very intimidating things, especially when you don't agree with what the camera man, or whoever, is trying to do.
            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


              For anyone who hasn't seen it,
              here's a link to the SciFi channel's very quick commercial promo for the 'new team'



                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                I think the difference between Heroes and Covenant was that in Heroes, she was just Sam Carter trying to explain things as best she could on her own without any script or guidance. Contrast that with Covenant, where she was specifically ordered to make it appear as though there was a logical explanation for the Asgard walking into the was just a hologram, see? She had a clear-cut reason for the TV spot whereas in Heroes she was just winging it...which of course, made her very uncomfortable...
                I guess I can see that. Perhaps I was just projecting my own discomfort at appearing in front of a camera under any circumstances.

                My LJ


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                  Hmm... I was just looking at list of the top female names for 2003 according to the U.S Social Security Administration.

                  4. Hannah (Holy)
                  5. Olivia
                  10. Samantha

                  Very interesting.

                  Meaning of the name Olivia
                  Thanks for the info, Kat - very interesting!
                  I also like your latest signature caption:
                  Jack Teal'c Daniel Sam - Just Too Damn Sexy!


                    Originally posted by astrogeologist
                    OK... so here's a pic of Sam and Teal'c for Sky (and I love the look on AT's face)
                    ...and a pic of techie Science!Sam for Deepspace...
                    ...and a pic of competent and ready-to-kick-ass Soldier!Sam for Agent Dark...

                    Guess The Episode

                    ...or provide your own episode title...
                    ...or make up a caption for any or all of these pics...
                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    First pic: (sam thinking) 'Man, I'm hungry. I can't wait to get my hands on...'

                    Second pic: (sam thinking) 'So glad I brought my condensed jello supply... '

                    Third pic: "Put. the. jello. down."
                    ROTFL at that third line. I can hear Sam's voice... deadly serious...
                    "Put. the. jello. down."
                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                    It's Good To Be King


                    Pic 1:
                    Sam: If we get Maybourne alone I'm going to thoroughly enjoy
                    wringing his royal, little neck.
                    Teal'c: Indeed.

                    Pic 2:
                    Sam: I'm doing the best I can, sir, but I really doubt we're going to
                    be able to pick up the hockey game in here.

                    Pic 3:
                    Jack: Carter?
                    Sam: Sir?
                    Jack: that MY gun in your hands?
                    Sam: Yes, sir.
                    Jack: Just checkin.
                    Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                    Rofl! It makes it even funnier that I remember reading a little ficlet from the point of view of Jack's sidearm in that scene Was a funny little story, but alas I can't remember its title
                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    it's called 'it's good to be the gun' and it's mine a silly little thing that i had fun with. i'm glad you liked it
                    It's Good To Be The Gun - well written, and a fun point of view.


                      Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                      I found this picture up on the web. The original had been autographed so I did some editing to remove those. It's such a cute photograph of Amanda and CJ.

                      Photo from
                      for more info on autographed photos check it out.
                      Great pic, Kat! Went to the autograph website and checked out the original (signed) photo - and I am very impressed by how well you photoshopped out the signatures! Great job!


                        *pops head up from Samanda lurkdom*

                        Nice one AT! And welcome to this reality Olivia!

                        *pops head back into Samanda lurkdom*
                        I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                          Originally posted by Matt G
                          *pops head up from Samanda lurkdom*

                          Nice one AT! And welcome to this reality Olivia!

                          *pops head back into Samanda lurkdom*
                          Hi Matt! We're a friendly bunch here on this thread, so pop in and join the discussions!
                          ..and I love your turn of words when you welcomed Olivia to 'this reality'!


                            Whew! What a flurry on the forums! What great posts and great fun!

                            Wonderful Season 8 episode comments Sky, Strix, Dancer and ChevronSeven!
                            I just finished downloading and archiving them into the Season 8 summary list.

                            Blue Jello for all of your wonderful comments!


                              Originally posted by astrogeologist
                              Great pic, Kat! Went to the autograph website and checked out the original (signed) photo - and I am very impressed by how well you photoshopped out the signatures! Great job!
                              Well I'm feeling a little stupid right now...I went to that site and can't find that pic anywhere. I had a little problem using their scrollbar...Is there a direct link???

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Hmm. What does the "B" stand for?

                                At 9 lbs. 4 oz, I'll go with "Bighonkinbaby".

                                So there you have her in all her glory: Olivia Bighonkinbaby Kovacs.

                                Hey? What about Belle? That would be pretty.

                                Olivia Belle Kovacs.

                                I hope we find out soon and get to see pictures of the happy family...the speculation is enough to drive one batty!!!

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

