Originally posted by Skydiver
And my vote for Sam's call sign would be something cool that she earned... something that shows the respect that other pilots hold her in. Tinkerbelle would be OK for when she was at the Academy and in pilot training, and I like the short version 'Tink' (and I think the shortened version works better as a call sign, because it's intriguing and leads one to ask where it came from... could be for 'Tinker' because she's always working with tech-stuff, but it would also lead to the embarrassing explanation and related stories of earlier days fighting Tinkerbelle...and the shorter version fits on a helmet much better) but I'd like to think that later, she earned something a bit cooler and a bit less derogatory... something like 'Starbuck' (yeah, I know it's already taken). I also always liked Wizard, which was the callsign that Starbuck92 gave Sam in her fanfic '1991' (which can be found at the Stargate Novel Archive).
How about 'Ticket' (for what she gets for going fast all the time)... and it could tie back to Jack's jibe in the elevator (which would be cool because it would imply that he knew her call sign already).
Or how about 'Soup' (for all of the engines that she soups up to make them go faster).