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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I'd like to apologise for the tone of my posts last night, if they sounded a bit off to everyone. I probably shouldn't have been online posting while in a bad mood. I didn't mean to be such a total brat.
    But without trying to make too many excuses, I'll just say a simple 'sorry'.

    ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
      Whee, just watched Ripple Effect again - it's definitely a keeper
      And I am totally convinced there was a Sam/Janet reference. Last scene, where Sam ask's Martouf why her AU self was absent from his team, and he defers the answer to Janet with a smile on his face. Maternity Leave... Janet grinning... Sam and Janet hugging... need I say more?
      *cough*Gosh, I feel a sudden need to re-watch RE.*cough*
      (Not that anyone needs an excuse. I haven't been this jazzed about an SG-1 episode since the first half of "Moebius.")
      Anyway, I'm all in favor of Agent Dark's theory, not least because several friends & acquaintances of mine are members of Carter's & Fraiser's vast lesbian fanbase. They've done so much to keep the character of Janet alive in the SG-1 fanverse that a Sam/Janet shout-out was richly deserved. Besides, the Tapping-Rothery twosome has so much chemistry that it always kicks up the energy level of the show a notch just by putting them onscreen together.
      And I sure hope Teal'c's wish is TPTB's command.

      Jr. Member, Gateworld Curmudgeon Club


        Originally posted by majorsal
        who said that sam was still in the military? or ever in the military for that matter?

        Thanks to a very nice person, I've recently been able to see some con interviews of Amanda at past cons and I came across the following little tidbits that I thought might share seeing as it seems to pertain to several questions some of us have had recently.

        Question regarding Sam's relationship regarding Orlin.

        Fan: In Ascension, you got very close to Sean Patrick Flannery, but we never actually saw a kiss.

        Amanda interupts... 'I know!'

        Fan: I think you've answered my question. They didn't cut a kiss did they? You obviously didn't get a kiss.

        Amanda: No. No I didn't. *sarcastically joking* Thanks for bringing that up. The idea actually because of the ascension and because of the way that it works is that it's not a physical manifestation of those feelings, it's a transfering of emotions on such a higher level. But standing this far away from Sean Patrick Flannery *puts index finger and thumb very close together* and your like. *puckers lips* Just a wee snog, come on love. Naw. And there was talk about he's been living with you, didn't you guys you know? You know! Um...but no. Sadly no.
        Fan: Pity
        Amanda: Yeah, dreadful pity.

        Hopefully this answers MajorSal's questions regarding Sam/Orlin from AT's point of view.

        I thought this question and response was rather touching about Daniel's death in Meridian.

        In Meridian, you say 'I don't know why we wait to tell the people we care about how we really feel. I guess I'd hoped that you always knew.'

        Amanda: That doesn't make much sense does it?

        Fan: Which could be interpreted as a sort of friendship to out and out dying love. And I'm coming out with the undying love side.

        Fan: So I was just wondering when you actually got the script, read the script, when you saw that line and when you actually went in and filmed that...

        Amanda: I don't think that I actually said the line that was written. To be honest. Um, they'd written a much bigger overexplaining kind of expositional piece for me to say to him and I turned to Michael and of course, to be honest, filming those scenes were incredibly difficult. So... the tears that you see in Meridian and the next episode are...are real. I mean no acting required. So yeah it was really difficult, uh and I turned to Michael just before we shot it and I said 'I can't say all this, it's not right and so to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what ended up coming out of my mouth, but now you've just told me. Thank you. Um but the thing I said to him just before we shot it was "I hope that I do you justice and honor the relationship that Sam and Daniel had" and then what came out of my mouth I guess was a bit of hope, but more than anything just an undying friendship that you're losing one of your best friends.


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          Thanks to a very nice person, I've recently been able to see some con interviews of Amanda at past cons and I came across the following little tidbits that I thought might share seeing as it seems to pertain to several questions some of us have had recently.

          Question regarding Sam's relationship regarding Orlin.

          Fan: In Ascension, you got very close to Sean Patrick Flannery, but we never actually saw a kiss.

          Amanda interupts... 'I know!'

          Fan: I think you've answered my question. They didn't cut a kiss did they? You obviously didn't get a kiss.

          Amanda: No. No I didn't. *sarcastically joking* Thanks for bringing that up. The idea actually because of the ascension and because of the way that it works is that it's not a physical manifestation of those feelings, it's a transfering of emotions on such a higher level. But standing this far away from Sean Patrick Flannery *puts index finger and thumb very close together* and your like. *puckers lips* Just a wee snog, come on love. Naw. And there was talk about he's been living with you, didn't you guys you know? You know! Um...but no. Sadly no.
          Fan: Pity
          Amanda: Yeah, dreadful pity.

          Hopefully this answers MajorSal's questions regarding Sam/Orlin from AT's point of view.

          *thank you*

          when was this con for amanda?

          and isn't it funny that i've now moved away from that sam-orlin thing to the new and much more dangerous sam-martouf thing.

          but at least your above amanda quote has eased my mind on that issue. thank you again




            I found this one to be quite amusing. JR really is a extremely charming man, I can totally understand why Amanda liked Martouf so much if she got to hang around him.

            In another con interview, JR Bourne comes out on stage to join Amanda and gives her a hug and hands her some flowers.

            JR: Do we even have flowers on our planet, I don't even know. I'm not even sure...

            Amanda: Pretty desertish.

            JR: I'm not even quite sure what planet I'm on anymore, now that I'm dead. So...

            Amanda (in an english accent): Ah that's lovely, thank you.

            JR: You're very welcome.

            Amanda: Is my hair still like the sands of Abydos and my eyes like the oceans of Marloon(sp)? *lots of laughter from audience and JR* I don't know how. That came out of nowhere.

            JR: Wow. Wow. Yes, they most definitely are. Wow, she remembered. I'm flattered.

            Amanda: Course I remember.

            JR: What else?

            Amanda: Things we can't know.

            JR: That was...that was...that was the first time we met. That scene, on the desert, was like a six page scene for us walking along and remembering what Jolinar looked like and the comparision and similarities. That was the very first time...that literally met.

            Amanda: met. We met at like 6:00 or
            JR: Yeah.
            Amanda: 7:00 o'clock that morning.
            JR: Walked on set and Hi this is Amanda Tapping and here's your six page scene. You know. Pretend you're in love. *laughter from audience and JR* It wasn't hard.

            Amanda: Nor for me. *more laughter* Yeah, that was amazing and one of those situations as an actor you go 'hey how are wanna run this? Ok, how do you feel about me...blblblblbblblahblahblah and instant, we had an instant connection.

            JR: Yeah, yeah we did.

            Amanda: So it worked. I still really am sorry *grabs JR's hand* that I killed you.

            JR: Yeah. That one's taken a little bit to get to get over, I gotta admit. When she walked up with that gun. When I was saying 'Samantha'... I was really saying 'Come on Samantha'...

            Amanda: Easy.

            JR: Yeah just relax. I'm still in here. *more laughter from JR & AT* But you pulled the trigger anyway, didn't ya?

            Amanda: I did. Got a little nervous. A little twitch. Whoops.
            JR: Yeah, damn those directors, huh, when they tell you what to do?
            Amanda: Oh man. Any questions you would like to ask us collectively before I leave you with JR?

            Fan Question: Did you two expect to get together when you first came onto the show? And where you sorry you didn't? And I want to say that she did catch you when she shot you before you hit the ground.

            Amanda: I did, didn't I? Did we expect to get together...

            Fan Question: yeah the characters to get together to have a proper relationship.

            Amanda: It was pretty much written into that first episode in a lot of ways...there was an instant connection between the two characters so it was sorta written in, but we didn't realize how far they were going to take it. And as a testament to JR, his character wasn't written as a recurring character. It was written for Tok'rah I&II episodes and he was so good, is so good, um...that you know. *looks at JR and grabs his knee* Really, that they said we're going to make him a recurring character to which everyone said 'Yeah'. You know, cus we love him. so that's just a testament to him. We had no idea they were going to carry it further.

            JR: I had hoped of course. You know, one of those, well this has some potential. If something goes on. You know, but then again...uh I had no expectations that it would continue the way it did. So everytime I got a phone call and they'd're back on for another episode, I would expect that it would the one that I would be killed on. Finally it happened.

            Amanda: Well then he got really comfortable and got the script and went 'They're killing me?' *laughter* We all did. I went running up to...umm...Brad Wright again and said 'Whatyawhatyawhatya Martouf. And he said it's good, it's a good moment. Dadadadadah...series bible. The arc, the drama and I went 'bbabbababut Martouf'.

            JR: (laughing) and I was doing the same thing at home. Wwwwhat?
            Amanda: We need him. Kill Anise. *extreme laughter* I meant that in the nicest way. Vanessa Angel as a person is lovely. I personally was not found of her character, but as a person Vanessa is wonderful.

            JR: Yes, I kept trying to slip things in her drink while we shooting that last episode, but she kept passing them on to somebody else. Damn *laughter*

            Amanda: We lost half or crew that day.

            JR: Anymore questions for the two of us?

            Fan: Did Sam ever tell Martouf about Narim?

            JR: Who the hell is Narim?

            Fan: Narim of Tollan.

            Amanda: she didn't. Thanks.

            JR: I would love to hear now though.

            Amanda: He's just some guy I met. I gave him my cat and he's living somewhere else.

            JR: (jesting) Well he's dead when I get back to Canada.

            Amanda: We kissed, once small, short kiss.

            JR: Huh, after I died or while I was still alive?

            Amanda (embarrassed grin) and much laughter from the audience.
            JR has a shocked looked on his face.

            JR: While I was alive? *Amanda is now bending over with laughter* I'm taking care of your father. I'm helping fight Apophis. What? And you're schmoozing with like...had I known.

            Amanda: He did ask me to um to become more serious with him and I said I couldn't, because

            JR: Did he ever bring you flowers?

            Amanda: No, never brought me flowers and took my cat. So...

            JR:...and he took your cat? *hands Amanda the flowers he brought her*

            Amanda: Yeah, clear winner. Folks...huh. Thanks for bringing that up. I'll have hell to pay when I get home. Honey.

            A fan shouts something about Narim and Sam kissing and JR makes a comment about two kisses from Narim and none for him and then someone shouts something about kissing now which they proceed to do for the audience.

            Anywho... I thought the little banter back and forth was quite entertaining. The entire conversation between AT and JR was very tongue in cheek and filled with laughter from both parties, so I wouldn't necessarily say this gives any clear indication as to how Sam felt about Martouf other than their feelings for one another when they first met was suppose to be pretty intense, but we know that had a lot to do with Jolinars memories and feelings for Martouf. I just know some people were unhappy to see Martouf in RE and while I don't really agree with how the writers wrote the scenes between Sam/Martouf... I do believe it was probably a very enjoyable experience for her and the other members of the cast to have him back, just as it was with Teryl.
            Last edited by ForeverSg1; 24 January 2006, 12:19 AM.


              Originally posted by ForeverSg1
              A fan shouts something about Narim and Sam kissing and JR makes a comment about two kisses from Narim and none for him and then someone shouts something about kissing now which they proceed to do for the audience.
              JR is a sweetie, it's impossible not to fall in love with the guy.
              I haven't kissed Narim but I have sat on his knee at a cocktail party......

              Am now half-way through S7 and have to say I'm not particularly enjoying it very much. Have skipped 2 episodes completely [the unas one and the one with T'Pol from Enterprise] and a lot of the rest haven't really held my interest all the way through. Having said that, I am looking forward to 'Death Knell' and 'Grace' just because I'm told they're Sam episodes!


                Originally posted by majorsal
                *thank you*

                when was this con for amanda?

                It was SG4, February 2002. My first con with Amanda.


                  Originally posted by Strix varia
                  Errrrr... that's so weird. For the first time, I just heard you "speaking" with an Aussie accent, AD...
                  err, lol?

                  Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                  hehe... thats sooo cute!!!!!


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    Okay I have some BIG news here Joe from 2001 is alive and well. I just saw him talking to James Caan on Vegas
                    Returning boyfriend no # (I've lost count)
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      Originally posted by gatenv
                      One day when there's a problem and everyone's looking at Carter for a solution I want the scene to be:

                      The boys: Carter, do you have a solution?
                      Carter: Yep
                      The boys: Care to share?
                      Carter: Nope - she turns and leaves
                      The boys give stupid looks to each other

                      now that would be priceless
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        iv lost the conversation, again


                          Originally posted by Skydiver

                          now that would be priceless
                          And I could sooo see her saying that, too!

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            LOL ah-rrr-ight this is shameless as heck. I need 4 more happy-points for a brand new green square ... so somebody slap me some jello! (please?)

                            Yeah, that was BAD.

                            mini(the shameless)geek

                            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                              sorry i would but i cant. giving green to me is allowed (hint hint)


                                Kat, those are neat quotes. Having only recently joined the wacky and wonderful world of online fandom here, I find all this stuff from the past really fascinating. Tres cool!

                                Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                                Thanks to a very nice person, I've recently been able to see some con interviews of Amanda at past cons and I came across the following little tidbits that I thought might share seeing as it seems to pertain to several questions some of us have had recently.

                                Question regarding Sam's relationship regarding Orlin.

                                Fan: In Ascension, you got very close to Sean Patrick Flannery, but we never actually saw a kiss.

                                Amanda interupts... 'I know!'

                                Fan: I think you've answered my question. They didn't cut a kiss did they? You obviously didn't get a kiss.

                                Amanda: No. No I didn't. *sarcastically joking* Thanks for bringing that up. The idea actually because of the ascension and because of the way that it works is that it's not a physical manifestation of those feelings, it's a transfering of emotions on such a higher level. But standing this far away from Sean Patrick Flannery *puts index finger and thumb very close together* and your like. *puckers lips* Just a wee snog, come on love. Naw. And there was talk about he's been living with you, didn't you guys you know? You know! Um...but no. Sadly no.
                                Fan: Pity
                                Amanda: Yeah, dreadful pity.

                                Hopefully this answers MajorSal's questions regarding Sam/Orlin from AT's point of view.

                                I thought this question and response was rather touching about Daniel's death in Meridian.

                                In Meridian, you say 'I don't know why we wait to tell the people we care about how we really feel. I guess I'd hoped that you always knew.'

                                Amanda: That doesn't make much sense does it?

                                Fan: Which could be interpreted as a sort of friendship to out and out dying love. And I'm coming out with the undying love side.

                                Fan: So I was just wondering when you actually got the script, read the script, when you saw that line and when you actually went in and filmed that...

                                Amanda: I don't think that I actually said the line that was written. To be honest. Um, they'd written a much bigger overexplaining kind of expositional piece for me to say to him and I turned to Michael and of course, to be honest, filming those scenes were incredibly difficult. So... the tears that you see in Meridian and the next episode are...are real. I mean no acting required. So yeah it was really difficult, uh and I turned to Michael just before we shot it and I said 'I can't say all this, it's not right and so to be honest, I'm not exactly sure what ended up coming out of my mouth, but now you've just told me. Thank you. Um but the thing I said to him just before we shot it was "I hope that I do you justice and honor the relationship that Sam and Daniel had" and then what came out of my mouth I guess was a bit of hope, but more than anything just an undying friendship that you're losing one of your best friends.

                                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~

