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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    Well, we'll just have to shove the whole damn chicken down the dress, then.
    bawk, bawk
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      bawk, bawk
      Lovely to see you're having one of your saner and more mature days, Sky.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
        Well, we'll just have to shove the whole damn chicken down the dress, then.
        ::imagines irate chicken heads unexpectedly popping up out of Danny's décolletage, and shakes head rapidly until image goes away:: ::sits down abruptly ::

        You've heard of a push-up bra? Well, now everyone's clucking about the new Pullet Bra!!! (And it is a wonder )

        Jack: "Danny-boy - is that your bra squawking again, or do you like the looks of the Minister of Finance?"

        Daniel: "Jack, it's your turn to wear native costume next - and to dance with the Minister of Agriculture right now. By-ye!!!"

        Jack: "Daniel! Get back here! You chicken - chickens!!!!"
        ...a very cranky blog:


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
          Lovely to see you're having one of your saner and more mature days, Sky.
          Thats what I thought
          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
          love Torri


            Originally posted by Simhavaktra
            ::imagines irate chicken heads unexpectedly popping up out of Danny's décolletage, and shakes head rapidly until image goes away:: ::sits down abruptly ::

            You've heard of a push-up bra? Well, now everyone's clucking about the new Pullet Bra!!! (And it is a wonder )

            Jack: "Danny-boy - is that your bra squawking again, or do you like the looks of the Minister of Finance?"

            Daniel: "Jack, it's your turn to wear native costume next - and to dance with the Minister of Agriculture right now. By-ye!!!"

            Jack: "Daniel! Get back here! You chicken - chickens!!!!"
            Well, he needs SOMETHING to fill Vala's wonderbra.
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
              Lovely to see you're having one of your saner and more mature days, Sky.
              WooHoo - two chickens down Danny's dress! So that means I'm twice as sane, right?!?!

              Or something.

              On edit: Y'know - I really wouldn't want to see the dry cleaning bill on that blue dress after Danny's done wearing it....
              ...a very cranky blog:


                gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                love Torri


                  Originally posted by Qasim
                  "If we don't put Danny's full-dress chickens out to roost immediately, the rest of the flock is going to do something to Major Davis! They've kidnaped him! See - here's the ransom note!!! Please, help Major Davis!!"

                  (obviously time somebody got some sleep )
                  ...a very cranky blog:


                    Originally posted by Qasim

                    major cutie pie!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Daniel: Teal'c why are you looking at me like that? Is it the dress?

                      Teal'c: I am rather hungry Daniel Jackson.

                      Daniel: So.

                      Teal'c: So I believe I smell B.B.Q. chicken Daniel Jackson. (Teal'c tilts his head) And I believe you are seeping B.B.Q. sauce.

                      my fanfic


                        Ooober and I had an enlightening chat earlier, that we thought you'd like to read. It deals with various issues surrounding Carter, Mitchell and Ship.

                        Section One: Carter vs Sam
                        Originally posted by Oooober and Tracy

                        Tracy says: Thanks for the feedback on the fic.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says:np
                        Tracy says: glad you liked, btw. AD found a couple of problems, so I'll have to work on it
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i loved the tie in to WoO
                        Tracy says: I was trying to explain away the fact that nothing came of the sex, but the tension was still there. I realised they had to agree on No Consequences, which just made me think of WoO. I had to do a smut fic pre Pete. I wanted an innocent, nervous Carter, still a virgin. And she canonically slept with Pete
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: they left it in the tent
                        Tracy says: exactly. I think I said that
                        Tracy says: AD reckoned Jack called her Sam was weird, btw. What did you think?
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: in the fic you mean? he's called her sam before and it's usually when she's in distress
                        Tracy says:That's what I thought. And she was distressed. AD reckons he'd still have used Carter, though
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: he backed off from it as time moved on ... i think ... because he was trying to enforce the professionalism in their relationship with that verbal cue. however, in this case, that clearly was not necessary.
                        Tracy says: But I can't imagine them sleeping together like that. Not with the tenderness in it, and him using Carter. Her saying sir is fine, but he'd use Sam. That's what I feel. The Carter became a professional distance thing. To try and stop thinking of her as a woman, but more of an officer.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says:exactly. it was his verbal cue to remind him "subordinate"
                        Tracy says: Yupp. I agree. And here.... he didn't need a verbal cue.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: no because he wanted that more personal touch
                        Tracy says: I can imagine, occasionally, in a relationship, he'd still make the odd slip up and call her Carter. But here, he needed that personal touch
                        Tracy says: oh.... you said it. But he needed to make her feel safe and loved. You can't do that with "Carter". Well, he can, but still.... they're on their own and not even TRYING to be professional
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: in their day to day life, he needed "Carter" as his wall, reminding him who she is and to keep his distance. Clearly in this case, he didn't need that wall.
                        Tracy says: Well said.
                        The fice being discussed is my latest (and first) smut offering over at

                        Section Two: Cameron Mitchell (minor spoilers for collateral damage and season nine)
                        Tracy says:you made me cry!!!! that bloody lost city thing
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says:i know!oy i miss him. seriously
                        Tracy says: the bit where she puts her hand to the glass...yeah. me too.I'm a Jack pla-thunker. mainly cos I have a ggg mind
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i had hoped by now that mitchell would be so well integrated that i'd not be missing him and well, you know hw that's going and i'm a Jack/RDA THUNKER EXTRAORDINAIRE (nothing PLA about it)
                        Tracy says:no. I think they're rubbing salt in the wound by cloning Jack badly. Everyone was against the idea of Jonas at first
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says:very
                        Tracy says: I remember the Jona$$ era but he was never Daniel's clone or replacement.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i was neutral for the most part...i didn't want to lose daniel but i wanted to give him a shot
                        Tracy says: He was his own character
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i think he could have worked had they given him a shot but they continued to handicap him into a no win situation
                        Tracy says: Cameron? Yeah. So so true.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: jonas i meant, but cameron too
                        Tracy says: Oh, right. I think that by the end, Jonas had a very big following But it would have made far more sense to bring him back, rather than introduce a completely new character.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i agree...they need to finish off that arc somehow
                        Tracy says: I think Cam has been brought into a volatile arena, just like Jonas, but the writers have had a very different way of dealing with it
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: even if jonas dies heroically trying to save his planet from the ori. the writers wrote him as a major and that's how he's played
                        Tracy says: Instead of creating a new character, they decided to try and fill in the blank and it hasn't worked
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: and THAT would have worked
                        Tracy says: Yeah... that's right. He is a major age wise as well.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: yeah so right now it's a mess galore
                        Tracy says: And it'll be hard to pull themselves out
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: they've doomed mitchell
                        Tracy says: Four new main characters in one season is too much. They don't have time to devote to all of them and continue existing story arcs. Mitchell was doomed by CD. It may have been development for him, but his actions and the plot hole filled backstory, like his rank, has just got rid of any hope there was
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i agree. i care about him more because Sam did. and daniel and teal'c did BUT...i still don't get WHY he's there
                        Tracy says: yeah, that's the only reasoning
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: he has NO purpose he's just...THERE
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: and his being just THERE makes me resent his presence further. he has no purpose other than to be THERE.
                        Tracy says: Agreed. He doesn't seem to really have much backstory. Well, he does, but they have un explained back story. How did he know the guys?Were they at the academy together?
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i'm guessing from lost city
                        Tracy says: Stationed together?
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: but i don't know
                        Tracy says: I know Lost City
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: who knows he's just .... THERE
                        Tracy says: but.... there seems more than a random pilot in a plane.
                        Tracy says: yupp. just there
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: but hes super pilot
                        Tracy says: hmmmm. Don't buy it
                        Section Three: Exposition Girl: Work Vs Pleasure
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: and further, neither teal'c nor daniel have made any comments about sam coming back and not getting command
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: both of whom have FOUGHT on her behalf and backed her as the leader
                        Tracy says: I know. Daniel if noone else would have made a comment
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: and now, mitchell is just such an experienced and wise leader, apparently it's no longer an issue
                        Tracy says: Daniel:"I don't get that. How does he get to waltz in and take command" Sam:"It's the way it works here, Daniel. I don't mind, honestly." Just a couple of lines.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: well more like "I don't get that. How is it that now that sam's back that the leadership wouldn't go back to her"
                        Tracy says:Yeah. Just something
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: just afew lines would have solved a ton of things
                        Tracy says: And Carter being gracious and saying that she doesn't mind, and that it's normal military protocol
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: regarding ship and jack...
                        Daniel: So how's Jack doing? I haven't spoken to him before your trip to Aspen last weekend.
                        Sam: He's doing great...he really needed that vacation too.
                        Daniel: Really...
                        Sam: Yeah...fitting in at the pentagon has been more problematic than he anticipated.
                        Tracy says: yeah. it solves how jack's coping, and a ship thing
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: see? ship and jack. 15-20 seconds. Tops. not a major story arc. not a full episode.they can tell all their great stories too.
                        Tracy says: just a little payoff
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: just a LITTLE payoff and information.
                        Tracy says: i know. look at some of the crap we endure.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: that's all it would have taken.
                        Tracy says: and some of the excessive expogirl could be replaced by that. just two seconds knocked off expogirl and a little sam. i mean, it would also solve the "what to do with sam" problem, showing her humanness
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: well see my point on the samanda thread a while back is that if she becomes "all work all the time," then the emotional journey she took was for naught because she supposedly realized she wanted more for her life and that included jack. it continues the arc without it being a major plot point
                        Tracy says: I know. She needs her emotional side too. They're focusing more on work sam now, which is great, but we need to show she still has a personal life
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says:exactly. having her all work all the time IS AS OUT OF BALANCE as being all about her personal feelings all the time. balance is balance
                        Tracy says: we saw in ascension that she had no life outside of work, now that's changed. her priorities have changed
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: and since they explored that side of her, it is extremely detrimental to her character to drop it entirely
                        Tracy says: we've seen that progression, and we need it reflected in the script writing. I agree, only personal side is as detrimental
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: all business or all personal... neither is in balance. now they went heavy on the personal stuff because it was coming to a head so i don't have as much ofa problem with that
                        Tracy says: Yeah, heavy on the personal when needed is fine, especially with Jack and Sam. But we need resolution and we need it soon. Because TPTB are dragging it out to a ridiculous length now. They are together or they're not. Simple.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: but as it's come to a head it needs to be treated with respect and blended into her personna. who is she NOW after all her losses? who is she NOW after openly acknowledging with her Jack feelings?
                        Tracy says: I agree. There needs to be a follow up to threads, in a big way. She's lost nearly everyone now, we need to see that.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: bingo. she deserves the respect because they chose to focus on that aspect of her personality with such a magnifying glass that dropping it cold turkey is off putting
                        Tracy says: And I understand that Sam has had a lot more character centric episodes than the other characters, and that she's had that development, but that means that they can't stop that now. They've created too many unexplored facets, that we don't really have with Daniel and Teal'c
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: exactly. it's not all about her but it's not "no longer" about her
                        Tracy says: They seem to have problems with balance. It seems to be all or nothing with TPTB. In a way, I still feel that they used Carter a lot. Her personal development, was used as a vehicle for Jack. And now Jack's gone, they feel "Hey, who cares about Carter? She was just Jack's bit of fluff!"
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: yup
                        Tracy says: We need to start copying and pasting msn chats onto samanda.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: i agree
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: we're so dang brilliant !
                        Tracy says: WE should be TPTB.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: amen
                        Tracy says: Actually, that isn't a bad idea. Some of these comments should be shared.
                        ÜberSG-1Fan says: it's about BALANCE
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                          "If we don't put Danny's full-dress chickens out to roost immediately, the rest of the flock is going to do something to Major Davis! They've kidnaped him! See - here's the ransom note!!! Please, help Major Davis!!"

                          (obviously time somebody got some sleep )
                          Well.... Daniel in a dress with chickens vs Major Davis.

                          I know which one I want on the show.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                            Well said, and if I haven't said it before, Welcome to the gang.
                            Thanks Tracy- can I act like a newbie for a sec and ask how the heck you get those banners at the bottom of your posts? I can't even figure out how to upload my own avatars... Sheesh- give me a chance- you'll really like me once you get to know me...


                              Originally posted by TLWROX
                              Thanks Tracy- can I act like a newbie for a sec and ask how the heck you get those banners at the bottom of your posts? I can't even figure out how to upload my own avatars... Sheesh- give me a chance- you'll really like me once you get to know me...

                              No problem at all. What you do is go to your controls, you edit your signature, then type in [IMG] followed by the web address of your pic then [/IMG]

                              Does that make sense?
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by Tracy Jane

                                Tracy says: They seem to have problems with balance. It seems to be all or nothing with TPTB. In a way, I still feel that they used Carter a lot. Her personal development, was used as a vehicle for Jack. And now Jack's gone, they feel "Hey, who cares about Carter? She was just Jack's bit of fluff!"

                                great chat you and oober had, tracy jane.

                                i want to comment on one thing (the above quote). you say that they used sam as a vehicle for jack. i feel just the opposite. even though this was an even ship, basically, the focus *was* on sam in this. 'she's' the one that was going through a 'is this all there is to life?' crisis, and jack was a part of that equation. i've never, ever, EVER seen sam as 'jack's bit of fluff'.

                                sam/jack or sam/pete was never an inhibitor of sam's strength as a character (or strength of character) ignores end of chimera. she was still a kick-butt soldier and brilliant scientist. (just like amanda's still a kick-butt actress *while* being a loving mother and wife)

                                if anyone has ever thought that sam and her ships has ever made her weak... they're watching a different sam from me.

                                sally, sam fan who is PROUD to call sam a role model


