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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    *checks front page and looks at spoilers*

    *dies in a most agonizing way*
    Hasn't this concept already been done?
    Only difference is an Ori instead of a Goa'uld. "Resurrection" comes to mind. I am so hoping this is not the first episode. It doesn't sound like the team will make an appearance next season either.


      AD, love your rotating sig. Especially this one!

      President Carter was seen today hunting gophers on the White House lawn.


      President Carter, in the Rose Garden, answered questions from the White House Press Corp.


      President Carter saves the world from oracles and small Ori.


        Interesting developments over at one of the OTHER sites - so far most of the posts made about this S10 ep are negative. It is like some have said before - the shine will be off the quarter if you-know-who does not stay front and center and so far they are not liking what they are hearing. I think in S10 to watch that development will be a lot more entertaining than watching this show do the slow and horrible burn to cancellation. I just hope that if it does get cancelled it does not go out as a joke - we all think it is degenerating but it really would be sad if the critics and writers begin to refer to it as cliched and cheesy and a farce too.


          Originally posted by Strix varia
          No problem! And I'm keeping you on the list as a student, in the hopes you will be one again soon. Got it? Right!

          Ok, ok, I get your point.
          Though I've only got another 17 days to decide.

          Graaaah, I'm tearing my hair out over this.
          *spends more time in Samanda procrastinating*

          ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            *checks front page and looks at spoilers*

            *dies in a most agonizing way*

            oh boy. Tried to think of something to say. I got nothing.

            Hey, but on a positive note, how about that AT chat on Jan 16!


              Originally posted by binkpmmc
              Interesting developments over at one of the OTHER sites - so far most of the posts made about this S10 ep are negative. It is like some have said before - the shine will be off the quarter if you-know-who does not stay front and center and so far they are not liking what they are hearing. I think in S10 to watch that development will be a lot more entertaining than watching this show do the slow and horrible burn to cancellation. I just hope that if it does get cancelled it does not go out as a joke - we all think it is degenerating but it really would be sad if the critics and writers begin to refer to it as cliched and cheesy and a farce too.
              Ever get the feeling the writers and producers don't really want to work on SG1 anymore, maybe they all want to jump ship to SGA, because S8 and S9 so far are a let down. After all they brought in the Farscape duo (and you know how that series fared)

              Well if SG1 does go down I'll just have to keep enjoying reading fanfic especially from Skydiver and Strix varia! You guys are great.

              my fanfic


                Warning, off topic rant upcoming-

                Reading the spoilers about the season opener and the news of yet another new space ship made me think again about some of the changes in SG-1. Have you noticed that over the last few years, SG-1 has become more about space ships and less about the Stargate? I believe that a lot of fanboys don’t believe it’s really sci fi unless there are space ships and especially space battles, but that’s not what Stargate used to be about. It’s one of the things that used to set it apart from the other sci fi shows out there. For a lot of us, the best part of Stargate was watching the team go through the gate and encounter new worlds that way. It wasn’t about the journey, but about what happened once you got there. It was about fighting an enemy, but we were as interested in the characters as in the fight. Now, we get to see ships blowing up in space a lot more, but less character interaction. Maybe it’s the network, or maybe the writers want to write more of the “fun” stuff, but to me it’s just another indication of how much SG-1 is becoming more like almost every other sci fi show. I just hope it doesn’t mean we’ll be faced with lots of scenes showing Sam and the rest of the team standing on the bridge of a ship and reacting to a battle playing out in front of them. I’d much rather see them on some planet, fighting the Ori, or working with allies to find a way to fight them, or just exploring for the sake of exploring.



                  Originally posted by NearlyCircular
                  Warning, off topic rant upcoming-

                  Reading the spoilers about the season opener and the news of yet another new space ship made me think again about some of the changes in SG-1. Have you noticed that over the last few years, SG-1 has become more about space ships and less about the Stargate? I believe that a lot of fanboys don’t believe it’s really sci fi unless there are space ships and especially space battles, but that’s not what Stargate used to be about. It’s one of the things that used to set it apart from the other sci fi shows out there. For a lot of us, the best part of Stargate was watching the team go through the gate and encounter new worlds that way. It wasn’t about the journey, but about what happened once you got there. It was about fighting an enemy, but we were as interested in the characters as in the fight. Now, we get to see ships blowing up in space a lot more, but less character interaction. Maybe it’s the network, or maybe the writers want to write more of the “fun” stuff, but to me it’s just another indication of how much SG-1 is becoming more like almost every other sci fi show. I just hope it doesn’t mean we’ll be faced with lots of scenes showing Sam and the rest of the team standing on the bridge of a ship and reacting to a battle playing out in front of them. I’d much rather see them on some planet, fighting the Ori, or working with allies to find a way to fight them, or just exploring for the sake of exploring.

                  Well ah ranted

                  my fanfic


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                    Hasn't this concept already been done?
                    Only difference is an Ori instead of a Goa'uld. "Resurrection" comes to mind. I am so hoping this is not the first episode. It doesn't sound like the team will make an appearance next season either.
                    Sure they will. The team of Daniel and Vala will be all over the place.
                    Odd how Mitchell wasnt even mentioned. Sam and Teal'c and even Bra'tec got mentioned. Odd.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Was watching Meridian again on TV tonight. In the scene with Daniel when Sam says, "You have an effect on people, Daniel. The way you look at things, it changed me too. I see what really matters. I don't know why we wait to tell people how we really feel. I guess I hoped that you always knew." It just gets me EVERY time. I know it's coming and yet, such a powerful scene.

                      Just goes to show you what a great actress AT is!


                        Ok, I've got some interesting fic recs here for anyone game enough:

                        Ex Gracia - Done as a favor, by agentotter. It's a Sam/Rodney, Sam/Rodney/John fic. wtf? you might say? Well its wonderfully written, with some great Sam stuff in it. It's rated R, but there is nothing explicit.

                        Principle of Exclusion by minxy is another Sam/Rodney/John fic. However it also includes a nice side dish of Sam/Teyla This one does have explicit stuff in it, so watch out if you don't like that

                        Sam/Rodney fic by agentotter again. It's a nice little fic with some good Sam/Rodney snark. Rated R.

                        de profundis - up from the depths, agentotter again. A really good Sam/McKay fic with some wonderful banter at the beginning. It's almost more of an Atlantis fic. It's got some spoilers for Grace Under Pressure in it, rated PG.

                        Lapsus Linguae - A slip of the tongue, agentotter. More Sam/Rodney!! Some good snark between them, kissing and more snark.

                        And finally
                        Acts of Contrition
                        , by agentotter. Sam/Rodney again, a very amusing read. Some nice little Sam/Zelenka frienship happening too


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          Please try to avoid falling on my rotting corpse as you fall to the ground.
                          Wow. TPTB are gonna be ticked about those spoilers, me thinks. That's a lot of spoilage. Like ... the whole episode? And it gives away the end of season nine too. Someone's gonna be mighty mad if you ask me.

                          Oh, and not for nothing, but -
                          did anyone else get the 'evil mary sue' bell ringing incessently in their ear when they read those spoilers about the vunder-kid?


                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            WOO HOO!

                            I received my confirmation for Shore Leave today!!! I'm sooo going

                            Now I have less than 6 months to think of a decent, never been asked question for Amanda



                              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan
                              Hasn't this concept already been done?
                              Only difference is an Ori instead of a Goa'uld. "Resurrection" comes to mind. I am so hoping this is not the first episode. It doesn't sound like the team will make an appearance next season either.
                              Well, something hideously similar was done on Xena Warrior Princess when
                              Gabrielle gave birth to Dahok's demon daughter, Hope, who aged miraculously fast and tried to lead Dahok's evil minions in taking over the world... all the while pining for her mother's love.

                              (Strix beats head against wall)

                              My LJ


                                Originally posted by Strix varia
                                Well, something hideously similar was done on Xena Warrior Princess when
                                Gabrielle gave birth to Dahok's demon daughter, Hope, who aged miraculously fast and tried to lead Dahok's evil minions in taking over the world... all the while pining for her mother's love.

                                (Strix beats head against wall)

                                Wow that does sounds very familiar.

