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CURE i loved the tension between her and jack over egeria. sam could empathize wtih the tok'ra, i think because of nearly suffering the same fate...dying/imprisoned for medical experimentation. and that comes head to head with jack's dislike of the tok'ra
I forgot to comment on this ep in my fave eps of s6 review. One of my fave parts of that ep was when you saw the tention between Sam and Jack regarding the Tok'ra. In fact (shameless plug coming up), I wrote a fic based on this theme.
By the way, Avenger 2.0 was on tonight and I watched it again...this time from the perspective of someone watching not just a Stargate ep but a Sam ep - and with that in mind, this is really a great Sam ep!
We get to see her as the super soldier, the brainy scientist, the empathetic team member (Daniel's offworld woes), the mother hen (trying to reign Felger in from his pity party) and strong military officer who can admit when she's wrong about something (that "wrong something" being her opinion of Felger to her CO General Hammond).
I love how calm she is under pressure and just takes the problems as they come. When Felger said they were the intellectual Butch and Sundance, she reminded him how they met their end against the Bolivians...then moments later when trouble came and Felger asked how bad it was, her response was "think Bolivia" as she started picking off the Jaffa. She calmly asked Felger how things were going as she singlehandedly started taking out a platoon of Jaffa and didn't bat an eyelash when the Alkesh hovered above them (this could have been big trouble were it not occupied by O'Neill and Teal'c).
Then of course we have the daydream part of the ep, which gave Amanda a chance to ham it up a little.
On the Samantastic scale, I'm going to give Avenger 2.0 4.5 zats:
LOL! (love your little zat guns )
I liked Avenger as well. It was fun, and I really liked the actor that played Felger. I just enjoyed this ep, period.
I know this one right off the bat so I'll be a good little Samandite and let someone else answer...
By the way, Avenger 2.0 was on tonight and I watched it again...this time from the perspective of someone watching not just a Stargate ep but a Sam ep - and with that in mind, this is really a great Sam ep!
We get to see her as the super soldier, the brainy scientist, the empathetic team member (Daniel's offworld woes), the mother hen (trying to reign Felger in from his pity party) and strong military officer who can admit when she's wrong about something (that "wrong something" being her opinion of Felger to her CO General Hammond).
I love how calm she is under pressure and just takes the problems as they come. When Felger said they were the intellectual Butch and Sundance, she reminded him how they met their end against the Bolivians...then moments later when trouble came and Felger asked how bad it was, her response was "think Bolivia" as she started picking off the Jaffa. She calmly asked Felger how things were going as she singlehandedly started taking out a platoon of Jaffa and didn't bat an eyelash when the Alkesh hovered above them (this could have been big trouble were it not occupied by O'Neill and Teal'c).
Then of course we have the daydream part of the ep, which gave Amanda a chance to ham it up a little.
On the Samantastic scale, I'm going to give Avenger 2.0 4.5 zats:
Uber, I felt the same way about rewatching this episode last night.
I wasn't that crazy about it when it first showed but, the more I see it, the more I like it. Amanda plays so well off crazy Felger and it's so much fun watching her facial expressions throughout ... especially love her reaction when she accidentally sits on the Sam doll in his apartment! And, yes, the lines about Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid were just perfect! She has such a dry reply.
Once more, AT shows how comfortable she can be doing drama or humor, and doing it well!
I forgot to comment on this ep in my fave eps of s6 review. One of my fave parts of that ep was when you saw the tention between Sam and Jack regarding the Tok'ra. In fact (shameless plug coming up), I wrote a fic based on this theme.
It's called Truth and Consequences. It's S/J shippy, but subtle.
[/shameless plug]
Good Sunday Morning, Sally! I couldn't green rep you privately so will extol your virtues on the thread! I just read your story and it was great ... you did manage to capture the tension between Sam and Jack over a roomful of explosive issues.
And, isn't it the truth?! Jack and Sam = King and Queen of de Nile
Very cool when she used the red laser beam from her gun to activate the 'control' crystal in the wall. I also got a big kick out of her straightforward approach to getting behind the wall... she just shot the he!! out of the wall... not too safe when it comes to preserving artifacts, but beings that the bad guys could be heard coming down the stairs, there wasn't any time for finesse. It was a 'Sam gets to do a Jack O'Neill' solution to a problem in the field!
I always loved that scene in Full Circle because it caught me by surprise ... so unlike Carter to just play gangbusters and shoot everything apart ... it was a Jack O'Neill moment for sure!
And it also took Sam to figure out the solution too by applying the red laser beam ... brains and bullets!
I forgot to comment on this ep in my fave eps of s6 review. One of my fave parts of that ep was when you saw the tention between Sam and Jack regarding the Tok'ra. In fact (shameless plug coming up), I wrote a fic based on this theme.
It's called Truth and Consequences. It's S/J shippy, but subtle.
[/shameless plug]
that was a good fic sally. i can so see them having tension like that between them. she talked jack into getting snaked (ever notice how all she needs to say to him or teal'c is 'please'??) and knows that what he went through with kanan is almost her fault. and then her getting snaked in nightwalkers which they ignored
i keep thinking i see some of that tension in allegiance and cure, but maybe it's just me projecting
i also liked avenger for the sam and felger stuff. how she backed him...notice that having her backing means a lot. having her onyour side means that you have hammond on your side. then how, when he futzed up, she fixed it
going on her own to baal's planet....and i LOVE jack and teal'c coming to the rescue
OK... we haven't had a new pic for awhile...
... so I thought I'd try this one tonight...
Guess That Episode
If I'm not mistaken
this pic's from Forsaken;
it's an ep on the dangers of flattery.
The scene, although clean
is somewhat obscene,
as Sam's plugs his ship into her battery.
A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
"In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."
If I'm not mistaken
this pic's from Forsaken;
it's an ep on the dangers of flattery.
The scene, although clean
is somewhat obscene,
as Sam's plugs his ship into her battery.
hehe... the first time I saw that I think I choked on whatever I was eating/drinking... "All i'm going to do is plug my battery into your ship!" Oh man...
For my season 6, i'm going:
Paradise Lost
For all reasons previously stated!
Just wanted to share a silly dream last night. I dreamt that Amanda was early with baby, and ended up having twins, one boy, one girl, whom she named George, and Belinda... lol, and she had them like... in the middle of this meadow place, and they were on the run from some Hitler people or something... I don't quite remember, just that it was messed. up.!!! (I also dreamt about flying around mountains in my France trip, and some really messed up army stuff... but anyways... )
Here's a new batch of pics! Kind of random ones this time...
The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon
^^Sam/Jack^^ |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||
... Just wanted to share a silly dream last night. I dreamt that Amanda was early with baby, and ended up having twins, one boy, one girl, whom she named George, and Belinda... lol, and she had them like... in the middle of this meadow place, and they were on the run from some Hitler people or something... I don't quite remember, just that it was messed. up.!!! (I also dreamt about flying around mountains in my France trip, and some really messed up army stuff... but anyways... )
Dearest Madam President
It is with great concern that I write this letter. Your dreams of birthing and fleeing and flying may require that you spend some time in session with the royal psychiatrist or royal seer. I, myself, would choose the latter as I have a penchant for crystal balls.
Do not take this lightly. Please seek supportive consultation to help you interpret your very colorful visions.
If the seer is not able to provide an adequate explanation, then lay off the high-octane blue Jello! That always seems to work for me.
All good wishes for your journey abroad. We shall carry on without you, and prepare for our Queen's new arrival!
Court Jester
PS Madam, please remember to pack your combat boots, just in case.
I know this one right off the bat so I'll be a good little Samandite and let someone else answer...
Originally posted by Qtyled
And that pic was Forsaken
Originally posted by majorsal
Is it from season 6's Forsaken? Sally
Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
If I'm not mistaken
this pic's from Forsaken;
it's an ep on the dangers of flattery.
The scene, although clean
is somewhat obscene,
as Sam's plugs his ship into her battery.
You were all correct, of course!
TokraHostess - your poem was fun - and impressive... you have a gift for writing!
I chose that pic because I thought it was a good pic but not too easy for you 'all to match to it's episode... I thought it was a good pic of techno-Sam with a tool kit... I'd forgotten about that battery-ship line... Once again, your memories astound me and I am humbled in your presences!
I know this one right off the bat so I'll be a good little Samandite and let someone else answer...
By the way, Avenger 2.0 was on tonight and I watched it again...this time from the perspective of someone watching not just a Stargate ep but a Sam ep - and with that in mind, this is really a great Sam ep!
We get to see her as the super soldier, the brainy scientist, the empathetic team member (Daniel's offworld woes), the mother hen (trying to reign Felger in from his pity party) and strong military officer who can admit when she's wrong about something (that "wrong something" being her opinion of Felger to her CO General Hammond).
I love how calm she is under pressure and just takes the problems as they come. When Felger said they were the intellectual Butch and Sundance, she reminded him how they met their end against the Bolivians...then moments later when trouble came and Felger asked how bad it was, her response was "think Bolivia" as she started picking off the Jaffa. She calmly asked Felger how things were going as she singlehandedly started taking out a platoon of Jaffa and didn't bat an eyelash when the Alkesh hovered above them (this could have been big trouble were it not occupied by O'Neill and Teal'c).
Then of course we have the daydream part of the ep, which gave Amanda a chance to ham it up a little.
On the Samantastic scale, I'm going to give Avenger 2.0 4.5 zats:
Great comments about Avenger - and I love your Zat Scale!