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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by MajorSam
    (The sigs for AgentDark )

    3 Weeks 'till the Hawt Pr0n! WHOOO

    /me can't wait


      Originally posted by Agent_Dark

      3 Weeks 'till the Hawt Pr0n! WHOOO

      /me can't wait

      Oh sigh One thing I can count in in SG Fandom... Agent Dark NEVER changing

      *pats AD on head fondly*
      *While still shaking head*
      OH yeah, i'm TOTALLY Loving these Crack!Fics one of my fave genres I must admit!
      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


        Thankyou MajorSam for posting the link to the pics of Grace Under pressure. As I am so out of the loop, I'm going to make the assumption that this is an episode of Atlantis that Sam will be in? While I have grown to quite like McKay as a character in Atlantis, I still remember the, um, last time he was on screen with Sam. Gave Sam the opportunity to say some great lines (I'm thinking along the lines of "Go suck a Lemon", "Shouldn't it be pointing at the Gate", and other such) but god was he a jerk. Surprise surprise, the pics of their next meetup look just as I expected, Sam grimacing, Rodney looking wistful, Sam looking annoyed, Rodney looking lovesick, Sam diverting attention to their work and away from herself. Sounds like they might actually make it work though. And wow, for a 'pink' outfit, that is pretty stunning. Beats the fluffy jacket from before any day .

        As I haven't really been here since Gabit and all the news announcement stuff, does anyone know if there were any more pictures from the event posted? I'd really love to see pictures, even if I can't catch up on everything that people wrote.

        And Kat, your latest sigpic is a stunner. And no, I'm not trying to suck up to you, but I actually really do need some help from you. You're the only one I know with an MSN blogspace, and I've run into a bit of a bump with mine, and was wondering if you knew how to stop unknown people from posting #!*^ in the comments section?

        Oh, and any other important news/events that have happened while I wasn't here would be much appreciated, though I don't expect anyone to waste their time searching for it if you don't know off the top of your head. Sorry if I keep asking people to help catch me up.

        One last note, I've proofread this post, but if there seem to be a lot of spelling mistakes, spelling mistakes that involve missing H's, it's because my H key's gone a bit bung.

        ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...



          Originally posted by deepspace
          Thankyou MajorSam for posting the link to the pics of Grace Under pressure. As I am so out of the loop, I'm going to make the assumption that this is an episode of Atlantis that Sam will be in? While I have grown to quite like McKay as a character in Atlantis, I still remember the, um, last time he was on screen with Sam. Gave Sam the opportunity to say some great lines (I'm thinking along the lines of "Go suck a Lemon", "Shouldn't it be pointing at the Gate", and other such) but god was he a jerk. Surprise surprise, the pics of their next meetup look just as I expected, Sam grimacing, Rodney looking wistful, Sam looking annoyed, Rodney looking lovesick, Sam diverting attention to their work and away from herself. Sounds like they might actually make it work though. And wow, for a 'pink' outfit, that is pretty stunning. Beats the fluffy jacket from before any day .

          As I haven't really been here since Gabit and all the news announcement stuff, does anyone know if there were any more pictures from the event posted? I'd really love to see pictures, even if I can't catch up on everything that people wrote.

          And Kat, your latest sigpic is a stunner. And no, I'm not trying to suck up to you, but I actually really do need some help from you. You're the only one I know with an MSN blogspace, and I've run into a bit of a bump with mine, and was wondering if you knew how to stop unknown people from posting #!*^ in the comments section?

          Oh, and any other important news/events that have happened while I wasn't here would be much appreciated, though I don't expect anyone to waste their time searching for it if you don't know off the top of your head. Sorry if I keep asking people to help catch me up.

          One last note, I've proofread this post, but if there seem to be a lot of spelling mistakes, spelling mistakes that involve missing H's, it's because my H key's gone a bit bung.

          Hey there!

          Re/Gabit... have you been to this site? It's the best one I think!

          Oh, and you don't know ANYTHING about GUP!?!?! *Gasp* Well, I know quite a bit, if you want I can tell you! It's giong to be VERY... *hem* Interesting/BRILLIANTLY fun Imho...

          Haha, *kicks keyboard for you* That help at all???

          Oh, and trust me, I'm more behind than you, and probably always will be now... *sigh*
          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


            Did I mention that Rodney has a huge whopping great giant lump on his forhead?!?! Sheesh.

            ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

            HIC COMITAS REGIT!


              Originally posted by MajorSam
              Hey there!

              Re/Gabit... have you been to this site? It's the best one I think!

              Oh, and you don't know ANYTHING about GUP!?!?! *Gasp* Well, I know quite a bit, if you want I can tell you! It's giong to be VERY... *hem* Interesting/BRILLIANTLY fun Imho...

              Haha, *kicks keyboard for you* That help at all???

              Oh, and trust me, I'm more behind than you, and probably always will be now... *sigh*
              Ooh, thankyou MajorSammy. Good site, lots new pics for me to see .

              Um... GUP? *is totally ignorant* Please do tell?

              Hehe. Ya know, it's a laptop, which means you're not just kicking my keyboard, so watch it . Keep those combat boots away from my computer!

              Anyways, how've you been!? Wat amazing exciting adventures ave you ad lately. I really really missed your posting. Samanda needs your fun and exuberance! Please stay this time. What a coincidence that we both turned up again on the same day . If there's anything I can fill you in on I will, but I think the regular members of Samanda would be better at doing tat.
              *hugs* Yay I'm so happy that you're back.

              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                Originally posted by deepspace
                Ooh, thankyou MajorSammy. Good site, lots new pics for me to see .

                Um... GUP? *is totally ignorant* Please do tell?

                Hehe. Ya know, it's a laptop, which means you're not just kicking my keyboard, so watch it . Keep those combat boots away from my computer!

                Anyways, how've you been!? Wat amazing exciting adventures ave you ad lately. I really really missed your posting. Samanda needs your fun and exuberance! Please stay this time. What a coincidence that we both turned up again on the same day . If there's anything I can fill you in on I will, but I think the regular members of Samanda would be better at doing tat.
                *hugs* Yay I'm so happy that you're back.
                Yeah, tis a great site and GUP... G.U.P... Grace Under Pressure, the ep those pics are from, hehe. Again, if you want to know more details, just ask!

                Oopsies, laptop!Alert, my bad! *gives bandaid to laptop* there, all better and Hey, my combat boots are very nice thank you, not huge clonking spiked laptop!destroying things

                Lol *blush* *hugs* I've missed Samanda too it is quite funny we've both come on on the same day... hopefully, and only in hope, i'm going to be on some more now that it's nearing Christmas!!! *This is the official warning to all Samandan's that I might actually seriously be posting like... more than once every two months *

                I'm going to be joining up with a higher level army thing soon, i'm VERY exited As well in the thing i'm currently in the two highest ranking people just left, so i'm now the... third highest I'm also in charge of all the recruits and their recruit training plan. However i've gone through all that, so this coming Tuesday they're "graduating" the recruit course and coming to train with the rest of us! yay!

                As well last Tuesday we went on a patrol out in the bushes, and it's been INTENSELY Foggy out here in Van the last... week, now, plus me and another high ranking guy were the ones who had to hide this Ammunitions box for all the others to find... so me and him were running around in the pitchblack pure fog forest, running up hills and hiding and stuf... *sigh* GOOD TIMES! Wore for hte first time my gorgeous new camo combats... very nice.

                What have you been up to??

                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                  Speaking of BtS, I just finished reading a very good AU story regarding BtS... it has a very different ending to the episode, but if you really enjoy AU fics, I'd definitely check this one out. The author calls it cr*p, but I really liked it personally. It's 29 chapters long and the last chapter does delve a bit into S/J. Just a warning for those who twitch when they read Sam/Jack together.

                  Thyself, Unknown by MissAnnThropic

                  Edit: Happy T-Day everyone. Even if you didn't celebrate it with pumpkin pie and turkey, I hope it was a lovely day none the less.

                  Oh and MG! Keep them coming please. These sketches are absolutely stunning. I only wish I had half your talent.
                  Thanks for the link, ForeverSg1 I rather liked the first few chapters I read, too. I've read "cr*p" and this is not it! Guess I'm sympathetic to anyone who manages to complete any writing, unlike me!

                  Just sayin', hope everyone had a swell (read that as "delicious") holiday. Last post til morn. Night, all.
                  MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                  Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                    Originally posted by MajorSam
                    Oh sigh One thing I can count in in SG Fandom... Agent Dark NEVER changing

                    *pats AD on head fondly*
                    *While still shaking head*
                    OH yeah, i'm TOTALLY Loving these Crack!Fics one of my fave genres I must admit!
                    Haha, I know you love it

                    /me goes back to waiting for GUP


                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                      Haha, I know you love it

                      /me goes back to waiting for GUP

                      hahah, i've just got used to it after all this time The was no other choice, really!

                      Smangyvalizeryless forever, rite
                      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                        Originally posted by MajorSam
                        hahah, i've just got used to it after all this time The was no other choice, really!

                        Smangyvalizeryless forever, rite
                        OF COURSE!

                        /me goes back to waiting for GUP AND a Smangyvalizeryless episode


                          Originally posted by MajorSam
                          Spoilers for this, eh!?

                          OMG, You don't know the logo on the zipper!? It's a HUMONGOUS brand designer name in Vancouver at least rite now... it's called Lululemon, and lots of fluffy rich young girls wear it... HAH! I totally could not belive it when I saw the logo on her zipper... literally fall off chair kind of thing... oh wow...
                          Okay, okay - deep, dark confession time: Simha is logo-recognition challenged.

                          I have McDonald's down from sheer dint of repetition, and RCA because both my parents worked there, and Nipper is so darned cute. But, much beyond that - I had a particular book about attack aircraft for years before I noticed that the A-10 on the cover had been painted up with the warthog that's a logo for one of my company's product lines. I own a Toyota and somebody had to point out to me that the logo forms a "T" in an oval; I was thinking it was some kind of a funky non-mercator globe, maybe with Japan circled... So, please believe me when I say that not recognizing the logo in question, no matter how upscale, or popular on the other side of the continent is but a minor achievement (fiasco? ) for me. My apologies for being such a sorry sartorial failure.

                          So, Rodney the Canadian hallucinates trendy fashions for the wealthy Vancouverite twenty-something? Um, that's... surely that's... indicative of... something... besides being out and out disturbing. And even more disturbing that he hallucinates them and a matching, cleavage-baring top onto a decorated military officer who would hurt him in ways he probably can't imagine if she found out about it! Maybe Rodney really goes for tormenting himself with what he can't have, hmm? Or is it that his subconscious is very observant, trying to tell him something, and throwing in every scrap of symbolism it can muster in hopes of being noticed against the glare of his ego?

                          Thank you for the education, MajorSam: it's interesting, and very amusing in that " RODNEY! What Have You Done!!! " sort of way - but, please, please, please don't expect me to recognize the whatsit if I see it again!
                          ...a very cranky blog:


                            Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                            OF COURSE!

                            /me goes back to waiting for GUP AND a Smangyvalizeryless episode
                            oh my god! will you ppl speak english!

                            i've figured out 'GUP', but 'Smangyvalizeryless' and majorsam's 'ten hawt pron' or 'teh hawt pron'... i'm lost!




                              MajorSam: Yeah, tis a great site and GUP... G.U.P... Grace Under Pressure, the ep those pics are from, hehe. Again, if you want to know more details, just ask!
                              *slaps forehead* GUP=Grace Under Pressure, of course . Hang on, maybe I shouldn't slap my forehead so hard, or I might end up looking like Rodney in those pics .
                              I still want to know more though! I haven't heard anything since the "Amanda's going to be in 20 episodes split over both SG1 and Atlantis" news that came back from Gabit.

                              Oopsies, laptop!Alert, my bad! *gives bandaid to laptop* there, all better and Hey, my combat boots are very nice thank you, not huge clonking spiked laptop!destroying things
                              I'm sure you're boots are really neat, so don't worry . Still, maybe better to kick ass with than to kick laptops. Like replicators, well, do they have asses? *raises eyebrows*

                              Lol *blush* *hugs* I've missed Samanda too it is quite funny we've both come on on the same day... hopefully, and only in hope, i'm going to be on some more now that it's nearing Christmas!!! *This is the official warning to all Samandan's that I might actually seriously be posting like... more than once every two months *
                              Sounds good to me. I'll hopefully be around a little more too now it's leading up to Christmas. Time for some seriously not serious Samanda folks!

                              I'm going to be joining up with a higher level army thing soon, i'm VERY exited As well in the thing i'm currently in the two highest ranking people just left, so i'm now the... third highest I'm also in charge of all the recruits and their recruit training plan. However i've gone through all that, so this coming Tuesday they're "graduating" the recruit course and coming to train with the rest of us! yay!
                              As well last Tuesday we went on a patrol out in the bushes, and it's been INTENSELY Foggy out here in Van the last... week, now, plus me and another high ranking guy were the ones who had to hide this Ammunitions box for all the others to find... so me and him were running around in the pitchblack pure fog forest, running up hills and hiding and stuf... *sigh* GOOD TIMES! Wore for hte first time my gorgeous new camo combats... very nice.
                              Third highest ranking! Whoohoo, you go girl! You'll be up there in no time. See, I always knew you were LtCol.Sam material . Though here in Samanda, you will forever and always be MajorSam . And Good Times indeed, sounds great all this stuff you do out there in the foggyness of Vancouver. Anyone who doesn't know, MajorSam's Army tales are great reading.
                              What have you been up to??
                              Well, apart from wondering what to do with myself (both short term and in te future), not a lot. Certainly nothing interesting like you. I've been reading a lot of textbooks, which I actually do find interesting sometimes, but I doubt you want me to write a whole post on that. Hmm, if I think of anything interesting, I'll tell ya, but nothing's springing to mind. Your question has suddenly made me realise how little I actually do do . Scary.

                              ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT!


                                Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                                OF COURSE!

                                /me goes back to waiting for GUP AND a Smangyvalizeryless episode

                                Oh sigh...

                                Originally posted by Simhavaktra
                                Okay, okay - deep, dark confession time: Simha is logo-recognition challenged.

                                I have McDonald's down from sheer dint of repetition, and RCA because both my parents worked there, and Nipper is so darned cute. But, much beyond that - I had a particular book about attack aircraft for years before I noticed that the A-10 on the cover had been painted up with the warthog that's a logo for one of my company's product lines. I own a Toyota and somebody had to point out to me that the logo forms a "T" in an oval; I was thinking it was some kind of a funky non-mercator globe, maybe with Japan circled... So, please believe me when I say that not recognizing the logo in question, no matter how upscale, or popular on the other side of the continent is but a minor achievement (fiasco? ) for me. My apologies for being such a sorry sartorial failure.

                                So, Rodney the Canadian hallucinates trendy fashions for the wealthy Vancouverite twenty-something? Um, that's... surely that's... indicative of... something... besides being out and out disturbing. And even more disturbing that he hallucinates them and a matching, cleavage-baring top onto a decorated military officer who would hurt him in ways he probably can't imagine if she found out about it! Maybe Rodney really goes for tormenting himself with what he can't have, hmm? Or is it that his subconscious is very observant, trying to tell him something, and throwing in every scrap of symbolism it can muster in hopes of being noticed against the glare of his ego?

                                Thank you for the education, MajorSam: it's interesting, and very amusing in that " RODNEY! What Have You Done!!! " sort of way - but, please, please, please don't expect me to recognize the whatsit if I see it again!

                                HAHAHAHA, who said anything about FAILURE!? I don't recognize even a fraction of all the crazy names out there... *head swims with all crazy names* I would be scared if someone COULD recognize brand names frmo across a continent...!

                                HAHAHAHHA, "Rodney the Canadian hallucinates trendy fashions for the wealthy Vancouverite twenty-something?" BWAHAHAH, oh my, i'm very tired rite now... Hahahah, cleavage bearing shirt to go, on a decorated military.. HAHAH, i'm just waiting to see what brand her jeans are... ! and lol, well, do you coutn getting action from his hallucination? Cause i'm preeety darn sure there's gonna be at least some smooches

                                Lol, np on the "education" I feel it's my duty as President to ensure my subjects are well versed in the important laws of... fashion...
                                The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                                |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||

