Originally posted by Skydiver
So... what I'm seeing is… Sam-bashing comes from many different sources:
1. some fans wanted Jack or Daniel or Jack and Daniel as the focus of almost every episode... and they were unhappy when Sam was the focus
2. ship polarized the fans further... and Divide and Conquer was a pivotal episode for 'ship wars'
3. except for D&C, Jack's comments to Sam in Season's 1-4 can be interpreted as just comments between comrades or friends... or as ship... so it depends on which camp you are in as to how you see it, because nothing is explicit (except for D&C, and even that is circumspectly worded).
4. Sam's personal feelings for Jack over the past few seasons are shown at the same time that Jack backs off and becomes almost non-committal... so to non-shippers (or anti-shippers), it looks like Sam pines for Jack, but that he no longer reciprocates her feelings (if he ever did, from the anti-shipper viewpoint). Shippers interpret Jack's silences differently.
5. the past few seasons, have shown Sam's vulnerabilities and personal struggles in a ‘different light’ - Sam's personal life is shown as a separate storyline in a couple of episodes... something that has not been done for the other characters in previous episodes
6. Sam makes some mistakes... spoiler for Season 8
For me, this has all been an interesting education. Sam Carter and AT hooked me into Stargate when I caught some old reruns on some late Saturday afternoon on a local independent station. I was amazed by this wonderful female sci-fi character. Working alongside the guys, holding her own, not dressed up like a sexy vixen, but not like some hard-butch iron-woman either… smart (love ScienceSmart!Sam), personable, sometimes showing innocence, sometimes showing heart, other times standing solid with a P90 on full rock-and-roll… following orders… respectful of the chain of command – even when she’s *so* smart…. not really seeming to know how smart she is… able to cry and be human… able to dress as a woman… yet fly jets and X-302’s… having alien men fall for her… and she’s innocently unaware… willing to trust… her inner drive for exploration of science and the stars… holding a lead character role so well in an arena dominated by males.
Way back in this thread, Coley asked me what other women characters I held in similar esteem… and I’ve thought about that question for two months… and haven’t been able to come up with an answer! Frankly, I don’t think that there is another female scifi character that was done as well as AT has done Sam Carter.