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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    I'm glad you posted this. And we'd never flame you Katkin. Your posts are always well-thought out.

    RE: what TPTB *could* have done: (S8 Threads)

    Or when Jack said "Always..." They could have added "Because I love you Sam." Not leave it up to us to interpret the level of what 'always' means. Because until those words really come out of their mouths or a ring ends up on someone's hands or S or J mention to others they're dating/engaged/married.... it *is* open to interpretation once again.

    I know how I'll interpret it, but *shakes head* TPTB have done it again. :-(
    Yes, that's their way to please the 2 sides : shippers and anti-shippers, although these ones must be really angry right now ;-)
    They've done the same thing in XFiles. Until the last episode, I knew noromos who were convinced that Mulder and Scully were not together, even if there was a baby on the way.
    I know how I'll interpret Threads too and I know (or I think I know) how anti-shippers'll interpret it. But let's face it : even if there is a ring or dates or wedding, there will still be people who won't see it the same way than us.
    So, right now, I'm very happy how TPTB have done it. It's subtle yes but hey, there's no Pete and no Kerry anymore, and Sam and Jack seem closer they have ever been. :-)
    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


      I thought threads was brilliant.

      I loved it.

      The infirmary scene was perfection...When Jack says 'always' you can hear his love for her in his voice, and that means that Sam heard it too.

      I loved the fishing scene!!! It also sums up that Sam's changed...and perhaps for the better after all....

      could you imagine season 1 Sam happily sitting fishing at a fishless pond and not moaning about it????????

      The Daniel scene was impressive... (is that the right word)

      I'm so upset that Jacob is gone....but we know he was shipper

      Jacob 'You joined the air force because of me'
      Jacob 'You can still have everything you want'
      Sam 'but I am happy'

      He shakes his head a bit, and smiles at her.

      I can't remember the rest, but Jacob was basically telling her to screw the regs
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Caty thanks for the Pictures.I could not get to the Forum last night.I wonder if that tells TPTB something.
        Threads sounds Great.I knew there would be no Kiss but I was hoping for a Hug or an I Love You.My dream would have been Jack retires and the opening scene of Moebius shows Sam and Jack lying in Bed together.I have a Bad feeling were still a long way from a real Sam and Jack Kiss and an I Love You.I hope I'am wrong.


          just popped in to say..i loved threads...


          pete being dumped..good.

          jacob telling sam to ignore the rules...good.

          jack hugging sam, her stroking his hand against her cheek and the 'thank you for being there' 'always' moment..very good.

          sam and jack fishiing! (and they'd obviously been there for a while but teal'c and daniel had only just got there) very very good!

          bet moebius starts with a kiss!!!
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic



            I wanted to give you green jello for your comments on Threads yesterday and for *one more time* saving my life when GW crashed down but it seems I have to spread it around first Someone wants some green jello ?
            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


              Thanks sueKay for providing shelter for the shippers yesterday.

              And thanks also for just spoiling the Sam and Jack parts. I still feel pretty much spoiler free for everything else.

              However, I do want to thank all of the spoiler posters.

              And thanks to Caty, too for the clips.
              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                Originally posted by blueiris
                Thanks sueKay for providing shelter for the shippers yesterday.

                And thanks also for just spoiling the Sam and Jack parts. I still feel pretty much spoiler free for everything else.

                However, I do want to thank all of the spoiler posters.

                And thanks to Caty, too for the clips.
                Wow, you even spoil-tagged your sig
                After last night, I wanted to change mine from 'S&J : I want to believe' into 'S&J : I believe' but I think I'll wait for US shippers to have watched Threads !
                Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                  Originally posted by Katkin
                  PLEASE PLEASE DON’T FLAME ME, FELLOW SHIPPERS… but oh no, I seem to be the only one who isn’t feeling all that positive about Threads! SPOILERS TO FOLLOW – HIGHLIGHT TO READ[COLOR=White]

                  I just feel it was the dog that didn’t bark!


                  Anyway that just happens to be how I feel about it… please, please don’t flame me!!!!!!
                  No flames here Katkin.
                  But I really disagree. Just cause it didn't bark like a dog, it still looked like a dog, acted like a dog, and was giving those loving looks like a dog.
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Originally posted by florence
                    Wow, you even spoil-tagged your sig
                    After last night, I wanted to change mine from 'S&J : I want to believe' into 'S&J : I believe' but I think I'll wait for US shippers to have watched Threads !
                    Maybe I should change that to Threads spoilers, now that you mention it.
                    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                      Originally posted by florence
                      Yes, that's their way to please the 2 sides : shippers and anti-shippers, although these ones must be really angry right now ;-)
                      They've done the same thing in XFiles. Until the last episode, I knew noromos who were convinced that Mulder and Scully were not together, even if there was a baby on the way.
                      I know how I'll interpret Threads too and I know (or I think I know) how anti-shippers'll interpret it. But let's face it : even if there is a ring or dates or wedding, there will still be people who won't see it the same way than us.
                      So, right now, I'm very happy how TPTB have done it. It's subtle yes but hey, there's no Pete and no Kerry anymore, and Sam and Jack seem closer they have ever been. :-)

                      I don't think it's ..
                      subtle at all's very sensual that scene at the infirmary when Sam holds on to Jack's hand and caresses it with her fingers a lover really ...I don't think I would do that to just a friend she puts her chin on his wrist too twice ... and she holds hsi hand very close to her .I think it was perfect ..I expected less and I'm glad I got more



                        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                        I'm glad you posted this. And we'd never flame you Katkin. Your posts are always well-thought out.

                        RE: what TPTB *could* have done: (S8 Threads)

                        Or when Jack said "Always..." They could have added "Because I love you Sam." Not leave it up to us to interpret the level of what 'always' means. Because until those words really come out of their mouths or a ring ends up on someone's hands or S or J mention to others they're dating/engaged/married.... it *is* open to interpretation once again.

                        I know how I'll interpret it, but *shakes head* TPTB have done it again. :-(

                        ((((ShimmeringStar))))… that’s really kind of you and much appreciated!

                        DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                          Originally posted by blueiris
                          No flames here Katkin.
                          But I really disagree. Just cause it didn't bark like a dog, it still looked like a dog, acted like a dog, and was giving those loving looks like a dog.

                          TPTB really made
                          Pete look ridiculous at the SGC ..I was laughing so hard ..It was great to just watch Sam's face each time Pete was opening his mouth ..they were so not well suited .



                            Originally posted by sueKay

                            This is precisely why sometimes this thread pisses me off.

                            Everyone's happy...someone posts one post and the next second it's doom and gloom...

                            I for one loved threads...and they didn't need to say ' I love you' plus...I don't think it's appropriate for Jack to say that to her in the final moments of her father's life.

                            END RANT

                            SueKay, please don’t blame ShimmeringStar for the depression – I’m afraid it’s all down to me.

                            DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                            WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                              Originally posted by blueiris
                              No flames here Katkin.
                              But I really disagree. Just cause it didn't bark like a dog, it still looked like a dog, acted like a dog, and was giving those loving looks like a dog.
                              LOL… guess I was hoping for really loud howling then!

                              DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                              WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                                Hi shippers....remember me....that greedy little critter??? I just want to tell you all how proud I am of our shipper family. You are all awesome. I thank you all, each and every one of you, who posted yesterday and everyday to keep our ship alive. Even through the missing shipper thread issue, we have remained true and positive (most of the time ). You are all an awesome group of people and I am so proud to be a member. Now for the important stuff:
                                YIPPEE! YAHOO! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THREADS!!!!! SAM AND JACK-----YIPPEE!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!! YES! YES! YES!!!!!
                                Desperate Thunker

