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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Just the Zat's Ma'am
    Nah I know that Sam didn't or would not have had the strongest of feelings for Jack at that time, I was just thinking, in her mind she would have been trying to 'speak for Sara' to put Jack at ease, as if the "I love you" would be coming from Sarah, not Sam . . .


    Sam is trying to comfort a dieing CO; it is not that she is expressing any of her own feelings, kind of like telling a terminally ill family member that it is ok for them to go ahead . . . even though it is going to tear up those left behind. It is a lie, but one meant to comfort . . .

    Interesting, I believe a fan from Europe said once that when the words were dubbed into the language of her country, it came out as Jack whispering, "Sam" instead of "Sara." But I think Jack saying "Sara" is more powerful, with Sam replying as she did to comfort him. BTW, I think this is the last time he mentions her, as he and TPTB moved on. I remember he started a letter to her in "Brief Candle." Of course, there was the question from Sam in LC about the picture.
    Last edited by Gatetrixer; 11 November 2004, 11:41 PM.


      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
      Interesting, I believe a fan from Europe said once that when the words were dubbed into the language of her country, it came out as Jack whispering, "Sam" instead of "Sara." But I think Jack saying "Sara" is more powerful, with Sam replying as she did to comfort him. BTW, I think this is the last time he mentions her, as he and TPTB moved on. I remember he started a letter to her in "Brief Candle." Of course, there was the question from Sam in LC about the picture.
      Wow, is the time really off, says I edited it at 2:41AM, well that's just a few hours different! BTW, I pretty sure Jack did not say, "Love you, Sara," just, "Sara."


        Originally posted by Token
        In the name of Shipper Duty, I had to go rewatch Grace.

        The kiss actually is after the O'Neill line "Go and save your ass." So the next page of the script would be....Carter says, "Just one more thing." <insert kiss>

        I must say that they reserved an entire page for the kiss.
        Are you making this up, Token? Was the kiss *really* on the next page? And did the kiss really take up the entire page? (if this isn't so, don't laugh at my naivete )




          Originally posted by michelleb
          excuse me a moment..i have a rant here, you may want to plug your ears..


          I've just worked out that the episode that is showing over here the week of my birthday is Affinity!! that means that, three days before my birthday, i have to watch
          that spud-u-hate, seriously mixed up, clingy, annoying, patronising stalker make up to our sam, and propose and to watch her say yes!! and make jack cry!!!! and to actually see her suck-spud (kiss Pete for the rest for you). i'm going to spend the entire episode wtaching daniel in jeans, and pretend the rest isn't happening.
          . you think, for my birthday, they'd somehow arrange things so i could get an episode i'd like, considering how long i've been shipping. like sacrifices
          i could have spent the entire night watching sam and jack grab each other at every conceivable opportunity and work out if that little girl really is grace
          . i'm going to sulk. and eat chocolate.

          I was going to green you, but I have to do that spreading the green thing around.

          Anyhoo, I was going to tell you to NOT watch the blasphemous ep. Pick out your fave ep and play it on that special day.

          You've got to take the power back! *if anyone knows what song this is from, my reputation as a sane and normal person will be shot...*




            Sneaking in quickly to say...





              there any male shippers out there? haha dont feel like reading all 201 pages lol action, comedy, romance, and good stories makes a good show imo.


                Originally posted by sueKay
                Happy Birthday Sam And Jack Shipper!
                ((((((((((Sam and Jack Shipper)))))))))))))

                Welcome and Happy Birthday!!

                *runs to get cake out of oven before it burns*

                *comes out with triple chocolate cake with 3 candles*


                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                  Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

                  And they're saying...

                  Jack - "Carter, did you just pinch my butt?"

                  Sam - "Wow, sir, look at that... big round, spinny thing there! Uh, and steam comes from it too!"




                    Originally posted by Catysg1

                    Thank you. I will keep up the good work we have too ...until January and then we'll have more clips anyway so it will be easy to carry on ..Hopefully we'll get plenty of those shippy scenes .

                    and yeah Jacob . ..I loved him in that video ..very fitting ..a bride is always looked after by the dad ..hey ..and Jacob was there for his daughter.
                    he is such a sweetie and he 's a shipper too ..I know ..I just know..he likes Jack ..the way he looks at him ..

                    ...and Jacob always seems at piece when Sam is with Jack but in Deathknell , Jack was not with Sam and he was worried for her ..but hey Jack is such a good guy and went to save Sam ..Jacob must be really proud of him his future son in law.

                    You see... look what all those videos made me write I'm 100% positive ...Who is with me?!!!

                    I think whenever Jack has his back turned, Jacob is looking at him like: I know there's something more going on between you and my baby girl. I wish you two would just quit this dance and solve the problem keeping you two apart!

                    I mean, Jacob ain't blind, ya know! I'll just bet he deduced that Jack liked his daughter since meeting him for the first time at that little party!


                      Originally posted by meimei
                      Happy Birthday

                      Sam and Jack Shipper

                      & SueKay

                      stealing this from Mei Mei..Hope it was a great day for you both
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Lt.Damnit
                        there any male shippers out there? haha dont feel like reading all 201 pages lol action, comedy, romance, and good stories makes a good show imo.
                        Hi there We have a few Guys here... Just the Zats Ma'am and Mad gater are two of our *Esteemed* Gentlemen.....more will have to holler out as I DO KNOW there are more but I can't remember everyone's name...yes I know bad Tame Bad Tame

                        But WELCOME TO YOU!!!!! and we all enjoy the show for THOSE very same reasons so you have found the right place

                        Grab a snack and the beverage of your choice and have a blast
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          thanks for the warm welcome! such friendly people lol good to know im not the only one out there!


                            Happy Birthday, SueKay!




                              Originally posted by Lt.Damnit
                              thanks for the warm welcome! such friendly people lol good to know im not the only one out there!
                              WELCOME LT. D!!!!!!!

                              Sit Back, relax, and have some drinks and food served by me and some dessert served fresh from Ship Nana's oven at the Shipper Town Bar, Grill, and Bakery!!


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                Hi there We have a few Guys here... Just the Zats Ma'am and Mad gater are two of our *Esteemed* Gentlemen.....more will have to holler out as I DO KNOW there are more but I can't remember everyone's name...yes I know bad Tame Bad Tame

                                But WELCOME TO YOU!!!!! and we all enjoy the show for THOSE very same reasons so you have found the right place

                                Grab a snack and the beverage of your choice and have a blast
                                Oh if you knew how much time I spend in the gutter I think I'd lose my Gentleman status PDQ!

