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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    Here you go: There's an explanation on the top of the page.

    oh man those pics are too funny!!
    spud offspring(ROTFL)


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      Okay Tame… you & some others asked for it…. (
      Following last night's TaterThoughts to their logical end….

      More reasons is just not sci-fi material:

      The Blair PotatoChip Project
      Spudaroo Banzai
      Spud Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Potato
      Spud Wars: Episode II – Attack of the French Fries
      Spud Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the HashBrowns
      Spud Wars: Episode IV – A New Spud?
      Spud Wars: Episode V - The Grease Strikes Back
      Spud Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Spud
      I, Spud
      Raiders of the Lost FrenchFries
      Hitchhiker’s Guide to the World of Spud
      Spud the Barbarian
      H.G. Wells’ The War of the PotatoWedges
      Lost in Spuds
      The TaterTrix
      The TaterTrix: Reconstituted
      The TaterTrix: FriedResolutions
      Planet of the TaterTots
      Sky Spud and the World of Potatoes
      (((((((SHIMMERINGSTAR))))))) All of these are hilarious. Even the next posting further down the thread. Can't give you any green jello until I spread it around some more...Keep up the good work.
      Desperate Thunker


        Originally posted by BruTak
        As for Dr. John Carter MD - does no one watch ER?
        Dr. John Carter *drools*

        Sorry Noah Wylie moment. ...anways I use to watch ER.

        What was i gonna say again? I can't remember...and I blame it on a certain mash-tater.


          Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
          *bows in awe*

          I rest my case. Wonderful thoughts, thank you Mel!

          I have to re-read the Silmarillion now.
          I still have to finish reading Silmarillion...i started 2 years ago...and forgot about it.


            Originally posted by MartoufMarty
            Translation of what?
            Someone earlier posted a message that was written i think they call it "TXT-speak" and CG and me couldn't quite understand what the personwas saying, but the shipper lingust Michelle translated it already. So we are all happy again.


              Originally posted by Athenaktt
              Someone earlier posted a message that was written i think they call it "TXT-speak" and CG and me couldn't quite understand what the personwas saying, but the shipper lingust Michelle translated it already. So we are all happy again.

              I don't get the TXT speak. I can mostly understand it, but it's so annoying!

              *stomps on some text-messaging cell-phones*

              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Here you go: There's an explanation on the top of the page.

                I call it THE POTATOHEAD COLLECTION
                I got my Season 7 dvds yesterday and on the side there is a picture of anubis...and every time i see that picture I see the Spudhead Anubis of yours now Mala!...LOL


                  Originally posted by MartoufMarty

                  I don't get the TXT speak. I can mostly understand it, but it's so annoying!

                  *stomps on some text-messaging cell-phones*
                  Yeah neither do I...even during text-messaging I write out the whole word...I can't bring myself to do TXT speak.


                    Originally posted by Athenaktt
                    Yeah neither do I...even during text-messaging I write out the whole word...I can't bring myself to do TXT speak.
                    I've never used text-messaging. And I find it kind of annoying when people are too lazy to type out of full word 'you' and just put 'u'. Or 'r' instead of 'are'.


                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Good day Shippers!

                      Shimmering Star - You are a genius.
                      Martouf Marty - what do think of the Potato Collection???


                      Had a great day!

                      Went shopping. Was pleased to find that Virgin had a whole STAND for Stargate DVDs and nothing else. (Star Trek was in the not-so aptly named bargain bin). Went into Forbidden Planet. They have limited edition Stargate plates for sale. I wanna get them to go with my shipper cookies.

                      I've noticed that two members who are normally serial posters haven't been on in a while.

                      Sam O'Neill and GetCarter.

                      Is it Sam's brother that isn't well, and is GetCarter sick again?

                      Does anyone know? Or are they on holiday?

                      Lastly - went to a cafe today. It was called SPUDS R US!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Martouf Marty - what do think of the Potato Collection???
                        ... It's um... Different... Cute... Kind of funny... But I'm not an Anti-pete person so it's not all as funny as other people think it is

                        But it's cute! Silly!

                        Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                        Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                          the new shipper food.potato chips.
                          slice and dice ladies


                            Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                            I've never used text-messaging. And I find it kind of annoying when people are too lazy to type out of full word 'you' and just put 'u'. Or 'r' instead of 'are'.

                            I don't use the shortcuts, either. I'm dyslexic in a way that makes it hard for me to read and understand that kind of writing. Somewhere between the page and my brain it gets jumbled and becomes virtually indecipherable to me. It's one of the very few things I haven't been able to work around over the years. Oops. I figure, if they can't be bothered to type whole words, it doesn't matter so much if I can't read it. People who have something important to say usually understand that presentation counts. And there's almost always a kind translator around for the rare instances I really need to know what the jumble said.
                            *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              the new shipper food.potato chips.
                              slice and dice ladies

                              I love Pringles...

                              Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                              Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                I totally agree with your assessment of Sam and !

                                However, I would respectfully disagree with you about how Sam feels about Jack. I don't think that she feels that Jack doesn't need taking care of at all. I believe that she is having trouble approaching him because of numerous factors which include that he is her superior officier, the no frat regs, that she's not 100% sure how he feels, that she may not see a way for them to be together, etc.

                                Yeah ..that's the way I see it too SHIPNANA Poor Sam and poor Jack and none of them is really to blame cuz life is hard and their life is extremely hard but Sam is having doubts ..and when you have doubts ..then it's not very good ..therefore when she tries to have that little
                                interrupted talk in Threads..then we know's a step forwards ...We also know that Jack has thought about retiring many times ... in fact to be with Sam ...Kerry will be there to make sure he does just that ...and I think she'll be happy for them at the end .
                                the ship is really sailing ...and love will greatly prevail


