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    Originally posted by Mala50
    And some people around here think I have a screw loose....

    well, I guess I'm not the only one who's bored with this hiatus (and I can't even get myself to re-watch the Season 8 shows! )

    But for your efforts, ShimmeringStar, I hereby present you with


    I have no idea what it's for (hey, I said I was BORED!)... maybe I should let Ship Nana handle this part...

    For special efforts in spud-bashing?

    or how about..for being able to state the completely obvious to someone who already knows everything you're telling her everything?

    Special use of the potato metaphor in describing pete

    someone who comes up with a new reason why and how pete does not, and never has existed
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by sueKay

      You are a voice of reason within a sea of confusion.

      We love you!

      And she has sig-worthy quotes, too. *points to sig*

      In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
      it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
      It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
      And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


        Originally posted by Mala50
        Oh well, it's too bad we can't put up screencaps for Season 8...

        Here you go, Sally.... some squee fodder for you....

        Spoiler Warning: Season 8 New Order caps

        look! this is so the look of love. like that dusty springfield song! they are so in love, just look at their eyes, and those anyone can deny they love each other..well, it just drives me insane!!!!
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          Originally posted by Andy867
          Whats interesting is that there are ways around because in JAG, there is a couple that is together that serves in the same facility but in different departments(I know its Navy, but similar policies).
          Totally different. Sam works FOR chain of command. On Jag the two that are married work side by side FOR someone chain of command between the two of them.
          Last edited by Critter; 22 October 2004, 04:19 AM.
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by Mala50
            Hey, why apologize for your craziness? Welcome to the club! Quite nice for a first attempt.

            I have no excuses for what I do - I haven't eaten any shipper cookies and it's too late for coffee (well, I'm just bored!)

            Here's my stupid pic of Shipper Teal'c and Swimmy in A$$INITY!

            Sing along with the penguin....."Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting...." sorry I can't remember any of the other words...
            Desperate Thunker


              ooh, i was watching the Day After Tomorrow and in it there's a man called Jack, his son Sam, a friend called Janet, and a boy called JD...

              anyway, there was this wonderful moment when someone called out

              'Jack, Sam's on the phone for you!'

              Nice little shippy squee for me there, in the middle of the movie!
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Hey, why apologize for your craziness? Welcome to the club! Quite nice for a first attempt.

                I have no excuses for what I do - I haven't eaten any shipper cookies and it's too late for coffee (well, I'm just bored!)

                Here's my stupid pic of Shipper Teal'c and Swimmy in A$$INITY!

                oh, mala, that's too funny!! snorting in class again, and it's your fault. hey, if he keeps that up, he'll be able to beat up pete all by his little self.
                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Oh well, it's too bad we can't put up screencaps for Season 8...

                  Here you go, Sally.... some squee fodder for you....

                  Spoiler Warning: Season 8 New Order caps

                  During this show I was expecting so much between these two that I totally missed THIS look. Thanks for posting it Mala. Sally and Michelle thanks for kicking me in the fanny to see that the ship is still there. It is all in the eyes even if they can't get the words out of their mouths.
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by tpe78
                    If it did have a tracking device inside. I wonder if he noticed it hasn't moved from the box.
                    Thanks for the laugh!
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      g'day damn you guys r confusin (no offense) um r you guys like 2 seasons ahead? and r there any chat rooms for sg-1 fans ?
                      n there is somthing called sg-atlantis????? n ur at the end os the season????? i need yankee pat-tv c'mon gimme a chat room there isnt any sg-1 fans here plz,plz,plz,plz,

                      oh and yea go sam n jack woot woot woot
                      Originally posted by CoffeeGirl

                      I know English isn't my first language, but I always thought I was fairly good at it... now I feel like I could use Daniel's help here... I can't understand what you're saying dear, sorry. Anyone care to translate?

                      they're saying ' Goodday. damn, you guys are confusing (no offence). um..are you guys 2 seasons ahead? and are there any chatrooms for sg-1 fans? and is there something called SG-Atlantis? And you are at the end of he season? I need american television, come on, give me a chat room, there aren't any sg1 fans here, please please please. oh yes, go sam and jack, root root root'

                      I think they're from australia, and the root is a football thing, means they're rooting for sam and jack.(and now i should add TXT-Speak to my list of languages)
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Lunar
                        I think his motivations are rooted in the fact that he feels Sam is out of his league. IMO, he's so certain he's going to lose her it drives him to behave in this stalkerish manner. You're right, I don't think he does trust her... I think he thinks that her 'my job is classified' pleas are covering for something else. He really want to be with Sam and he's going to every and any length to achieve this aim...
                        Personally, I think she should ditch him before he starts cutting out locks of her hair to sniff etc...
                        But I can see why he's doing it, and why she is willing to forgive him/ignore it. She's had this non-relationship with Jack for so long, it must be good for her battered ego and 'nice' for her to have a guy that is so grateful he ever got a chance with her...
                        Jack needs to get a move on and tell her how *he* feels!!!
                        I agree, I don't think he is secure in the relationship. The only reason he even got a date with her is because he knew her brother. What do we really know about his relationship with his wife? Maybe she left him for other reasons than what he stated.
                        I think buying the house without her approval is just another way to secure his relationship with her.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Whoa guys! Only about 1300 views until we hit quarter of a million....



                            Originally posted by Rogue
                            I agree, I don't think he is secure in the relationship. The only reason he even got a date with her is because he knew her brother. What do we really know about his relationship with his wife? Maybe she left him for other reasons than what he stated.
                            I think buying the house without her approval is just another way to secure his relationship with her.

                            yes, exactly, he's like a little boy with a shiny new toy that he keeps clean and safe cos it's precious, and doesn't want anyone else to play with in case they damage it.

                            and she's playing along for the moment. maybe, given her track record with long term relationships, she doesn't realise she doesn't have to change to suit the guy, even he accepts her as she is, with all her intelligence and toughness and secrets, or he leaves. maybe she just wants to make him happy. but in the end, she'd be making herself unhappy.

                            remember in the devil you know, when jacob came home to tell sam her mum was dead, she was baking cookies? it was a subtle message that she's already taken over the mother's role. looking after people, making them happy. maybe it's like that. sam feels responsible for pete..perhaps because her brother told him sam would like him, and though she liked him at first, she had no idea he would stay. now that he has, she feels responsible for him, so is trying to make him happy, and protect him, by playing along, by doing what he wants, even though it's not what she wants..but she's kidding herself that all she wants is pete's happiness. she's doing the classic mother's thing of keeping pete happy at the expense of her own wants and needs and desires.
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Ah, but we're in a bit of a new time here, fiction-wise, where the hero doesn't always get the girl just because he's the hero. Luke didn't, Frodo didn't (let's not get into Aragorn being the hero — he was the hero of the war, not the book ), and I suspect young Mr. Potter won't either. These days it's all about the supporting characters.
                              This is really off topic, but Lord of the Rings is my favorite subject right after Stargate, so... I never saw Frodo as the true hero. He is the main character, but for me, it was Sam who saved Middle Earth. Without him, the ring would have never been destroyed. And boy does he get the girl in the end - and 13 kids too!

                              Back to Stargate now, sorry for being OT, I just had to mention this.

                              In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                              it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                              It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                              And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                                Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
                                This is really off topic, but Lord of the Rings is my favorite subject right after Stargate, so... I never saw Frodo as the true hero. He is the main character, but for me, it was Sam who saved Middle Earth. Without him, the ring would have never been destroyed. And boy does he get the girl in the end - and 13 kids too!

                                Back to Stargate now, sorry for being OT, I just had to mention this.
                                isn't one of the points of LOTR that the hero is never who we expect to be, and that not all tales end the way they should, or even happily?

                                mind you, frodo did sail off with galadriel...
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

