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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Spoiler for Season 8, second half.
    The quote said specifically that it was a recurring character. Jack, being the star of the show, doesn't fit that description. Jacob seems a lot more likely.
    *pouts* Losing Jacob isn't any better in my book. He's way too much fun to have around and Sam has lost too much already. Can't they just kill Kinsey and be done with it?
    *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


      Originally posted by auralan
      Moebius spoilers:


      (regarding Sam and Jack both dying at the end of the ep)

      Yeah, I'm sure they do ... in some AU or another. No way it'd be particularly final or related to this universe/timeline. All other issues aside, they'd never shut the door on a movie with RDA later. Without his name, there's no way they'd get a theatrical greenlit. Somebody's likely just having some fun stirring things up.
      Commenting on pseudo-spoilers:

      It would make sense for Sam and Jack to die at the end of the episode, and it would make for a pretty good cliffhanger ending (especially if the RDA thing is up in the air, and now with AT's pregnancy (congrats, congrats!).) But I, too, only see it as being a temporary measure because RDA is vital to the show. He's at least gotta be there some of the time. And AT is the 2nd place slot on SG-1 right now. I wouldn't be surprised if they left us hanging on RDA's fate until the beginning of Season 9 should there be one. Alias pulled a similar stint with the S1 cliffhanger with Vaughn's character. We didn't know if Michael Vartan would be coming back. It's a nice suspense move. Sure it'll drive us nuts, but it might work.


        Originally posted by Mala50

        The 2010 caps come from the scene just after Sam's 'dearly beloved Ambassador' has just forbidden her to participate in the attempt to send the note (and she agreed - which pissed me off, royally).
        Just another example of Sam being written under achievement. I like it when she stands up for herself (understatement).




          Congrats JtZM and HAPPY BIRTHDAY sClairef99!

          It is a good day!


            Originally posted by majorsal
            Just another example of Sam being written under achievement. I like it when she stands up for herself (understatement).

            I know what you mean by that, but remember that she'd been with the guy for almost 10 years in some capacity. She'd not seen the others on a regular basis in that much time, either. I can't imagine them not staying in touch for that long (it makes me sad inside ), but in this version of the future, it happened. She obviously had residual feelings for the guys and all, but she probably still felt obligated to keep Joe happy as well. Marriage (I'm assuming) can put people in a bit of a conundrum at times - especially when so much is at stake.

            Now, if she'd only listened to Jack in the first place, this wouldn't have been a problem.


              Originally posted by Major Fischer
     strikes me more like horror... maybe Sam just isn't the marriage sort.
              spoilers for Affinity - Lockdown
              I thought AT did an excellent job of conveying
              both surprise and bewilderment over the ring and the proposal. Which at least made her asking for so much time to *think* extremely believable.........however that is kindof where THAT whole storyline stopped being believable. Too much of this episode was another *example* of how TPTB lost an opportunity to show Sam being the SG1 leader. At no time did the character of Pete do any sort of police work that seemed above or beyond anything that Sam could have AND would have done had he not been there. We have seen her figure out things far more complex then whether or not the *victim was dragged over here, see the heel marks in the carpet* ...

              The whole episode was Sam following a bad columbo impersonator around. then at the end an even more unbelievable acceptence to the propasal.

              Then again in Lockdown TPTB ruined yet another chance for Sam to be in charge of SG1 but nope - Daniel just cuts Sam off in the briefing room what was that about. It made no sense EXCEPT it made Sam look bad and then the conversation in her lab looked dubious because it implied that she would sulk.

              This bugged me more because my sister and brother-in-law were over and watched the show this last Friday and I had explained the new set up. and all of the things I said about Lockdown my sister pointed out IMMEDIATELY and I was like yeah that bugged me the first time I saw it. so we discussed it after the show and she was in full agreement that TPTB had really dropped the ball as well.

              So we are seeing all of these poorly written emotional scenes that are supposed to be helping the character of Sam *grow* and they very well could IF they were believable, IF they were more in line WITH the character we have come to know and IF they made sense to the story we were told last week
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                They wasted Sam leadership dynamic stuff in Icon too. Spent too much time playing the English Patient (I wonder if Torri Higginson was having flashbacks when that episode was filming next door ). I kept finding myself wishing they'd shown ups all the lead up to the war and exactly how SG1 messed it up. Could have been a great Sam dealing with the dynamic of her new command thing.

                But they were making a Daniel episode. This is the problem with making Daniel episodes and Teal'c episodes and Sam episodes.


                  Happy Birthday, sclairef99.




                    Very true...It will be nice when we get back to that show that know ....that thing in Major Fischer's signature...what was it called again.....Round Spinny Thing

                    And Back to the subtle love we call Sam & jack
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      spoilers for s8's moebius


                      Originally posted by Andy867
                      One thing that I have always wondered about AU is that in the ones that we have seen, Sam and Jack have always been together in one way or another (Engaged in the first, Married in the second) and with Moebieus Season finale coming up, it is supposed to be the AU of all alternate universes. What will JAck and Sam be in this upcoming one, and will it impact the Jack and Sam of our "reality" like it has with Carter in PoV seeing how good her and Jack looked together (at the end) and when Daniel said in TBFTGOG that Jack and sam were engaged, etc. Plus the fact that Jack said in Divide and Conquer that he cares about sam more than what he is supposed to.
                      I'm hoping Moebius (sounds like a condition after reading Moby Dick) will give us some great ship! I'm mainly replying (and stating the obvious) to support your contribution, Andy.





                        Originally posted by michelleb
                        lockdown observation
                        does anyone else think that one of the reasons jack doesn't want a highly decorated, fairly handsome, intelligent, experienced russian officer on SG1 is cos he doesn't want sam 'distracted'...not going to let anyone else near sam (bad enough about pete, grumble, grumble). in fact, maybe that's the reason he doesn't want anyone else on sg1....doesn't want anyone else to fall in love with her, and doesn't want her getting close to anyone else..
                        I liked Colonel Vaselov... he was a true hero.





                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          I liked Colonel Vaselov... he was a true hero.


                          I wanted to hug Vaselov when Sam and Daniel were discussing his condition three feet from him behind a curtain. Someone's blocking of that scene was horrible.


                            Originally posted by Major Fischer
                            I could probably recommend some much less scary Sam/Janet fic, but yeah, not all Slash should be jumped into without getting a recommendation or two. Can be a scary scary world.
                            Here I am a HUGE Sam/Jack shipper, and I read slash. (I like reading smut) All you have to do is pretend it's all AU, and the trama of it decreases.


                            ps - Didn't mean to offend any slashers.



                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              Here I am a HUGE Sam/Jack shipper, and I read slash. (I like reading smut) All you have to do is pretend it's all AU, and the trama of it decreases.
                              Hehe. Sometimes it has to be an alternate universe. The number of fics I've seen where Sam is trolling D.C. gay bars is really funny to me.


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                Issues? Why yes, Nana, i do. I have issues of the stargate magazine, and issues of the fortean times and ....that's not what you meant, did you. I'll dip in cookie in hot chocolate, thank you.

                                btw. i'm am very impressed and proud of the way you have all dealt with my news. I was scared to post it, and bring us all down again, but I felt I had to share what I'd been told. No-one's screamed (well, too loud, anyway) and no-one's ranted, and you've all been very calm and sensible and mature.....what's wrong? no, i mean, well done. You're all wonderful shippers. And I emphasise again it is just a rumour and while I trust my source, I don't really know her source, if you see what i mean.

                                and now i really must go to bed, i have a hellish day tomorrow.

                                and finally..have no fear!!! the penguins will prevail!!!
                                You know why I didn't freak? I didn't believe it. Or, if it does happen, it'll be undone. Remember, there was an ep this season (first half) where we saw Sam and Jack both killed... and they didn't stay that way. Which ep, shippers?



