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    Well I can not believe it. I am away for a few days and not only do I miss ship day but you are well into thread thirteen. It takes me all my time to keep up with all you very talented people. Reading your post keeps me thinking positive about Sam and Jack's relationship. The support you give to all the shipper family is just fantastic. Keep up the good work.

    Sam and Jack for ever.
    Apparently Pete is no threat to O'Niell
    Jack and Sam forever


      Originally posted by kiwigater
      Good luck with the cleaning. I've lived in my current apartment for 5 years, I DREAD the thought of cleaning when I move out...
      We'll miss you after the ep. Come back when you can (and if I don't "see" you before Tues am

      I'll be sending you good luck vibes.
      Sorry but Ihave to run and catch the shuttle home from work.
      See you later...

      Hey ..What episode is on tonight BTW?!!!



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        MAD-GATER ..You sound very serious ....Are you really gonna do the Michael Jackson filter mask exposure?!!

        Anyway good luck with the moving ..Your parents must be very happy to have you back

        LOVE is all what matters.

        PS : I'm a go'aoul underling too..Do you know when we are moving to the next level BTW.
        Yep. I'm serious about that bit. Whenever I went back to visit with my parents where I stayed overnight I found that my airway would slightly constrict. I'd lived with my parents my whole entire life before I decided to spread my wings. But my parents' place is extremely dusty and has lots of pet dander esp. from a certain lab/border collie mix that sheds huge clumps of fur. So after I'd lived on my own for a couple of years, I'd lost my immunity to those allergies. I had an immunity to those allergies cuz I'd lived with my parents for so long. So yes, I will have to wear a filter mask until me and my parents can get the house cleaned up (or at least vacuumed and dusted).


          Originally posted by sueKay
          Another dwarfer!! Yay!! (heard any new movie news?)
          Hey, OT but another dwarfer here too! Well....a newbie dwarfer! I've only seen up to S4, and a few later ones when BBC decide to repeat them. The last thing I heard about the movie was that it was supposed to start shooting in June. That was in January, and second hand - it came from an actor who had been talking to Craig Charles about it a week or two before that.


            Originally posted by mad_gater
            Yep. I'm serious about that bit. Whenever I went back to visit with my parents where I stayed overnight I found that my airway would slightly constrict. I'd lived with my parents my whole entire life before I decided to spread my wings. But my parents' place is extremely dusty and has lots of pet dander esp. from a certain lab/border collie mix that sheds huge clumps of fur. So after I'd lived on my own for a couple of years, I'd lost my immunity to those allergies. I had an immunity to those allergies cuz I'd lived with my parents for so long. So yes, I will have to wear a filter mask until me and my parents can get the house cleaned up (or at least vacuumed and dusted).

            ((((((mad-gater)))))) must feel very unhappy about that ..

            I hope your parents will dust the house before your return home .. but if not ..I hope you do a good job ...and yes wearing a filter mask may be a very good idea until the problem is sorted out .

            Shame you couldn't stay in your little flat ..It's nice to spread its wings

            I did it too very young but I left to go abroad ..and never came back ..I think my parents ..obviously are very happy for me ....but I know that deep down ...they were hurt when I left France to live in England ..although ..I warned them like 4 years in advance

            Good luck Mad-Gater



              I'm baaaaaccckkk! I'm home now, with fuzzy navel in hand

              um, I know SG-1 is Zero Hour (the one with Ba'al - I don't think this is a spoiler??), but I'm not sure about Atlantis - I'm taking the rather novel no spoiler approach for that series (so I can obsess more about SG-1!)

              I think I might rewatch Abyss while waiting till New Order...
              Last edited by kiwigater; 30 July 2004, 04:03 PM. Reason: wrong d_rn ep name!! (shame on me!)


                Originally posted by kiwigater
                I'm baaaaaccckkk! I'm home now, with fuzzy navel in hand

                um, I know SG-1 is New Order (the one with Ba'al - I don't think this is a spoiler??), but I'm not sure about Atlantis - I'm taking the rather novel no spoiler approach for that series (so I can obsess more about SG-1!)

                I think I might rewatch Abyss while waiting till New Order...
                The SG-1 ep coming on toni9ght is called "Zero Hour." "New Order" was the 2-parter that started this season. And the Atlantis ep coming on tonight is called "38 minutes."

                OK. I'll see you guys monday. don't close the thread with out me!!


                  Good luck with everything, MG. We'll be thinking about you.


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    The SG-1 ep coming on toni9ght is called "Zero Hour." "New Order" was the 2-parter that started this season. And the Atlantis ep coming on tonight is called "38 minutes."

                    OK. I'll see you guys monday. don't close the thread with out me!!

                    aaarrgghhh! I can't believe I got that wrong...... too many zero's and new's and the such, it's confusing *pitiful look*
                    I'm going back to fix that right now....

                    Try and have SOME fun this weekend, and see you Mon!


                      Originally posted by marimba26
                      Too funny, I'm just writing that I'm sure we can find a topic and you come up with one!

                      *reminds self to read all of thread BEFORE posting*
                      I knew I felt some brain waves coming from my fellow Texan.

                      Okay, I think I'm gonna tackle both because I'm in a really shippy mood today (could be from reading all of MeiMei's fanfic before bed last night)...

                      Gosh, the most subtle ship, hard to say but I think I'm gonna say Abyss for these reasons--
                      --Abyss is REALLY shippy without the two of them ever seeing each other on screen
                      --Kanan has to judge himself by Jack, so he goes back for the woman he loves, and we all know how Jack will gladly sacrifice himself for Sam.
                      --When Jack is telling Daniel that Kanan "came back for her, because he loved her, wanted to save her", it's almost like he's talking about himself--WOW! I get CHILLS everytime I watch that!
                      --Sam is pi$ed at the Tok'ra for losing him (not like Paradise Lost but it's there)

                      I know I probably botched that explanation but I have a lot of feelings about this ep and I would say that SNY summarizes it best in her "Abyss Tribute" video--
                      Just scroll down in her music vids section until you come to it. It's an incredible video and well worth the dload time.
                      I'm sure it was on Delphi, but I tried to have this conversation about Abyss. It is one of my favorite episodes. It is a great Jack ep, Ship ep and the fact it was filmed in four days is incredible. I agree with your points above and would add one more. The actress that played Shaylin was a dead ringer for Sam (and both begin with "S"). I did a search and I made this comment in Thread VI:
                      Re: The Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread VI

                      I love SNY videos! I like the movie trailer feel to the vids! It is great that we have so many different styles of vids from which to choose.

                      Okay, now to question number 2--

                      Is there an ep without ship? Well, there are probably a few but I'm gonna go with "Resurrection" here. Oy. I'm not even going to begin to describe all the things I didn't like about because that has been discussed ad nauseum elsewhere but I don't think it has any ship (unless you're talking about some *other* ship than Jack and Sam). Even *I* can't rationalize that one as shippy--no Jack. Just MHO.
                      So true. When I thought of the question, I considered eps where Jack isn't in them. But some of them have references to ship so that still counts. Your right, "Resurrection" had nothing S/J. Barrett and don't count unless...

                      Spoilers S8 Speculation
                      Sam is telling it's over because she loves Jack.

                      Token ~


                        OK GUYS ...This may well be my last post for 2 weeks not sure I'll have time to come online tomorrow . I need to finish packing

                        So Have a fab 2 weeks with the future shipper threads

                        ....and don't forget to keep watching my shippy videos ...and let me be with you in spirit at least

                        So ciao for now ...and See you all in 2 weeksI'll miss you all.

                        Caty aka ShipDiva


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          OK GUYS ...This may well be my last post for 2 weeks not sure I'll have time to come online tomorrow . I need to finish packing

                          So Have a fab 2 weeks with the future shipper threads

                          ....and don't forget to keep watching my shippy videos ...and let me be with you in spirit at least

                          So ciao for now ...and See you all in 2 weeksI'll miss you all.

                          Caty aka ShipDiva

                          (((((((Caty!!)))))) Have a fantastic, and safe trip!
                          We'll miss you lots, see you in 2 weeks


                            Have a fabulous holiday, Caty. *Bev waves with white hanky in hand*


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              OK GUYS ...This may well be my last post for 2 weeks not sure I'll have time to come online tomorrow . I need to finish packing

                              So Have a fab 2 weeks with the future shipper threads

                              ....and don't forget to keep watching my shippy videos ...and let me be with you in spirit at least

                              So ciao for now ...and See you all in 2 weeksI'll miss you all.

                              Caty aka ShipDiva
                              Have a great time Caty, we'll miss you too!!



                                You mean you read "ALL" my stories in one night? Did someone forget to tell you that I write long fics? That's almost like reading a book in one night!

                                I'd love to hear your feedback. Email me!!

                                I just watched the Abyss vid by SNY that you mentioned earlier. OMG! That was wonderful! I love the theme from Braveheart and the voice overs from Daniel and Jack were wonderful!!

