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    Originally posted by majorsal
    Oh, Denise, I sure hope so!!! What makes you think she'll reflect?

    spoilers for at least one eps that mentions her talking about pete with folks

    what we saw in chimera was the 'honeymoon'....those first few weeks when everything is easy and little is getting on folks' nerves. (it's said that grace to death knell happens in one month)

    as season 8 progresses, i think a little of the shine will come off and the tarnish will start to show through

    sam may be throwing herself into the relationship whole heartedly, but eventually her 'you think too much' part will come to the fore
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Originally posted by Ship Nana
      Publicity Machine? What Publicity Machine? I haven't seen any commercials for Stargate worth their salt!!!! Lots of Atlantis commercials but nothing of substance for Stargate.

      So isn't that a puzzlement? This person has seen a whole 2 episodes but TPTB are not even doing commercials for Stargate. Hmmmmm!!! Makes ya wonder!!!
      Ship Nana
      I had a thought today about those commercials.......
      Since TPTB are touting that the SGC and SG-1 are now the *Last Line of defense* and Earth is more in a defensive mode. That SG-1 is going to be considered *Experts or Expert Consultants* the commercials made a little bit more sense. Last line of defense made them make a very little bit more sense.

      Secondly, it seems like TPTB are trying to grab more viewers for SG Atlantis NOT SG SG-1, so what does that say for a S9, not a whole lot. I don't foresee TPTB trying to run both shows after this season.
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by stargate barbie

        spoilers for new order, season *

        as for jacks scene in new order, if it were to make the final cut, perhaps considering that fifth is supposed to be torturing her, he might begin a dream sequence featuring jack in a idylic way, but then turn it into a nightmare senario, hence giving sam more doubts as to her relationship with him. hopefully she'll also have many doubts about pete too though.
        just an unpleasant thought. i do have this sick need to play devils advocate you know. sorry.

        No, I think Jack's part will be very pleasant. Remember the words Amanda used... oh, I'll just c/p the quote again.<g>

        “O'Neill was back for a brief shining moment last week
        wherein it was a bit of a dream torture sequence we
        were filming.” [New Order]. “The dream sequence was
        actually quite idyllic and it was interesting to see
        what actually goes on inside Carter’s head. What her
        ideal future is.” Tapping grins that a lot of the fans
        are going to like it."

        Using words like shining, idyllic, ideal future, and Amanda grinning that a lot of fans are going to like it. Them are lovin' words. I'm thinking that Jack's going to be Sam's light at the end of the tunnel. *sighs*

        Last edited by majorsal; 16 June 2004, 08:12 PM. Reason: needed ' to make everything good and decent... you know, for all those starving children in Malibu



          Yay its working again.. It was hard to go 2 days without hearing about the S/J shipper!!


          McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

          TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

          McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

          MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


            Originally posted by nickatell
            I agree, I am not excited about Atlantis because I don't want to get involved with another show from the same writers if I don't like the way they are handling Sam and Jack in this one. If they leave us with nothing, what is to say they would not do it again in Atlantis. I may catch the first show because Jack will be in it, but after that I first have to see how the Season 8 premiere of Stargate goes.
            Nickatell - I have to agree with you here. I am feeling a bit of animosity towards the writers myself in this. If after this long TPTB mess up Sam & Jack I doubt I would trust them again. I KNOW I wouldn't invest myself into ANY show they were associated with again.
            To often TPTB (including RDA) talk about the intelligence of the Stargate audience, well DON'T insult us now is all I have to say. TPTB created this couple and have used it throughout the series to draw in people who enjoy romance in their TV. To do an about face this late in the game & in such a shoddy manner (Episode I will not name- MAJOR plot holes) is definitely an insult to our intelligence AND a slap in the face of our loyalty.
            Originally posted by nickatell
            <snip> I'm rebeling and am proud of it.
            STAND TALL!! REBEL AWAY!!!
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by stargate barbie
              i think at this stage i'm so desperate i might even consider trading a happy s/j ending for an end to the "relationship" (oh how it grieves me to spit that out )with pete.
              It's not that I'll never get that desperate -am already- it's just that it won't present itself in that way. I'd consider trading hugs and lingering glances to get rid of the bf, but not a happy, shippy ending. *That's* the icing on the cake for me.

              Sally, who watched Entity last night... didnt' remember how shippy Jack was in it! *sighs*



                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Ship Nana
                I had a thought today about those commercials.......
                Since TPTB are touting that the SGC and SG-1 are now the *Last Line of defense* and Earth is more in a defensive mode. That SG-1 is going to be considered *Experts or Expert Consultants* the commercials made a little bit more sense. Last line of defense made them make a very little bit more sense.
                Huh?? What are they defending in a fridge and garage?! Are there hungry aliens that want to steal our cars? * hmm... these gray cookies are yummy*

                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Secondly, it seems like TPTB are trying to grab more viewers for SG Atlantis NOT SG SG-1, so what does that say for a S9, not a whole lot. I don't foresee TPTB trying to run both shows after this season.
                Atlantis is capitalizing on the success of SG1. Atlantis will be following SG1 on its regular night. If fans tune out of SG1 then why would they come back to Atlantis? As far as Season 9 is concerned, I think they are waiting to see how Atlantis does. They don't want to kill the cash cow unless they have a replacement.

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  No, I think Jack's part will be very pleasant. Remember the words Amanda used... oh, I'll just c/p the quote again.<g>

                  “O'Neill was back for a brief shining moment last week
                  wherein it was a bit of a dream torture sequence we
                  were filming.” [New Order]. “The dream sequence was
                  actually quite idyllic and it was interesting to see
                  what actually goes on inside Carter’s head. What her
                  ideal future is.” Tapping grins that a lot of the fans
                  are going to like it."

                  Using words like shining idyllic, ideal future, and Amanda grinning that a lot of fans are going to like it. Them are lovin' words. I'm thinking that Jack's going to be Sam's light at the end of the tunnel. *sighs*

                  yeah but amanda thinks that pete is a nice guy. love her as i may, i'm not really sharing her views on certain things lately.
                  also, its a dream torture sequence. perhaps it starts off nice for shippers and ends up nice for anti shippers. it shows her ideal future with o'neill and then turns all tortury (yes i'm pretty sure i made that word up).
                  OR! horror of horrors for us shipping types, what if the comments were taken out of context (no, i hear you all say. surely such a thing has never happened!) and she actually meant, dream torture scene featuring o'neill, nice scene, but the ideal future part involves the grinch who stole ship (pete).
                  i'm just putting out the worst case senario here, for the sake of playing devils advocate as we all know i need to do. i am after all a monster.

                  the tiny optimist in me, who has been crushed into a tiny little capucian monkey mixed with a bunny rabbit, wants to believe the good version. but the big evil pessimist overlord that rules my life has to at least consider somewhat seriously, various bad versions. the worse i imagine it to be, the less disappointed i'll be.

                  you all hate me for this, don't you? cookie? anyone?


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    But I am glad that we know in advance that will be appearing so we can take an antacid tablet, eat lots of shipper cookies while dipping them in our wine prior to the show. That way we can pretend that it didn't really happen.
                    I'm glad we're warned too, so we know when we need the "naquada enhanced super shipper force field of protection!" to guard us from the damage of the bf.

                    *mumbles; better remember to turn the bloody thing on this time... forgot with chernobly and lost an eye*




                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      K, The Sam/Jack Ship Discussion Thread V!!

                      Sam loves Jack.

                      Jack loves Sam.

                      WE love THEM loving each other!!!

                      OK, so why is it called "ship" anyway?



                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        <snip>To often TPTB (including RDA) talk about the intelligence of the Stargate audience, well DON'T insult us now is all I have to say. TPTB created this couple and have used it throughout the series to draw in people who enjoy romance in their TV. To do an about face this late in the game & in such a shoddy manner (Episode I will not name- MAJOR plot holes) is definitely an insult to our intelligence AND a slap in the face of our loyalty.
                        Not to mention RDA saying that the purpose of Stargate was to entertain. If fans on both sides of the fence aren't happy, then where's the entertainment?

                        Man, I had nooo idea these gray cookies were so tasty!

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Token
                          Huh?? What are they defending in a fridge and garage?! Are there hungry aliens that want to steal our cars? * hmm... these gray cookies are yummy*
                          ROFLMAOOO Token!!!!
                          I have absolutely NO CLUE!!! But I was REALLY TRYING to give TPTB and their publicity people the benefit of the doubt

                          Originally posted by Token
                          Atlantis is capitalizing on the success of SG1. Atlantis will be following SG1 on its regular night. If fans tune out of SG1 then why would they come back to Atlantis? As far as Season 9 is concerned, I think they are waiting to see how Atlantis does. They don't want to kill the cash cow unless they have a replacement.
                          I agree with you, but I do think TPTB are relying on *THE CORE* audience for SG-1 and are trying to draw in new viewers for Atlantis.
                          I wholeheartedly agree with you that TPTB are NOT doing a very good job of remembering the fans that got them to the point they are right now. If they did S8 Star Gate SG-1 wouldn't be so non-existant. I don't know maybe they are hoping that just the words Star Gate period are enough for both shows even though they are promoting Atlantis. Who knows.
                          I was really trying to find a positive reason for these really bad commercials (motto for the week is Glass Half Full) guess that one isn't working
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by jtg
                            OK, so why is it called "ship" anyway?

                            read the FAQ's for future reference, but ship is short for relationship. ie a shipper is someone whos is in favour of ship. its primarily used for the official romantic relationships in a show, but also for those that are interpreted by the fans, or for those who want there to be a "ship" between certain characters.
                            did i miss anything?


                              Originally posted by jtg
                              OK, so why is it called "ship" anyway?


                              Welcome to the home of the "Sam and Jack will be Together Forever" RelationSHIP Thread! We are a very happy, supportive, positive family. I'm sure Ship Nana has plenty of cookies so eat up and post lots.

                              Token ~


                                Originally posted by jtg
                                OK, so why is it called "ship" anyway?

                                A Big Shipper Welcome to you JTG!!!!!
                                it is called *Ship* as a short for relationship

                                pull up a chair, grab a glass of your favorite beverage and a handful of *shipper* cookies and enjoy the Best Bunch of people you will ever meet
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

