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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
    And to build on what Token said...

    I think we have established in past S/J Threads that RCC has been involved in some things that gave us shipper moments. And we appreciate it, don't get us wrong. (Though even as we've lately been saying here... many a time it seems to be the actors giving us the ship w/the turn of a phrase, a touch, a look, a raised eyebrow or two... not so much the writers...)

    IMHO, only MHO which I've never given on this particular subject, I quite honestly don't think that TPTB or anyone involved in the show give a rat's behind about what we think or what we post, even if we threaten to not buy DVD's or merchandise. They know the various on-line fandoms exist and that we pretty much come in all shapes and sizes w/viewpoints to match, but does it matter to them? Perhaps for keeping an eyeball out for marketing purposes and keeping a pulse on the mood of the kind of viewers who have the ability, time, & knowledge to actually get on-line & have the gumption to post on Forums. IMHO we're a much better tool than the Nielsen ratings for them in that respect. By posting our differing opinions we give them (or whoever reads the various forums for them) feedback in words (not numerical stats) about the sfx, the writing, the various ships, the acting, you name it. And we're not all going to say the same thing 'cause we cover all ends of the spectrum & every point in between on just about any subject SG-related or not. As for them being offended, well... it comes with the territory, doesn't it? They're going to hear pro, anti, & everything in-between about everything down to the color of underclothes they put on the aliens, so when you've got a bigger issue like ship... equally strong opinions will be heard, just more of them and it comes with the territory.

    Speaking for myself, I would like to see you to keep posting here. It'd be too dang boring if we all sat here & agreed on every point & said the same darn thing. Maybe just keep in mind more mmmm..... acceptance? diplomacy? careful wording? if you're going to make a statement that blankets us all together in a way such as that... please don't take that sentence the wrong way... it's not my intention to tell you how you should post at all... (But I do know that's why I personally use IMHO & IMO liberally (& emoticons) since I don't want to accuse certain people or groups of doing certain things....and that's not to say I agree with everything said on this Thread (or other Threads) or how it is said. I just accept that some people are newer to certain ideas, to forums, to typing out/posting opposing viewpoints in a way so that they won't be misunderstood, etc. and it may take them a while to reach a point where they can discuss certain things without being misinterpreted.)

    But then a rant is but a rant.
    And this protected Thread is a wonderful place to have it and still be accepted (& possibly supported) by some part of fandom. There are Threads for the appreciation of SG, the writers, etc., and we're all welcome to post there, but to vent... well, there's Shadow Sulky Thread, but methinks a pro-ship rant mightn't be welcome there...

    Just MHO on the subject...
    I was not sure how to respond about this post but both You and TOKEN have done so very nicely....

    I too would not want to see Muldy1 stop posting ...I like to think that the Shipper Thread is open about all levels of Sam & Jack Ship Fandom within the realm of Liking Sam & Jack Ship and each person has the right to speak their mind without fear of retribution. I know we go out of way to be very supportive of that. (please correct me if I am wrong)

    So well said to both Shimmeringstar and TOKEN...and thank you for voicing your concern Muldy1.
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by meimei
      Woo Hoo! Momma kitty no longer able to be momma!! Yeah!!

      You were lucky! Took me a week to trap a stray dog in my neighborhood! Of course, that was three years ago and Buddy is happily enscounced in my back yard (when he's not sprawled on my couch!! Bad Buddy!).
      LOL...Well I am one HAPPY woman this morning...tired as no sleep waiting.. but I am SO HAPPY!!!!! we did it on the first try !!!! WOO HOO
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by sclairef99
        Ok...this is going to start off sounding OT...but it will come around to a Sam/Jack ? at the end....

        I just read the speculation on GW RE: 9th season.....Seems....there is enough enthusiam among writers and actors...except Father RDA...who is only working 3 days a week. I really shouldn't say there is a lack of enthuisiam in RDA....but that he's putting family values above work...which again, is the correct place for them...BUT...because I really love Stargate...I hate to see that he would like to retire and go full time Dad...and leave his Stargate FAMILY (including us) hanging in the balance when we really would love to see him for another season!

        So, that said....if he came back for another year of being Gen. O'Neill on a reduced schedule...I think that would be the best personally...because he is the reason I started watching the show...and then fell in love w/the team and then saw the ship and was hopelessly in love....

        However...If he really insisted on being a Mr. Mom...perhaps then, the end of season 8 could be written for our ship to get together by Gen. O'Neill retiring - and then all is fair game for our favorite couple... And if negotiations go well - perhaps he will stay as a civilian consultant...that can be called into the SGC when need RDA can go be Mr. Mom....but also every few episodes work for three days....and appease his Stargate Family following....

        Now that I think of it....(if indeed this is all making sense to people aside from me) They can't really write out O'Neill without a good explaination and what better explanation than to retire to be w/Carter, while allowing her to still have the career she had in mind when she joined the SGC....what better person to be with than someone who knows the job inside and out, respects the person and the hours she has to work and the off world overnight stays alone....and who she can come home to and tell her work stories he has full clearance and understanding....


        Anyway - I hope RDA stays for another season...if indeed it is a go - but if not....perhaps we will still get a story book ending....


        I think that sounds quite reasonable. If TPTB do read the things we write, they surely can see we are trying to come to a happy medium.
        we want what's best for the show, too, so that it's still a quality program.


          Originally posted by kiwigater
          Thanks soooo much for the con report!! Sounds like a lot of fun was had, I am soooo looking forward to the Chicago con .

          Well, of course there were shippers in the house!!! We practically ARE the house *conviniently forgets not everyone is a shipper*.
          hmm, I wonder at MS's reaction to the FF photos.... Did you get the feeling he was disinclined to respond much cos he disapproved, or cos it should really be up to AT to respond (and of course she's had a bad time lately)???.

          BTW, did you have any photos with the cast??
          I didn't take any pictures/get any autographs-- too po' at the moment.

          I got the impression MS didn't approve. I asked, thinking that he would say something funny and playful about the pics, but he got serious and he took a long time to answer and find the right words. I don't remember how long the photos had been out before she had her loss. I'm guessing they didn't get a chance to tease before because they were on break, but MS said they would get around to it eventually. Like I said, he may be having a brotherly reaction.

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            ((((((Ship Sistah)))))) thanks for the con report. I am SO jealous of all you guys that go to the cons.
            I know you probably haven't had time to recover, but I was just wondering about the teeshirts. I got a coupon emailed to me, but I don't know where to go to order one.


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              First Ship Sistah...I meant to say Thank you for your wonderful Con report...was in the middle of a rant then had to go feed kittens and RL intruded.... So Thank you VERY MUCH!!!!!!!

              Second...I will have to cover any young ears at my house if what I want to say comes out
              you're very welcome!

              Maybe we should watch Affinity in the padded room at the Shipper Commune. We should make our appointments soon before it fills up with hysterical shiplets.

              ship sistah

              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                Originally posted by majorsal
                If there's a season 9, but no RDA: have Sam and Jack get together by the end of season 8.

                If there's a season 9, but RDA does stay: have Sam and Jack get together by the end of season 8.

                If there's no season 9, and the show goes on into movies: have Sam and Jack get together by the end of season 8.

                A MUST for ALL scenarios: PS is GONE!!! *pops anti-stress pill*

                Just bring those two together and I'll watch ANY version of Stargate!




                  just a happy note:
                  I wanted to tell you guys what my husband made for me.
                  You know there are vry few merchandise items for Stargate
                  He made me a "gate" complete with steps and chevrons that glow red
                  the 39 symbols are hand carved around the circle and it is sooooo cool.
                  I've turned him into a fan and at least a 1/2 shipper.
                  I just wanted to share abouat my cool new gate


                    Originally posted by gatewatcher
                    just a happy note:
                    I wanted to tell you guys what my husband made for me.
                    You know there are vry few merchandise items for Stargate
                    He made me a "gate" complete with steps and chevrons that glow red
                    the 39 symbols are hand carved around the circle and it is sooooo cool.
                    I've turned him into a fan and at least a 1/2 shipper.
                    I just wanted to share abouat my cool new gate
                    Should ask him if he can make you a "flange" device. That way whenever any salespeople come knockin' you can tell them off in a Goa'uld flange.


                      Originally posted by gatewatcher
                      just a happy note:
                      I wanted to tell you guys what my husband made for me.
                      You know there are vry few merchandise items for Stargate
                      He made me a "gate" complete with steps and chevrons that glow red
                      the 39 symbols are hand carved around the circle and it is sooooo cool.
                      I've turned him into a fan and at least a 1/2 shipper.
                      I just wanted to share abouat my cool new gate
                      That is so great. You must post a picture!!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        That is so great. You must post a picture!!

                        I wish I know how to do pictures....
                        anyone with real simple directions?
                        I'm not really good with this thing.


                          Originally posted by mad_gater
                          After a fashion I was able to view sueKay's 2 newest chapters in the "General's Hell" series. Although it took forever for those pages to load.

                          So I don't need you to send me anything right now since I read what I wanted to read.

                          Abu: This is a woman?
                          O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                          Carter: Err. Colonel?
                          O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                          Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                          Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                          Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                          Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                          Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                          Jack: No I *like* it.


                            Originally posted by gatewatcher
                            just a happy note:
                            I wanted to tell you guys what my husband made for me.
                            You know there are vry few merchandise items for Stargate
                            He made me a "gate" complete with steps and chevrons that glow red
                            the 39 symbols are hand carved around the circle and it is sooooo cool.
                            I've turned him into a fan and at least a 1/2 shipper.
                            I just wanted to share abouat my cool new gate
                            That is so cool!!!!!

                            WAY TO GO GATE WATCHER'S HUBS!!!!!!!!!! What a neat gift!!!
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by gatewatcher
                              Thanks estelle for the link!! I will check it out with some free time later.....
                              Ok, and if you don't want to join I can try to get all related messages and copy them into an email .

                              Estelle xxx
                              Abu: This is a woman?
                              O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                              Carter: Err. Colonel?
                              O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                              Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                              Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                              Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                              Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                              Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                              Jack: No I *like* it.


                                Originally posted by Muldy_SG1
                                The last episode Crichton & Aeryn both...shattered...well I haven't seen it yet (u know funny how it was shot in Australia yet it hasnt even aired here) but what I heard was that they shattered! Sucked...wat a crap ending...but I SERIOUSLY doubt Stargate TPTB would do that lol. They're not that evil...

                                Actually I think you guys are too harsh on them. Look at it this way. They have to please everyone. If Sam & JAck get together now - half the audience (no not us lol the other half) would leave...they have to drag it out till the end or they'll loose viewers.

                                OK....correct me if I'm wrong, but you guys seem to have it in for Robert C Cooper...I don't see why?
                                He started the fishing Nemises...then in Small Victories he continued it, AND had thor say "I'm sure Colonel O'Neill is well." to Sam when she told him she was 'thinking'

                                Then Redemption pt II...I saw lots of (subtle) ship!

                                And who wrote Paradise Lost? (OK not best episode on the world) But full of ship!!
                                Ok gonna admit levels of ship in Full Circle were...well...basically zero...but it wasnt exactly zero!
                                Heroes pt II?
                                Lost City (co wrote anywayz)

                                OK well those episodes obvious don't count...RCC never writes any form of ship in his episodes...I'm sorry...*sarcasm*

                                Maybe he's not Peter DeLuise, doesn't write blatant ship! But he writes ship! And I think its only fair you guys back off on him a bit...
                                Sure not ALL his eps have ship
                                But neither does anyone elses...

                                I just think if we want a shippy ending
                                We should at least be nice to TPTB...

                                Or do we want them go JAG on us!?
                                Keep Pete around even longer...
                                Make Kerry more than a one-ep person...

                                I don't...and I'm guessing you guys don't either.

                                I know if I was one of TPTB I would be offended by some of the comments made on this forum. And if you guys wanna stop me posting or wateva do so...I'm just saying that you should lay off TPTB slightly. It's not the way to get ur happy ending...

                                The one we all want

                                Instead of putting them down for wat they haven't bout thanking them for what they HAVE done?
                                First off, you have to realize that this thread is here for us to vent our feelings, good and bad. And some of the things we say here-- and the way we say them-- we wouldn't say to a writer/producer were they to trip over our outstretched leg *accidentally*. Look at the letter we wrote to Amanda-- it was very respectful and loving, even though some of us were having issues with her at the time. And many of us have written letters to Sci-Fi and MGM and Vancouver trying to be as positive as possible while still getting our point across. But this is OUR thread. This is OUR place to talk and whine and rant and be creative and supportive and I'm not going to edit my posts to make someone in Vancouver (who may never see it) happy. If someone on the show reads here and doesn't like what they see...whatever. This is our house.

                                Secondly, if TPTB were inclined to give us ship because we were nice to them and grateful for every crumb, we wouldn't have gotten in the first place. Or 5th season, or... I could go on. We've been mewling kittens for long enough.

                                I'm not flaming you, please don't think that. Please, keep posting exactly how you feel.


                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

