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    Welcome Wizengamot!! Please stay around and post lots! We are so happy when another shipper comes around!

    Again, welcome!



      WELCOME WIZENGAMOT have fun posting


      avatar and sig by flidget


        Originally posted by Sam fan
        OKay people ehers' the fanfic I promiced earlier- I have to say it's not great, lol, it's quite bad actually- I'll put it in spoiler thingys just in case but i don't think there's anything major it could be just another fanfic. So eher yo go- let me knwo what you think.

        Daniel walked through Jack’s cabin, he was being as quiet as he cold as he grabbed himself a cup of coffee. It had been a long few days, he sighed as he heard Jack’s mobile phone go off. He followed the noise and fond himself out side Jack’s bedroom. He opened the door slowly, immediately looking at the ground to search for the phone. He got on his hands and knees and grabbed the phone. After successfully stopping it- or breaking it he was about to get up when he heard a soft moan. His eyes widened- he winced and tried to get out of the room as quickly as he could. He ran strait into the dressing table at the side of him and suddenly Jack shot up-
        “Daniel!” he exclaimed, Daniel turned around and froze as he saw Sam clutching at the sheets,
        “Sam?!” he started,
        “Daniel!” Jack shouted again,
        “Oh God-“ his hand flew up to his eyes,
        “You know what I’m sorry I thought- I heard you’re phone” he started explaining as he headed towards the door with his hand still covering his eyes. “So I came in and I stopped the phone but then heard…Sam, but I thought she was Kerry and uh-“ he stopped as he walked strait into the doorframe. “Ow” he practically ran out the door. Jack rolled his eyes and fell back onto the pillow.
        “Remind me to get a lock for that door.” He sighed, she began to laugh. He turned to her wit raised eyebrows,
        “Okay, number one we have the whole no goggling rule and number two you fond that funny?” he asked,
        “His face!” she was laughing so hard tears were in her eyes. Jack tried to hide his smirk.
        “Okay, maybe it was a bit funny.” He started to laugh with her.
        Daniel walked out into the kitchen to see Teal’c.
        “Daniel Jackson, are you well?” he asked.
        “I am totally fine- uh, yeah totally- not scarred for life at all.” He said sarcastically. Teal’c raised an eyebrow.
        “Daniel-“ Jack walked out with a pair of trousers and a shirt on,
        “Jack, I’m fine and I’m sorry okay it was an accident-“ he stopped as he saw the grin on Jack’s face.
        “Danny, outside.” He said. Both men left Teal’c standing with a confused stare on his face. Sam walked out into the room,
        “Morning Teal’c.” she grinned.
        Daniel was sat staring at the ground,
        “Oh come on Daniel it’s not as if you saw me naked or anything.” He smiled,
        “Yeah, not funny.” He sighed,
        “Is it really that much of a problem for you?” Jack asked gently,
        “What you guys seeing me naked? Of course it was embarrassing-“
        “I meant me and Sam, Daniel.”
        “Oh, you and Sam- No not at all I’m happy for you both, really happy I mean I didn’t need to see the whole-“
        “Daniel we were-“
        “Yes, I know you were sleeping but that implies that you had some reason to be tired and that means that you were-“
        “Daniel, last night we-“ he stopped as Daniel continued his babbling.
        “I don’t need to know Jack seriously I mean I’m getting mental images and It’s not fun I mean-“
        “Daniel would you just shut up for a second!” Jack shouted, Daniel looked up. “Last night we talked,”
        “You talked?” Daniel asked. “You mean- code words right?”
        “No, I mean we talked-“
        “Then why was Sam naked?”
        “She wasn’t naked she had a tank top on and some of my pyjama bottoms. You just freaked out and ran- you saw her bare arm and assumed.” He said, Daniel was silent for a second.
        “So you talked huh? That’s pretty romantic,” he smiled.
        “Yeah, tell anyone and I will have to kill you.” Jack smiled.
        Jack walked into his bedroom ad was quickly followed by Sam, he turned and wrapped his arms around her.
        “Is he okay?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He held her tightly,
        “After I explained what actually happened he was fine.” He told her, he kissed her forehead.
        “You know last night just talking, being in your arms- it was perfect.” She told him, “I’ve never felt so happy and so safe in my whole life,”
        “The first night of the rest of our lives.” He said,
        “You’re getting soppy in you’re old age,” she smiled.
        “Maybe, I can let the guard down now I’ve got you.” He joked. “I’m really a poet trapped in a soldiers body.” He told her, she laughed. “You know I meant what i said I really do-“
        “I know Jack, me too.” She looked up and kissed him pationatly.

        Hope yuo enjoyed it- there will be more soon if you want it.
        Are you silly??? Of course we want more! Always....... I enjoyed this part very funny!!!!


          Originally posted by wizengamot
          I'm new to the forums! I finally decided to delurk and post a tiny bit.
          WELCOME!!! Post lots more and have a great time here!!!! WE love Sam and Jack!!!


            Originally posted by -Jules-
            has anyone made a S/J vid to the Phantom Of The Opera soundtrack? I just saw the movie and I thought that some of the songs would be perfect!
            You might find something at this site... they have 1272 videos on file.


              Just watched Threads again!!!

              The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

              |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                Originally posted by meimei
                Just moving my post from the confused thread! LOL!

                Oh and I have some real interesting speculation based on that last scene and some other spoilers that we've heard about...

                Threads/Mobeius S8
                Did anyone notice how that last scene sounds exactly like the spoiler for the end of Mobeius? Seems like if there's a reset, it resets exactly where Threads left off! Jack and Sam fishing with Teal'c and Daniel... So nothing that happens in Threads would go away!!!
                Speaking of
                their going fishing, it looked to me like Sam and Jack had been there for awhile, while Teal'c and Daniel were only just arriving. <g> A few days alone before their friends joined the happy couple?

                Well, regardless, that's what *I'm* going to believe! <g>
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Looks like Threads is it!! Caty thanks for the vid clips, I have watched and rewatched them over about 10 times already, it was so great!! Can't wait till see on real tv and all the rest of the show too. Well so happy to have you all in UK to spoil us!!!


                    Originally posted by -Jules-
                    has anyone made a S/J vid to the Phantom Of The Opera soundtrack? I just saw the movie and I thought that some of the songs would be perfect!
                    Also, Caty has a video to Phantom of the Opera, dunno if it's the version of that song thats on the film, but the link is on her signiture



                      Originally posted by BrenRen
                      All righty, then, Great Big Huge Honkin Thread Spoilers!!!

                      Just finished watching the entire ep, and I must say, I am one incredibly satisfied shipper at the moment. I really am that easy to please! <grin> I love the way they utilized Jacob, that may be the one and only aspect I am completely one thousand percent satisfied, happy, thrilled, and in total agreement with. In fact, I think I wrote something very similar to Sam's observation room speech about Dad in a fic recently--guess I got into her head better than I thought! <Sniggle>

                      The Duck is HISTORY!!!!! And I actually liked Kerry. And I still wish I could have played that role. God, do I ever wish I could have played that role!! Jack all warm and snuggley in bed... yummm..... whoops, i digress....

                      What a fabulous resolution, overall. I'm sure the anti's are screaming it took over the show, but one ep for EIGHT YEARS OF UNRESOLVED SEXUAL TENTION deserves a lot more than ONE EP!! Here's hoping that at some point in the not too distant future we get a steamy Sam & Jack bedroom scene to make us forget all *Others*!!!

                      I'm gonna go stare at Sam & Jack fishing again. Hee Heeee... they went fishing... We All Know what *Fishing* means!!!

                      Happy Shipping, Shipper Family!!

                      I know we're all
                      ecstatically happy over Threads, and I am, too. But don't forget that we said we wouldn't be happy unless we get a full-on romantic scene. The fishing scene and everything else was great, but it's not enough when you consider everything they did to us the last year or two.

                      I don't want to dampen the celebration, but I said what I wanted, and I'll settle for nothing less.
                      Last edited by Buc252; 09 February 2005, 07:17 PM.
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        About threads
                        Put it this way, this is what my anti-shipper friend said about the episode
                        "The way that they resolved the ship was perfect, it didn't go beyond taste boundaries, and stayed true to the characters natures. If they had gotten married and lived happily ever after, blah blah, it would have been wayy too forced. They work so well at the end, GENIUS"
                        All this was a day after my wonderful friend decided to be really mean to me, and telling me, that Sam and Jack would never happen, they wouldn't let it, coz it would ruin the entire program, and he thought that i was just being completely silly, and would never get any resolution (even after i kept telling him that all i wanted was some closeness, some sort of discussion of feelings, although, the infirmary scene was just the thing), and he changed his mind



                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          I love these pics, but are there any that are bigger? That can be used for screen savers, wallpaper, or just simply enlarging?

                          If you know of any, please post here! thanks!
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                            Originally posted by Buc252
                            Speaking of
                            their going fishing, it looked to me like Sam and Jack had been there for awhile, while Teal'c and Daniel were only just arriving. <g> A few days alone before their friends joined the happy couple?

                            Well, regardless, that's what *I'm* going to believe! <g>
                            Haha, while that's brilliant and I hope it's true, here's another idea

                            See cause Jack isn't actually retired yet (that we know) so going on that assumption if anything were to *ahem* "happen" then it would still be against regulations and they could be court martialed. Of course we all know they would jump each other the second they were alone to do some "fishing" so Danny Boy and Teal'c had to go along for supervision to make sure they wait until the perfect post-resigning "fishing" trips(s!)

                            Originally posted by Buc252
                            I love these pics, but are there any that are bigger? That can be used for screen savers, wallpaper, or just simply enlarging?

                            If you know of any, please post here! thanks!
                            theyr'e definately brilliant pics, I have one of the
                            pics as my background, but yeah, it's all mushy, would give MASSIVE chocolate to anyone who gets/makes/finds bigger sizes/quality!!!!

                            *jumps around doing crazy happy shipper dance*
                            The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                            |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                              Amen said it better than I did.I'am a little
                              surprised most of the Shippers sound so satisfied.That's fine I'am Happy if my fellow Shipper Friends are Happy.I'am going to need a little more.Last night felt like a Beginning or Middle as far as the Sam and Jack Ship but I hope it is not the end.I still think we are missing just a little more resolution.


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                Amen said it better than I did.I'am a little
                                surprised most of the Shippers sound so satisfied.That's fine I'am Happy if my fellow Shipper Friends are Happy.I'am going to need a little more.Last night felt like a Beginning or Middle as far as the Sam and Jack Ship but I hope it is not the end.I still think we are missing just a little more resolution.
                                I agree with you guys! We want the real stuff to happen and if we keep jumping up and down, they won't give us the end product-lip service. I'm jumping up and down myself because of the way the episode ended but we must hang on so they don't lank our chains and change the out come.

