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    Thanx for all your warm welcomes!

    Can i just say a WOW to your videos Cathy there are some songs on there ive wanted to be made into videos for ages!! Good work and please keep it up!! Once again thank you!

    Love and Peace and thoughts of Season 10

    Lauren x x
    Sam and Jack Shipper!

    How do you know when a mans gonna say something smart he begins....." a woman once told me"


      Originally posted by Majorsamcarteroneill
      Thanx for all your warm welcomes!

      Can i just say a WOW to your videos Cathy there are some songs on there ive wanted to be made into videos for ages!! Good work and please keep it up!! Once again thank you!

      Love and Peace and thoughts of Season 10

      Lauren x x

      Thank you Majorsamcarteroneill

      I love music..and Sam and Jack putting all those songs in perpective is a real treat for me to do and to share ..then listening to all those songs with the video makes it so much more meaningfull specially when we are talking Sam and Jack ..They are so great together's just unbelievable but so true ..I also love their quest for true love.

      We have LOVE in action and comfort . Isn't that beautiful or what!!!

      *sigh* Sam and Jack will be together at the end of season 8 ..I can just feel it's there and the ship will come ..Love will prevail ..LOVE should always prevail.



        Hey guy's

        Long time no see!

        Hope you are all doing well! RL is just a big pain at the moment but I have been lurking around here a lot! Well now I am going to catch up on everything I have missed (the tons of pages and god knows how many music vids every one have posted )!

        Well this was all OT so to get back on topic,

        & forever!.. They will get together!


        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

        My Livejournal

        My Myspace


          Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
          Hey guy's

          Long time no see!

          Hope you are all doing well! RL is just a big pain at the moment but I have been lurking around here a lot! Well now I am going to catch up on everything I have missed (the tons of pages and god knows how many music vids every one have posted )!

          Well this was all OT so to get back on topic,

          & forever!.. They will get together!


          Hi (((((((((((Tracey)))))))))))

          So they will get together ..and faster than we think ..I posted the finale Mobius kiss with a foreplay as caty TPTB ...a few pages ago ..Hope you 'll like it so yes you may have a lot to cach up ..but hey no rush ..It's the week end ...relax and enjoy whatever you do today .

          Ok I'm off to town now ..Need to get a smart black top for my Christmas outing ( ladies night) for the 10 th of December ..I'll be wearing a leather copper outfit but need a black top to look the part here I go .

          Catch you up later .Caty


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Hi (((((((((((Tracey)))))))))))

            So they will get together ..and faster than we think ..I posted the finale Mobius kiss with a foreplay as caty TPTB ...a few pages ago ..Hope you 'll like it so yes you may have a lot to cach up ..but hey no rush ..It's the week end ...relax and enjoy whatever you do today .

            Ok I'm off to town now ..Need to get a smart black top for my Christmas outing ( ladies night) for the 10 th of December ..I'll be wearing a leather copper outfit but need a black top to look the part here I go .

            Catch you up later .Caty

            Aaawww thank you Caty!

            It's good to be back with the shipper family... I have missed you all!
            Well I knew you had took on the rule of tptb (I did say aye too ) so I will have to go and look at all these wonderful scenes you have come up with. And of course I will like them, especially if it involves kissing, hugging, oh and did I mention kisses! .

            And I will do but after I have been out shopping too (so nice to not have to work on a Saturday for once... really great ). Ooohh sounds very nice... I hope you find a nice black top. Me, I am doing some Christmas present shopping (even though it is nearly 3pm )... have a few ideas but not much!

            See you later!


            By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

            My Livejournal

            My Myspace


              Originally posted by _Anubis
              I have a question Don't you shippers like Teyla? I like her.
              She is kinda stiff, like shes got a board up her back. Not very natural or easy going.
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                Just like Major Clanger's kids. Just ask her, her kids are shipperific! She's so proud.
                If I remember correctly Sam & Jack got to Major Clanger's shiplets before she could shield their eyes ...LOL ..there were even some wonderful drawings done........... Or was that Feli's Shiplets... isn't it amazing how ALL of the kids seem to *know*
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  I have so much to do this week but I have to drop in a skim though the posts and say Hi.

                  Spideman - Welcom back

                  Anubis - Great dog! and I like Teyla too.

                  Samcarteroneill - Welcome

                  Caty - I love your words for Sam and jack!!!!

                  Majorgasm - ROFL!!!!
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Originally posted by AmberLM
                    Hey guys! I've not been around for a few weeks, what's goin' on? Anything exciting or *reeeally* bad? I miss coming here as often as I used to but, alas, my homework is mounting up and I just don't have the time. I'm STILL wearing my re-designated 'shipper bracelet' that I bought at Gatecon though (u know those ones that Amanda & Rick have.) Anyways, I have a theory...

                    I don't know about any recent spoilers so if I'm way off the mark or stating the obvious please tell me but I reckon that the writers can't afford to NOT have a shippy ending. I mean, they couldn't have ended Friends by marrying off Phoebe and Ross or Rachel and Joey, could they? There would have been a riot! Well, maybe not quite but ya get the idea. I'm thinking positive endings will happen.

                    Or, ya know, at the very least they could film a shippy ending, not use it and then put it on the DVD as an extra when it comes out. BTW, are we having a season 9 now? Or not.

                    Sorry for being so out-of-the-loop guys! :s

                    Amber ((hugs)))
                    I KNOW how RL can get you behind...I have been there myself From what I have read...TPTB *TRIED* to stir up some trouble again by publicity after Affinity aired in the UK. BUT we shippers are so used to their tactics that we didn't get to crazy....a little crazy BUT not too crazy. We figured out that it was just another ploy on the Cult Times part to sell magazines.

                    GW has listed the Jan line up of SG1 and SGA. There will be a time slot change for both shows for those in the states.

                    Threads will be a 90 min episode (we hope)

                    no major new spoilers have come out just us making stuff up to fill the time till the show starts again

                    We have a New Shipper donut.

                    and we are all receiving yet another medal for putting up with TPTB stuff

                    I think that is the major stuff but if I missed anything that is *official* please someone jump I still am catching up so someone else may have answered you with a synopsis of all of the speculations the Family has written
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by _Anubis
                      hi guys you're not going to believe what my dog Benji did.I let her out for a walk out in the garden and I called Benji come.She came,bite in my pense and pulled me away to something.I set let go She let go but barked the whole time.She wouldn't come inside.I thought what does she want?I followed Benji and there on the ground I found a very little gray cat.It couldn't move and said the whole time mooaauw.We think that it was the infant of the gray cat of our naiboughers.So we brought her back.
                      ((_Anubis))) AAwww your dog is a smart one for coming to get you...I hope the little kitty is ok...we ALL KNOW how I love the kitties
                      See this is how being a Shipper affects our animals....even THEY start looking for relationships with ALL species
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Ok, I asked this question a few days ago but it got lost with the "sam getting married" news. Or maybe its just crazy anyway and not worth repeating, but I'm asking again. So:

                        What if they do both versions of Threads in such a way that it is the deciding factor on how to interpretate the following episodes. What I mean is: Version 1 (shorter) - leaves Sam and Jack open to inperpretation, or like always with an "I know" and interruptions, and Version 2 (90 min.) - contains the scenes that resolve the Sam and Jack issue and brings them together. Then the following episodes could be interpretated accordingly to which version you watched. Then TPTB only show the shorter version, but include the longer version on the dvd.

                        This is *not* what I want. I want Sam and Jack to be a certainty. But do you think its possible they would do that???????

                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          Originally posted by _Anubis
                          I have a question Don't you shippers like Teyla? I like her.
                          I don't think it is a case of *Shippers* not liking Teyla.....because I too like her... It is more some of the Shipper Family don't like her that is all. Just like we have some family members that like Pete BUT they just don't like him with Sam

                          So no worries _Anubis is just feelings about a character carring over that is all
                          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                            Originally posted by Spiderman
                            Hi everybody guess who is back after his internet has broken down again Your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman with his new signature.You like?
                            Welcome Back Spidey...I hope you have solved all of your internet problems and can stay a while
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Majorsamcarteroneill
                              Heya everyone! I'm new to this forum so i immediately sought after the Shipper thread! This is my first post here and can i just say how pleased i am to find a huge number of Shippers! I will conclude this post by saying Sam and Jack forever!

                              Love and Peace, and thoughts of Season 10!!

                              Lauren x x x

                              P.S Loving the announcement of series 9 certainly made my week!
                              WELCOME and I hope to see you around alot

                              We are a wacky group but lovable

                              grab a cookie ...oh or a donut and a beverage and jump right in
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by blueiris
                                I have so much to do this week but I have to drop in a skim though the posts and say Hi.
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

