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    Originally posted by Jamaica03
    Yeah, I think they would. It's a way of killing off a major charater, which the writters and producers have said has to happen once in awhile to keep the show afloat. Also, if Jack went out in a blaze of glory, sacraficing himself for the plant, he would forever be the big hero, even referred to in later episodes. As far as him coming back, that would set up a great sub-plot, for a movie or mini series. It is the perfect set up for both shippers and non-shippers to have them finally resolve there feelings for each other, but then he gives his life to save her and the planet. As far as DVD sales go, those who love the show for what it is will still buy them and those who love the Sam/Jack ship will buy them to see the resolution between them.

    Oh Gosh I would really hate that and I don't think I could ever watch the previous series to be honest also if they do the jack went out..
    Spoiler: a blaze of glory sacrificng himself for the planet..then it would be like Janet ...and somebody said that Janet should not be brought back otherwise it defies the point of having been killed in combat .

    well then it would be the same for Jack then ..Therefore TPTB will not go as far as that to kill Jack ...I don't think they would make it a blaze of glory to save the planet otherwise .....what's the point if they bring him back.

    If he dies after the Sam and Jack resolution would be very traumatizing for Sam ...and what will she do next ???!!!Go back to Pete eventually ....YUK.. or grief Jack all her life

    I thought we had enough of a unhappy Sam ...and it would be really good to have a happy sam and Jack for the sake of the finale and future DVDs sales ..and also a season 9 ....if RDA is not in there ..then Sam could still be happy and do a good job as a colonel ..because they are together and the ship would be then resolved ...and they can forget about it .

    If they kill Jack ..Sam will be miserable ...weak and I don't think it's good for the future of the show specially without RDA showing his face anymore .

    TPTB will never be able to please all fans ....and they don't have to...I mean who started the ship ???(They didn't have too)They can't kill it off that way...It would be pretty poor as a story line considering what Sam and Jack
    have been through all those years ..They are already miserable ..How far can we go ......If Sam is crushed ..she probably won't be a very good colonel anyway ....and I don't want to see her cry more that she has already done ..She deserves to be happy and so is Jack.

    I hope they won't start ship in Atalntis anyway cuz I''m fed up to digg the ship



      Originally posted by MartoufMarty
      Come on... You all wanna watch the vid with Davis in it...

      The Vid!!! The Vid!!!
      Hon.. I would love to watch the vid with Davis in it... but I can't.. i'm going to link it into the Davis thread tho... so all those Davis fans can see it....


        Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
        This is what makes me Cool RCC a shipper

        From the Heroes pt II Audio Commentaries, the hug scene between Sam and Jack

        RC: And then this scene, which I wrote and said "Oh, they'll never do this."

        Other guy (Andy Mikita?): I know, you scared me at one point. You came down the hallway and said "I could hug you."

        RC: Originally, again there's a lot of fan hubub, and to me, it's something that Rick and Amanda started to play, and we picked up on it as writers, and it's always gonna be just a little bit of flavour, or colour to the show that makes these people real. You can't go can't go through what they've been through as human beings, without developing abnormal affection or abnormal hatred to somebody. It's just a simple fact of life that when you're in a foxhole with someone you either grow to love them or grow to hate them. These characters have obviously grown to love each other and I don't think there's anything wrong with show that. It's never going to become the Sam and Jack hour. Having Jack come home from work and trip over the ottoman as Carter comes in from the kitchen - that's not what's gonna happen on Stargate SG-1. But I think it makes them real people.

        If that doesnt come from someone who supports feelings between Sam and Jack....
        He might not be as outright as Joe Mallozzi with his ship - but he's no anti-shipper...
        IMO there have been a few intv's/comments by RCC that have been good, even supportive, of S/J ship & shippers. A few... and at least once I revised my own opinions of him based on a postive comment he made. (I don't remember though if this was before or after we were accused of having "issues" though.)

        But (again only MHO) sometimes a good deal of what he says comes out casting a negative light on S/J ship or those who like/want it. He may not mean it to, but look at that quote above where I bolded. He's pushing it down to the level of a foxhole-developed 'abnormal' in-the-heat-of-the-moment relationship. And throwing the appearance of a ship onto the backs of RDA/AT and saying that all TPTB did was to run with it... (which is funny because I don't remember either actor writing the 4th show of the 1st season (Broca Divide) which whether TPTB want to admit it or not through the story arc really brought the possibility of a Sam/Jack relationship to many people's attention...)
        Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 24 October 2004, 07:07 AM.
        Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
        My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


          Originally posted by Sam & Jack Shipper
          Hi Sally

          I got it today and it doesn't say anything about S/J and very little about .

          And no your siggy picture is not showing.

          I remember you from Delphi days... lovely to see you!


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            I won't really get into yet another regs discussion.....BUT having been married to a military man for many moons....and dragging the man into this discussion more times than he would like to discuss.........The Air Force Advisor statement is a crock of.....well BEANS.......maybe in the beginning of the show the AF didn't want to have anything obvious and used that as a ploy to throw their weight around so TPTB could have all of their cool toys and get the guest stars that they wanted but now after 7 1/2 years.......PLEASE

            If the AF can't keep their personnel from throwing themselves at their prospective commanders based on whether or not a General and a Lt.Col. get together on a cable Sci-Fi show well then they have bigger problems then we were aware of and we need to re-think our country's defense.

            The reg itself has been totally misrepresented and it has become a fall back for TPTB and I think the fact that it has been Quoted after so much silence from the AF on the subject should make us all scratch our collective heads....*Why NOW*

            Personally, I think TPTB are throwing more diversionary stuff out there. Just one more thing to make us all go

            We have heard WAY TO MUCH on the side of good.....Go back and read Auralan's last post.... that leads to a Sam & Jack together conclusion and in a manner that would satisfy the AF to some degree.

            So after saying all of that I STILL blame TPTB for being wishy washy because they don't NEED the AF and they don't NEED all of the fancy toys...but they want them so they play nice. Also as I said I really don't think the AF cares all that much but it makes for good copy.

            And with so many Earth-based eps lately... what fancy toys do they have from the AF? Wasn't it one of the writers or producers or was it a director (?) that admitted the shots they have of Cheyenne Mtn & other places they were authorized by the AF to show were getting a bit old. And for things-that-go-boom.... SFX designers can whip up way better things than the toys the AF may divvy out, 'cept then we get into that weeee budget they've given SG1.

            I think it may go back to that old thing we've talked about before - TPTB using the regs as their crutch/hiding place when it's convenient for them & because they can't (or won't) write their way out of it.
            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


              I have a very dense question at the moment.

              Where is Cheyenne Mountain? Exackly?

              Humor me.


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Oh Gosh I would really hate that and I don't think I could ever watch the previous series to be honest also if they do the jack went out..
       a blaze of glory sacrificng himself for the planet..then it would be like Janet ...and somebody said that Janet should not be brought back otherwise it defies the point of having been killed in combat .

                well then it would be the same for Jack then ..Therefore TPTB will not go as far as that to kill Jack ...I don't think they would make it a blaze of glory to save the planet otherwise .....what's the point if they bring him back.

                If he dies after the Sam and Jack resolution would be very traumatizing for Sam ...and what will she do next ???!!!Go back to Pete eventually ....YUK.. or grief Jack all her life

                I thought we had enough of a unhappy Sam ...and it would be really good to have a happy sam and Jack for the sake of the finale and future DVDs sales ..and also a season 9 ....if RDA is not in there ..then Sam could still be happy and do a good job as a colonel ..because they are together and the ship would be then resolved ...and they can forget about it .

                If they kill Jack ..Sam will be miserable ...weak and I don't think it's good for the future of the show specially without RDA showing his face anymore .

                TPTB will never be able to please all fans ....and they don't have to...I mean who started the ship ???(They didn't have too)They can't kill it off that way...It would be pretty poor as a story line considering what Sam and Jack
                have been through all those years ..They are already miserable ..How far can we go ......If Sam is crushed ..she probably won't be a very good colonel anyway ....and I don't want to see her cry more that she has already done ..She deserves to be happy and so is Jack.
                Possible spoilers
                I don't think they'll kill Jack - that would mean RDA not coming back at all and that would be very bad for the franchise.

                What if they kill Sam? If they do a S9, they'll have to start filming late in AT's pregnancy, or at least around the time her baby is due. It's unlikely she would come back to work around that time. If one of them is going to be killed off, I have a feeling it's more likely to be Sam. Weren't there rumours that they were thinking of killing Sam in Gemini?
                Having said all that, I don't honestly think they'll kill any of SG1 permanently...not if they want to do a S9/mini-series/movie.
                I hope they don't.....

                I hope they won't start ship in Atalntis anyway cuz I''m fed up to digg the ship
                I'm afraid I might already be slipping towards Sheppard/Teyla ship


                  Originally posted by Thinkey
                  I have a very dense question at the moment.

                  Where is Cheyenne Mountain? Exackly?

                  Humor me.
                  Hey ho everyone!
                  Chey mountain's in Ft. Carson mil. Reserve.. i think, which is south of Colorado Springs, tried to get in there last summer...without luck! Darn it!Made my dad drive right into the reserve hehe, so close yet so far!!!
                  Off to enjoy the sun! yipee xxxxxx


                    Originally posted by Thinkey
                    I have a very dense question at the moment.

                    Where is Cheyenne Mountain? Exackly?

                    Humor me.
                    In Colorado.

                    Click Here
                    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      Maybe we should have a wee website, which says

                      "Last time on the Shipper Thread...

                      Mei Mei fell under the increasing control of her medicine cabinet, inventing a new shipper cookie that will probably turn Ship Nana into a dealer. Mel interviewed Swimmy the penguin who offered to cure all shipper's ills, especially in hot countries, although it's not clear how he can help those of us in cold countries where it's... cold. It became apparent that Tame had infact snuck into the SGC masquerading as part of Teal'c's barbie collection and that is how she managed to get under Jack's close scrunity. Major Fischer (non-shipper) expressed a desire for a shipper cookie, hastening her assimilation to the Shipper Ranks. Tame and the Major also became naquadah enhanced. Some new spoilers appeared on the Thread, which got everyone in turn excited and depressed as only Shippers can get with spoilers. Caty made about 100 new videos, and still managed time to have a birthday, bring up her kids and be the Thread's most prolific poster. Major Sally, tried hard to bring the Thread back onto on-topic Shipper goodness, but was forced to give in after Mala posted about 100 hysterically funny pictures causing mass giggling in the Thread. Kiwigater visited ShipSistah and Mala in New York, got arrested trying to climb into a sacrophagus at the museum there and had to be bailed out by Mala, who managed to convince the New York cops that they were harmless despite the fact they were brandishing 3 foot high penguins with fuses. Pete was threatened with yet more death and mayhem and mashing which upset Martouf Marty, an ex-shipper who strayed into the Thread by accident and was re-assimila... er.. converted after two posts. Martouf Marty finally completed her first Shipper video since Fragile Balance, when she finally got her computer to convert to the Shipper Cause. SueKay, Shipper Thread Prodigy, managed to write a song, write new fic, invent a new Shipper drink, repeatedly hug the Thread and visit Glasgow, all before her imminent 17th birthday. Bev (aka DipsofJazz), continued to post her Shippy Picture of the Day which delighted the Thread. Michelle continued her campaign to avoid work as much as possible and upset Astro considerably by suggesting Major Davis
                      might die
                      , this prompted Astro to change her signature. Finally, several new inmates... er... Shippers joined the and the penguins continued training and planning for the eventual assault on the PTB
                      Well, it does sound like Shippers are a little nuts... But it's TPTB's fault!! They've driven Mei Mei over the edge with their "yes they will" "no they won't"!! And Mei Mei didn't have all that far to go!

                      Does anyone know when the season finale is going to be? Mei Mei's doctor wanted to know. He said something about reserving a room at the spa, just in case... Mei Mei is not sure what he meant by that but the spa is a nice place... Nice people all dressed in white... Mei Mei got to go there after that weird dream last spring that Sam was dating some potatoehead and not Jack...

                      Wait... *whimper* it was a dream wasn't it? *whimper* But the potatoehead was in this season... *moan* No, it had to be a dream... Sam loves Jack... *whimper*

                      *Mei Mei reaches for some Special Happy Pill Shipper Cookies... Dunks them in her Shipper Cookie mug filled with coffee...*

                      Ship Nana! More cookies please!!!


                        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                        Maybe we should have a wee website, which says

                        "Last time on the Shipper Thread...

                        Mei Mei fell under the increasing control of her medicine cabinet, inventing a new shipper cookie that will probably turn Ship Nana into a dealer. Mel interviewed Swimmy the penguin who offered to cure all shipper's ills, especially in hot countries, although it's not clear how he can help those of us in cold countries where it's... cold. It became apparent that Tame had infact snuck into the SGC masquerading as part of Teal'c's barbie collection and that is how she managed to get under Jack's close scrunity. Major Fischer (non-shipper) expressed a desire for a shipper cookie, hastening her assimilation to the Shipper Ranks. Tame and the Major also became naquadah enhanced. Some new spoilers appeared on the Thread, which got everyone in turn excited and depressed as only Shippers can get with spoilers. Caty made about 100 new videos, and still managed time to have a birthday, bring up her kids and be the Thread's most prolific poster. Major Sally, tried hard to bring the Thread back onto on-topic Shipper goodness, but was forced to give in after Mala posted about 100 hysterically funny pictures causing mass giggling in the Thread. Kiwigater visited ShipSistah and Mala in New York, got arrested trying to climb into a sacrophagus at the museum there and had to be bailed out by Mala, who managed to convince the New York cops that they were harmless despite the fact they were brandishing 3 foot high penguins with fuses. Pete was threatened with yet more death and mayhem and mashing which upset Martouf Marty, an ex-shipper who strayed into the Thread by accident and was re-assimila... er.. converted after two posts. Martouf Marty finally completed her first Shipper video since Fragile Balance, when she finally got her computer to convert to the Shipper Cause. SueKay, Shipper Thread Prodigy, managed to write a song, write new fic, invent a new Shipper drink, repeatedly hug the Thread and visit Glasgow, all before her imminent 17th birthday. Bev (aka DipsofJazz), continued to post her Shippy Picture of the Day which delighted the Thread. Michelle continued her campaign to avoid work as much as possible and upset Astro considerably by suggesting Major Davis
                        might die
                        , this prompted Astro to change her signature. Finally, several new inmates... er... Shippers joined the and the penguins continued training and planning for the eventual assault on the PTB
                        This is great. I think you should give us updates every 20 pages or so! (That's about 1 hour's worth of shippy posts!)


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          In Colorado.

                          Click Here

                          Really. Then what's up with this?



                          With the development of powerful thermonuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s, command and control centres became increasingly vulnerable. Since the Soviets had developed nuclear weapons with the explosive power in the tens of megatons, the NORAD Command Centre was built under more than 500 metres of solid granite in Cheyenne Mountain near Colorado Springs, Wyoming. The Cheyenne Mountain NORAD Command Centre was designed to withstand a direct hit by a 5-megaton weapon. A similar approach was taken for the alternate NORAD Command Centre in North Bay, Ontario; it was installed in a tunnel under the granite of the Canadian Shield. Both Command Centres were designed in the late 1950s and completed by the mid-1960s. However, by the late 1970s and 1980s, improvements in missile accuracy and warhead effectiveness made even these Command Centres vulnerable targets.


                          It's in south wyoming.

                          Which brings me to my next question.

                          3 hours to drive in from colorado springs i think? God these people like to drive more than I even do..and and that's saying something.


                            Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day...

                            I'm sorry it's a little on the dark side, but my Photoshop's self-destructed! All those shippy pics were too much for it!!


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              I whole heartedly agree with you Auralan. We already know that
                              TPTB are going to try and wrap up the Jaffa rebellion and since I'm sure Bra'tac will be in the thick of things it is not a far stretch to imagine him dieing. And just like you suggested this will leave Teal'c to take his place. If there is a Season 9, this would open the door to some off world Teal'c stories and if CJ decided to reduce his schedule at a later time it would be an excellent excuse for where Teal'c has gone.
                              I'm just saying....
                              Yup. We're clearly on the same thought train with this one. I also wouldn't be surprised if the theory here is that CJ may transition into doing more writing. He's a fabulous writer, but he's limited to one or two scripts a season if he's acting full time. Personally, I'd take a little less Teal'c for more CJ stories -- and I'm even a big Teal'c fan. I don't think there's any real chance he's interested in leaving, but it would make sense for him to build his resume as a writer. As talented as he is as an actor, he's probbly never going to get the big roles or break out of being typecast as Teal'c. As a writer, I think he could go far -- especially with a little more experience under his belt.
                              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                                EXCELLENT VIDEO!!!!!! I really enjoyed it and you really made the clips fit the song...action and ship combined that was AWESOME!!!! (send some of that to can be done )

                                Loved the song too!!! Great Job!!!!
                                Thank you so much Tame!

                                Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                                Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)

