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    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
    i would like to see that too
    if there is more than 1 AU then id like to see one where there married and 1 where theyre married with kids*cough* GRACE*cough*...that should knock some sense into them
    Oh yeah... That would rock. Have I EVER said how much I LOVE AU stories? They'd better do it... They'd better!


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
      I read DDL's interview, and I thought it was extremely vague. I think he's a little awkward with some questions, mainly because he knows that his character isn't exactly the most well-received character in Stargate history.
      well if that isn't the understatement of the year, then I don't know what is!

      Also, please don't think I'm bashing or anything - because, for the most part, I agree with you guys - but I think we have to separate DDL from Pete (a.k.a. ). I know I don't HATE Pete, but I don't like knowing he's The One in Sam's life right now. That being said, I think DDL looks like a really nice guy, and just happened to be the sucker in one of the oddest plot ploys TPTB have ever played.

      Plus, I would think he deserves to be happy about having a job. I mean, in real life, what's more important to him? Jack and Sam getting together or him adding more work to his resume? I certainly wish it didn't have to come to THAT, but it has.

      When it comes to Stargate Universe, I wish Sam and Pete could go their separate ways and all would be right with the world. Pete's a good guy, Sam's a great woman, and the whole debacle has caused WAY too much controversy. As it is, however, I doubt there's gonna be a ninth season, so we probably don't have much to worry about. And, if TPTB know what's good for them, they're gonna write a shippy ending to the series. Because I know of about a thousand+ different fans who would be pretty enraged if they didn't - including myself.

      Again, I hope I didn't offend anyone, I just thought I'd make that point clear, considering people get kind of hedgy about shippers' apparent dislike for Pete.
      Well I feel like I can separate the actor and the character pretty well. I used to only be bothered by the character but since DDL has been mouthing off quite a bit, I am now bothered by him too! In fact, I am now MORE bothered by the actor than the character! I refuse to read the latest interview because I determined with the last interview that he is arrogant to put it mildly! And quite frankly, he doesn't have the talent to carry off that arrogant attitude! In fact, if he wants more work, he can go get beaten up on Las Vegas ANY TIME HE WANTS! I don't watch that show but I might start if he gets walloped every week!!! THAT would be worth watching! I think he could play a punching bag very nicely!

      As for Pete, well I think my feelings about him have never been ambivalent but the sooner he's gone the better. I don't think I've ever felt quite this strongly about it but I do now! By hook or by crook, I WANT PETE GONE!!!!!!!

      Okay, rant done I think!
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Spoiler......Upcoming Episodes..mostly Pete.

        I think TPTb is gonna turn Pete around into a very nice Guy ..he will accept like a gentleman that Sam loves somebody else ..He'll be happy for her ..and 'll wish her happiness and good fortune ..and make lovely babies cuz her good look (and Jack's) and he will go away ...

        Then and only then I think his character may be great when he can come back to the show as Lieutenant Pete Shanahan or something like that or as a civilian ..whatever ..NID like Barrett ...but when he can bring something meaningfull to the SG1 or Atlantis ....A character with a sci-fi story written around him

        I don't mind if Pete comes back as long as he does not try to flirt with Sam anymore .....I want him to be like major Davies/ just a co-worker and a good one ..why not..!!!!

        Sam and Jack forever together

        Major Davis flirts with Sam? I thought that was Felger.


          [QUOTE=TameFarrar I have nothing against DDL and I thank Dancer for making THAT separation ...DDL is just an actor BUT AS AN ACTOR he did that interview AND HE is ACCOUNTABLE for his if this interview turns out to be YET ANOTHER one of his *Name dropping*, *Episode Quipping* interviews, well then AS AN ACTOR he will have lost all credibility with me. I can totally understand being excited and I can totally understand wanting to work and pay the bills. But his last interview sounded arrogant and boastful after the fact when he never showed up in the episodes he was hyping for himself and he never alludes to the fact that he really wasn't ALL of TPTB *first* choice. I am happy for ALL the working actors because I understand it is a tough career choice. BUT the moment an actor opens his mouth in public - what he says becomes open to PUBLIC SCUTINY AND DEBATE AND OPINION. So I hope for his sake that he isn't trying to make himself look bigger then he really is. That is something that as an ACTOR would make him open to losing my respect.[/QUOTE]

          For the record, TameFarrar, I agree with you about this.


            Originally posted by michelleb
            okay, here's what I'm going to do.

            I'm not going to read the DDL interview.

            I'm not going to read any interview.

            I will sit on the edge of my seat during the SG8 con waiting for any ship remarks, or anything resembling ship remarks, and dutifully report them back to you guys (hopefully with a few 'squeeee!'s in there)

            I will ignore any mention of Pete in spoilers, unless it also involves the words 'dumped' or 'evil' or 'gone forever, the <expletive deleted>

            I will squeeze every last hint of ship I can out of season eight.

            I will continue to believe in, hope for, wish for, want and expect a shippy ending.

            I won't give up on my ship until the very last second of the closing titles of Moebius Part Two.

            And this way, hopefully, I'll survive to the end. If I get my ship, I'll be ok . If I don't get my ship..well, goodness knows what I'll do then....

            Good idea, Michelle... too bad I can't do it myself.

            spoilers for ddl's interview and s8


            I was thinking this morning (I used to think 'this morning' was one word: smorning ), and I was trying to figure out why so many of us freaked at the interview. It's not as bad as his others, so what set us off? This is what I think did...

            *We'd all hoped/expected that PS's last appearance would be in Threads. With this interview, he's making it known that he'll be in something 'after' Threads.

            *He's THREATENING us with the idea that if there's a season 9, he'll be in it. Okay, it's not really a threat, but when you don't want something or someone, it feels like a threat.

            *I suddenly have the Carly Simon song 'Anticipation' running through my head, only it's 'Manipulation'*




              Originally posted by marimba26
              Icing? Beatings?

              Am I in the wrong thread???

              *looks around*

              K maybe this is the ship thread...

              *wanders around confused*

              Shadow threatening to set people on fire? I'd say you're right Major F, this forum is in quite a mood lately! Maybe it's withdrawals!
              All's I can say is:

              Shadow w/ torch, me with zat. No contest seeing as the zat is faster!

              She'd better not throw stones at my Tok'ra tel'tac either! The paint job's new!


                I don't mean to sound rude (mainly in regards to DDL), but I thought that they just gave DDL the job. I didn't even realize that they even THOUGHT of holding auditions of any sort.

                I mean, it's never stopped them before. *shrugs* Whateva...

                Mike DeLuise played a good "Joey Tribianni"-like character in "Wormhole X-Treme," and Dom DeLuise was AWESOME, so I kinda guessed that they wouldn't have any qualms about giving the role to him... Hmm...


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  What I got out of DDL's interview is that he's begging for work. That may not have been what he intended, but I've gotten that impression out of every interview with him that I've read. Does it irritate me? Heck yes. I can't believe sites are wasting time with interviews with him when they could be interviewing Tony Amendola, Carmen Argenziano, Don S. Davis — I'd take a totally non-SG related interview with Teryl Rothery at this point, over more of DDL. Mel

                  Exactly right, Melyanna. I agree with you. Let's get some substantive interviews with long standing characters the fans actually have something invested in like Jacob, Bra'tac, Major Davis, Siler, Walter, Barrett, Hammond, etc. I would also take a post SG1 interview with Teryl in a heartbeat over another one of DDL begging for a job.

                  If this is indeed the last season of SG1 it is very sad that TPTB felt it appropriate to waste any of the viewers time, after 8 seasons, with this pathetic character (pete), who, IMO, has basically ruined a once strong lead female character, Sam Carter.


                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    Hey!!! I take exception to the penguin thing!! I LIKE penguins!! But the image of flaming penguins flying over the fence at Bridge--well, I'm gonna giggle about that for hours...
                    I like penguins too! They have more intelligence than ScheissPit!


                      Originally posted by marimba26
                      meimei, you're so wicked!! I love it!! <eg> And marimba wouldn't help you either! Not one bit, nooooooo!

                      *marimba falls in next to meimei, also whistling non-chalantly*

                      does this look like the beginnings of that shipper mob, or what?
                      Hey, Marimba, Tame, Mala....

                      *Everyone huddles up*

                      I think that Miss Madeleine has spies... She's nowhere to be found... What do we do now??

                      *whispering, whispering, whispering....*

                      Oh, look, footprints... We'll convert that rascally Madeleine to S/J Ship yet!!


                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        Oh that's funny sueKay!! I didn't recall any mention of boiling him in oil though so I guess we have more than 58! I'm sure I could think of a few more too. Knew that medieval history would come in handy <eg>.
                        TOO funny! ROTFLMAOO!!!!

                        The one about making Pete go insane and jump out of a window? I know a way to make him insane: Can anyone say URGO IMPLANT?!?!?!?!

                        And the one about Daniel swapping Pete for Janet leaving Pete to get shot by that Jaffa rather than Janet? If that were done, then Daniel can finally have some happiness with Janet!


                          Originally posted by Sarae64
                          A little funny to lighten your day...

                          Sam says to Pete:
                          So, which do think is further away - London or the moon?
                          Pete: Hellloooo...can you see London from here?
                          WELCOME SARAE64!!!!!!

                          What'll be your pleasure? Me? I'm flattered but I only serve drinks in this bar!


                            Originally posted by mad_gater
                            All's I can say is:

                            Shadow w/ torch, me with zat. No contest seeing as the zat is faster!

                            She'd better not throw stones at my Tok'ra tel'tac either! The paint job's new!
                            She was instigating throwing swine at me today, so I'm really not sure what's in the water where Shadow is....

                            *goes back to hiding in the corner of the nice ship thread since the one she liked to watch for isn't possible anymore*

                            It's nice to watch people enjoying Sam and Jack


                              Originally posted by Sarae64
                              A little funny to lighten your day...

                              Sam says to Pete:
                              So, which do think is further away - London or the moon?
                              Pete: Hellloooo...can you see London from here?
                              Heehee, I can SO see him saying that too.


                                Originally posted by Watters87
                                Regarding the DDL interview, I'm not worried. It was too vague to get anything really out of it. IIRC wasn't Threads shot in late August, maybe early September. The questions for his interview stopped on September 5th and the interview probably was a couple days after that (hence him say he just got back). It's doubtful he'd be in any episode after Threads.

                                Remember the actors were told not to tell spoilers for the last couple of Episodes so him saying he'd be out of the picture after Threads would be a spoiler. Also remember as Tame said he did say he was going to be in Sacrifices on the Gateworld interview and he was wrong. Forgive me if I don't take this interview as clarity on him being in the last couple of episodes.
                                You just made me go hmmmm.

                                spoilers for s8 and ddl interview


                                Here's the part of the interview I'm going to respond to:

                                SG-P: We saw you in the episode "New Order," but it wasn't really Pete. After that, we saw you in the episode "Affinity" and you were wonderful! After all we've heard about the episode "Threads" we speculate we'll see you again in this episode. Can you confirm this? Are there more episodes you will appear in?

                                DD: Thank you. I was very happy with that episode too. About more episodes, all I will say is that I just got back from Vancouver.

                                K, the first time(s) I read his answer, I got the impression that the ep he was happy with was Threads. But, after reading your thoughts, and rereading his reply more carefully, I think he's referring to Affinity that he was happy with, and his 'I just got back from Vancouver' is poss about Threads. What do you guys think?



