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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Critter
    Caty, if I remember correctly the grey dinger means that you got a green post from a newbie that can't give green yet...don't cry, I think it's a good thing. (((((Caty)))))

    Oh sorry ..I thought the red points of the dinger turned grey cuz he/she /it was a pain in the neck..this is what I understood form the moderator...that it did not count ...but I just thought he was striking again sorry to the person who gave me that grey point ...If it's a good thing ...then I'm happy Thank you

    Sam and Jack forever together



      Originally posted by JSDT
      I have my new video posted on my web site. It's a Sam kick butt video...
      One Girl Revolution by SuperChick

      The link is in my sig. Hope you enjoy it!
      Great Video - it kicks @$$
      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


        Originally posted by Thinkey
        *passes out laughing* God you read me like a book there! Nah seriousely, expect another 4 or 5 at least *G* That's until I find something else to preoccupy my time with.

        So yeah you're guranteed that many.

        3 1/2 hours and I can get started on the next one.

        This is an excellent long video Thinkey ..I so love Meatloaf

        Fantastic Thank you



          Originally posted by meimei
          International humanitarian law? Oh, my... How, eh, boring? I understand why you are willing to chance conversion! I come to GW for fun, not work!!

          Well, the only thing we're serious about is ship, all day, all the time, all Jack and Sam... So if you're willing to take the risks, stick around! We'll take your mind off such serious subjects!!
          Umm...MeiMei? I beg to differ!!! If discussing, contemplating, assessing, opining, judging and viewing the Wonderful World of Ship isn't serious stuff, THEN WHAT IS, GIRL?????

          Honestly, you take that back right now, or,'ll get your shipper goodies revoked!!! Then it's off to the JM Shipper Commune with you!! And I don't mean the fun floors--- you'll go straight to the 8th floor!!!!

          And you know what THAT means....

          Di, pulling together the necessary instruments for a painful 'intervention'


            Originally posted by sueKay
            What do we think about ship to come in season eight part two?
            I'm optimistic (also pretty drunk right now, damn white wine) and I say we'll get ship. Not resolution until Threads or Citizen Joe, but we'll get ship. I don't ask for much, just those little touches, looks and smirks that we know and love. No more ignoring each other. Please. Those people are supposed to be friends, FCOL. PTB, do you hear me? There's time to edit the episodes yet. Give us ship! Or we'll send Felger!

            Okay, I admit it, the only purpose for this post was to see if the link in my signature works. Sue me.

            In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
            it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
            It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
            And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


              Originally posted by mishy_mo
              sueKay assures me she's going to write another story cos if she leaves it like this i wouldn't bother with a sarcophagus!!!!!!!!
              LOL, Same here! And all I can say is...SueKay, you better get writing! Fast!

              ok, I'm going to leave the story thing now cause we've all got way OT, i'm sorry.

              As for SueKay's question...I think the second half of season 8 is going to be a ship happy one Most of the spoielrs i've read for new episodes give possiblities for some ship and I can't wait for Gemini, Good To Be King Threads and Moebius! They all sound so good!!

              SAM + JACK= FOREVER,ALWAYS AND GRACE! (I still think thats a great equation Carolyn )

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                I remember the feeling I had when I first saw the kiss in WoO and the 'head-on-the-shoulder' scene in Metamorphosis It was such a nice feeling to be surprised, but now I can never keep myself away from spoilers so I always know what is going to happen especially involving Sam and Jack I want to be surprised again! I want to jump up and down screaming 'he loves her! he really does! He kissed her! Whoopee!' <---(If you can't guess, that was my reaction to the kiss in WoO)

                and I had a little problem getting on Gateworld aswell but it was only for about 10 mins.
                I have the same problem - I want to be surprised - happily surprised. But I want to know!!!
                I loved Heroes and thought it would have been even better if I hadn't know for months who would die. We all knew it couldn't really be Jack but Janet was a total shock (and I still miss her - I think her character added a richness to the mix).
                I'm trying to stay away from spoilers yet need some basic info that it works out for Sam and Jack.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  I'm on AIM.

                  Go on

                  Invite me


                  *gets down on her knees and pushes plate of shipper cookies in front of her*

                  I'm begging! I've always wanted to see the shipper chatroom!

                  Anyways, the computer went kablooey on me, so I'm just back.

                  My ramblings

                  I think that there will be a hint of ship in Prometheus Unbound, but not much.
                  I think that there'll be one major shippy moment in Gemini - the supposed dream sequence.
                  I think there may be mentions and subtle stuff in the reckoning and stuff,
                  But I think the big ship will be

                  Throughout Threads
                  At the Beginning of Citizen Joe and
                  Throughout Moebius!!!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    Sam - I'm on the chatroom

                    Dunno how to invite you soz
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      YAY!!!! Everybody look!! I'm no longer a prim'tah!!! Woohoo!! I am now a mature symbiote!!!! yipee!! doing a little happy dance.....uh.....yeah, I am the biggest geek ever, i know! Anyways, in honor of my........ promotion?? i am going to say something really profound, something that no one has ever seen or heard before, so listen up everybody!!
                      Sam and Jack belong together and its gonna happen at the end of season eight and im gonna be one happy camper and no one can convence me otherwise!! Yee Haw!!

                      Just though i would share this with the shipper family cus you guys seem really cool!!

                      SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!! or whatever the catch phrase is for this shipper forum!
                      Random Thought of the day:

                      -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                      -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                      heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        Here's my shippy photo of the day.

                        *Happy sigh*

                        *Really Big Happy Sigh*. Great picture Bev. And Sam has a boo boo...too bad. She won't be able to smack any sense into Jack. He'll never come to his senses at this rate.
                        Desperate Thunker


                          Originally posted by yoojoo
                          YAY!!!! Everybody look!! I'm no longer a prim'tah!!! Woohoo!! I am now a mature symbiote!!!! yipee!! doing a little happy dance.....uh.....yeah, I am the biggest geek ever, i know! Anyways, in honor of my........ promotion?? i am going to say something really profound, something that no one has ever seen or heard before, so listen up everybody!!
                          Sam and Jack belong together and its gonna happen at the end of season eight and im gonna be one happy camper and no one can convence me otherwise!! Yee Haw!!

                          Just though i would share this with the shipper family cus you guys seem really cool!!

                          SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!! or whatever the catch phrase is for this shipper forum!

                          Well done yoojoo and you deserve another green point for that ..Here we go Keep posting



                            Originally posted by yoojoo
                            YAY!!!! Everybody look!! I'm no longer a prim'tah!!! Woohoo!! I am now a mature symbiote!!!! yipee!! doing a little happy dance.....uh.....yeah, I am the biggest geek ever, i know! Anyways, in honor of my........ promotion?? i am going to say something really profound, something that no one has ever seen or heard before, so listen up everybody!!
                            Sam and Jack belong together and its gonna happen at the end of season eight and im gonna be one happy camper and no one can convence me otherwise!! Yee Haw!!

                            Just though i would share this with the shipper family cus you guys seem really cool!!

                            SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!! or whatever the catch phrase is for this shipper forum!
                            woo hooo congrats yoojoo


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              Oh sorry ..I thought the red points of the dinger turned grey cuz he/she /it was a pain in the neck..this is what I understood form the moderator...that it did not count ...but I just thought he was striking again sorry to the person who gave me that grey point ...If it's a good thing ...then I'm happy Thank you

                              Sam and Jack forever together

                              You could be right Caty. I haven't had a chance to read through everything this weekend. But don't worry anyway because we here at the Shipper Thread think you are the greatest so don't worry about any pesky colored dingers. (((((Caty)))))
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by yoojoo
                                YAY!!!! Everybody look!! I'm no longer a prim'tah!!! Woohoo!! I am now a mature symbiote!!!! yipee!! doing a little happy dance.....uh.....yeah, I am the biggest geek ever, i know! Anyways, in honor of my........ promotion?? i am going to say something really profound, something that no one has ever seen or heard before, so listen up everybody!!
                                Sam and Jack belong together and its gonna happen at the end of season eight and im gonna be one happy camper and no one can convence me otherwise!! Yee Haw!!

                                Just though i would share this with the shipper family cus you guys seem really cool!!

                                SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!! or whatever the catch phrase is for this shipper forum!

                                (and I agree with everything you said, except with you being a are just euphoric!!! And a bit euphoria is exactly what we shipper need in this hard time. )

