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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Nikkirose
    Don't mind me.. its been a loooooooong month!
    I know! Maybe October will be better? Ok, positive spin time... for those of us watching SG on the Sci-fi Channel they're rerunning S8 to date... so now we can rewatch & catch what we might have missed the first go-around....

    New Order Pt. 2 10/1
    Lockdown 10/8
    Zero Hour 10/15
    Avatar 10/22
    Affinity 10/29

    And some Shippier (MHO) eps too:

    Upgrades 10/15
    Point of View 10/27
    Divide and Conquer 10/29
    Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
    My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


      Originally posted by mishy_mo
      hee hee

      Pete Shannan
      =Stinky Pit lol

      i think my equation might be a little off but thus is my algebra ( and i'm doing advanced higher Physics .. umm who put me down for that!!!!)

      don't ask coffe high

      so how are we at this fine hour little shipplets???? what half 12???? here any way

      so recently we have established that scotland doesn't get hurricanes (yay i feel so safe !!!) and pete is a stinky pit

      very productive!!!!!

      hee hee i'm supposed to be smart, but really i'm sooo think so i guess i'm kinda the polar opposite!!!!

      well happy shipping guys i'll be on for another wee while
      Are you absolutly sure Hurricanes dont happen in Scotland? I've never heard of any at any rate so thats good.

      I'm going for putrid Pete. I like alliteration



        Originally posted by sueKay

        Last year I did Highers (A levels) in English, Art, Music and Geography. This year I'm upgrading Geography and English. I'm sitting Higher Modern Studies and Advanced Higher (AS Level) Music!

        I was meant to be doing higher Physics after getting a Grade 1 (GCSE A) for it, but I got kicked out fo being dumb!

        Sam would not be proud, but Jack's give me a hug and say "welcome to my world!"
        Bit off-topic I know but what instrument(s) do you play? I play the piano and harp.


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          I can take a hint and your right it is about time to repost the list.

          So here for all the newly delurked shiplets is the official SHIPPER COOKIE LIST:


          There are:

          Pale Green Shipper Cookie - used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup

          Pink Shipper Cookies - Increases Creativity and Brain Power for Shipping

          Green Shipper Cookies - Stops Pit-ranting and rant withdrawal and redirects focus to Ship

          Red Shipper Cookies - Makes ship lurkers into ship posters
          (take the red pill, Neo-shippers)

          Blue Shipper Cookies - Dreamy Shipper Bliss

          Purple Shipper Cookies - Warm and Fuzzy Shipping

          Orange Shipper Cookies - Disoriented Shipping

          Chocolate Shipper Cookies - Rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) Also, for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.

          Gray Shipper Cookies - Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

          Lime Shipper Cookies - gives the illusion of Shipper Greatness. They allow the Shipper to dream really BIG!!!!!!

          Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies – If you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
          P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.

          Rosy Shipper Cookies - wipes out the memories of bad spoilers and desolves the desire to read spoilers

          SUBLIMINAL Shipper Cookies – Makes TPTB believe that Ship was their idea

          Turquoise Shipper Cookies - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies

          Motion Sickeness Shipper Cookies - when eaten prevents motion sickness from TPTB shipper rollercoaster ride.
          Dark Red Shipper Cookies - These will stop Kinsey ranting and any feelings of queasiness related to any thoughts about Kinsey, such as a Kinsey-in-love-with-Sam thought

          Indigo Shipper Cookies - helps us all remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to our ship

          Margarita Shipper Cookie - it works on drowning your sorrows, or celebrating your shipper glee.

          EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE - which erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories. This shipper cookie was created in Honor of the 2nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION! ITS SHIP DAY JULY 28TH, 2004. It is guaranteed to keep all shippers in only the best shipper mood.

          and the all time favorite:


          Enjoy All!!!!!!
          Where can these cookies be obtained? Are they all free? I hope so, I'm going to eat all of them at once



            Originally posted by sueKay
            We will do!

            I've already seen quite a few eps but not all of them!

            I'm gonna go and sleep now because I'm falling asleep!

            Night Night

            Don't let TPTB bite!
            They bite?

            I wanna medal! <pouts> wah! <hurrys to watch all eps>



              Originally posted by majorsal
              Welcome, Amra.

              Sam and Jack ARE perfect for each other! Some ppl just prefer different pairings, that's all. It used to bother me until I really thought about it... it's just their personal opinions, and has no power to take away from what you feel or what you might get. To each his/her own, you know. Again, welcome, Amra. Hope you enjoy your stay, and there will be a complimentary mint on your pillow.

              Thanks for the positive thoughts majorsal It doesnt bother me that much, I just go abit insane sometimes and go over to the anti-ship thread to read their posts and then I get depressed, I dont know why I do it, (psychology anyone?)

              Mmm, minty choclate <gobblegobblegobble> more!

              Are you Sally as in Sally who writes really great fics?



                Originally posted by sueKay
                Hey guys

                I have a little anouncement to make.

                Until Prometheus Unbound aires, I will not be on the thread (apart from my birthday).

                I'm beginning to realise that without new spoilers, my posts are becoming detrimental to the thread, and that they may be stopping shippers from delurking.

                I will there be posting seldomly ie. if a new spoiler comes out.

                I will lurk to keep up with the thread though, and I promise I will be back when season eight begins airing again.

                See you all in a few months

                Lots of Love

                sueKay do you know how hard it is going to be for you to leave your family?? Really hard. Really, really hard. You know we all love you and that you are welcome to come for a visit ANY time you want to.

                Don't take any blame for anything detrimental or otherwise. We're all a family here and we all bring different gifts to the thread. (I know, I haven't figured out what my gift is yet but I don't really care!!! )

                Take a break if it will make YOU happy but come on back to make US happy.
                Desperate Thunker


                  Originally posted by meimei
                  Happy Birthday, Nikkirose!!!

                  Did it work??? Mei Mei has been trying to get this to work since Tame's birthday!
                  Mei Mei is internet stupid but trainable!
                  ETA: IT WORKED!!!
                  I'm going to steal (borrow ) Mei Mei's birthday cake because it worked so beautifully...thanks Mei Mei.
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    You were reading my mind, so here goes!!!

                    Once again I see the need for a SHIPPER DRILL In order to prevent the dreaded
                    SHIPPER SYNDROME
                    from happening when our SHIP comes in!!!!

                    SHIPPER DRILL!!!

                    THIS IS JUST A DRILL!!

                    (courtesy of Mala)

                    Ok, everyone breeeeathe!!!! Tame I said BREATHE!!!! Very good!!!!

                    This completes our SHIPPER DRILL!!!

                    smelling salts courtesy of tpe
                    So just how are we supposed to breath with this fantastic picture staring us in the face? A veritable dream come true.

                    I'm not sure these drills are good for my heart Ship Nana. I understand that we better practice for the real thing or we may very well all die when we actually see it happen. But, WOW, I'm not sure I can take it.

                    I haven't seen Tame here in a while---she must not be able to take it either. Tame. TAME. Are you alright? Geeesh, she must have forgotten to breath. Poor girl...
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      I loved the virtual seasons!!!!!!!!!

                      I'd never be able to run it, but I'd bae able to write a few eps. Are you up to running it?

                      BTW why did you never do VS10?

                      Yes - I have read them. Each and every one!!!

                      I love the serinaix (I can't spell) and my fave ep is the one where Janeway wants to adopt a little girl (I'm terrible with names!)
             would be fun to do again....


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Hey guys

                        I have a little anouncement to make.

                        Until Prometheus Unbound aires, I will not be on the thread (apart from my birthday).

                        I'm beginning to realise that without new spoilers, my posts are becoming detrimental to the thread, and that they may be stopping shippers from delurking.

                        I will there be posting seldomly ie. if a new spoiler comes out.

                        I will lurk to keep up with the thread though, and I promise I will be back when season eight begins airing again.

                        See you all in a few months

                        Lots of Love

                        Aww, dont go In what way are your posts detrimental to the thread? I dont think they are. and I dont think they stop shiplets from de-lurking. Didnt stop me and I've been lurking round here for bout 2 and half years.

                        Well if you do decide to leave us temporarily, let us (me?) know when your birthday is, since I dont know, maybe the others do?



                          Reading thro an old edition of SFX and came across an interview of AT who stated quite bluntly that she really DID NOT like the whole `ship business.


                            Originally posted by timeslip
                            Reading thro an old edition of SFX and came across an interview of AT who stated quite bluntly that she really DID NOT like the whole `ship business.
                            Yes, but as you said, that was an old edition. I remember her talking about ship at SG-2 and SG-4 and at GCC 2003 and she sounded different then. Maybe she changed her mind? I didn't like Jonas at first and now I like him as much as Daniel. People's opinions change from time to time.

                            In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                            it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                            It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                            And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                              Originally posted by amra
                              Where can these cookies be obtained? Are they all free? I hope so, I'm going to eat all of them at once

                              The cookies can be obtained from the Shippertown bakery from Ship Nana, our Mayor. I feel that I must warn you that eating them all at once is very dangerous and may cause you to see ship in every tv programme you may start seeing ship between news broadcasters, sports announcers, cartoon characters and (heaven forbid) you may even start to like TPTB!!!!!!


                                It was a season 5/6 interview so it wasnt that long ago

