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    Originally posted by Karibou

    Jack needs to step up to the plate. The Threads spoilers refer to Jack and Kerry having issues due to Jack's reluctance -- he's holding back. And, of course, we all know Carter is the reason. The same spoilers also elude to Sam's difficulties with Pete and her engagement. Again, no mystery as to the reason for that! I do SINCERELY hope this is all just one big (somewhat mean!) way of bringing the ship into the forefront. I mean, TPTB were a little limited in their choices in how to do this. Can't go with the traditional, "I never knew I loved you until I almost lost you" approach, because Jack and Sam have each almost lost the other, what, a hundred times? So, making a love triangle (or quadrange, with Kerry, I suppose) is the next reasonable approach. *fingers crossed!*
    Well, as for reasonable approaches, they could have just let them develop naturally, dealt with the regs issue, and moved on but I guess that would have been too simple and we can't have that now, can we?
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
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    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      spoilers for s8's Affinity and s7's Chimera


      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
      My "emphasis bolding" on that 2nd sentence...
      while Pete "knows" what Sam does.. he doesn't really know. He was still having trouble in last night's episode trying to understand just how extraordinary Sam's professional life is & how extraordinary she is for being able to do it successfully & still maintain under all that stress that "inner core" which is her.
      That's another thing I forgot to mention. Here we were thinking that Pete was told everything -at least I did- in Chimera about the Stargate program, but Affinity showed that he only knows the basics. I'm glad they showed that, because I couldn't understand why he was told everything. I still don't understand why he was even told as much as he was *didn't deserve it to me*.




        Originally posted by marimba26
        Well, as for reasonable approaches, they could have just let them develop naturally, dealt with the regs issue, and moved on but I guess that would have been too simple and we can't have that now, can we?
        LOL! Good point. Guess TPTB get some evil, psychotic pleasure out of torturing us Shippers.

        My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


          Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
          Back in College (at the Uni, Down from Cambrigde, etc) in started dating a girl outside of my usual circle of friends. She lived in a different dorm and they didn't meet for several months (not until after the mandatory break-up and reunion). During this period I talked about her with my friends. It wasn't until after they met that one of my friends confided that they thought that I have met her up cause they had never seen her.

          My point
          is that Sam could have talked about Peat without anyone having met him! She is hallucinating her entire interaction with Peat much as she was doing with Urgo. Makes the whole crashing an anniversary party a bit creepy. "Who is that pretty young woman dancing alone?" "I thought YOU knew her!" "I think she is Cousin Marge's schizophrentic granddaughter."
          Anyone seen "A Beautiful Mind" w/Russell Crowe??
          Not that I agree with the Phantasy Pete idea *shrugs* , but I thought I'd throw the movie reference in there since he 'saw' some people there too.
          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
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            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

            is issued to the following Shippers:

            Ship Nana
            Mei Mei
            Ship Sistah
            What about me?


              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
              BTW, I heard Sam say "yes" five (5) times. Is it possible?
              Perhaps Peat is hard of hearing?

              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "Huh?"
              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "What?"
              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "Wait, I think my ear bud is off."
              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "No, the battery is dead."
              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "Look at me. I'll read your lips."
              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "Yes?"
              Sam: "Yes"
              Peat: "...What were we talking about again?"
              Sam: "Oh never mind."
              Major Kawalsky
              I've clawed my way from Mature to Fodder! WOOHOO!
              U.S. Stargate Command


                Originally posted by MAJKawalsky
                Perhaps Peat is hard of hearing?

                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "Huh?"
                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "What?"
                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "Wait, I think my ear bud is off."
                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "No, the battery is dead."
                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "Look at me. I'll read your lips."
                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "Yes?"
                Sam: "Yes"
                Peat: "...What were we talking about again?"
                Sam: "Oh never mind."
                That put a smile on my face lol


                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  Anyone seen "A Beautiful Mind" w/Russell Crowe??
                  Not that I agree with the Phantasy Pete idea *shrugs* , but I thought I'd throw the movie reference in there since he 'saw' some people there too.
                  Or how about a tribute to the sixth sense....

                  Sam (whispered in a quivery voice): "I see potato heads!"


                  My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana

                    Do I hear a 3rd voice in the crowd that agrees!!!!!!!!!!
                    ME!! I do, I do, I do!!


                      Just to be safe ... Spoiler Space



                      NOTE: this is without having scene the lab scene from Afinity

                      I don't know if anyone else here ever watched it, but when I was younger I watched JAG (pre-9-11). They did a 1.5 season arc where the main woman was engaged to another guy (who the fans didn't like) and the main guy had a girlfriend who was way more into the relationship than him. Both of these relationships ended (the former at the altar). The reason I bring it up is that when I read the spoilers for Threads the first thing I thought was, "someone among TPTB has been watching JAG."

                      The issue I have isn't nessecarily that they are giving Sam a love life (w/ Jack would be much preferred, but its good to see a different side of the charactor, just no Pete please). My issue is with how they are doing it. They are forcing both the charactors into a corner where they have no choice but to confront their relationship head on. What I'm worried about is can the writers handle this (if anyone has any ideas let me know, cause they've done a "great" job so far)?

                      The good news is that if this is true the writers HAVE to get Jack and Sam together in the end or destroy the charactors. What I can't figure out is how many episodes they have after Threads to do it in (I'm assuming no season 9, or at least no season 9 with enough RDA to really do anything significant). I only see one two parter, but it doesn't have the ring of a series or season finalie so there must be something after it that hasn't been posted yet.

                      If someone can get me the middle part of Afinity, I would greatly appreciate it. The proposal scene did me in, and unfortunately the only other part I saw was Sam's acceptance. Without my Teddy Bear that was too much to even waste a tape on.


                        Does anyone want a $5 off coupon for the shipper store?

                        If so please PM me with your email address and I will send you one!

                        Take it from me,

                        Shipper Shopping Shall help all Shippers Save their Sanity!

                        Now say that 5 times fast!!!
                        Ship Nana


                          spoilers for s8's Affinity and Threads


                          Originally posted by Karibou
                          Okay, just rewatched A$$inity.

                          I think I now agree with other opinions on the site regarding the conversation between Jack and Sam. I think his "I wouldn't be here" comment referred to Charlie, not to any feelings he had to Sam -- or at least that's what the writers had in mind. I think the superb acting may have given the lines an added dimension, but I think that may just be wishful thinking on my part.
                          I lean towards his reply being about if he still had a family, BUT, there was shippy music in it!, so I know they were wanting to imply that reaction as well. *We know how the ptb love to make scenes ambiguous*

                          I have no idea if this is TPTB's way of breaking it to us "gently", or if this is just a warm-up for the happy ending we hope for.
                          I'd say the happy S/J ending. Why? Because we're seeing Sam not real happy with PS, we're seeing S/J ship continued to be played, and because of the spoilers for Threads, we know that Sam's doubts increase and Jack's thought/thinking about retiring to be with Sam. Besides, if we get that fishing invite at the end, how could Sam go 'fishing' with Jack if she was still with PS?




                            Originally posted by ChevronSeven
                            What about me?
                            SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                            is issued to the following Shippers:

                            Ship Nana
                            Mei Mei
                            Ship Sistah
                            Ship Nana


                              SPOILERS FOR AFFINITY


                              I haven't been able to get on since Thursday and there's no way I can catch up on the posts (there have been close to a 1,000, I think!), so I hope I'm not re-stating stuff that's been said a lot already.

                              reprinting here some of my thoughts on Affinity (from the Affinity thread):

                              Re S/J/P: first, they are still blowing it with Pete. Granted, I had major problems with his attitude and behavior in Chimera. If it didn't quite get to the level of stalking, he still behaved as an immature jerk, he definitely crossed a line and he was idiot (in almost messing up the op). Here, he's "nicer", but the flaws are still there--and based upon what TPTB have been saying, they aren't supposed to be. Notice he says that it's nice that she's the kind of women who understands how hard her job and her inability to tell him about it is *on him*. What about how hard it all might be--including his obvious continual unhappiness about being on the outside--on *her*? It's still all about him!

                              And oddly enough--and since we are supposed to be thinking of Pete positively, I'm sure they didn't mean to do this on purpose--look at Krista's attitude when Teal'c says he's leaving and that he can't tell her what it's all about or who he is. She accepts in a mature manner--just the way that men and women married/engaged to people in classified jobs accept this every day in RL. This a total contrast to Pete's attitude and behavior in Chimera, and just makes it look worse to me. Adult woman vs little boy.

                              Maybe their point is that we should excuse Pete because he isn't very bright. We've already mentioned the "messing up the op" stuff in Chimera, but look at his first scene in Affinity: he's in a public park, surrounded by people who could overhear, and he's going on about what she does! -10 IQ here.

                              Interesting, some of the people who claim to love Sam/Pete (insisting that they really love Pete and it has nothing to do with trying to wean Sam away from Jack. Nosirree.) have gone on record as saying that Jack isn't right for Sam because he isn't as smart as she is. Uh, and Pete is??? Not the way he's written!

                              The scene between Sam and Jack was really very shippy--and sets up a future ep perfectly IMO. They were totally miscommunicating. We saw in "Grace' that Sam wasn't still sure about Jack's feelings; she seemed to think they weren't their anymore. I think she was trying to get some idea of how he felt, but she went about it totally the wrong way. She indicated that she had doubts, but only because of the difficulties of mixing the job and marriage--riduculous when you think about it because, as Jack noted, there were married people in the SGC (remember Wells?). IMO, she still has plenty of doubts that Pete is the right man (heck, she held that ring for two weeks), but she didn't indicate that. I think Jack read what she was saying as that Pete had won and he had lost. When he gives his answer, she hears, "If I loved you, I wouldn't still be here", whereas, IMO, he's saying, "If I thought that I could be with you, I wouldn't still be here."

                              Well done scene and, as I said above, perfect lead in to later eps.

                              Yes, I've seen people claiming that this means that he still loves Sara, and that if he were still married to her and Charlie, he wouldn't be at the SGC. Oh, pshaw.
                              (1) If he were still head-over-heels in love with Sara, he would have been happy that Sam had found someone, too. That was *not* a happy man in that scene (loved the way he snaps the box closed).

                              (2) Why would being married to Sara (and father to Charlie) mean he wouldn't be at the SGC? Jack was still on active duty when Charlie was killed; it was Charlie's death that led to his first retirement (at the start of the film). With his background, he would actually have been perfect for the SGC (though possibly he would not have been on the first trip through the gate; that might have changed). Who's to say he would not have joined anyway?

                              (3) In addition, when he *was* married and had a family, he was doing special ops/black ops, and this is not different in type from what he does for the SGC. He still cannot talk about his work, can still be called away at a moment's notice; he can be away for weeks or months, he can be captured (as he was) and imprisoned for months, he can be MIA or thought dead, he can come back wounded and he can't talk about it. And so on. Yet, he did all that while he had a marriage and a family. No reason why he couldn't be at the SGC and have a marriage and a family; to the outside world (ie, his family) it would look the same.

                              There's no question in my mind that he was referring to Sam and their situation. And his belief here that he has lost her is probably what leads him to consider Kerry at all in Threads.

                              And Pete *still* needs work!

                              "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                                Originally posted by Elentarrii
                                I don't know if anyone else here ever watched it, but when I was younger I watched JAG (pre-9-11). They did a 1.5 season arc where the main woman was engaged to another guy (who the fans didn't like) and the main guy had a girlfriend who was way more into the relationship than him. Both of these relationships ended (the former at the altar). The reason I bring it up is that when I read the spoilers for Threads the first thing I thought was, "someone among TPTB has been watching JAG."
                                Oh, you're sooooo right!! LOL!! Too bad the whole Harm/McKenzie thing still hasn't happened... Hope TPTB haven't been watching too closely!

                                If someone can get me the middle part of Afinity, I would greatly appreciate it. The proposal scene did me in, and unfortunately the only other part I saw was Sam's acceptance. Without my Teddy Bear that was too much to even waste a tape on.
                                Email me your address. ([email protected]) I'll happily mail you a VHS tape.

                                My Fanfiction -- I love reviews!

