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Daniel Jackson/Michael Shanks Thunk Thread

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    Gosh, got too quiet here. Sigh. Well, I'm going from loopy and triple checking my typing to drowsie. Tyical with the good meds.

    My clone has already crashed and I'm joining him. Splash safely and nicely. See you all tomorrow. NIGHT!


      Originally posted by hastiekido
      fishy can I have my story when I hit my 3500 milestone?
      Cos that's a reall milestone thanks !

      Whenever you like is fine. I'm glad your son is okay.

      The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


        Originally posted by Flygirl
        (((((Fishy))))).....I've seen the list floating around the thread.....for your wonderful milestone stories......If I may, can I join?....perhaps for my 1000th post (if I ever reach it!!LOL).....I like Daniels smile (duh!) and eyes (!) but I love the banter between him and Jack. I love the relationship between these two.. .........pleasepleaseplease.....thanks so much
        Originally posted by sg-daniel
        fishy, would you add me too? please i would like for my story, eyes and bandana
        Of course! I am willing to add whoever wants to be added...and I am willing to do stories for specific milestones if people want. Don't worry about the sign-up order, either... It's more about when I get inspiration and when people would like them...

        Fishy's Suggestion List

        Okay.... Fishy need ideas and suggestions from all hussies who would like a milestone story...

        There are:

        pants, eyes, robes, bandana, boonie, arms, suits, sweaters, tongue, fingers... etc...

        She needs to know what each hussy would want... some suggestions were given previously, but they were lost in the pond... They got wet... And the writing got blurry, and she can't read it... Yes, that's it.

        Please copy this post and add your suggestions to the list.

        I'll start...

        1. (Admiral Q O) Bum, preferably in jeans, but other form fitting pants will do.
        2. (Ayan) Abydonian Robes, though the blue ones from Vis Uban will work too.
        3. (Strider6)suits, blue eyes, and arm porn. Any or all of them Fishy, is fine with me.
        4. (Morgania) Robes, coats, jackets, pants
        5. (SueBsg9) Muscleshirts(arm porn), jeans, absolute white pants, jammies, bandanas, and need nekkidness also; the man looks great nekkid
        6. (Sue Jackson) Arm porn, blue eyes, bandana, without glasses, action, weapons, shippiness, leather, bondage, whumpage, muscle shirts, neck, chest, lots of skin, clean shaven, bum
        7. (ShippyChick) Scruff, Arm porn, and the limited gene pool (AKA Cam)
        8. (Daniel's shadow) robes, smiles 9lots of them), powersuits, blue eyes, arm porn, civilian clothes especially sweaters and jeans), scruff and whump.
        9. (chelle db) Scruff, smiles, casual clothing and definitely beautiful butt and blue eyes!!
        10. (Jess M) JessM- not sure if I should add but you know I like the long hair... boonie is also very nice, and also red shirt from Singularity.
        11. (ScaryM1) Well I love his EYES, Those LIPS and that SMILE!!!!
        12.(cute_az_can_be) Ascension sweater!!!!!!, beard, scruff, leather, bandana, smile, ocassional long hair
        13. (Maj_Cliffhanger's lucky number!) Eyelashes/eyes, angst, h/c, season 7 or 8, Ba'al... infirmary? Too much info?
        14. (Erin Anderson) BANDANIEL! Or Evil Daniel! I love both! Anything THINGY is great too, or anything with Jack included, I love their little interludes. I also love his eyes/eyelashes....
        15. (Deeds) Pants.
        16. Hastie: fingers (suprised ya!), boonie, long hair, scruff and hairy arms (@3500 posts)
        17. Loopymowse: earsie, nosie, PDEs, thumbsie, delectible digits, lips, fluffy woofy hair, bare toes
        18. (sg-daniel) blue eyes, bandana, smile, ascended sweater, the blue robe from fallen/homecoming or reckoning.
        19. (Flygirl) Daniel's smile, his eyes, and banter with Jack. (@1000 posts)

        I doubt I'll ever get this quite straight...
        The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


          Originally posted by Chelle
          HA! I found it - but at the time, it was GateWarrior's Sugar Dance..... See what happens when Hussies OD on sugar and caffiene, and have creative abilities???? I don't remember who originally capped and looped it, but I still giggle like a teenage fangirl every time I see it!

          And one last thunk before work......It just ain't Thursday without a little Evo.

          Heya Bling!

          Thanks for the links.

          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


            I've got to start getting back here more often

            It's been a rough day - time for a flag pic


            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

            From the wonderful XKCD site


              Late Thursday whump

              and Thing


              To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

              From the wonderful XKCD site


                Arm porn and smile

                Armporn and fingers


                To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                From the wonderful XKCD site


                  Just because his smile cheers me up


                  To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                  From the wonderful XKCD site


                    Congratulations on all the milestones!

                    I have to get off the computer so that I can get some sleep... Worked all day today... Work again tomorrow and then I am watching my nephew... I'm sorry I've been too busy to write new stories...
                    The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                      ~runs in~

                      no time to read posts,
                      but today is:

                      ~runs out~


                        weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, blue eyes friday!!

                        dj: already friday? shesh, the time flys by.


                          suit blue eyes!!


                            hi chelle, i see ya lurking

                            okay, have to go now, later hussies


                              Originally posted by cute_az_can_be
                              JJEDC: *on radio* Yeah that's right Ruffs gonna get it for attacking me....and that is not a good thing

                              Sorry Pooks! I disagree, all things are a good Thing


                                Originally posted by erinanderson
                                "Daniel, go to your happy place...." that has soooo many THINGY conotations, it's laughable. And all sadly non-PG...*ducks the paddle*


                                Come to think of it, where is the paddle???
                                Haven't seen it in ages! Is there a paddle keeper or so??

                                bleu eyes!


